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2005-04-04 17:46:11
Last author: dark cleric
Owner: test_drive
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You are a weary traveller from Rome and would like to check into a room and rest. The clerk is right by the door for you to buy a room, and in the lobby is a nice, airy small restuarant of some sorts where you can come down for free breakfast!

Corragh hummed. Ignoring them all but still had a sly smile on his thin face. Listening intently.


Lucius entered and all eyes turned to him. When they saw that he was nothing but an old man, they returned to their business. Lucius turned to the innkeep. "A large room where it is iscolated from the others." Lucius growled to the innkeep. The innkeep eyed Lucius warily and accepted the coins Lucius had to offer. In return, the innkeep gave Lucius a key. "If anyone is searching for Lucius, send them to me." Lucius added and with that, he hurried off to the room, his robes sweeping the floor.

Vicka stumbled into the inn. "Lu.. I saw him go in here.. " She pressed her way past peasants and traders, to the innkeep. "Lucius been here today?" she asked. "Yep, in there." the innkeep pointed. He grabbed his keys. "I'll just lock you in." The man looked at Vicka. "You don't need.. anything else? You and Lucius? I mean.."
"Wha..No! No, no, just let me in."
It was a large room, decorated with all sorts of fancy objects, giving it a gaudy look.
Lucius stood tall in front of her. "Lucius!
She stared into his eyes, consumed with what she had just seen. She dragged him over to a table. "Guess who I saw on the streets! Leonor! It was her, I'm sure of it!
Yeah, well hear me out, she was talking to a goddess. It has to be, I saw the way she moved, felt the power, it couldn't be anything else. Long, golden hair.. Why do you think the divine powers would contact Leonor?"
Sarconia walked into the inn, looking around until she found the person she was looking for. She walked to the innkeep." Please give this to Vicka... it's important." She gave the innkeep a note and two coins. She walked to a table and sat as the innkeep scurried off to do the deed. She waited.

A figure shrounded in a heavy gray cloak slipped in shortly thereafter and mad it's way quietly to an empty table, apparantly trying not to attract too much attention to itself.

Sarconia glanced at the stranger walking into the inn... watching..

Arnora felt eyes upon her and cursed quietly to herself in gaelic...she would like little better than to coat her blade in roman blood but that, that would not do at the moment so she feigned ignorance. Settling down, her face hidden in the hood of her cloak and signaling to the keep for water.

Sarconia flagged down a server and aked for some scroll, ink and a pen. After about two minutes he came back with the asked for items. " Wait here." She said to him. She quickly wrote loyal or not on the scroll and gave it to him, whispering something and pointing at the lone figure at the table. In seconds he was at her table.

The figure glances up then at the keep, a glimmer of light blue eyes like drops of rain in the shadow of the storm coloured cloak. She looks at him in silence for a moment, wondering if he's brought her water or is just being thick.

The innkeep rudly enters Lucius' room. He gives the note to Vicka. It reads: Vicka, I need your help. Someone gave me your name as a reference. I want to bring Caesar down, and I cant do it alone...I'm in the lobby.
Signed, Sarconia.

Lucius growled, slamming his fist down on the table. "You bring useless information to me! Which goddess? Who was it that was speaking with Leonor?!" Lucius growled. When was this? He had thought Leonor was with Ikilios!!!

Drums her fingers idly on the table while eyeing the server expectantly, growing impatient she speaks but with a heavy foreign accent, "You 'ave me water or not?" I inquires of the scroll bearing server.

"I'm sorry Lucius.." Vicka mumbled. "I do not know the gods and goddesses like you do. I do know it was Leonor though.. All I can say about the goddess is that..she had long, golden hair.. And her aura was lively, it made me smile, before I realized Leonor was talking to her. I am sorry, I am of no use to you..Oh! Lucius, a new ally!" she says, after quickly reading the note. "You see? She's probably outside right now!" Vicka held the note over a candle, and watched it burn. "Shall I go out to her?"   

Lucius sighed, forcing himself to calm down. Just being told that leonor was concerning herself with the gods was unnerving. She could ruin everything!! "You're not useless yet. Go to her and bring her in. If you see anybody else you recognize, bring them in as well." Lucius ordered.

Arnora's patience was beginning to wane with this Roman nonsense. She whispered a few more gaelic swears and let her firey temper subside. She turns, casting a glance in the direction of Sarconia briefly before turning back to the simple server.

Sarconia stands and walks to Arnora's table. "Get her some water, now." she said to the server. He walked off in the direction of the bar. She turned to Arnora. "Loyal or not?" She asked her. The server came back with a mug of water.

Furrows her brow beneath her hood, a wry smile crossing her face. "Beggin your pard'n?" She watched the Roman lady closely, accepting the mug of water graciously from the server and taking a long sip while watching Sarconia over the rim.

