Page name: Christian's Peep's United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 04:55:50
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President's:[juvi phase2.0(new poll)] and [The Rejekt]

This wiki page is 4 all of Christian's Peep's out there on elftown

Christian pictures
Christian's profile


Christian's Peeps include:

<img:>  This banner was made by [lenardo]

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2005-04-09 [LovinLIFE]: oh nothing much really. did you watch Smackdown. i didn't get a chance to see it. what happened?

2005-04-09 [The Rejekt]: i can't see it either cause they put upn on the satellite thing

2005-04-11 [LovinLIFE]: oh really thats too bad

2005-04-11 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know it sucks

2005-04-12 [LovinLIFE]: yeah....what kind of satelite do you have?

2005-04-12 [The Rejekt]: i have digital cable

2005-04-13 [LovinLIFE]: oh i see

2005-04-13 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-04-14 [LovinLIFE]: so what are u up to

2005-04-14 [The Rejekt]: nothin really just sittin here wat bout u

2005-04-15 [LovinLIFE]: waiting for school to get over...

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: i'm outta school this week

2005-04-18 [lenardo]: me to

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: yeah i'm glad

2005-04-27 [LovinLIFE]: yeah

2005-04-27 [The Rejekt]: i know i hate goin 2 school

2005-08-17 [LovinLIFE]: now that my summers been so boring...i actually wish i was back in school

2005-08-17 [The Rejekt]: i don't

2005-08-23 [LovinLIFE]: well actually my school isn't all that bad...this years seniors rock....the juniors there okay....and me i am a sophmore. we've got our old principal from junior high....who is cool. and he thinks he's cool cause he can tlak to me about wrestling.

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: lol dat's cool

2005-11-15 [Stormy Sky]: hey, anyone who was a fan of eddie go to In Loving Memory Of Eddie Guerrero

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