Page name: adoptables [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-26 20:40:28
Last author: liiga
Owner: liiga
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 16
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Welcome to the adoptables page. These are slightly similar to commissions, but they are already pre-made ones, in a sense. The images on this page are only for viewing, to 'adopt' a portrait, go to the link below it. All names given to them are temporary, just so that I can call them something. The name you pick will appear on the adoption certificate.

For more adoptable portraits, go to .


Q: What does adopting a portrait mean?
A: It means that you purchase it and receive the rights to call it your own and use it as your character or as a representation of yourself (or as a gift for a friend, or anything similar), as well as the adoption package.

Q: What is an adoption package?
A: An adoption package consists of the only print in existance of the portrait in question, a hi-res digital file and a certificate of adoption with my signature and all the fancy stuff. If you so wish, for some pictures it is possible to purchase additional items like mousepads, t-shirts etc. with their image.

Q: Can I just get the mousepad/t-shirt/mug without adopting the portrait?
A: No, you may not.

Q: How do I know someone else won't just pick up the picture somewhere online?
A: All portrait adoption images are displayed at maximum 500 pixels on the largest edge, and they have been watermarked to death. Mwahahaha.

Q: So can I just take these watermarked images and use them?
A: Not advised. Going to hurt. BADLY. :P

Q: I don't see anything I'd like here. Can I order a picture to my liking?
A: Yup, definitely. Go to past commissions if you'd like to see examples, or just message [liiga]. :)

Well that's about it. If you have any other questions, go ahead. ^^

And now, without further ado, I bring you: the adoptables themselves. (About time, eh? :P)

Standard adoption: 150$
Web adoption: 130$

White Tiger
Standard adoption: 80$
Web adoption: 75$

Standard adoption: 80$
Web adoption: 70$

Standard adoption: 130$
Web adoption: 120$

Elven Huntress
Standard adoption: 40$
Web adoption: 35$

Standard adoption: 70$
Web adoption: 65$

Lady Orchid
Standard adoption: 40$
Web adoption: 35$
Note: Can be colored (digitally) to the client's specifications.

Standard adoption: 45$
Web adoption: 40$

Dark Elf Lord
Standard adoption: 80$
Web adoption: 75$
Note: Also available as part of the Dark Elves Calendar over here:

Web adoption: 35$

Standard adoption: 70$
Web adoption: 65$

Blue Apparition
Standard adoption: 40$
Web adoption: 30$

Oriental Angel
Standard adoption: 60$
Web adoption: 50$

Blue Alien
Standard adoption: 45$
Web adoption: 35$

Faery Alien
Standard adoption: 45$
Web adoption: 35$

Standard adoption: 45$
Web adoption: 40$

Standard adoption: 35$
Web adoption: 30$

For more adoptables, see !

<img:" alt="Adoptables">

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2004-10-04 [Calico Tiger]: They all look so great (like your art aways does, of course). I adore the one entitled Ivory. I may have to pester my hubby to adopt it for me sometime *grin* Could be an early christmas gift ;)

2004-10-04 [liiga]: Yay! ^.^

2004-10-24 [Tyrana]: I adore them. ^_^... I'm not surprised, I suppose.. Being a junior in highschool, however, I'm substantially broke. :(... I'm getting a job this summer, though, and I would just love to have my character done... Tyrana, y'know... ^_^... For now I'll just admire your work from afar...

2004-10-24 [liiga]: Aww thanks. Don't worry, I'm not going to disappear anywhere, so there's no rush. :)

2004-11-13 [Dasner]: Great art! I LOVE it! It is so detailed. ^_^

2004-11-13 [liiga]: Thanks, [Dasner]! ^_^ Detail is fun to work on.

2004-12-24 [giadriana]: ::wonders absently how much money she has and stares at the female dark elf while drooling.:: You are just so good. It's not fair to those of us without the faintest sense of artistic talent. But I'm glad you put yours to such good use.

2004-12-24 [liiga]: Aww, thanks! *gives her a big Christmasy hug* ^.^

2004-12-25 [giadriana]: ::grin and huggle:: Merry Christmas!

2005-01-10 [liiga]: Removing Ivory and Dark Elf Lady, because they got adopted. Woot

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