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2007-06-29 [Kim_Lundin]: Oh, and we don't bother with the Will save. Let's just say I failed it quite miserably and the only thing that remains is that tiny voice.
2007-07-05 [xido]: I can work with that. ;)
Law & Good = Veil / Ethereal energy; Neutral = Umbra / Astral energy Either would be fitting, I would think. If still completely unsure, or you feel that he may not really have a developed Divine Spark, you could always choose Mixed, which is gray and unfamiliar to other Energy Paths. I will not force you to choose one now, but for the sake of showing you something important, I want to make the visual elements of the storyline correct.
2007-07-07 [Kim_Lundin]: I think I understand roughly what those things are, but I don't really understand what they mean. I've read the pages once, will try to read them again and see if it becomes clearer.
2007-07-09 [xido]: Inside the soul, there is the Self. The Self was created from a Divine Spark. Inside one's soul, you can find that Divine Spark, the same shard of light connected to the rest of the cosmos, and it is made of one of a series of energies. Typically they work in a positive-neutr
positive = Veil / Ether / Law / Good (life);
neutral = Umbra / Astral / Thought / Dreams;
and negative = Void / Shadow / Chaos / Evil (death)
Not all of these factors are necessary for your choice. Like say, if you were chaotic good. You would be able to lean more toward Void because of the chaos factor, and Veil because of the positive energy factor... either way it is allowable and completely up to the choice of the individual.
So, for you, what is most important is that Kim Lundin knows what his Divine Spark looks like. What energy would best describe him, of those three? (I wish I could offer Permea, which is more earth-like than the others, but it does not become present in the cosmos until after the Epicene happens... If you felt drawn to that one, I would tell you that your Divine Spark was gray and 'mixed', and that it would form after the energy of Permea is present in the universe...)
Another way to see it is more elemental:
fire = veil
air = umbra
earth = permea
water = void
2007-07-12 [Kim_Lundin]: I had to juggle it in my head a while, but I think Veil is the one most fitting. He's more good than neutral, and I don't feel he's chaotic enough to warrant the Void one... it's a tricky one though, this is one of those moments where more choices and nuances would have been useful.
I'll take the Veil though, before I change my mind.
2007-07-13 [xido]: That's fine. It gets more diverse and with more choices later, but the Divine Spark is like the basis of it...
For simplicity's sake, he expects that you will say not to return. Something about this place makes you feel really good, and inside, you think you're ready for whatever is coming your way. We'll talk more about the other voice later... ;)
2007-07-16 [Kim_Lundin]: Ooh... a mysterious voice :D Now I'll be all excited until I find out who popped in to scare me/warn me/just say "hi"
2007-07-20 [xido]: OOC: you're still enamored by Imorphixius, and think of him without fear or hatred (even though he's not here), and nothing else is different about you that you can immediately tell, aside from feeling like you just touched heaven. Even though the Divine Spark was corrupted by shadow (Void), it did not harm you in any way that you can tell. In fact, you nearly didn't even notice... But then, there is still that seed of doubt planted somewhere deep inside.
Now, any questions yet?
2007-07-22 [Kim_Lundin]: I'll try to avoid to forget that. But I'll act like normal concerning all other things, right?
2007-07-23 [xido]: yes, indeed.
2007-08-01 [Kim_Lundin]: Just have to know, am I still free from the shackles or have they been put back on?
2007-09-04 [xido]: you're free... the others are not. ;)
2007-09-05 [Kim_Lundin]: Okay, just needed to know if I was free to move around in the room.
2007-09-28 [xido]: Sorry about not posting. Gotta make time at work to get on here... ;P
I will give you a great post here real soon. You will soon be on your way to immortality, my dearest friend Kim.
Remember Inath? I am posting it up an D&Dwiki.com, and it is getting some real attention.
See http://www.dan
2007-10-02 [Kim_Lundin]: Don't worry, Mask of the Betrayer cast Dominate Person on me... :D
Now that page'll take some of my time, especially since I haven't read Deities and Demigods. It's interesting though, even though I'll never remember the names of the castes and all that. <_<
2007-10-03 [Kim_Lundin]: If you have the time, I really would like a short and simple explanation of the "Inath Affinities" part on the Inathpage. I've read it twice, but it just slips away the moment I think I understand it.
2008-03-16 [xido]: I think the definition of the word must be considered when you describe what an affinity is:
It is like a basic element, energy, or compound item/substance that your soul can bind together with itself in order to attain a semi-physical immortality. Depending on one's continuing changes, these affinities may change, and even non-physical immortality and purely physical immortality are possible to achieve. Affinities are the gateway to the spirit's grasp on the material world. Without affinities, our bodies would not harbor our souls. In the real world, our affinities would be blood, bone, flesh, spirit, and love, as well as philosophies and/or logical reasoning. As long as it is strong enough to survive Apocalypse, it would make a good Inath Affinity.
2008-03-16 [xido]: I archived the first part of this story. I can't promise to be active, but I want at least one Elftown Guild Member to experience the Epicene before it gets published...
Let me know if you have any ideas for Affinities, Totems, God-sight/True Sight, or miracles. Right now, your soul is still battling for light/darkness
You will still need to find all those other missing parts of yourself - either to kill them, assimilate them into yourself, or do something to fix the missing parts of your soul brought on by having multiple bodies around the cosmos. I didn't include it in the post, but there are still things left unended. This is not the story's climax, believe it or not.
2008-04-08 [Kim_Lundin]: Heh, and surprised of that choice we are not. XD I'm such a goody-goody at times.
2008-04-11 [xido]: This I should powerplay Angel in her departure? I don't THINK she'd mind for the sake of a good story... I think.
2008-04-13 [Kim_Lundin]: Send her a message describing what happens and let her know that if there's anything she want to change in it, it's just to say so. That way we can keep it going without leaving her with no chance to make any input.
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