"Are you loyal to Caesar or do you want the man dead!" she hissed. Her light blue eyes bright. She smiled. "I'm looking for allies, I need as many as I can get if I'm going to bring the bastard down."

"Ah." Whispered Arnora slyly. "And why might a Roman lass such as yeself be wanting ta bring down yer own king I wonder..." She pushed her hood back to reveal a young face, windswept untidly blond hair tied back in a half ponytail by a strip of leather, a smirk on her face.

Sarconia glared at Arnora, "One, I'm 21 years old, so I'm not a 'lass' and second, my reasons for wanting him dead? It has to do of what he did to my family. Things I dont really want to talk about. Are you for or against him?" She said, her blue eyes snapping.

Arnora rolled her eyes and stood up. This proved an impressive move on her part with all the layers of clothing that made he seem more than she was. She pushed he cloak back and held her arms out for Sarconia to see her cloth. From the fur bound leggings to the fringed tartan over tunic, an iron torque and sting of amber hung around her neck. The garb of a celt from the far northern reaches of the empire. Smirking, though her eyes gauged the Roman woman's reaction closely, "What do you think?"

Sarconia took one step back, her silk robes rusteling. She looked Arnora in the eye and said, "I think you can help me." She said, she cocked her head to one side, her earings clinking.

Arnora pulled her cloak back over and crossed her arms. "Indeed" Though she seemed inquisitive and if this woman did indeed prove to be like the rest of Rome Arnora did have her stout celtic sword resting at her hip.

Lucius clenched his fist. What was taking that girl so long?
Lucius got up abruptly and opened the door, walking down to the lobby. He studied the room and saw there were several people gathered. His sharp eyes caught sight of two people conversing rather secretly. He narrowed his eyes. He also spotted the strange sword. That was no Roman sword. Lucius grinned, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light. Were these one of Caius' associates?

Sarconia turned at the sound of a door opening. She saw a man looking at her and Arnora. She turned back to Arnora, "Wait here." She whispered. She turned and walked over to the man. She bowed her head in respect and said, " I've been waiting to meet." She licked her dry lips. "I'll get Arnora." She walked back to the table and bent over it. "Arnora, he can help us, follow me." She turned again and walked back to where he was standing.

Followed but hesitantly, the fact that the Roman woman had guessed her name without introduction was slightly offputting...but all the same. She inclined her head and would meet this new man.

Lucius raised a thin brow at them. "Waiting to meet?" Lucius drawls in a cold voice. He studies the two people before him. Would he be able to trust them? "Then do you know what you are putting yourself into, by conversing with me, the matter you will be conversing with me?" Lucius asked them, studying them so intensely that his eyes seemed to glow.

Venator steps into the inn and casts his dark brown eyes through the room, allowing them to rest on each patron in turn. A cloak, crested with a pair of wolf pelts rests upon broad shoulders and beneath is the attire of a Roman soldier, and not just any soldier, Legion. The tattoo on his left arm verifies it. A red tunic trimed in gold peeks out from beneath leather armor. And his sandal straps wind up his leg like sepents. Without so much as a word he settles himself heavily into the nearest vacant seat and orders a goblet of wine.

Arnora give Lucious an insolent stare...Cursed Roman filth...they couldn't not be decent. Even when on the right side. "What do ye think it matters to me? You think I came ta the heart o' me enemies domain with naught but carelessness in my head?" She glares at him a moment, but hearing the door open turns and curses again in her native tongue of gaelic, pulling up her hood and bowing shortly to Lucious hoping he'll play along, "Of course my lord, it will be right out." She turns, hastening for the kitchen where she leans against a wall, listening...that had been too close, she knew that uniform too well.

Lucius hissed at her before she disappeared. Fool, Lucius thought hotly. No one spoke to him in that tone! He stared at the person that entered and sighed.

Sarconia took one step towards Lucius, so her mouth was right by his ear. "We need to go some where safe. Where we can talk about this in private." She whispered to him. She turned and looked at the legionare, glancing back at Lucius.

Venator did not seem to make much notice of the one girls hurried departure, taking it for a simple servant having gone to fetch something. He glanced up at the remaining two while they whispered but turned back to pouring over a scroll of papurus while he sipped his wine rather lazily.

Arnora simply remained long would the soldier stay. Damn it, she couldn't stay in the bloody kitchen forever. She sighed and picked herself up to set on the table, grabbing a piece of fruit and helping herself while keeping a keen ear.

"I am meeting someone, and it was supposed to be at this inn where i checked out a room. It's down the hall and up the stairs. Tell that feisty gal to follow you, she ran into the kitchen. I must go find Caius." Lucius grumbled, gripping his staff tightly. He looked around the inn. Where was Caius?!
Lucius gathered his robes about and walked out of the inn onto the streets of Latium.

