Page name: Duhe Rahn's Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-04 03:19:18
Last author: Duhe Rahn
Owner: Duhe Rahn
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Born anew, to die again. We all face it in the end, the slumber of death.

But to the mighty bird of eternal flames there is no enternal rest, no slumber within death. To die anew, become one again with the living world is the fate of the phoenix, but true death has come upon one befallen.

Destroyed in both body and mind, the immortal soul is banished once more into the abyss, ment not to return. The path home was long and strenuous, and the light was lost, but once more the soul has risen from it's banishment, and the pheonix lives again. Though it is not one of the norm, the warmth of life courses not through it's viens.

Awaken, the phoenix of death has come to claim what it has lost. Giving birth to the misguided being of the black plumage in a human form, the paths of light and dark converge to recreate the soul. Both light and dark have claimed all, and true harmony will exist in the end as Duhe Rahn, the dark phoenix of the light path.

The story is below, and the first part sort of goes with what's above this message. Also there is no organization as of yet.

The great figure loomed in the in the entrance to the long corridor, it's eyes a gleaming silver as it's body blocked the white light from the outside world. Though the he was distant, a boy could be seen cowering in the long shadow of the figure, as if he were been judged by the darkness within both himself, and the outside world...

"Aaahhh!" Came the cry of a boy from his bed as he awoke. "Again, that same dream again..." He said, fingering a medalion suspended from his neck by a black chain, "Why do I keep having this dream..."

A large wolf creature that was on a bed beside the boy muttered something, "Why are you up again? And stop screaming when you wake up." And with a gruff shuffle the wolf went back to sleep.

The boy looked at the wolf, "Glad to see you care..." He said sarcastically as he got up and went to get a drink of water, anxiously running a hand through his long brown hair as he went. And looking out at the bit of red coming onto the clouds over the horizon he sighed, "Stupid world, stupid life, and stupid dream." he set his glass down at sat down at the table for a minute, fingering the medalion once more.

"You're up early Eleax." Said a women in a housecoat as she walked into the kitchen, "Is something wrong?"

"No mom, I just had a little bad dream that's all." Eleax said with another sigh, "Though I'm glad to see someone cares, Aeron just told me to go back to sleep when I got up."

"This wouldn't happen to be why you seem to be waking up screaming lately would it?" She said sitting down across from him, "And why you've been having Aeron sleep over here so much lately?"

"How did you... Yes, I guess it is the reason that I have been doing that lately. I just feel a bit more comfortable with Aeron around, I'm not sure why." He said staring absently out the window, "I just wish I could figure out this dream..."

She looked at him, a look of motherly affection filling her light blue eyes, "Tell me about this dream that you keep having, and tell me why it seems so frightening to you."

"Well I'm sort of in this tunnel and I can see everything from a distance, and there's this person in the light, casting a long shadow over a boy," He looked over at her, "I'm not sure why I find it so frightening though. I think it's the eyes..."

"Eyes? You never said anything about eyes?" She said getting up and putting on some water to boil and getting out some teabags, "Tell me about these scary eyes that you are seeing."

"Well it's not really eyes, but the figure in the entrance of the tunnel always, whenever I have that dream, seems to be looking at me, as if he's peering into me soul. It just sort of creeps me out I guess." He said sighing.

She made him a cup of tea and set it down in front of him, "It sounds like you're afraid of someone finding out who you are inside, or of being judged. Or maybe you're just a little stressed out by life."

Eleax sipped the tea as he heard a rustle from the other room, "Well, whatever it is I wish it would just stop, but it sounds like Aeron might finally be somewhat awake now, and I need to get dressed, so let's talk about it later." He got up and went into the other room, sitting on his bed, "Hey Aeron, you awake yet?"

"I'm not awake, now leave me alone." Aeron said from the bed beside Eleax's, "Wait, are you going to make breakfast?"

