Page name: furuba 7 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-02 05:47:22
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*Shigure's house*

Tohru grabbed her bag from her room. "We're going to the beach everyone. Please get packed so we can go." She announced.

Shigure wasn't back from the main house yet and Kyo was still up at the dojo. SO that left only Yuki.

Yuki nodded and went upstairs. He even packed a bra he stole from Tohru's room while she was out.

Ayame hummed a small tune as he waited for Yuki and Tohru. He then ruffled Momiji's head and laughed about it.

Tohru came back down with her bag.

Ayame sighed. "Where's that younger brother of mine?" He asked softly. And then looked past her to find him.

"Here I am." Yuki replied coming down behind Tohru.

"We need to get Shigure and Kyo too." Tohru informed him.

Ayame thought about it a moment. "He's at the main house today. Right?" She asked. "I say we leave him a note and then have him met us there." He said.

"Ok. But what about Kyo?" Tohru asked.

"What about that stupid Cat?" Yuki sneered.

"He nomally doesn't swim. But we can swing by the dojo and ask him if he wants to come." Ayame said softly.

Tohru nodded happily.

Ayame grinned. "Yea." He said. "This is going to be alot of fun." he said in a sing song voice. As they headed for the dojo.

"Kyo? You here?" Tohru called. The note for Shigure was taped to his bedroom door.

Ayame sighed, "Kyo!" He called out.

Kyo peeked around the corner and sighed. 'Hey." he said walking around the the corner and smiled. "Hey guys." He said. "What's up?" He asked.

"Hiding from Kagura? Hee hee. If you want to hide from her then come to the beach with us." Tohru laughed.

Kyo shoved his hands into this pocket. "Um. Sure. Alright." He said. "I'm leaving." He called back behind him then heard a faint good bye back. He then headed for the door and then stepped out into the sun.

Ayame was shortly behind him.

Tohru followed with Momiji and Yuki.

Ayame was walking with Momiji and he reached out and ruffelsed his hair softly and laughed slightly.

Kyo looked back and smiled at them. They all got along to well for his own good.

"Stop." Tohru said.

Ayame froze and then looked to Thoru and then sighed and looked away. Ashamed of himself for some reason.

"Heh heh. I forgot to bring the cooler. Um.....Kyo do you and Yuki mind getting it for me? It'd be much appreciate." Tohru said sheepishly as she blushed at herself for being such an air head.

"You're soo cute!!" Momiji laughed as he kissed her on the cheek then went back and glomped onto Ayame's side gleefully.

Ayame smiled and then gave Momiji a one armed hug and smiled at him before letting the young boy go.

Kyo raised a eyebrow and then stood up and then casually headed for the cooler.

Yuki followed him with a frown on his face. "Hey Kyo, does it seem odd to you how nii-san and Momiji are acting?" He asked the orange haired male.

Kyo kinda shrugged, "A little. But it is Ayame and Momiji." He said. "Haven't really put that much thought into it. But know that you say something..." He said as he pondered over it. "They seem kinda closer then usual."

"Yes they do. It's odd. Nii-san doesn't usually act like that toward just anyone." Yuki said.

Kyo shrugged and then sighed and then opened the door and then pulled the cooler out and sighed once more. "It's not like it's any of our business?" He said, just stating a fact.

"True." Yuki agreed.

"Come on!! You're slow!!" Momiji yelled from the end of the driveway.

Kyo sighed and then started to pick up the pace a bit more. Once he reached Momiji he walked right past him. He then set the cooloer down infront of Tohru. Then sat a little way away from her and the 'dog'.

Tohru stretched and smiled. "I can't wait to go swimming!" She said cheerfully.

Kyo shrugged and huffed lightly.

Ayame nudged Momiji lightly and was laughing about something off in the background.

"Whatcha laughin' at Aya-chan?" Momiji asked as he looked in the Snake's direction.

"You." Ayame said softly then nodded. "Just couldn't help it." He said softly, grinning.

Kyp looked back to them and then back to Tohru and then back a little and then sighed and sat there stareing at the ground.

Tohru dug into her bag and brought a set of keys out. "I borrowed these from Shigure." She said.

Kyo looked at her and then the keys. "What are they for?" He asked her softly.

Tohru smiled. "Hatori's car." She replied.

"What do you suggest that we do with them?" Kyo asked still sitting here, arms crossed staring at the keys and then looking to Tohru.

"Use them." Tohru suggested.

"To go where?" Kyp asked ehr plainly.

"Well....I figured Ayame could drive us to the beach." Tohru replied as she fidgeted.

Kyo hissed softly under his breath.

"Tohru!" Ayame called. "That sounds lovely!"

"Shigure stole them from Hatori so you'd better not tell him Ayame." Tohru said.

"Oh no." Ayame said as he crawled over closer to them. "Why would I do such a thing?" He said and then smiled as he then sat down close to them.

"Ha ha I suppose you're right." Tohru laughed.

Ayame nodded and smiled at her.

Kyp just sat there and rolled his eyes softly.

"What Kyo?" Tohru asked.

"Nothing." Kyo smiled and then looked from her to the others. "So we going to do this or not?"

"Oh right!" Tohru replied.

Kyo nodded and then stood and looked around. "So who's grabbing what?" He asked Tuhru looking at her.

Ayame had fallin back agianst the grass and had his eyes closed softly. Waiting for the something to happen.

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