Sarconias eyes followed Lucius out of the inn and she looked at the legionare. Her blue eyes excited. She walked to the bar and asked for some scroll, some ink and a pen. When it got there, she wrote: friend, meet me in a room, down the hall and up the stairs. I have some business to attend to, if you see our friend before I get back, tell him I'll be there shortly. Be safe, the legionare is still here.
Signed, S.
whenshe was finished with the note, she told the keep to give it to the woman in the kitchen. She stood and walked slowly to the door, took one last look at the legionare and stepped out into Latium.
Two hours later Sarconia walks back into the inn. She went straight down the hall, and up the stairs. She opened the only door there, and went inside. shutting it after her.
Later Sarconia walks out of the hall,out of the inn and onto the sreets of Latium, heading towards the palace, Wearing her blue tight two-shoulder toga.
Having made sure the Legion man had left Arnora creeps out into the inn...passing quickly back out onto the street lest she get cornered again.
Caius followed Lucius into the Inn and sighed. Why hadn't he gone to this inn in the first place? It was much more the type of inn Lucius would pick, less obvious and more of the "tainted" sort hanging about. He kicked himself mentally but let no sign of his stupidity show on his face. He would make Discordia pround if it killed him. He beconed to the men and women behind him and followed Lucius back into the room he had reserved.

Lucius shut the door once everybody inside and examined them all. Filthy pigs, all of them. Lucius sighed. "You are all here today because you are against Caesar. That, we know as much. before anything comes out of my mouth, you must all make an oath before the gods that you wont breathe of a word we speak in here. Caius, bring me a stone tablet and cut everyone's palm and have them mark their blood on it." Lucius said softly. "For anyone who breaks this oath, may the gods of the underworld find you quickly and drag you to the pits of their realm!" Lucius said, his vouce louder.

Sarconia ran into the inn, holding up her toga, her sandals slapping the floor. She ran down the hall, up the stairs, and she stopped before she went inside. Letting her robe down, smoothing out the wrinkles, and catching her breath. She opened the door and stepped inside. Lucius glared at her, " Excuse me Lucius, I was in the palace." She curtsied, and took her place among the rest. She noded in Ciaus's direction and licked her dry lips.

Caius only nodded at her arrival and fetched the stone and tablet. He cut his own palm first, not even blinking at the pain and smeared it across the top. 'May that show them all an example. He glared at the barbarians he had just brought in, but held the tablet out to Sarconia, and held the stone in his still bleeding hand waiting for hers.

Sarconia took the stone and cut across her full palm, smearing it on the tablet, and licking the rest of the blood off her hand. Handing the stone back to Caius.

Caius smiled, and passed the tablet around the rest of the group, stone faced cutting their palms and offering no bandages. When one made a move to make a bandage out of his shirt Caius shot him a glare.

A cloaked figure had seen Sarconia enter the inn. Arnora had been waiting for her to return. Stowing quietly across the street she headed into the inn. Her light blue eyes scanned the floor, fresh tracks in the dust there told her what she needed. Her soft leather boots were silent on the floor. She pushed back her hood as she walked, up the stairs, down the hall, stopping just outside a door where a sliver of candlelight showed. She listened closely, he trust in Romans going only so far.

Lucius smiled widely as he watched them all. Once they had all sworn the oath, the bloody tablet was placed on a table. Lucius folded his bony, long-fingered hands before him. "Very good then. Anybody have anything to say before I start? I get very angry when I am interrupted," Lucius said, scanning the faces.

Arnora waits with baited breath just outside the door...the Roman woman she had followed here had said that she needed help, said they wished the same thing...and this other voice, that was the arrogant man she had introduced her to...Her latin wasn't that good but she knew quite enough and was eager to hear what they were planning...bloody romans.

Lucius nodded. "very well. As you all know, I am planning on bringing down the Caesar. however, I cannot do it alone. That is why you are here. If you are in fear or doubt of the failure of this plan, you will be reassured today." Lucius said. He began to pace around the room as he spoke. "Before we make any moves against Caesar, we must know every detail, even the simplest. I will not have this plain fail because of your incapability ofhandling small details! Collect everything you can! Write it down if you won't remember! We observe the enemy before we strike! I will handle the affairs within the palace, along with a few close associates of mine, but the city tasks i leave to you people. The only person you may report to is either Caius or myself. Do not make obvious fools of yourselves because not all of us have nothing to loose. Your carelessness can bring the downfall of us all! So keep that in mind while you open your mouths to speak!" Lucius said. He paused, looking at everyone.

"Lucius," Sarconia said, "Are we going to be getting help from the gods?" She asked... "That could be very helpfull.." She looked him in the face, her light blue eyes expressionless.

Almos t subconciously at this Arnora muttered to herself in gaelic about the roman's worthless gods.

"I heard that." A voice whispered in Arnoras ear.

Lucius moved his eyes to Sarconia, his ice blue eyes gleaming. "If you've kept your faith in them, you shall. I can give you no assurance." Lucius replied coldly, remembering the news of Leonor associating with the gods. It was very unnerving news and it made Lucius stiff with anger. he'd have a long talk with her once he returned to the palace.

