i can't wait
All the words seem to have been said
Now all there is
is your wordless bed
where words are not enough
The good and bad and happy and sad
words have been said
Recycled and repeated
however always needed
all the words seem to have been said
If I say 'I can't wait'
one more time
I'm afraid I might just loose my mind
or whatever clever shreds are still left behind
after this whirlwind of digitized passion
Never the less, I have to say it
there's no point for me to weigh it
out before it passes by these pretty lips
I feel the need to say it every time
the delicious thought crosses my mind
of your painted finger tips
carressing glittered hips
And the ruddy reddish light in which we'll lay
There's little else I think I have to say
And I know I'll have say it
a thousand times or so
everytime I think of you
and the city you call home
and everywhere your painted fingertips are free to roam
and every time I'm on the phone
with you.
I say it to myself
everytime I think of you
and all the incredible things that we'll do
and all the ways I'll blow your mind
and all the ways that you'll blow mine
Of course..
you already have
The thought of you veraciously devours
my heart and mind and waking hours
and everything in between
And I wouldn't have it any other way
I love the fact that I can't think the thought of you away
And the thought of the long-awaited day
When I'll no longer have to say
I can't wait.
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