Page name: Man's Guide to Women [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-04 00:36:49
Last author: Cougar
Owner: Cougar
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Welcome to the Man's Guide to Women. This is for any man that likes women... and wants to try and do better. Some of this you might already know... Some you might be surprised over. Invite other men to this wiki... I made it to make Men have an easier time at making their women happier. ^-^ (note... all information in this wiki is subjective... there is no failsafe/idiot proof/three step plan to making a woman happy... it depends on each woman)
*though fae disagees with that and says its "Fire fae says:1º - be someone special    Fire fae says:2º - be there for her  Fire fae says:3º - cuddle and snuggle a lot" *

Manual for Women (NOTE: your model of woman might not follow these guidlines exactly… each woman is different as each man is.)

The True Meanings of what girls say. (pulled the ones that were what I mean too from that list they put on the net)

Maybe = No
Do what you want = You'll pay for this later
Sure...go ahead = I don't want you to
Are you listening to me?? = Too late, you're dead
Weeeeeeeell= please don’t make me
I love you = I really love you OR (pending on tone/inflection…) please do something for me <[Cougar] doesn’t actually use that one. [Cougar] will ask flat out)
Abrupt changing of subject to what he likes to talk about = you’re a little peeved and it’s starting to scare me (though for some women on dates.. It means they are really trying to figure you out… women making an effort means we like you… we assume the same of men)
Blushing = we really like you and don’t want you to think badly of us in anyway/ or you just said something right. (blushing is almost always a good thing for you)
No = No, unless you are asking if something is wrong.
Nothing = Everything
It's a long story=i don't want to talk about it but appreciate the offer alot


(you note she is stressed out and you ask what if she is ok) DON”T ASK IF SHE IS OK!!! You won’t get a straight answer anyway. Just put your arms around her and hold her. Nothing more nothing less… if she cries let her cry out, if she talks let her talk out… she would do the same for you most likely.
Don’t worry about it = I don’t like it/I’m severely pissed off…(advice: pending on how it is said.. It also would be good to just get out of her sight… OR hold her for a moment until she relaxes.)

Some really sweet things guys could say to make a woman’s heart melt.


"Last night i went outside and matched every star with a reason why i love you. It was going great, till i ran out of stars...."--Unknown

Try to compliment her on something everyday… If your married randomly tell her she’s beautiful.. just cause.

These are just a few of the txted ones i have gotten from just [Shijin] alone.
1. *kisses and holds her close* i miss you
2. I hope your day is as beautiful as you
3. *willingly becomes her comfort for her presence is all he needs*
4. *hopes to be enchanted with a call*
5. You know i'm yours
6. You make me happy baby...
7. I got cheese cake... and pizza... but i rather have something sweet like you princess.
8. *wonders if he will be enchanted with a call from his angel*
*******9. [I want you... in my life and I want to make memories with you] (you want a woman to go silent in shock... you tell her that!!!!!!!)
******10. (*said that the only way for me to get better ~was sick for a while~ was for him to think of me*) "Every second, every minute... more than you know..."
*****11.(was still sick when was told) "Ofcourse you will live because you have to...or i would be here..."
****12. (I called and he was asleep*which i was pleased over b/c he needed his sleep*) * holds her hand and kisses it lightly, kneeling down* I hope you forgive me for not answering your call princess.
13. you are precious to me
14. "i hope you do call too cuz i want to hear your sweet voice"
15. So what are you upto cute one?
**************************16.[I thank god everyday for having an angel like you on earth] (another silencer)
16. (told him i was having a blessed day)He(God) always watches out for his angels.
Now tell me gentlemen... one man can pull that out in just txts in about a week... JUST Texts! *doesn't even mention how utterly sweet his comments are when she calls!* If one man can do that in about a week... why can't the rest of you pull that off? words are [~+VERY+~] powerful things... you'd best realize that.. it could save your ass one day.

