Page name: Pharaun [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-16 17:12:47
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my RP character pharaun for the tower of seletar

[Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]-himself
  RECENT HISTORY- Died in the demonweb pits thanks to a betrayal by quenthel beanre, pharaun was resurrected by his “friend” a promiscuous alu-fiend,But knowing that he couldn't get vengeance on the matron mother's sister he decided to let it go and mark it as a learning experience.After being resurrected he knew he couldn't stay in the underdark without being detected by quenthel or one of her mages for long so he killed the alu fiend so she wasn't tempted to tell he was revived and fled. He ventured to the surface,Despite the sun being hell on his eyes,to find a new place to call home before coming across this land of Selatar.
  DISTANT PAST- graduated from Sorcere at the top of the pile,literally,he killed his classmates who thought they were nearly as Adept as he.after he advanced in socre he became the archmage of G`ilithenzar apprentice Secretly desiring as do all Drow wizards to become archmage himself,knowing he couldn't beat the archmage he learned th archmages secrets and even after completing his apprenticeship he kept contact with the archmage gaining his trust before he struck.he was on the verge of making his move when he was sent on the mission that changed his life forever .
Pharaun has been through hell and back,also literally.
DESCRIPTION- pharaun is conniving and evil,even by Drow standards,you could be his enemy without even knowing it.despte being able to go head to head with any opponent he often kills his enemies unexpectedly with poison, special magical abilities,and turning others against them.He has no use for physical combat skills because rarely does an opponent get close enough to lay a blade on him.and on the rare occasions someone does get close enough they quickly regret it because pharaun can stun someone with but a single word of power .He has no real friends even when his one closest companion was killed he hardly even felt a pang of sorrow. This Drow mage finds the struggle of selatar an amusing distraction he cares nothing for either faction but he feels he may be able to gain something from the ensuing chaos.
  PHYSICAL APPEARANCE- 4'6” approx 98lbs long white hair ebony skin,Blood red eyes. Usually wearing his enchanted black piwafwi(cloak)that has a deep purple colored spider design on its back.the pockets of the piwafwi are enchanted with infinite also has strong shielding wards that would deflect physical attacks.under that he wears a black sleeveless leather vest and black breeches has a number of rings and charms about his person all of which have spells loaded in them.
 WEAPONS a magical rapier that moves of its own volition when activated,magic is his main weapon though.
  SKILLS Besides his magical spells (cant list them all)he has his innate ability to see in different spectrums and cast globes of impenetrable darkness
 RELATIONS-Grzzlat the vrok,zarie the one he loves
 AGE 5,113
 PET-Vashik a enchanted spider an extra set of eyes(highly poisonous)
ALIGNMENT-Neutral/Chaotic Evil


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