Page name: berserker member list [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-05 18:53:54
Last author: shadow_walker
Owner: Six_dragons
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To join berserk wars you must sign your username on this list! If your man enough! woman enough ^-^
So which clan will you join?
The swift, powerful Wolf clan?
The strong, mighty Bear clan?
The intelligent, brave Raven clan?
The cunning, agile Fox clan?
The steadfast, immovable Ram clan?
You decide!

To join, fill this out and put it up ^^


1. Username: [Six_dragons]
Name: Zeis Frostborn
Age: 27
Clan: Clan of the wolf
Description: Zeis is a man of average height, standing at 5'11" His body is lean, and his white hair is spiked backwards, his brown eyes having a wolfish look to them. He wears an over sized tunic and pants, with a white jacket and a wolf tribe charm.There is always an odd smile on his face, and though he is less sociable than most of the wolf tribe, he has been known to suffer a fool or two.
History: Born in the clan of the wolf, he took on hunting at a young age, bagging his first bear at the age of seven. Since birth, he was trained in the military arts, which were complimented by his berserker   .
Strengths: Extremely fast and strong, a fury fighter. Intelligent and brave. Has the most powerful and violent of the known berserker rages.
Weaknesses: It is difficult for him to leave his berserker rage, leaving him to deal with the endless carnage he causes after the battle is over.
Weapons: Faust. An etched longsword with Norse runes for power and fury. It was made by the dwarves from special silver and was made in the same forge as the legendary Mjolnir.
2. Username: [Six_dragons]
Name: Hromir Treesplitter
Age: 34
Clan: Clan of the bear
Description: Stanging at a mighty 6'4", Hrofnarr is a great sized man. Hidden underneath his Bulky armor, he is all muscle, with a bald head and tribal tatoo's up both arms and on his head. He has a cool head and a kind heart.
History: He grew up in the wilds of the forest, and at a young age was attacked by a rabid bear. He wrestled the bear to the ground, but did not kill it, as he saw it's cubs off to the side as knew why it had attacked.
Strengths: Incredibly strong and intelligent. Very friendly and caring. He has the physically strongest berserker state.
Weaknesses: Moves slowly and can be too kind at time. He moves very slowly when in his berserker state, left with only short bursts of high speed attacks.
Weapons: Mymir. A great zweihander with a swooped, runed blade, it is handled like a spear as often as a sword. He holds it in one hand, leaving the other free to grab and tear his foes appart.
3. Username: [Six_dragons]
Name: Uhai Thunderstriker
Age: 28
Clan: Clan of the raven
Description: Relatively small, at 5'6" Uhai was often looked down upon by the elders of the raven tribe for his knowledge of rune casting. He is dark and silent, often resenting the company of other due to how they treat him. But if you treat him with respect, he will return the favor. He dresses in a long black vest and pants, which are belted closed. His hair is black, but died white at the front and wings to the back, in a feather like fassion.
History: Born to the clan of the raven, He learned rune casting from a    in the forests south of the village. Ever since he has been seen as less than. If he were not a berserker, he would have been abandoned completely.
Strengths: Swift, intelligent and knows rune casting.
Weaknesses: Has a small body, and when berserking, he can no longer runecast.
Weapons: Gungar. A long thin spear with a cross blade at the head. there are feathers attached to it to make the strikes harder to hear. Named after the alfathers legendary spear.
4. Username: [Six_dragons]
Name: Vexirr Donarr
Age: 35
Clan: Clan of the fox
Description: Tall and lithe, standing at 6' even, Vexirr is well sought after by the ladies. Suave and smooth, he can charm his way out of any situation. His suave demeanor belighs his furious fighting skills. He wears a white tunic and pants with blue steal pauldrons. Over his pants, he wears a black cloak around his waist. He has long black hair.
History: Born and raised in the village of the fox, he never had to fish for his own supper, his older brothers gathering the fish as he sold them at market. When he developed as a berserker, he left home, to find the others like himself.
Strengths: Clever and swift. Lean and charismatic.
Weaknesses: Somewhat frail compared to most berserkers. He is better suited to diplomacy than battle, but he's still far better than ten men in a fight without engaging his berserkergang.
Weapons: Wields a long sword with a golden hilt. It has no name.
5. Username: [Six_dragons]
Name: Romyrr
Age: 32
Clan: Clan of the ram
Description: 6'1" and muscular, with a shaved head and darkened armor made of blackened steel and ram horn. He's a guard captain for his village, and is very wise. Strong of both heart and mind, many look up to him for advice.
History: Born to the clan of the ram, he was taught defense over offense and to put others first. He quickly grew in military ranks due to his strength as a berserker.
Strengths: Strong, and wise. He is very tactical, and when in berserkergang, nearly invulnerable to pain.
Weaknesses: Limited offensive tactics. Looked down on by those who claim the berserkers due to his non-aggressive ways.
Weapons: He uses his fists to fight, using his gauntlets, Huginn and Muninn.
6.Username: [Lin-tastic]
Name: Veila Burnstorm
Age: 25
Clan: Clan of the Wolf
Description: Veila is rather tall for a woman, standing at 6'1", taller than most men. She has the average weight of 174 lb. of a woman, but doesn't exactly appear it. Her thin frame supports a manner of long arms and legs, both needing to be muscular simply because of the way she fights. She, like Zeis, wears oversized grey pants but a tighter fitting white tunic, under which she wears a small black shirt with long sleeves. The neck of the shirt has been torn out, causing the sleeves to reveal her shoulders. Her white hair is usually tied back, despite the stubborn bangs, but is naturally spiked. Her grey eyes feel lifeless, but are always curious. Generally, she's always smiling, which fits her tanned face.
