Page name: YU-GI-OH Movie Reviews [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-24 04:48:04
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If you saw the Yu-gi-oh Movie and you wanna tell us what you thought of it, POST HERE! Not in the comments but in the edit page thingy. If you don't know how to do that just put it in the comments and me or [ElvinFury] will put it up for you. We appreciate all reviews.

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[The wise man asleep in the corner] - I have seen the movie, and I thought it was pretty good. The animation was cool and the monsers were too. I would definantly reccomend this movie. Overall I'll give it three out of four stars. Oh and the cards I got were [Pyramid of Light] (x3) and [Watapon]. I hope to get the other two soon.

[Err of the Mooninites] - It was cool. I'm tired right now so I'm not gonna put anymore. I got [Pyramid of Light] but I gave it to my brother, [The wise man asleep in the corner].

[Frylock] - It was so cool! I got [Blue Eyes Shining Dragon]

[Thing From Another World] the movie was ok not the best i have seen i got a pyramid of lite card i give the movie 2 out of 4

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2004-08-18 [Frylock]: it was so cool i got Blue Eyes Shining Dragon

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