Page name: pissed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 13:25:40
Last author: Roxcie
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LEaVe You COCk Suckers !

This is the Pissed Wiki where you can take out your anger with others who are pissed yell at each other do whatever rant about nothingness I don't give a shit ^^ have a bad day. you cock sucking fuck tard! XD


This is a magical place that me [Xerin Zamaki] and [Dezmond] made so you can let off some steam theres no rules eccept don't talk shit to people of this wiki that you meet on this wiki ^^ besides that say whatever you want ^^

This is our banner use if you want I don't give a shit XD


#1:[Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

(present company excluded ^^)

#3:[doggiepog6] You wanna see mean. See me at 3 a.m.

#4: [XxTsomexX] First chick here, and probably the bitchiest... (and the most non lady like with my mouth XD lol)


#6:[Piercedskull]pheonix knows how pissed I can get. *pheonix is laying on the ground bleedind ing and is chared and bullet shells are every where* XD this a a demenstration of her pissedness by [Xerin Zamaki]

#7:[Koho Ai]I'm the last guy you wanna pist off


#9 [Eyonic] oooooooo, blood! me likes blood! now, where to put the body.......

#10 [_Einsam_Ein_] so i am the most bipolar and skitz of everyone, i can't find my sanity (i don't want to) and i love death!.... *thinks to self* hmm.... i think i need a bigger closet to hide these bodies in....

#11 [InsanityAngel] the world needs to screw its self or make people feel good about them selves, and not let them be a fucking loner the everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Anthony Michael Martin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Larry Hansell ♥ ♥ ♥

#13 [Araglas] When will people learn not to use me!? GODDAMNIT!


#15 [Vou] Uhm.... rawr? C: I try not to get angry. It's something that is pointless, but I do get angry. -sigh- I really hate it.

Username (or number or email):


2007-12-19 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmm, I don't think I hate you, but then again, I don't hardly know you!

2007-12-19 [Dezmond]: ......i'm not sure you want to....

2007-12-19 [Xerin Zamaki]: lmao XD

2007-12-19 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-12-19 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmm.......what to do.......

2007-12-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: .................uh..... hi?

2007-12-20 [Eyonic]: hello!

2007-12-21 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-12-27 [Jmack on Deck]: im pissed now,lol

2007-12-27 [Jmack on Deck]: i really hate a bunch of people, osme may be on here *growls with deceit*

2007-12-28 [Roxcie]: hmm. Well good thing i'm not one of them. ^_^

2007-12-28 [Dezmond]: janiece what's goin on???

2007-12-28 [XxTsomexX]: well that sucks...

2007-12-28 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: hi ppl!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-28 [Dezmond]: ello!!!

2007-12-29 [Roxcie]: Hey ^_^

2007-12-31 [InsanityAngel]: FUCK THE WORLD!

2007-12-31 [Six_dragons]: Whohoo! It went from rants and intelligent conversation to the emo movement reinstated! Fuck y'all I'm out! ^^

2007-12-31 [Roxcie]: lol!! XD

2008-01-04 [InsanityAngel]: Fuck Fuck Fuck the world. The world needs to go Fuck itself!

2008-01-04 [Roxcie]: lol ya, you tell the world off!

2008-01-04 [InsanityAngel]: Well It needs too

2008-01-05 [Hybrid66]: Umm... I don't think the world is that flexable XD

2008-01-05 [InsanityAngel]: It should be

2008-01-05 [Hybrid66]: Maybe you should be lol

2008-01-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *sings* fuck fuck fuck a duck screw a kangaroo finger bang an orangatang orgy at the zoo WOOHOO!!

Haha sorry an old song that i just LOVE. everytime i hear fuck fuck i start singing it! *dances*

2008-01-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *Blinks* why are people leaving the wiki?

2008-01-05 [Dezmond]: O_O you are very interesting rachel....

2008-01-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: cause this was pissed wiki not emo wiki....

2008-01-05 [Dezmond]: but the emo's are still here...

2008-01-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: yeah I noticed...emos go be emo somewhere else your scaring my friends away and its not cool....damn emos..scaring people away...