Sarconia nodded. She bit her lower lip, "What now?" She asked..

Arnora started at the voice and whirls around wildy to see from where it had come, the tip of her sheathed sword inadvertently hitting the wall just outside the door as she did so.

Lucius ignored Arnora's sudden movement. "Sarconia, did you not say that you came from the palace?" Lucius questioned.

Sarconia raised an eyebrow. "Yes I did... Why?" She answered

Arnora cursed again in her native tongue wondering if anyone inside had heard her motion, she remained quite still, pressed against the wall by the door, listening.

Lucius grinned widely. "I have a special task for you, Sarconia. I need you to befriend Leonor in some sort of way. She might be distracted with an infatuation over Caesar but I don't want to depend too much on it. Befriend her, Sarconia, and make sure she is never alone, even if it isn't yourself that's watching over her. i cannot have her meddling. She is only an adornment of the palace and is not meant to help Caesar. Are you willing to accept?" Lucius asked.

Sarconia nodded. "I accept... perhaps you could arrange a meeting?" She grinned. "I also have some valuable information for you. When I was in the palace, I overheard Leonor speaking with a Goddess...Diana." She finished, smiling. "I thought you might like to know that."

Lucius turned as hard as stone and narrowed his eyes. That pest was doing more damage than I thought! Lucius refrained himself from killing someone, anyone. He tried to calm himself. "Fine. I shall arrange a meeting, and I will make sure Caesar is there to see that she has a companion, so as to he will not call her as often as he does. Follow me to the palace, but don't make yourself noticeable." Lucius said. He turned to the others. "You have your assignments. Do as I say and always be wary. It never hurts to be cautious." Lucius warned. With a nod of acknowledgement at Caius, Lucius left the inn to the palace.

Sarconia nodded and followed him from the inn to the palace

Vicka stepped into the inn, confused and in pain. Filthy muggers of Rome, they were everywhere. "Damnation!" she uttered. She had completely missed the meating, failed the task Lucius had given her.. "I wish for nothing but death.." she whispered. Then she got hold of herself. "Right, this is not the end.." A band of thieves had assaulted her, while she for some dumb reason, had stepped in the backyard of the inn. They found she had nothing of value, and were leaving her, but she had still slit their troaths and let them bleed to death.
Now she had to find someone to fill her inn.. Not Lucius, as it was too early to ask for forgiveness.

She spotted Caius, a man she had seen both in the palace, and with Lucius, a man she recognized on their side. A sat with a whole gang of loud, excited men, all looked like fools.
Vicka walked over to him.
"Caius! I take it that Lucius has been here, and left? Can I ask you to fill me in?"

Vicka were filled in by Caius. Now she really hated herself for missing out.
Bewildered she had cut a long superficial cut, from her elbow to her palm, and swore outloud she wouldn't fail them again.
She was now running through the streets, heading towards the palace. As she slowly calmed down, she felt it sting in her arm, and realized she'd been a fool.
Vicka left for the palace.

Caius finished cleaning up the room, once Lucius had left. Gods I'm feeling lower everyday he swore, but he also knew the innkeeper would charge them a huge amount if he left bloodstains about the place. When he was done he paid the keeper a little extra to keep his mouth shut And left the inn for the Latium

Shadow entered the inn and sat down in the corner watching everything around him. His dark eyes gleamed on the hood that was never removed, he only left his eat t get a drink then sat back down, hardly moving.

Vicka entered. The room was strangely empty. She payed the innkeep for a room, and retired to it to get some sleep, at last.
Arnora emerged from the back of the inn, her cloak drawn tight around her shoulders to hide the tartan cloth of her attire, the torque and the sting of amber. He hood was drawn up and only her light blue eyes twinkled from underneath.
Malekith slipped into the inn. Well, i'm here. Now I wait he thought to himself as he took a seat at the most shadowed table in the inn

Apollo walked into the inn dressed as a commonor, with brown hair and brown eyes. He went directly to Malekiths table and took a seat. "So you came." He said to him. foling his hands on the table.

"I am honoured that you would appear before me. and how could I not come?" asked Malekith, "It is a matter of the safety of my ceasar. I would do anything to assure that he stays safe." as he leaned foreward

Apollo nodded, "Call me Marcus in public, but I am really Apollo." He whispered to Malekith. "You serve Caesar well, if you are willing to risk your life to save his." He said, respect in his eyes. " I've only heard rumors." Apollo said softly. "But those could be a start." He whispered.

"Very well, Marcus. I have heard no rumours, but as you know, there are a few people of whom I am quite suspicious" answered Malekith

Apollo laughed, "Yes thats quite obvious." He said. " Start naming off people, I'll tell you what I know, and what I think." He said.

