Page name: loopylouise's house [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-18 19:54:10
Last author: loopylouise
Owner: loopylouise
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Approaching the house, you enter through the garden gate. pushing it aside is hard as the hinges are rusty as a result of disuse. As you try in vain to force the gate closed, you hear a noise in the forest around you. A low, rumbling noise, a sqeak and a squirrel runs across the path followed by what appears to be a large cat... a large, black, cat.
A tall woman steps silently out of the trees.
'Can I help you?' she enquires amiably, her long white dress sighing pleasantly in the almost non-existant wind.
'Yes, ma'am,' you reply, 'could you instuct me on which path to take to reach the house?' it has just occured to you that, not 100 yards from where you stand, the path forks into three.
'Straight ahead, if you please,' the lady replies, 'if you would like to follow me.' with a graceful curtsy, she leads the way and you follow.
On the way you have the time to think about the cat. It's seemed to big to be a normal demestic cat! But what could it be? then you ask yourself if you consider a black cat crossing your path to be a good thing or a bad thing.
You nearly trip over woman as she stops suddenly and drops to one knee.
'There you are Mittens' she murmurs, 'I've been looking everywhere!' the cat mews, content, as she sweeps him up into her arms, 'come along with us, we are going up to the house.'
You wonder to yourself about the sanity of a woman who speaks to her cat as if it understands! You smile, thinking, who doesn't speak to their pet like that at some stage. you check your wristwatch, you've been walking for twenty minutes at quite a pace and your slightly out of breath but the woman, your guide, hasn't even broken a sweat.
You and your guide finally turn the corner into a clearing with what appears to be a stone table in the middle with tree stumps for chairs. A steep cliff marks the end of your journey.
'here we are,' declairs your guide, 'I'm [loopylouise] and welcome to my home.'

Hello and welcome to my humble abode

I'm [loopylouise], please visit me... I am nice... honest. It may take you a while to get there *indicates italics* but you get a hot drink ^^.Here are a couple of my wikis:

loopylouise my home away from home (and this home as well...thats alot of houses...)

making friends make friends.

wiki wiki wiki it's not finished!

Other wikis to see:

^_^ faces this is GROOVY! just have a lookee

Bad Spellers Unite!!!! the clue is in the question... well... wiki name... *nods*

Okies... here have a cuppa tea of coffee... or hot chocolate... or just about anything really... please chat, I could do with some decent convo.

ooooh! I found this odd little website on someones house page and i did the quiz and apparently

isn't that fun?

I did a silly lil testy thing on a web site somewhere *giggles*

I have passed test, and I am now deemed worthy to be known as a ... ... Druidess. In the war between good and evil, a Druidess tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.I am gifted with the elemental plane of Air. 

The fury of a storm, the gentle strength of the morning sun, the cunning of the fox, the
power of the bear-all these and more are at the druid’s command. Their spells are oriented toward
nature and animals. In addition to spells, druids gain an increasing array of magical powers, including the ability to take the shapes of animals.The druid however,
claims no mastery over nature. That claim, she says, is the empty boast of a city dweller.
The druid gains her power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. To trespassers
in a druid’s sacred grove, to those who feel the druid’s wrath, the distinction is overly

Your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of air. Storms and the powers of the winds come at your beck and call. Sometimes a magic user tuned to the elemental plane of air has the power to fly at will, and infuse his living body with the powers of his element. Often mages of air will build their strongholds or magical dwellings in high places such as mountain tops or flying citadels high above the earth where they can be close to their element. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Lightning Bolt, Desert Twister, and Divine Wind.

Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at <URL:http://WizardSoul.Com>

I'll improve this later I think... make it look perdy XD

back to Town within town

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2004-08-25 [ghostII]: remeber to set a password.....^^

2004-08-25 [ghostII]: do what u like in here^^

2004-08-26 [loopylouise]: thankee ^^

2004-09-10 [i3408]: hey! nice house... mine needs to be filled up yet... sheared fate's house

2004-09-11 [loopylouise]: thanx :D

2004-09-12 [i3408]: ^_^...

2004-09-12 [loopylouise]: d:D

2005-07-17 [Emmuuuur]: hi

2005-07-18 [loopylouise]: heeeeello ^.^

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