"Yah, I will." Eleax saidputting on some jeans and a t-shirt, hiding the medalion underneath his shirt, "Now get up before I get some cold water and dump it on you."

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up." Aeron said with a large yawn, scratching behind one of his large ears, "But you better make sure to make breakfast."

Eleax smiled and gave the wolf a little peck on the muzzle, walking out of the room, "Now what the hell to make for breakfast..."

Aeron sat on the bed, "Did he just? Na, I must of just drempt it." He said dragging on some rather ratty looking cloths and going out to join his friend.

Eleax had two different pans on the stove, "How eggs do you want?" He asked looking over his shoulder at Aeron, "Since we only have four left, and I'm making breakfast for three people."

"I'll have two please E, Unless Enid is having two, then I'll have one." The wolf said sitting acrss the table from the house coated women, "Would you like some help?"

"No I'm just fine, thanks for the offerthough Air. I just need to put the toast on and make the eggs." E said putting some toast in the four slot toaster while cracking so eggs into the pan, " Mom, shouldn't you get dressed? Just because we live in the neutral zone doesn't mean that we don't have problems with everything. And how many toast do you two want?"

Enid got up, "I'll have one toast please, and i'll be right back." She then walked of don the hallway.

Aeron got up as well and and took over the toast making, "I'll make my own toast, you have enough on your hands with the eggs. And i was meaning to ask, what exactally is with all this screaming you've been doing when you wake up?" He grabbed the toast as it popped, buttering three slices, one for Enid and two for himself.

"Well it's all from this dream I've been having lately and I'm not even sure what it really means. I wish I would stop having it, but I having a strange feeling that it means something really important," Eleax finished cooking three eggs, setting two on Aeron's plate as well as some bacon and haash browns, "I'll tell you more a bit later Aeron, once we get to the academy." He said finishing up making breakfast and setting Enid's plate at the table he sat down munching some toast, absently taking out the medalion again and fingering it.

"What is your facination with that little trinket of yours?" Enid said as she came back out, "I surprised you still have that little silver emblem, I would have thought it would have broke or gotten lost a long time ago."

"I take good care of it..." Eleax finished his toast, getting up and heading to the door, "I'll be waiting it the truck for when you two are done."

Aeron watched him leave, "What's with him this morning? He's been acting a bit strange ever since he woke up."

Enid looked as E left as well, "I'm not quite sure really, I think it has to do with the fact that he hasn't slept much due to some dream he's been having."


A decent while later, at last period at the Gordon Academy, Aeron and Eleax sat at the back of the class discussing dreams, "so you see, this guy just seems to freak me out. It's his eyes, they're silver and just seem to peer into me." E said quietly, taking down the random note.

"I wish I could see into this strange dream of yours, then I would be able to see why it bothers you so much." Aeron doodle on the edge of his book, having gotten the notes already, "But I was meaning to ask you something else..." Before Aeron could ask his question the bell rang.

"Come on, we can talk on the way home, we'll have lot's of time as we walk anyways." E got up and walked out of the class, calling back to Aeron, "Besides, I think I have something I'd like to tell you."

Aeron got up and folloiwed him, putting his books in his locker as they passed it, “So what sort of thing do you have to tell me? I’m kind of curious now.”

“It’s just something I want to say to you Aeron, that’s all.” Eleax said as they left the academy, waving goodbye to a few people, “But I don’t want to say it around the academy. Let’s take the path going by the Derkne Woods, it’ll save us a bit of time.” he said walking of in the direction of a rather pathetic looking forest.

“Ok, but if anything happens to us by those trees I’m blaming it on you,” the wolf said jjokingly, “You know what they say about those supposedly living trees whacking people, or the mutants living in there.”

“Don’t worry, we should be fine. People patroll the boarder of the woods to make sure nothing dangerous escapes, though there has been a few instances.” E looking at the pallid grey trees and grimaced, “I doubt anything could live in there though, I mean even the ground in dry and dead there.”