"Well, there is Sarconia, and Lucius. Thought I have seen nothing, I have often seen Lucius and Sarconia with Caius, which leads me to yet more speculations." answered Malekith, leaning in still closer and whispering in order to not be heard

Apollo thought for a second. "Sarconia..I dont think shes any danger, shes too giggly and head over heels inlove with Caius to harm a fly. Lucius spends most of his time with Caesar, and I'm not around Caesar too often, but he might be a danger...." He said thinking. "Caius might be a danger.. I'll speak with Discordia about that." He whispered. He cocked his head. "You must excuse me now Malekith. I must go." He said, standing up. "Keep in mind what I said,friend." And with that Apollo walked out of the inn, and appeared as himself in the pantheon behind Lucifer.

interesting thought Malekith, this deserves some looking into, both Lucius and Caius, thought I shall still keep and eye on Sarconia. Malekith leaned back, ordered some mead and lamb, and tried to make sence out of everything he had seen and heard in the last few days. After a while, he gets up, leaves a few denarri, and heads off to the Coloseum

shadow watched marcus with slight interest, he didn't move and his drink was hardly touched.


Suddenly, with almost military precision Aurelius and Maximus burst through the front door of the inn while the sunlight poured in around their large figures. They walked over to a corner table and sat down.

"Well, now that we are more or less isolated from unwanted ears, I can speak more freely," said Aurelius, still cautious not to be loud nonetheless. "It is almost like the quiet before a storm. Many people have been acting strangely as of late. The Caesar's assassin has been disappearing, people around the palace seem edgy or not seen at all, and worst of all I have seen a lot of strange people around. They looked like Germans at first, but as I shadowed them I noticed that they do not speak the language of my people. What do you make of that?"

"Now that you mention it, I have seen many strangers around." said Maximus as he hunched over his ale, "Too many. Although I'm not sure what they hope to accomplish, I do have some suspicions. Plus some of my soldiers have been alienating themselves from me."

"Whatever the case, keep a sharp eye out. Those strangers have a very ill favoured look. The frontier garrisons have not reported any movement of enemy troops, so they could not be forward scouts. But what is their purpose then? I am certain that Malekith knows where the root of it lies, but I distrust him. He distrusts me as well, and that is what makes me suspicious. Why would he be in doubt of the motives of the general of the army. If I were to be false and had it in my mind to betray I would not need intrigue. I would simply take what I need by force."

"In my humble opinion, Sir, I think it is right that he distrusts you. Now don't get offended. Malekith is not in the business of trust. He provides security for the Ceasar, and if he puts his trust in someone close to his Highness, it would take but a flick of the wrist to betray that trust. But as for what he knows, it is making our jobs that much more difficult because we don't know what he knows. I believe that he is right not to trust you, but I think that the only person he should trust is the Ceasar himself. But I also think that if we are to provide protection on a greater scale we need more information."

"Yes, I guess you are right. It is just another testimony to my inability to understand politics and what they do. Try to come across some more information. And heighten security around the city. If anyone so much as speaks of oncoming war, or something of the sort, I want them caught and questioned." Aurelius takes a swig of ale "One more thing, Maximus. I want your most trusted men to keep an eye on the palace. I will risk no hurt to our leader."

"Consider it done, Sir. I will post some guards at the palace and double the frequency of the patrols. But I warn you that this may be tiring on the soldiers."

"Hmm.... Never mind doubling frequency of patrols. It may tip off whoever is behind all this. Simply get some troops who are willing to come out in civilian garb and listen to what is being said, and point out any who appear out of line."

"That sounds like a good plan." said Maximus, "You know... I never was much of a thinker." And with that he drained his pint, pushed his chair back with a scrape and exited the Inn

Aurelius sat around for some time, thinking. After a few hours, he finished off his ale, got up and went off to the barraks to sleep a bit.
Tuhai-Bei entered the inn from Latium. This Rome is a really messed up place. The old men of the village were right, he thought to himself Hah! I have finally found the place where I can test my skill. He dug into his meal, glaring about him, almost daring anyone to approach him.

shadow walked up to tuhai-bei and bowed low, his hood covering his face "may i join you?"

Tuhai-Bei looked up at the person. Surely he does not know whom he's talikng to, or he'd be running. he thought. "Sure. Who might you be, stranger?"

shadow sat down opposite him "my name is shadow, and you are Tuhai-Bei, yes i know who you are, and no i cannot tell you how i know."

Tuhai-Bei stops eating and looks up at the man in astonishment. "Then you are a brave lad, for there are none foolhardy enough to cross me. And I thought I was not yet known in Rome.... This could be a bad thing..... But come, what would you like?"

shadow brought a flask out of his cloak and lowered his hood, his eyes were merciless and he wore a vampiric smile. "i'm fine thank you."

"A young lad... And looks quite callous already. What I meant was, why did you find me? I am quite certain that it is not someone to idly speak to that you seek."

