Page name: Zerakail [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-16 07:46:36
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 1
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Name: Zerakail

Race: High Elf


Siding: Guardians.

Appearance: 6’7, built, with black hair flowing down to his elbows, which he often ties in a ponytail. His skin is light brown, and his eyes are an intriguing ashen gray. He often wears assorted Kimono robes, and with shoulder armor and a black mail shirt underneath.

History: Zerakail is an ancient elf, whose age is only rivaled by that of the elder dragons. He has whached time flow by, taking with it kingdoms, men, esteemed warriors who thought themselves invincible.

Weapons and armor: A long black bladed katana with golden writing etched into the blade. This is perhaps his finest and most terrifying work, for the blade is able (if he allows it, which he has only done once) to drain the very life force from an oponent and meld the victims power to the weilder. The swords' name is soul grinder. The only armor he wears is a set of mail with interlocking plates. This allows an extreme degree of flexibility and dexterity in combat.

Abilities: Powerful psyker, able to conjure anything from lightning to destroying his oponents mind. He also commands the element of fire all the way up to the purest form which is lightning.

Personality: Quiet, shy at times, but when it comes to protecting somthing he cares about he has a fiery temper that is only matched by the deadly forces he commands. He is fearful of his own abilities though, and this shows in his hesitation to use them. He often keeps to the fringes, for few with the right intentions ever accept him once they know just what he is capable of.

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