History: Veila was born to a rather small family in the Clan of the Wolf, but proved to be a handful, always energetic and clambering away from the   s. She caught several creatures of the forest, almost always the same size as herself, but never was given a chance to kill a bear. She tended to play fight with the boys only because she didn't like how the   s acted. She never liked dolls, and learned much by simply playing with them.
Strengths: Almost always filled with energy, even after a battle, Veila has quite the mouth on her. She's quick with comebacks, or defending those she knows from liers. Her own berserker    barely surfacing but trouble when it does. She is near the fourth and fifth strongest in the   line, but hasn't tried to match up to anyone.
Weaknesses: Veila's mouth has definitally gotten her in trouble. She's often getting into things she can't deal with, and brings her friends in with her. She has boundless energy which can cloud her judgement, simply of a need to do something, unless she's completely exhausted. She tends to think more or less for herself, but only when not fighting.
Weapons: Finnir. A sibling of Faust, this long sword was specifically made for a woman to weild, the hilt covered with a woven black cloth and the handguard seemingly a furry cover over the metal. The few etchings just above the hilt on the blade describe prescision and strength, both mentally and physically.
7. Username: [Lin-tastic]
Name: Khlieo Wind
Age: 27
Clan: Clan of the Raven
Description: Khlieo has rather long, slightly wavy dulled pink hair. Her eyes are a light lavender and her skin has a tanned, dulled rosey hue. She stands at a middle height of 5'6" even and weighs in at near 115 lb. She's partial to wearing silver, both to hold her hair back, and around her lower arm. She wears gloves on both hands and wears a long loin-cloth-like skirt, belted around her hips. She also wears a belly-shirt, more or less like a bra than anything. Around her neck is a short shall-like shoulder covering. She generally goes barefoot and, as a result of how she dresses, she has tough outer skin.
History: Khlieo was not born into the clan of the Raven. She was found by a rather nice couple, compared to the rest of the group. When she was younger, she would have temper tantrums similar to a berserker and was thus kept and trained in the city. She learned of Uhai as she grew, and thought him to be rude but once she met him, her mind opened to more possibilities.
Strengths: Khlieo is resourseful and knows of the forest, despite her new life in the tall buildings and oceanic scenery. Her mind tends to wander around the thoughts of the day, but is never too far away not to know when something's happening. She's almost always ready to go and very light on her feet.
Weaknesses: Khlieo, like Uhai, is smaller than most the others, and is easily shoved aside. Because her mind wanders, she often misses things people say. She often befriends those considered outcasts and tends to want their company rather than those who are part of the norm.
Weapons: The staff she uses has a cylindrical point at the base and top. Her weapon remains nameless, despite the illegible symbols etched along the shaft, from tip to tip.
8. Username: [Lin-tastic]
Name: Ania Laertes
Age: 29
Clan: Clan of the Ram
Description: Standing at 5'4" Ania weighs in at a light 120. Her thick black armor is lightweight and flexible, compared to most suits of armor around the village. Her hair is a dark brown, almost black, and shoulder length when not tied back into a pony tail. Her eyes are mistaken for a dark brown or blue, when in actuality, they are yellow-green. Her slim body is hidden beneath the general bulk of her armor, despite its manuverability.
History: Ania was born to the Clan of the Bear originally, but, with her wandering heart, traveled and was welcomed into the Clan of the Ram. Because she was younger than the usual age, yet showed the same amount of growth as those about three years older than her, she was allowed to learn a fighting style. As a result, her sword is twice that of two thirds her weight, yet she weilded it like one would a wooden training sword. She spent years in the mountains training as most of the people from that village did.
Strengths: Ania's very strongheaded, and willful. When her mind is set, she gets to it. She's very hands-on and independent, despite her lack of social interaction. Because of her size, she's able to manuver her way between people easily and find what she needs in a short time.
Weaknesses: Because of her mind-set, she's easily set on the wrong course, ending in destruction before learning the right way. Her berserker    doesn't quite help that fact. She's also rather small compared to most berserkers, giving her a few disadvantages.
Weapons: The long, broad sword she uses has no pronouncable name, but rather a sound describing it. She referrs to the weapon as Tawana, a word she made up to fit the feminine sword.
9.Username:[Silver Moon]
Name: Kyate
Age: 16
Clan: Fox
Description: Slim but well muscled. His hair is Res and eyes green. He is a little shorter than others in his tribe, His clothing tends to be in greens and browns. His hair is drawn back in a ponytail. He looks a little younger than he actually is and many women find him attractive. His eyes are piercing and can sometimes make people uneasy. 
History: Kyate is the youngest son of the chieftain in tribe, but despite that he is often still treated as an outsider. He does not feel like he trully belongs with them. He is a skilled hunter and tracker and very intelligent. He rescued Vima (his fox) from a pack of wolves and has raised Vima since than.
He has four elder brothers and one elder sister.
Realizing he wasn't fitting in due to his preference for speaking and communing to nature he went out on his own taking Vima with him.
Strengths: He is skilled in sword and archery as well as hand to hand combat. He is cunning and intelligent. His dexterity is a great asset to him He is able to commune with nature.
Weaknesses: He has a temper which leads to trouble when he goes into his berserker state. He does not always guard his back. He is a little to inquisitive for his own good.
Weapons: Two scimitar like swords that connect to become double bladed. They have runes of power etched into them. He has an obsidian dagger and two boot knives.

