Page name: Your True Self [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-02-02 01:26:55
Last author: Rat Hacker
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Your True Self

Persona: The Lost Book

[Please make sure your character sheets fit this format. Just copy the text below the line and fill it out with your info. Be sure when you copy the text you are in the "edit wiki' part so you can get the bold headers.] This is the required data, except the 'likes' and 'dislikes'. Anything else you want to put go ahead. [We need a variety of Arcana and abilities. Please limit your persona's abilities to four.] You do not need to use the ruling element of the Arcana for your persona's main element.

Please separate each character by a divider line. Also your people can only use one persona, they can however evolve with time. While designing your character it may help to look at Arcana Info for your Arcana.

Hair Color:
Hair Type:
Eye Color:
Weapon(s) of Choice:

Identifying Marks/Jewelry:






User: [Rat Hacker]
Name: Andy Ikari
Age: 16
Species: Human
Race: Half Caucasian half Japanese
Height: 5' 11”
Weight: 127 lbs (I know he's really skinny)
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Type: Chin length and strait
Eye Color: Green
Occupation: High School Junior Student
Weapon(s) of Choice: Sword

Identifying Marks/Jewelry: Black rectangular rimmed glasses, a necklace with a shard of his ancestors katana.
Clothing: Jeans, a t-shirt with a button down shirt, or just sometimes just a button down dress shirt.

History: Born from a Japanese father he lived in Japan with his both his parents until they divorced. He moved to the United States with his mom when he was 9. His father tried to claim custody over Andy and take him back to Japan, however that attempt was denied in court. Andy moved to the current school he is at in his freshman year. He is now currently in 11th grade, in 10th grade he started taking college courses, even though smart enough to move up in grades he refused. He has always been of poor health, it has not gotten any better either. He has been ill for quite some time and doesn't know how long he has left to live since his body is growing weaker due to some odd reason.  It appears to the doctors that he will not live to be 25. The doctors don't know about what his condition is nor how to treat it

Personality: Detached from other people, he has trouble getting along with or relating to others. He fears attachment for various reasons. Once you get to know him he is really loyal and will put his life on the line for his friends. He is a very caring person in general you just have to get past his anti-social personality. He seems to be depressed and pessimistic most of the time.

Likes: Science, computers, math, reading, video games
Dislikes: Sudden changes

Name: Yatagarasu
Arcana: Judgment
Element: Wind
-Revival of an ally (Takes most of his energy, and can kill him if used unwisely)
-Curing of poison, panic any abnormal status
-Shielding of an ally

Random Info: When he uses his healing powers it drains his energy. The revival move uses much of his energy which leaves him extremely weak and unable to go on mission for a while or to school for a day for he is too weak..

Appearance: Humanoid in appearance black feathers cover the whole body. He has four wings upon his back. His four eyes are a golden red in color, his hands are clawed. He is dressed in a black kimono with white trimming with black hakama pants.

User: [Rat Hacker]
Name: Akinari Hitoshi
Age: 30
Species: Human
Race: Japanese
Height: 5'10"
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: Neck to shoulder length in back, cheek length in front
Eye Color: Grey
Occupation: High School science teacher
Weapon(s) of Choice:

Identifying Marks/Jewelry: Silver Metallic blue rectangular rimmed glasses.
Clothing: Dress pants usually of darker colors, button down shirts, and sometime a tie, whatever else he feels like wearing.

History: He doesn't talk much about his past. He finds it too hard to relive or remember it for it was full of death and pain. He takes persona suppressors because of his age. Those pills allow him to remain in control and summon his persona. He suffers from sever bi polar.

Personality: Seemingly cold and not showing much emotion he is not a teacher many like due to his strict procedure. He is caring and protective to those close to him. Once you get past his cold emotionless exterior you find that he actually does feel emotion, and is struggling to deal with them constantly.

Other: He is pale skinned with a lanky frame, he looks tired much of the time. It has been rumored by some of the students that he is a drug addict.

Likes: Science, teaching, having his 'alone time'
Dislikes: Himself, being too weak mentally/physically (for his own reasons he feels this), failing, losing those close to him

Name: Fenrir
Arcana: Strength
- Analyze attacks an enemy possesses
- Analyze an enemies strengths and weaknesses

Appearance: Slender in body build it has a head of a wolf, with two whiskers like that of a Chinese or Japanese dragon. It stands on two legs like a human with arms that have clawed hands. It's coloration is a dark bluish green and it's eyes glow a light aqua green or white. It seems to be armored with plates, the edges or in between are an lime green color. It seems to be semi-transparent. 
When summoned he does not become it, instead is seems more like a guardian aura. Ankinari can also have the aura separate from himself and attack that way as well. Its weapon is a spear.

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2009-04-22 [Goma]: I'll put one up when i get ungrounded >.<

2009-04-22 [Rat Hacker]: Okayz

2009-06-23 [Goma]: hmmm I gotta think about this

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