Aeron walked along beside Eleax, still anxious about having to go near the Derkne Woods, "So, what were you going to tell me? I'm really curious of what you would like to say, and I still have a question for you too."

"Ask your question first, may be it has something to do with what I have to say, though somehow I don't think that's very likely." Eleax said kicking a few little stones from the path under them, stirring a bit of dust from the reddish-brown soil.

aeron looked at him, unsure of how to ask, "Well, I was kind of wondering about something you did this morning before I got up, though I think I might have just imagined it because I was still groggy. Did you try to kiss me?"

"Well, umm..." Eleax turned his head away from Aeron, half frowning and half smiling, "I didn't think your question would really go with what I..."A menacing growl from the shadows behind them stopped him midsentance, though Aeron seemed somewhat oblivious to the sound, "What was that?"

"What? I didn't hear anything?" Aeron started to look around to the sides of the path, finally hearing the growl, "That doesn't sound good..."

Eleax watched as two large, vile yellow eyes opened behind Aeron. He already knew what the creature was, a feral stalker, a creature that used to be a wolf, but altered and adapted to the harsh conditions and radiation that were part of the woods. and slowly as it's body came into view, ready to strike at Aeron, Eleax acted, "Aeron Move!" He said, forcing the wolf that was his friend to the ground. But as he did so the massive animal leaped, raking it's massive claws across Eleax's back.

Aeron watched in horror from the ground as the beast turned around, ready to finish the job. Eleax was laying face down on the ground, barely able to move as the massive wolf-creature loomed over his dieing body.

*Cra-Chack! BOOM!* The gunshot came from a distance, but it's aim was true as it pierced the think skull, who's jaws were about to close down around the body of Eleax, "And stay down you bloody beast." Said a gruff looking man running up to Aeron.

"What just happened? Is Eleax going to be alright, I thought these woods were protected?" Aeron started spouting a line of questions out of the shock of it all.

"Kid, just shut up for a second," the man said going over to Eleax and checking his vital signs, "His pulse is weak and he's losing a fair amount of blood."

Aeron couldn't do much but stare at the sight of his friend's bloody, torn up body with his mouth agape, but still managed to get up and try and see what he could do, if anything.

"This is ranger Delta One, I have a civillian here who was injured by a stalker," the man said speaking into a small two-way radio, looking up at Aeron and asking, "What's the boy's name?"

"E-Eleax..." Aeron munaged to stutter, his legs shaking slightly.

Delta One turned back to the body and his small radio, "The kid's name is Eleax, he's a male human. We need immediate medical pickup for both him and his Manile wolf friend here. The wolf is in a state of shock."

"Roger ther Delta One, we're sending a team now to your position. Stand by for the meds." Came the static-filled reply from the two-way.

And within a few minutes of the conversation a team of medics had arrived and were loading both the heavily injured boy and his wolf friend the ambulance, rushing to the nearest hospital. And all throughout the trip Aeron was muttering inane babble, except for four words, "Hold in there Eleax..."

Contents For all readers not on Elftown, you can still view the following pages.
AWS chapter 2
AWS chapter 3 coming soon
Afterlife of the World Soul

Back To Phoenix Rooms

Back To Phoenix Army

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2005-10-05 [Hummingbird]: *looks for where she was up to* O.O gone?

2005-10-05 [Duhe Rahn]: Not gone, moved to the new chapter

2005-10-05 [Hummingbird]: Oh XD ah that makes sense! *skitters off to finish reading*

2005-10-05 [Duhe Rahn]: lol, I should have warned

2005-10-15 [Whisper Sweet Nothings]: ohh me like! its loong though.

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: Long? This is short compared to most of my more recent unfinished stories.

2005-10-15 [Whisper Sweet Nothings]: i write like... four.. five paragraphs. ^_^

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: Lol, that's better than alot can do.

2005-10-15 [Whisper Sweet Nothings]: i guess

2005-10-18 [Duhe Rahn]: Updating! Yay!

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