10.Username: shadow_walker
Name: Maugen
Age: 19
Clan: Raven
Description: Maugen wears a mask to cover his face as well as a lage black cloak under the cloak he wears a black leather vest pants and boots along with black finger less gloves he has grey hair and grey eyes he carries twin sasbres
History: Maugen was born in a small village that was relitively un touched by war for many years he grew up learning to wield twin sabres as a means of keeping in shape then one day the village was attacked he fought along side any in the village that could fight but even though they fought bravely they were defeated the village burnt down ever since Maugen has travled searching for those that had done those horrible crimes to his village he wears the emask and cloak to hide whi he is but when he berserks he takes them off so as to move faster
Strengths: is remarkably fast and agile 
Weaknesses: he is know to rush in when baited by taunts
Weapons: twin sabres

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2007-10-29 [Xerin Zamaki]: XD lol yeah XD

2007-10-29 [Six_dragons]: Aye XDD

2007-10-29 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ It's simple, really...I've spent too much time on ET...XD

2007-10-29 [Hybrid66]: Its okay, I've decided not to get involved due to the comments. Laters ^^

2007-10-29 [Six_dragons]: Awe.

2007-10-29 [Hybrid66]: There. Now I'll wait and see if that has complants

2007-10-31 [Lin-tastic]: lol I was just being I kinda always thought ears like that, the one before this one, were always iffy...XD

This one is great. ^_^ I like both, I'm just picky...

2007-11-04 [Lin-tastic]: I...just felt that all the characters used by the same person should be grouped ^_^"

2007-11-04 [Six_dragons]: Sounds good to me ^^

2007-11-05 [Lin-tastic]: Okie dokies! XD

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: Looks like we're down to two...-sigh- Oh

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: question can I belong to no clan? I wanna be a loner that may join a clan later.

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: Nah, you gotta be a loner in a clan kiddo, they be the family systems, IE the blood lines for the berserker genes

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: I know ok... let me think

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: aighty ^^

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: So...technically, Ania is Clan of the Bear, but living in the Clan of the Ram's home? So should I change that or just leave it?

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: Do however you like kiddo ^^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: umm so I can venture out from my clan and be a loner right?

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: Of course ^^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: cool

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: Welcome!!! ^_^ XD

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