Page name: X-Men Complex Staircase [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-08-13 14:55:55
Last author: Flisky
Owner: Figgy
# of watchers: 9
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This staircase is a long one with many landings as you switchback your way to the end. There is a chrome railing to hold onto and some of the lights are flickering, making it dim.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Marcus slowly made his way down the staircase and in to the X-Men Hall Complex.

Allowing Marcus a moment to digest the information she'd given him, Valerie made short work of the staircase, got to the landing for the first hall and pulled open the door. The girl let it rest against the side of her foot for a moment while she checked her phone again, which had beeped in the interim, her fingers flying over the touch screen quickly but with accuracy, as if she were answering a text.

Marcus quickly followed Valerie up the staircase, making to to the landing, he took hold of the door from behind the girl, "Ladies first," he said with a smile, though she was still well pressed against the door, and tapping away on her phone.

'Sorry about that!' Valerie chirped before sliding her phone into the pocket of her hoodie. Out of sight, out of mind. 'Well, thank you,' she then said with a gracious smile, as Marcus held the door open, before slipping through the door into X-Men Hall 1st.

Marcus smirked. Valerie was worrying too much about offending him, he thought. Shaking his head lightly, he slid in behind her to X-Men Hall 1st.

Lire bounded down the stairway as she rushed down and to the X-Men Hall 1st

Vlad thundered up the stairs, taking four and five at a time as he propelled himself straight up the switch-backing flights. He didn't know where she could have gotten to, or if she was even still on the premises considering she might have Addy's BAMF but Vlad charged towards X-Men Hall 1st nevertheless, cursing himself for having gone to the infirmary in the first place.

On one of the middle platforms, a puff of dark smoke materialized into the familiar shape of Addy. The girl was curled up in the corner, her dagger held tightly against her legs as she hugged them to her chest, tail curled around her feet. This was one place most people did not travel through because they preferred the elevator. Addy felt she would at least be safer here, alone, until she could find a way to leave. There was no one here who could protect her anymore. And it bothered her a little that the people she had come to call friends where friends no more. Right then, she made up her mind to not trust anyone unless they fought to earn her trust. Because as far as she was concerned, no one around here was capable of showing her any sort of kindness.

X-Men Hall 1st
X-Men Hall Complex

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2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: Awww poor Endelyn just got disowned as a friend haha

2012-08-13 [Flisky]: Endelyn left Addy with a bunch of crazy people...

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: In Endelyn's defense, she thought Addy was going to follow. Shes out in the hall, trying to clean up the carcass lol

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