Call girls "angel" or "princess" or "beautiful" we love to hear that from time to time. it has a better affect than you would think.

(just about anything cheesy works… Be creative...)

Things to know(not in any particular order)

1. Women TRY to make things easy on men… but then men walk off… So then we have to make it hard on the rest. >.> Blame your own gender for the mind games.

2. [If you really want to make a woman happy… spend either time or money on her.] The reason women value money so much is because men spend SO MUCH [~*Time*~] making it. We love/adore/need to know we are thought of when we aren’t around. Hence why we like our rings to be so expensive and big… we are basically boasting on how sweet our man is to us. Though many times just a thoughtful… planned out idea from a man that we get to spend some time with him during.. Is VERY VERY valued. (also note that in society, If your woman looks highly valued by you *i.e. jewelery and nice clothes and well tendted* then that reflects onto you and others will begin to look at you more highly thus opening the door to more opportuinities and better job offers... don't believe me? try it... you'll see.)

3. Women aren’t simple… no matter how much you think they are or one is… it will infallibly at some point get extremely complicated.

4. Grow some balls…(pardon the terminology) the girl that is worth the effort won’t ask you out. Women who are truly worthy will wait for you to come to them… even if they like you… Women want a man that can get up enough guts to ask them out. We aren’t so afraid of asking as you would think… We just want to see if you are “man enough” for us.

5. Women require unbelievable amounts of patience, love, and self restraint. We don't always say what we mean right off... even when we mean to. We don't often know how to. Also.. we don't always understand what you want or don't want. We kind of need you to be blunt with us... just as much as you want us to be blunt with you.
If we say we want to talk about something.. please... listen to it at least half way... We think aloud and when we can talk to you we come to decisions we couldn't w/o that other person just listening. o.O it doesn't make a lot of sense but when you just sit there and not even say anything... We get out everything that is penned up and survey what is wrong...then we can easily find a solution to the matter. ^^; This takes one Hullofa man...

6. Don't lie to a woman! Never, ever under any circumstances. You may think "she'll feel better if I tell a little lie or hide the truth", that's bull shit (forgive the wording). The truth is most women have this unexplainable way of finding the truth sooner or later and then they will wonder why didn't you tell the truth in the first place. They will feel you don't trust them enough, or love them enough, and will feel betrayed. That will cause a break in the trust that won't easily (if ever) be mended. Believe me this is worse then her knowing the ugly truth from the start. Of course they are likely to get mad with that ugly truth but (if they really care for you) they will forgive (mind me I say forgive not forget). In the end if you tell the truth and your relation lives through that, it will be stronger then ever.
-[Fire fae] (completely agreed to by [Cougar] due to experience with being said woman in the past)

7. Another bad thing to do to a woman is not answering her. This means not answering her messages, phone calls, direct questions, when she says she cares for you, etc.
This will make her feel ignored and she will start questioning your feelings for her, which will make your life and hers less pleasant.
If you don't want anything with her just tell her so, don't be ignoring her in hopes she'll forget, she won't.
If you do care for her answer, it doesn't take long to say something back, even if it's just:
I can't talk right now
talk to you latter
or even just a simple hug or kiss. Believe it or not these simple things are comforting and she will probably give you more space after getting her answers.
~by [FireFae] (again approved by cougar... from experience... <-.->)

8. If a woman says "Oh? how so?" she has determined you are wrong... and wishes to disabuse you of your wrong ideas... one-by-one.

9. Self-restraint... turns women on... LEARN SOME!

10. Develop a deep voice... it's hot... women like them... i have YET to meet a woman that doesn't.

11. Don't go to strip clubs unless it's a friend/family member's bachelor party.. *rolls eyes* strip clubs are the highest form of female instult. If you feel you MUST GO (which if you are dating a chick you really like you won't) then do so and simply don't tell her unless she asks. Most women are on a Don't ask Don't tell policy. If she asks once tell her she might not really want to know and if she asks again THEN tell her.


