Page name: Yoroshiku Chapter 4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-04-16 23:47:54
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Back ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Out of the Frying pan, Into the Shower

   Vick opened his cabinets in his cosy kitchen above his store. Kyoko could see two more doors to her left, most likely a bedroom and bathroom. She sat at his table and drummed her fingers instinctively.  As she beat the table she looked around. There was a flowerbed outside the window filled with herbs, and a vase of flowers on the table. Man, he's probably gay. Either that or he likes gardening. She continued to scan the room. Hardwood tile, white walls, mahogany cabinets, he's got it made. She continued to list his kitchen furnishings in her mind.
   “I'll be right back.” Vick said. He walked over to one of the two doors and stepped inside. 
   “Alright, I'll just stay right here,” Kyoko yelled back at him. Not like she was going anywhere else. She tiptoed over to the cabinets and peered inside. He had a menagerie of gourmet items. Oils and bottled sauces, 10 different kinds of pasta, dried herbs were hanging at the top, along with the biggest spice rack she had ever seen. She opened the next cabinet. This one had snack foods. She had hit the jackpot! Crackers and snack cakes, chips and cookies. She looked at them hungrily. Maybe he won't notice if I just take one... She jumped at the sound of water running. 
   Kyoko looked down at the sink she was leaning over and the water was off. It was coming from behind her. She followed the sound to the door Vick just went in. She put her ear against the door and could hear him humming. HAHA that's priceless. He's singing in the shower. Suddenly she felt the door give way and she fell on her face, right into the bathroom. He stopped humming and peeked out from behind the shower curtains. 
   “You know, if you wanted to talk, you didn't have to sneak in.”
   He pointed over to the closed toilet with his scrub brush. “Sit there.” She got up and nervously walked over to the toilet, leaving her inches away from a clear view of him. 
   “So, what do you want me to make for you?”
   “Huh? Oh you mean to eat, right?”
   “Mm hm.”
   “Well, um, whatever you are having is fine.”
   “I already ate. I'm cooking for you.”
   “Oh! Well then, how about...” she paused thinking. She could smell the sweet scent of soap. Just inches away he was washing his body.  A bead of sweat ran down her face. “Hamburgers?”
   “Sounds fine to me.”
   “Thank you.”
   “It's no problem. If you haven't already noticed, I love to cook.”
   “Do tell.” She feigned interest as she scooted to the edge of the toilet.
   “Well, to me, cooking is just like inventing. You keep tinkering with it until it's just right. I do that with food too. Trying new recipes...”
   Kyoko wasn't paying any attention to him at all. She continued to inch her line of sight slowly and ever so slightly. 
   “That's so interesting,” she lied.
   “Isn't it? I mean, the feeling you get when you finally get something right, when it tastes perfectly. It's just so great.”
   “Yes. It definitely is.”
   “And once you get into different ethnicities of food, well then you have a whole ‘nother story.”
   Kyoko leaned a little more.
   “Like Indian food, for instance. It's generally spicy, and it's amazing how...” He rambled on.
   She was almost there. Kyoko leaned a bit more. All of a sudden she lost her balance on the toilet seat and fell, face first into the shower. She looked up.
   “My, aren't we clumsy today.” Vick declared.

Next ---> Yoroshiku Chapter 5

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