Page name: about ann [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-22 23:01:38
Last author: Lady Ann
Owner: Lady Ann
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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005:Hair Color: Brown
006:Eye Color: Blue… though there’s a brown speck in my right eye
007:Height: 5’8”
008:Weight: 130ish lbs
010:Any Tattoo(s): nopers
011:Where you live/Current residence: I honestly don’t know… pick one: Longmont, CO… Richfield, MN… Rochester, MN… Winona, MN…
012:Do you have any Brothers or sisters: 3 brothers and 2 sisters
013:There age if you have them: bro (3), bro (6), sis (14), bro (17), sis (22)
014:Writing hand : right
015: Do you bite your finger nails : yeah… ‘specially when I’m stressed
016: Do you bite your toe nails: I choose not too
017: Can you roll your tongue: Yup! :@
018: Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: I wish!!!
019: Can you blow smoke rings: NO SMOKING!!! ICKIE ICK ICK!
020: Can you blow spit bubbles : nopers
021: Can you cross your eyes: yeah! >_<
022: Colored hair: nope
023: Piercing and where: ears… the standard one in each
024: Do you make your bed daily: I sleep with it made… that takes care of it!too hot in my room
025: What goes on first boxers or shirt : shirt
026: Which shoe goes on first : whichever one I can find…
027: Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone lately?: yeah, my roomie
028: How much money is usually in your wallet?: my student ID represents all my money
029: What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: the cross my mom got me for my 18th bday
030: What's sexiest on a guy:  their mind (especially an intelligent one)... if they so choose to share it with me
031: What's sexiest on a girl: um… positive self-image?
032: Would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: on time… dun care about looks
033: Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl & slurp! yum!
034: How many cereals are in your cabinet : eight… in individual to-go bowls… in my CLOSET
035: What utensils do you use eating pizza : MY FACE
036: Do you cook : I probably can… but I don’t~ no time.
037: How often do you brush your teeth : twice daily
038: How often do you shower/bathe: before bed…
039: How long do these showers last : 10 minutes max… unless I shave… stupid shaving
040: Hair drying method : towel, then sleep on it :P
041: Do you paint your nails : no
042: Do you swear : I work with kids… I can’t (& don’t anyway… I generally use substitutes)
043: Do you mumble to yourself : I mumble whether I’m taking to myself or to others
044: Do you spit in public : if necessary, but that’s rare
045: Do you pee in the shower: hey, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...
046: What's in your cd player: right now Jason Gay… also newsboys, switchfoot, relient k, jars of clay
047: Person you talk most on the phone with: the fam
048: What color is your bedroom : which one?
049: Do you use an alarm clock : yeah… two… I sometimes have problems getting up
050: Name one thing or person you're obsessed with:
051: Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nopers… unless ya count when I was a wee lil kid at bathtime…
052: Ever sunbathed in the nude: have I ever even sunbathed?! no.
053: Window seat or aisle: depends on my bladder… usually window though
054: What's your favorite sleeping position: curled up on my right side, hugging a pillow
055: What kind of bed do you like: beds are good
056: In hot weather do you use a blanket: no… but if it’s there, it just covers my feet
057: Do you snore: if I have a cold
058: Do you sleepwalk: once, that I’ve been told of
059: Do you talk in your sleep: yes, on a regular basis… apparently I’m pretty amusing
060: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: they’re on the bed… but I usually just hug the pillow
061: How about with the light on: yah, light is good
062:. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: I can, but don’t like to

063: had sex: never
064: Held hands: 11/14
065: Watched Bambi: summer ’04… yay for lil brothers who love it!
066: Cried: last night my roomie accidentally hit me in the nose… I laughed so hard… I was bawling (I forget to breathe)
067: Talked on the phone: um… Wednesday Nov 17… hi mom!!!
068: Read a book: textbooks? every day
069: Punched someone: uh…

|| MUSiC ||
070: Is music important to you: definitely
071: do you sing?: yup
072: What instruments do you play?: clarinet (10 years now, yay)… took piano lessons for 7 yrs
073: What do you think of Eminem: I’m just not gonna answer that one

