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2004-04-24 13:14:31
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Chapter 2: Of Ramen and Rain

   “YOU SICK BASTARD!!!” Kyoko screamed, as she dashed out of Kain, her foster father's, dimly lit bedroom. Gross, just plain wrong, she thought to herself as she ran into the bathroom. She locked the door, then twisted the knob just to make sure it was locked. After putting on some yellow rubber gloves, she took the top off of the toilet , and pulled out a small box. Kyoko set the box on top of a towel, and opened it. Inside, still dry, was a small packet of hair dye, a contact lens case, and a pair of scissors. Her “run-away kit.” 
   She looked in the mirror. She inspected her long hair, brushed through it a couple of times, then stuck her head in the sink. Kyoko twisted the knob, and the freezing water poured out. She ran her hands through her soft hair. Well this sucks. I always hate doing this, my hair finally grows back, and I have to ruin it. She ripped open the packet with her teeth, and massaged the contents into her hair. When the foam started filling up the sink, she took her head out, and turned off the water. She picked up the scissors, closed her eyes, and started to cut. First the bottom, moving her way up. Bangs would be nice...and maybe some of those...ear tail-thingies. Yeah, I like that. She quickly opened her eyes to the sound of Kain banging on the door.
   “Kyoko, know I care about you...” he pleaded. “I just want you to feel loved in this family.”
   She remained silent. Yeah, Kain, that's love all right. She looked down at her arm, where a hand shaped bruise still stung. Just because you can't keep a girlfriend, doesn't mean I have to be your back-up. You're over twenty years older than me. I hate you, she thought. I HATE YOU!
   “I HATE YOU!!!” she screamed.
   Even though Kyoko couldn't see him, she knew he was shocked. She had thought it, but never actually said the words, “I hate you” to him before. 
   “I didn't” The rest of his words were incomprehensible. She picked up her hair dryer and turned it on, so she could not hear his already silent voice. Thank god there's a window in here. She turned off the hair dryer and opened the window, then walked back over to the sink. 
   Kyoko carefully opened the contact case, and pulled out the red lens. She held her eye open and stuck the lens in, then repeated. Kain was still mumbling by the door. Kyoko pulled her leg up, and lifted herself out the window.

   Kyoko walked down Main Street, looking in store windows for a friendly “Help Wanted” sign. This is the last time I'm running away. I'm never going back. I think I'm old enough to fend for myself now, I just need some money.  After some time she found what she was looking for, that amiable sign that meant some cash for an apartment. Bob's Ramen House. She walked inside to the kind and inviting sound of the bells tied to the door. This is it. I'm finally doing it.
   She confidently walked up to the front counter with a big smile on her face. Pointing at the sign sitting in the window she said, “I would like to get a job, Sir,” to the greasy man behind the counter. He grunted, scratched his rear, then turned around and started walking towards the “Employees Only” door.
   “Hey! Come back! I just wanted to get a job!”
   “Can't you read?” he grunted.
   “Of course! I read the ‘Help Wanted' sign, didn't I?”
   “Well you must not have read the sign beside it.”
   Kyoko ran back over to the window and read the sign that she didn't notice before. Definitely a less friendly sign.

   We reserve the right to refuse service and/or employment to certain individuals.
-Owner, Bob

   “Ok, so what does that have to do with me?” She was starting to get angry.
   The oily man pointed to Kyoko's ears and issued another grunt. Then turned back around and headed off to whatever activities went on behind the “Employees Only” door.
   “What...?” Kyoko was suddenly drained of all her positive energy, left in a giant dark abyss. What the hell do my ears have to do with a job? She was aware of her “special” ears, according to her foster mother. That was what she was. Special. Such a fake label that was tagged on everyone that was unfortunate enough to have some disformality, whether it be physical, mental, social, or anything else for that matter. At least she was appreciated by her foster mother, unlike the husband-type counterpart.
   Her foster mother always had a sad air about her, like an unhappy aura that smothered everyone around her. She had long strawberry blond hair, that fell to her waist, and she never dressed provocatively, she wore long conservative dresses, down to her ankles.. No matter what was going on in her mind, she could always derive some sort of smile. She had learned to hide her feelings for so long, no one really knew who she was. Almost like a shadow. When she died, Kyoko was left to Kain, her husband, and had endured the hell of living with a lonely, middle aged man who had no common sense when it came to raising a child. She was sexually harassed and abused throughout her childhood, thus, developing a sense of fear of any type of human relationship. 

   That's it, she decided. I'm not going to worry about it. One jerk is not going to ruin my day. So, with renewed faith in her heart, she left the ramen house in search of a new opportunity. And, with every “Help Wanted” sign, came the same refusal, every time leaving her more and more wounded. She still searched on, until night.
   Great. Things couldn't possibly get any worse. It's night. It's cold. I have nowhere to stay, no money... She slumped down on the sidewalk, then heard an ominous rumble of thunder. It started to pour. A malicious scowl developed on her face, with all of her anger snowballing up, she yelled at the sky.
   “Why the hell does it have to be like this!?! What did I do?”
   The sky didn't answer.
   Kyoko pulled herself up and trudged down the street. I don't care what they say, I'm staying in the next place I come to. She looked up. “Engineering and Supplies” Great. It's probably going to be more dirty than that ramen house. But beggars can't be choosers I guess. She put her hand on the cold, wet doorknob and walked inside.

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 3

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