"I know where you stand in the fight for rome." He said simply.

"I have heard rumor of turmoil in this city and that is what brought me here. I seek nothing less than battle until age takes its toll, but that is all. I do not stand anywhere and care nothing for this city or those in it."

"hmm. The you truly are barbaric, no beliefs, no cause." His smile became if possible even more vampiric.

"Damn it, lad, start talking! I am not known for patience. What is it you want, no tricks or riddles."

Shadow was starting to enjot himself "I want allies, rome is in chaos, not many people can survive alone."

"Aaah, now yer talking! You want someone to lop heads with you. I can most certainly do that, if you live up to my expectations. I can say without bragging that my father has taught me well and I have killed thousands on my own, but I am not as agile as I once was and someone to watch my back is an asset."

"well if agility is what you need then i'd be ideal as a partner in war, i learned the martial arts in japan all my life." He said with the same cold expression.

"Consider it an alliance. So who are we fighting against, or doesn't it matter?"

"a head is a head."

"This is all good, but tell me," the huge barbarian leaned closer to Shadow "Although you said that you cannot let me know how you know me, tell me this: how many more are aware of my presence in Rome?"

"none that i know of."

"Good. I must make some preparations," with that Tuhai-Bei gulped down the rest of his meal "If you need to find me I will be either here or in the streets." With that he stood and walked out of the inn inot Latium.
Maximus entered the inn cautiously, watching for anyone who looked supicious. He ordered a pint of ale, and sat down at a corner table. Waiting...

Tuhai-Bei came in and joined him a few moments later. "So, what is it you have got to say?" he asked.

Taking a sip from his ale, Maximus replied, "I have heard of your fight in the arena. I'm afraid Rome is in a little bit of turmoil right now, and we could use all the fighters we can get." he paused, looking around for anyone who looked like they might be listening in. "But first I want to know what you meant by another one."

"Well, this lad approached me when I first got here, and said almost the exact same thing you did. 'Cept you look like a soldier, so you don't have to worry about survivin' all on your own."

"Thats right," said Maximus, "and you won't have to worry about surviving on your own if you join up with us as well. We could use a fighter like you." He paused to take another sip of ale. "On another note, I have heard of your exploits in the arena. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

shadow went to get himself a drink then sat back down in a corner, raising his hood again.

"Ah, I guess can tell you that, it's no big secret. My home is in the East. Ever since I was a boy the older warriors of my tribe taught me the arts of war. Then, when I had lived for 12 winters, I went to war for the first time. All children of my age went. But that was not the end of it. Before one could become a man, he would have to go to the frigid Northlands and kill a bear in unarmed combat. I had proved myself at 16 winters of age. So, as a reward, I was taught the ancient arts, known only by the oldest men of the tribe."

Shadow drained his glass and went for another then returned staring at the wall blankly, a sort of bloodlust was in his eyes, somehow he looked pure evil, a stare to make most men in his village in apan quail, he loved it, he never had to fight anyone in his village, no-one ever stood up to him...

"That's incredible." said Maximus, "I didn't join the army untill I was 18 years old, although I was training with my father when I was only 10. He died in a battle against an invading army of barbarians. Since then I've commited my life to never let that happen to another family..." he trailed off, startled. "Someones watching us." Maximus could tell that this was some kind of man who was good a what he did. "Damnit, we shouldn't have come here." he said angrily.

shadow looked over to them at his slight outburst then shrugged.

Corragh slipped into the inn. He was a skinny man but by the way he moved he was still well muscled. Tall with disheveled light brown hair and gray eyes. A few days stubble grew over his chin. And he bore a distinctly unsettled aire about him. He was dressed in tattered cloth. His tunic of which was a plaid, a weave of northern origin. He was barefoot and made little to no sound as he crossed to the bar.

shadow looked to the newcomer then looked away again, staring blankly at the wall.

Nilmawen walked in the inn, lowering her hood to shake out a head full of the dark black hair. Her grey eyes romed the room and found who she was looking for. Underneath her cloak she wore a white robe that reached just above her knees, as all servants' robes do. Her face was set and determined as she moved stealthily next to Corragh. In her right hand was a dagger, tightly clenched.

shadow's eyes moved to the door again, looking at the second newcomer, then his eyes travelled to the dagger...under his hood he watched her.

"Hello Corragh." Nilmawen pressed the point of her dagger into his side and before anyone caught sight of what she had done, hid it. Her eyes were steely with hatred. She looked at him out of the corner of her eyes to see what he would do.

shadow crossed the room quickly to them "You'd be wise to drop the dagger." he said calmly to her, his face emotionless.

Nilmawen scowled. "And you'd be wise to stay out of it!" Her voice was full of contemp as she pressed the dagger harder into Corragh's side.

shadow drew one of his twin daggers and pressed it to her throat. "drop the dagger...plaese." He said quietly.

