Page name: how to nomanite [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2004-10-26 15:38:58
Last author: Nevermore.
Owner: Nevermore.
# of watchers: 0
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D20: 3
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How to nomanite

nomaniteing is simple, all you have to do is to send your nomanatiom to [Nevermore.] with the following information...

person you are nomaniting
the catagory:


you cannot nomanite someone who has already been nomanated for, you can mearly to vote
however you can nomanite them into a diffrent catagory. and you cannot nomanite yourself...YOU VEIN PERSON!

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2004-11-02 [Elansor]: [Elansor], sexyest male.

2004-11-02 [Velvet Muzzle]: nominate. not nomanite....rofl. *hug* sorry chica..

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