Age:19 Gender:Female Race: Neko Demon
Evil,good, or nuetral: Evil
Weapons(optional): What appears to be just an ebony wooden hilt turns into a black bladed sword the size of tetsugia
Parents: Mother was a full Neko deomn and Father is unknown.
Allies: None yet
Hair/Fur color:Black Hair down to her shoulders with a wave to it, her fur is black as well
Eye color:Left; Green Right; Blue
Description: Demon: A Black cat the size of a horse but abit larger and red eyes. Hanyou form: A cat woman with the ears, tail, back paws, fangs, nose and eyes of a cat. Human: Looks like a normal human except that her eyes are different colors and there's no trace of the cat like appearance.
es: She has the power to shapeshift into almost anything she wants as long as she's seen it once, able to change her voice, she also has the ability to levitate, breath fire and bend darkness to her will.
Other:Appathetic for the most part.
Pictures: Yami looks like a mix of these, the last one is the closest.

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