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Brothers of Destruction [Logged in view]
2007-06-21 02:42:19
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Brothers Of Destruction
It all started when I was promoted to commander of the armies to the east. I have a brother his name is brian he had originaly everyone thought that he was going to become the commander and some day the general Atec armies but the position of commander was appointed to me. So heres the story being told "Through Shadows Eyes"
There are Thousands of Galaxys with an uncountable amount of Planets but no one every noticed our world.In our world there are lies and deception every where. Creature roam our land and also GB's. Gb's are "Great Beasts" That are summoned through a stream of power called Stigma. Some how my past has been forgotten. My name is Shadow, I reached into my pocket to find a crumbled piece of paper that seemed to be hastly writen it said "To find your brother you most go to Shanvile" I can remember Shanvile it is by the Hobby Forest. I at last found myself at Shanvile were I am waiting for my brother Brian and I went to the Mayor's manor. There brian was in the waiting room of the manor and we left in a hurry because he said that the mayor of Shanvile gave him vital information. Brian Said "The leader of the Atec armies did an experiment on you and me this experiment gave us a strengh that we haven't even tapped into yet.
He also said that every warrior has to go through a certian degree of experiment. if you would like to learn more just head your way up to Yammamachi town there you will be able learn more about your past. so we were heading to Yammamachi town and during that travel we fought a monster called Tarious with large claws and teeth. Brian ran and did a upward slash into the creature neck. We all noticed that Tarious was hurt. I pulled out my large steel blade with two cystals jamed into the the blade. I did my most affictive blow called cross slash an attack with to upward slashes with went very deep into Tarious Flesh. Spirit my freind with i called for assistance Pulled out spear and ran and jumped and dived into Tarious Chest.
Tarious whipped his wings, the force knocked us all down. Then he shot a red blast we all quickly dodge the shot and threw his twin blade into his heart and Spirit stabs tarious in the thigh. I found out that we must double attack hims so me and brian jumped up and started slashing from both sides. Down Tarious fell and then shattered into dust.
We hit the region of mt.Pinceladas on this hill we can see yammamachi town.Time to go no more surprises."Thi
s is a large town do you think that we will find our parents" I sure hope so...The gates to yammamachi were made of a very thick steel cover the whole door. A gaurd ascourted us to the Mayor's manor. "wellcome, This is my home." We are looking for information and we won't be very happy if you dont start giving us anwsers. "You must be Shadow and Brian. Please come inside my manor. It is warm in there." He said waving his arms in a hurried motion.
see you to were the a and b projects your father was killed supposedly murdered "what!!!! this cant be..." I am afriad so. How do you know so much! Well because I am the president of the experiments and Atec... Brian Swiftly stabs and lifts mayor Yammamachi off the ground. All the mayor could squeze out was "Your father was a respectable man I hope you can live up to that same standard." I gasped and shouted NO!!! Brian throws the mayor on the ground. He will burn in hell for what he had done. So will you....Brian spoke in a cracked voice "it had to be done"
I could see the fire withen brian's eyes and I knew that he was about to break. he spoke again with such an anger saying "i Know now what im am supposed to do." What is that brian? "it is to destroy all of which had experimented on me. He hastly ran away, I knew that the next time I see him he will be doing wrong. A year has pasted and bryan has started a war against the Atec armies and the experimental team. He has a army of a 520,000 and is getting bigger. I man named Scar another person that was experimented on. He knows how to bend the fabric of reality. He teleports us all around the world of Sidius, the world of Sidius is a dark place now renamed by the profits before the war.
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