Page name: X-Men - Time [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-20 20:54:51
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Veltzeh
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X-Men Time

X-Men Timetable


Time: Mid-afternoon

Day: Monday

Date: 31st
Month: October


Temperature: 54(°F) 12(°C)

Cloud Coverage: Sunny, cloudless sky

Wind: From the SW, moderate chilly breeze, lots of Autumn leaves.

Last Date - October 3rd

X-Men RP * X-Men Characters * Start X-Men

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2010-10-07 [Veltzeh]: As for the degrees, somebody could use for example and put the celcius degrees there too.

2010-10-07 [Figgy]: Or you could. :D

Yeah, thanks XD

2010-10-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Danke.

2010-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: :D I have no clue what's going on! Yay for being oblivious!

2010-10-08 [La Luna]: gosh i started something big

2010-11-08 [La Luna]: If you ever need the weather in N.Y. just ask moi :)

2011-03-24 [Veltzeh]: Ooh! I have a good suggestion: Could we list what day it was last in the game so that everybody can check just how much time passed between RP days?

2011-03-24 [Figgy]: Oh, sure! So far it's been going day by day, but 4 weeks will pass this next time.

2011-04-08 [Veltzeh]: I just thought of another thing: There are still characters who haven't met and I'd imagine they'd meet during that 4 weeks we're going to skip... Should we assume something about what they've talked about or not, or what? Or should we go on like they hadn't seen each other in the mansion?

2011-04-08 [Figgy]: I think we've had a similar discussion on this before. Dur says as a solution, the players should message each other to decide whether or not their characters have met. If the players do not message each other, it is assumed that the character have not met.

2011-04-09 [Danboo]: I like that idea; I think that is the course of plan we should do.

2011-04-09 [Veltzeh]: Hmm yeah. Do you think it would be a good idea for the players to write a paragraph or something about what their characters did during the four weeks?

2011-04-09 [Duredhel]: It might be.. but... I really doubt other players will read said paragraphs. Unless we open some "fast forward" plots in the plottage page? As in, come up with plots involving several characters that happened during those 4 weeks. That way we don't have to RP them but it gives us some advancement on relationships and stuff.

2011-04-09 [Veltzeh]: That would be nice but I think actual plots would be too much. Or maybe not? Maybe they could be just posts saying this and that happened?

2011-04-09 [Duredhel]: It's pretty much the same, just collaboratively. For example, Roms and I were talking about Dani & Vlad getting closer and Korvka believing Dani is trying to supplant her. So, for example, we could say Dani & Vlad did this and that and hung out together those 4 weeks & Korvka was pissed. That would be a plot we advanced "off-camera" so to speak.

2011-04-10 [Danboo]: yeah... My character is new though so perhaps he finally meets everyone?

2011-06-23 [Veltzeh]: Is it time for the party soon?

2011-06-23 [Roma]: This is just me, but I assume the party will start shortly after Shana and Dani get back from the mall. Then everyone should get ready and head to the DR.

2011-06-23 [Figgy]: Yeah, I'm planning on setting up the party pages today. Sorry, guys, been a rough couple of days ^^

2012-08-07 [Lepellier]: Ok, I'm going by this page for my first post with Alyssa, but for some reason, I feel like this is the wrong one...

2012-08-07 [Figgy]: X-men time

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