Page name: Arrancar abilities [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-25 14:46:01
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Cero: Otherwise known as doom bolt. At it's most basic form it is a blast of raw energy. The stronger the user (i.e, ordinary hollow being the weakest, Vizard at Arrancar level being the strongest) the more deadly the blast.

Gran rey cero, or Royal doom bolt: Used only by high level Espada, or Vizard. Vastly superior to ordinary cero, made so by mixing a small amount of the users own blood with the attack. When fired, the bolt compresses into a disc, the color varies between individuals that use it, and is even capable of disturbing the very fabric of space. Far faster, and far more deadly than a normal Cero.

Hierro (Iron skin): The hardened skin makes it hard to land a cutting blow. In released stage this is furter amplified

Pesquisa: Ability to sense an opponent on any plane. On a released level there isn't anything that can slip past it, no matter how fast.

Sonido: A form of flash step, though far faster and not as easy to detect. An instinctual ability where the user masks his presence from his opponent, reappearing in a new location. This can be done to creat up to five other clones of the user, in released form these clones can use Cero.

Ressurected Ablities: Used when the Hollow is either summoned (for a Vizard) or breaks his mask (for an Arrancar) In addition to all of the previous abilities being applified in speed and potency, a ressurected gains the following:

Cero oscuras or black doom bolt: Only used in an Espada's/Vizards resurrection form. It starts by swallowing all light in a pitch black bolt of energy, before hitting the target. More powerful than the other two combined.

Lanza del Relampago: A powerful energy Javalin, while lacking the immediate obliteration power as Cero oscuras it is far more lethal. While Cero oscuras obliterates anything in its' path, Lanza hits a single target, focusing all the energy into a single point of impact and destroying it.

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