::Her eyes widen but are still filled with contempt. Slowly she dropped the dagger and cringed as it clattered to the floor. She said naught.::

shadow kicked the dagger away then spoke "who are you?"

::Nilmawen's eyes narrowed and she glared though her eyelashes at him.:: "Nilmawen De Ferion, loyal servant to the Ceaser."

"hmmm, a servant of ceasar, apparantly there's been a bit of an uprising, tell me, why do some want to kill him?"

::She scowled.:: How should I know? I am but a lowly servent! ::She tried to jerk away from him just then, not wanting to be near him.::

shadow spun her around then glared into her eyes, his eyes were either dead, or full of evil, he then pushed her to a chair "why did you hold that man at dagger point?"

::Fear flashed in Nilmawen's eyes before going emotionless. Eyes were drawn to them, at the commotion. Her lips formed a strait lined and she refused to to answer his question. Her hands gripped the sides of the seat she was in. Grey eyes moved towards her dagger, only inches away.::

shadow saw her eyes move and picked up the dagger and buried it deep into the table "if you think you stand a chance, use it." he lowered his hood t reveal a young lad of 17, though hewore a vampiric smile and his eyes were enough to make a grown man back down.

::Nilmawen cringed and tried to move away from him, finally showing some emotion. The emotionless, calm was gone and in it's place was fear. Her eyes didn't leave his face.::

shadow sheathed the dagger, still wearing the vampiric grin "hmmm? no? i thought not, now answer the question."

::Her lips turned back to their strait line. Despite her fear she did not reveal her plans.::

shadow pulled up chair and sat opposite her "ok then this is tiresome, let me guess he's an enemy of your beloved ceasar and you were sent to kill him?"

Seeing the woman in danger, and noticing that the young man's attention was no longer focused on him, Maximus silently rose to his feet. Quietly drawing his longsword, he walked up behind the attacker. Sliding the sword in between the wooden slats on the back of the chair so that the tip probed sharply into the man's back he said, "Just what exactly do you think you're doing? You should know better then to attack this woman... The Ceasar will hear of this. I suggest you put down your weapon and come peaceably."

shadow's smilecame even mre pronounced, his eyes now brimming with malice, he sprung up onto the chair and pulled out his metre long katana "i'm not one for surrender." he said quietly.

::Nilmawen squeeked and jumped away from them. She hugged herself as she watched her situation progress. Her eyes moved to rest on Maximus, knowing who was. She couldn't belive her eyes.::

shadow's eyes never left him as she squeked. He pointed his katana at his face, letting come to rest gently on his chin.

::Nilmawen silently prayed for Maximus' safety as she watched in horror as shadow showed his intent. One part of her mind told her to stay yet one part told her to flee this place::

shadow raised his sword from his chin and sat on the table crss legged, as if meditating he closed his eyes.

Tuhai-Bei sat by and watched the situation unfold, and, recognizing Shadow, said "Oi, that's the 'other'. He's the lad that already wanted an alliance with me. I don't know who you are, soldier, but you'd be better off leaving him be. Nobody kills someone who promised me a chance for combat!" With that he rose to full height and drew out his sword, which would be two handed for most, but not for him.

"Tuhai-Bei, wait!" shadow said, his voice seeming to be way too deep for a boy of sixteen." he held out his hand to him as a gesture to stop. "there will be more opprtunities." he lowered his hand "please watch over the woman. I want to have a little chat after i have dispatched with this imbecile."

Nilmawen, seeing herself being noticed again scrambled to the door of the inn, trying to exit the building before anyone would catch her.

Corragh had simply sat, motionless and quiet throughout the whole affair. Unless one counts the occasional muttered word in gaelic or english or even soft whistle. He seemed completely unperterbed by Nilmawen or her dagger and in fact, were one to notice. On the man's face there existed a broad grin.

shadow leapt in front of her with great speed "okay Tuhei-bei, you take the grunt on, i'll keep my eye on her."

::Nilmawen gasped and turned to flee the other way, bumping into Corragh. She hardly noticed in her plight, except to try to push him out of the way.::

shadow ran from table to table and blocked her path. "we need to talk." he said, his eyes full of malice again "you don't look quite as un-nerved as you did."

::Nilmawen didn't turn around but kept dodging around tables and chairs. She glanced over her shoulders to see if he kept up the chase and saw that he didn't. Finally she stopped behind on the other side of a table that he stood at.::

shadow's face lost all malice now, he was nt smiling, his eyes looked shocked "i'm...i'm sorry, he sat down and looked ashamed at himself, please arrest me...Tuhei-bei don't attack him."

::Nimawen stared at him, wary of him now. Her chest rose and fell with each rapid breath she took but she stayed silent.::

shadow disarmed himself now, handing his weapons to nimawen "please, take these, only to ensure i cannot draw them again."

