Page name: Ye Creatures Greate And Smalle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-09-12 13:58:19
Last author: Igorina
Owner: Igorina
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Ye Creatures Greate And Smalle


Humans are the most common species on this world next to anthros (called 'onai' in Driftwood) Humans are generally prejudiced against the onai especially among the higher classes and in places known for violence against onai, they often have to resort to wearing maskstones, pearlescent jewels with magic properties that give them the illusion of being human. The only drawback is that the illusion fades in the presence of candle light or firelight.

Along with the regular everyday critters there are also all manner of fantastic sea-creatures living in the Sea but they have an indifferent attitude towards everyone except those of their own kind and try their best to avoid those that live above water and sail the seas.

Small dragon-like creatures called weatherdrakes fly in the skies, singing in eerie wails and most often are seen around ships in deeper waters. They change color according to their mood and the worst thing to see is a purplish grey weatherdrake for that means wrathful storms. Blue ones however are looked on as good luck for they bring helpful gales and breezes. Depending on whether they are pale or dark blue determines the strength of the wind. They cannot be played as characters in the story.

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