# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
| D20: 1 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-06-14 [Yoruno]: Added!
2005-06-15 [POG]: THANKYOOUUUU!!
2005-06-16 [ghostiegirl]: Could you also add...FairyChibi is cute! pwease!
2005-06-16 [Yoruno]: Added!
2005-06-17 [POG]: Could you add All Hail The xXx Fridge Magnet xXx PLEASE!!!!!
2005-06-21 [fob looks so good in blue]: Can you add Ramey bob fan club ?
2005-06-21 [Yoruno]: Added!
2005-07-14 [Miss Emma.]: can you please add We Love Andy and Barb's Fanclub ?? Please... thank ye ^_^
2005-07-14 [Yoruno]: Added!
2005-08-06 [DEDGE.]: Can you purdy please with cream on top add Shae Lovers ??? pawease??? Thank you much!!!!! ^_^
2005-08-10 [DEDGE.]: Can you purdy pawease with sugar and cream on top add the wiki <3Dawn-Michele Lovers<3 ???? thank you much!!!!!!!!!!
2005-08-10 [Yoruno]: Added both of them... with fries and cola ^^
2005-08-23 [moon_beam]: can you add charmed_lovers
2005-08-23 [Yoruno]: It's already in the TV shows fan wiki
2005-10-06 [Anthrax]: can u add megadeth rock !!!?
2005-11-07 [Gone123456789]: Added.
2006-06-06 [Pink_Pixie]: Can you add Pink_Pixie's wiki
2006-06-06 [Pink_Pixie]: thanks!!
2007-04-26 [Shikitty]: (( Magic Simplicity needs members! It is a magic school rp. Just go and look! If you're interested talk to [KnightAngel] ))
2007-04-26 [~username~]: I can't do anything about members, but I did add it to RPG Wiki
Number of comments: 39 | Show these comments on your site |
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