Page name: Perverted motherfuckers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-11 17:24:45
Last author: choke_on_dreams
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[Perverted motherfuckers]

Yes. There seems to be a continuous supply of perverted motherfuckers (Hence the name perhaps) on elftown today.

Definatly Not impressed guys.

It is completely possible to send "[non perverted...]" Msgs to members of the opposite / same (Whatever) sex.

I dont appreciate it.

If you happen to find your shallow excuse of a life on this page, Well what can I say...

You deserve to be hunt down and castrated.

And then knocked unconscious with sledgehammer.

I am positive that many fellow elftowners agree with me.

I am also sure many dont.

But I dont care about you.

I mean im sure everybody enjoys getting compliments. Even if they are Super insecure, im sure a part of you, however deep down inside you, a part of you will be falttered. That somebody out there thinks your pretty, beautiful or even [s.e.x.y...].

However there is a limit.

[Hey sexy. I want to do you.]

[Hey u is fuckin gorjus wnna cyba fuck]

[I bet your pussys real juicy jus for me]

Is way past that limit.


Congratulations motherfuckers. You are on teh list

Letter number: 37960076
From: [Tamman] (FSUH!)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x] Beauty and the Beast [x])
Sent mail 2005-04-29 21:37:49

i want to do you

[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]

Well Id'e personally like to kill you


Letter number: 38529461
From: [justin cory] (mr.Justin)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 19:10:18
Comment in 38529804


[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]

No we fucking cannot


Letter number: 38523052
From: [fuck me !!!] (spank me im a bad little boy !!!)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 17:15:21
Comment in 38523163

**sucks your strap on**

[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]


your a fucking loser from fucking bath with a penis the size of a peanut and a pussy for a face.

i. hate people like you.
.fucking cunt. goodbye.


[okay this girl/boy/what the fuck ever/ was Seriously pissing me off....]

Letter number: 38521413
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:40:00
Comment in 38521439

My friend derick said you can choke on his cock.

[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]


mmm how nice of him. im afraid im going to have to pass

Letter number: 38521541
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:42:29
Comment to: 38521439
Comment in 38521570, 38521703


[my reply to the perverted motherfucker]

Yeah. It probably is

Letter number: 38521703
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:45:12
Comment to: 38521541

I'm joking it's nothing.

[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]

uh huh. okay. right awn.

Letter number: 38521785
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:46:23
Comment to: 38521570
Comment in 38521899

Shut your sluty mouth bicth he's good if you know it's for your own best.

[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]

mmm okay thanks.....

Letter number: 38521939
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:48:38
Comment to: 38521899
Comment in 38521968


[My reply to the perverted motherfucker]

Okayi. Im kinda getting bored of this. slitghly repetative and childish. goodbye. nice talking to you.

Letter number: 38522090
From: [moretisha] (Happy)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-10 16:52:00
Comment to: 38521968
Comment in 38522307

I saw his cock it' huge. Sorry but hes my fuck buddy.


Letter number: 38462804
From: [unnamed] (yay)
To: [choke_on_dreams] ([x][+] Suck My Strap-On [+][x])
Sent mail 2005-05-07 10:44:47
Comment to: 38462778
Comment in 38462807 have nice boobies..:P


ugh theres too many fuckheads to add on here...well you get what i mean anyway. support me people

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2005-05-11 [jonnyp]: Hey u go mally, that raife weirdo sed i was (quote) " sexy" and wondered if i was (quote) "up for it" so u go girl :P

2005-05-11 [choke_on_dreams]: hahaha EWWW THATS JUST GROSSS...there are many more but i just cant be othered adding them lol

2005-12-03 [jonnyp]: hhmm maybe a section for the Turkish would go down well, obviously not being stereotypical but teh majority (all) seem to be after hmmmm a shag? cyber sex? a friend? although anything would be better than living in a place named after a peice of poulty ... moan over .... over and out

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