It is a man's job to impress the woman. We have what you want... you have to get us impressed enough with you to think that you have what WE want.

13. mystery is hot. charm is to die for. take lessons from Zorro, Robin hood, and the Phantom.

14. Just watch "what women want" with mel gibson. That will help you out ALOT!

Guy Facts:
-When a guy calls u
he wants to be with you
-When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
-When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
-When a guy says, "I'm fine," after a few minutes,
he means it
-When a guy stares at you,
he thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world
-When you're laying your head on a guy's chest
he has the world
-When a guy calls you everyday
he is in love
-When a (good) guy say he loves you
he means it
-When a guy says he can't live without you
he's with you till your done
-When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else
-Girl facts:
-When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her mind.
-When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
-When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will be around.
-When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds,
she is not at all fine.
-When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are so wonderful.
-When a girl lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
-When a girl calls you everyday,
she is seeking for your attention.
-When a girl wants to see you everyday,
she wants to be pampered.
-When an honest girl says, "Ill love you forever,"
she means it.
-When a girl says that she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are her future.
-When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Updates will be posted as I think of them or find them. >.> Good luck gentlemen.


-[Peaches]: i want food, good sex from a man and a nice book...

- [Black Adder]: If you get all this right you'll be black and blue, tired and strained, and have the perfect woman/relationship. That or you be Sellabut Its easier ^_^


a very rough idea of what them brownie pnts are worth... Plus i'm very tough so it's hard to get to the "good stuff" as my b/f calls it. So these numbers will likely be MUCH lower for most women.

Username (or number or email):


2006-01-05 [Cougar]: *grins quietly and doesn't say a word as to how shijin knows such a thing....* doot doot doot... *looks innocent*

2006-01-05 [shadowic]: im as perverted as any man..and in some cases..more...XD

2006-01-05 [Fire fae]: *has the right to remain silent... and does so*

2006-01-05 [blackphoenix]: XD

2006-01-06 [Dark Adherent]: *pounces Fae and tickles her* A competition eh? *grins* ^_____________________^

2006-01-06 [Fire fae]: *falls down and squirms, giggling* nuuuu tickles! *tries to grab his hands* XD

2006-01-06 [nightwolf]: yeap everyone is perverted, there is just afew who accept and let it grow though and others who are forcefully tought. *shudders*

2006-01-23 [Shijin]: Out of curiousity...what do you get when you can accomplish more than 10,000? Slavery? >>

2006-01-23 [blackphoenix]: i dunno you'll have to ask couga >.>

2006-01-23 [nightwolf]: lmao a gimp XD

2006-01-23 [Cougar]: I don't think there's ever been too many to get to 10,000 in the first place and normally if they do manage it they want it all right then and there. >.> Normally though.. guys stay in the negative... greedy little.. *cough cough cough*

2006-01-23 [Cougar]: *glances at her man's house* <,< don't think he's in the negative anymore now... ><

2006-01-23 [blackphoenix]: lol yes that would put a guy in +ve points XD

2006-01-23 [Shijin]: *smiles* Yep.

2006-01-23 [blackphoenix]: i'd say at least 10 >.> you got her to smile ,*points to pick on his house* >.>

2006-01-23 [Shijin]: *laughs >>* That's my job isn't it? I can make her smile...even when she doesn't want to ^_^

2006-03-14 [Shijin]: Am I negative on the ponit chart or do I even count on it?

2006-05-09 [Kiche]: I thank you all for making this wiki! It is awsome..... It shows how girls really feel! You've covered most of it!

2006-05-09 [Death Rogue 5]: yea, does that mean I have to do that with you kiche? lol

2006-05-10 [Beatify me Capt'n]: Whoa whoa whoa, what about guys, we know that there is stuff we don't want.

2006-05-10 [Kiche]: It would be nice but you don't have to do all of it! And GrandMaster..... what do you mean?

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