074: Pop music: sure
075: Rock music: definitely
076: Punk music: sure
077: Rap music: once in a while
078: Hip-Hop/RB: not so much, but I’ll listen to it
079: Country: it’s all the same song
080: Classical: Yah, you betcha!
081: New age: um…
082: What is one band/singer you like that no one has heard of?

|| RANDOM ||
083: Who is your role model: mentor (John Brandstrom), best friend (Lisa), undeniable influence (mom)… and, the ultimate role model, Christ
084: What are some of your pet peeves: refusal to write out entire words, betrayal of friendship…
085: Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: good question
086: Have you ever cried over the opposite sex : not yet… hopefully I never will
087: Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: haven’t really “gone after” anyone… though there’s definitely more potential certain types than others
088: Have you ever lied to your best friend?: no (so far as I can remember)
089: Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yes, but I tend to internalize that rather than act upon it… prayer helps me let it go
090: Would you rather be dumper or dumped?: uhhhhh…no?
091: Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"/One night stand: relationship
092: Want someone you don't have right now: *sighs*
093: Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: not in the context of this question, no
094: Do you want to get married: yes… for a lifetime
095: Do you believe in psychics: huh? no?
096: Do you believe in love?: Yes.
097: What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: I feel healthy, that’s what counts.
098: What is your favorite part of your emotional being: amiability?
099: Are you happy with you: Yes.
100: Are you happy with your life: Yes, but who doesn’t wonder about how it could’ve been different?
101: If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: to know where I am “supposed” to be… Longmont, Richfield, Winona, Rochester… maybe elsewhere… hopin' someone will help me determine that

|| FIRSTS ||
102:First best friend: Andrea Kitchen… till she dumped my lunch on me… twice
103:First car: someday…
104:First job: aide at daycare
105:First pets: Sunny, my budgier parakeet… older sister killed him :(
106:First big trip: Florida, ‘96

|| Who was the last person ||
107:Slept in your bed: me
108:Made you cry:
109:You went to the movies with: Josh
110:Yelled at you: roomie
111:Sent you an email: *checks*

|| Have you ever ||
112: Said "I love you" and meant it?: yup
113: Kept a secret from everyone: definitely
114: What time is it now?: 2:13pm
115: Apples or bananas?: bananas~ I’m allergic to apples
116: Blue or red?: BLUE!
117: Spring or Fall?: both
118: winter or summer?: both~ I love my four Minnesotan seasons!
119: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: make all the questions bold
120: Are you bored?: why else would I be doing this? …I’m in my “conservation” class… I do this & get an A… *spaces out*
121: Last noise you heard?: Prof. Mundahl droning on
122: smell you sniffed?: cookie! chocolate chip! *munches*
123: Last time you went out of state/province?: flew back to Minnesota from Colorado on August 21st… finally going back in 2 days for Thanksgiving! (Nov 24th, whee!)

|| Other Info ||
124: Criminal record?: pulled over ONCE, no ticket… came outta a parking lot a bit too quickly
125: Do you speak any other languages?: some French… 
126: favorite things in your bedroom?: bed, bible, munchies
127: Worst feeling in the world: hopelessness… rejection… 

|| Finish the sentence ||
128: I Love.... those gifts which God has given me.
129: My pets... will someday be a reality.
130: I Miss... certain individuals, all of whom are located two or more hours away from me
131: I Wish...
132: I Hope... my life is going in the right direction
133: I'm Annoyed by... false friends

|| Have you ever ||
134: Thought you were going to die: first time I had a panic attack, yeah
135: Wanted to Run away: yeah…

|| More Questions ||
136: Shoesize: 9.5 (women’s)
137: School: House of Prayer (preschool), Centennial Elementary (K-3), Richfield Middle School (4-6), Richfield Junior High (7-8), Richfield High School (9-12), Winona State University (fall ’03 – present)
138: You smoke: NO!!!
139: Hobbys: volunteering, drawing, reading, writing, internet, putzing, sleeping, riding… hanging out from time to time
140: Relationship: not yet
141: Vacationland: anywhere with someone I care about
142: Are there people you wont reply to?: yes, they’re called idiots

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