::Nilmawen took them, only to drop them on the floor as if they burned her skin.:: What do you want? ::Her voice was small, still afraid.::

shadow looked at her properly for the first time. "i want to be punished, i want to be executed, my family would be ashamed of what i have become, i am ashamed at what i have become."

::Nilmawen's eyes narrowed but she didn't move.:: I don't know what you mean....

shadow untied his long hair and let it fall over his face. "i used terrorize, i delighted at the prospect of violence, i went against everything my coven teaches me, i am a disgrace to my house."

::Nilmawen shifted positions, feeling uncomfortable. She stayed silent and still did not move.::

shadow continued "as soon as my father told me i was ready i went out on a long ourney, at first hping to see more of the world all i saw was my house and the peace gardens in japan, i got into a few fights along the way and found i enjoyed them, then i lost sight of myself completly, all i wanted was violence, until i saw what i did to you i wanted to reign terror on the next city i found, thats why i befriended tuhai-bei."

Startled at the strange turn of events, Maximus lowered his sword. "It is not my decision to make. The Ceasar alone can judge whether your actions deserve death. Tuhai-bei," he said, turning to the large barbarian, "If all you want is to cleave heads, then join us. This city is soon to come under attack by a force that far outnumbers the Roman army." He walked over to the door. "If you want, young man, I can have you escorted to the prison. You can await an audience with the Ceasar there." He whistled out the door, and a few minutes later a patrol of 5 Centurians entered. "I want this man," pointing at shadow, "escorted to the prison. He is not to be mistreated." Turning back to Shadow, "I will arrange for you to meet the Ceasar when time permits."

"shadow bowed to maximus "thank you." he then walked with the escort.

"Lad, you'd better be sure of this!" Tuhai-Bei said, lowering his sword "I don't know about this... caesar, but most rulers I have known are ruthless. Once you surrender, there'll be no return. I can probably cut you out of here, but if you are intent on givin' up, there is no need."

"It's ok Tuhei-bei, i intend to be punished, i disgraced my coven, i will be judged." he smiled, but not the cold smile of before.

"I hope you make it through this, lad," Tuhai-Bei turned to Maximus "well, this is rather unexpected. I accept your offer of an alliance, if your ruler will have it. If not, however, do not expect that I will accept punishment as cooperatively as this lad."

shadow watched the two, leant against the door post, complelty unphased by the fact he could well be locked up for a long time

"After your fight in the arena, I would think not." said Maximus, "You will be a valuble asset to the legion. Come, let us go to the palace."

"Arright, lead the way," said Tuhai-Bei "And as a sign of good will, here, hold onto this until your caesar reaches a decision," he handed Maximus his bow "to make you certain I won't put an arrow through him at the first audience." He exited the inn and waited for Maximus outside, as he did not know the way to the palace.

shadow exited and waited with tuhei-bei

Maximus turned back to Nilmawen, "Are you alright here with him?" pointing at Corragh, "You may join us if you wish."

::Nilmawen looked at the calm face of Corragh and back to Maximus.:: You wont mind if I join you? ::She took a small step to come up beside him.::

shadow shouted through the door "I'm waiting here, come on i'm getting impatient."

"No," said Maximus, "I wouldn't mind at all" He then exited out the door after Nilmawen and left for the palace.

A young maiden entered the inn. She is named Calliope, and was dressed in a black cloak, a white dress, sandals, white fingerless gloves, golden anklets, golden bracelets, a silver ring, and golden earrings. She walked over to the clerk and asked if she could buy a room.

Slowly Brutus Cassius entered, he wore armor the armor of the Thracia army his hair hanging down his back. He looked at the lady who had entered befor him and grunted, he stepped next to her and slammed his hand on the desk "I am a soldier of Thracia, I demand a room for my self, and one for the lady, seperate rooms at that." He looked at her and nodded, he was one of the few soldiers who was still kind and nice, even though he was a Spartan.

If you feel cooped up, you can go back to Latium
back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: hehe

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: lol its all good.

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: me after rocc again!!

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: Oo glowy eyes..

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: hehehe

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: haha

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: *tries to make her eyes glow*....*pops a blood vessel*....OW

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: meep!! gross. *drinks her strawberry milk*

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: i get next post

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: --O.O--....LOOK I MADE EM GLOW!!!!

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: lol. so...who came into the inn??

2004-02-07 [Roccoriel]: hehe, this is just like SCA events...useless romans...LOL *has a celtic persona*

2004-02-07 [Roccoriel]: Anyways, I gotta run out to the barn so I'll be back later. Fun fun! ^_^

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: cya!

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: bbai!

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: byebyes

2004-02-08 [thestranger]: hold crap! i really went to the wrong inn, where was this link?!

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: on top...hhehe...yeah, its not that noticeable

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: hahahah thats funny

2004-02-08 [DeadHead]: umm lucius i dont think anyone has anything to say..

2004-02-08 [test_drive]: lol, srry, i was taken away from my computer

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