2008-01-05 [Eyonic]: lol, the emo's need to make themselves their own wiki

2008-01-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: thats what I am person to do something emo on here will be yelled and ranted and possiblied blocked...damn emos...

2008-01-05 [Dezmond]: everyone hates me XD lmao

2008-01-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well if you look at it logically. Emos are emo because they feel the world hates them and therefor they hate the world meaning they are pissed. and this wiki was indeed made for pissed people.....correct?

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: technically true, but most the "emo" ppl here only do it for attention, most of the true "emo's" don't draw attention to themselves like that, b/c that's not what they want...

2008-01-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: but i dont see any EMO things on here. Fuck the world is not emo. Fuck the world means you are evidently pissed. I SEE NO EMO!

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: i never said i did see emo lol (ok actually i did but that was just so scott didn't sound like an idiot) but umm anyway...yeah no ones really bein emo cept my crack but if "fuck the world" was emo WE ALL WOULD BE B/C YOU KNOW YOU'VE ALL SAID IT ATLEAST ONCE!! (not yelling at you rach this is for everyone)

2008-01-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *dances* yay haha so im kinda...right......right?

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: meh more or less i suppose...only cause i'm too lazy to argue XD

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...fuck it...damn emos are taking over the world...Oh and FUCK clOTHES...damn laws making it where I can't run free...

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: yes I do lol

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: Fuck the world

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: By Icp lol well you should try it its really really funn *ish naked* WEEEEE! lol

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: *slaps*

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: oww whats that for...

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: I dont know

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...I would slap you back the way I want too...but that would be wrong on several lvls...

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: if you slap me, I'll light you on fire

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: hey thats my line damn kids steal shit from me...

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: *Lights Scott on fire*

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: *ish immune to burns* lol fire is my favorite thing in the world lol *hugs Wrath* muwhaha

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: grrrrrrr

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol not only am I naked I'm on fire too ^^

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: <img:stuff/mood11-gif.gif>

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: Roxcie your next lol *starts walk towards Roxcie*

2008-01-06 [InsanityAngel]: smart move

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh I'm on fire I'll just burn through it...

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ....its because I'm white isn't it...

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: ello O_O....aparently...I missed something..... *backs away slowly*

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: scott...some things I just don't need to see.....

2008-01-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: well stop looking...hey hey Jeff I'm up her lol

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: O_O your up....her?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

2008-01-06 [Dezmond]: O________________O........

2008-01-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: O.o Roxcie you ok???

2008-01-07 [Dezmond]:'s your fault.....

2008-01-07 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...It always is...

2008-01-07 [InsanityAngel]: o.O?

2008-01-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: mouse has finally returned!

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: yay!

2008-01-09 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *Blinks* wow i deffinatly missed something...............................

2008-01-09 [Xerin Zamaki]: *pours gasoline all over the wiki and lights it on fire* muwhahahaha....sorry...I like fire...

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: me too

2008-01-09 [Xerin Zamaki]: *pours gas on empty_one and lights it* there you go XP

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: yay! I'm on fire! weeeeeeeee! *runs around in circles*

2008-01-09 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...damn flamer...XDD

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: lol XD

2008-01-13 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *gasps* fun fun fun!!!

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-02-12 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: GAH! I hate people i hate drivers who dont give a fuck how fast they are fucking going and dont give a shit if someones best friend was crossing the street! I HATE PEOPLE! *Cries* im sorry i had to let out my rant. im just..pissed!

2008-02-12 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hehe!!!! fun fun funny!!!

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: ....... okay then

2008-02-12 [Dezmond]: one of her best friends was killed recently by a dumb ass driver while he was crossing the street....

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: oh....that's awful.........

2008-02-13 [doggiepog6]: yeah man

2008-02-13 [Dezmond]: yeah, so she's really upset.

2008-02-13 [Eyonic]: I can imagine...

2008-02-14 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *cries madly* today was his funeral and because of FUCKING college i couldnt go! I hadnt seen him for months be4 the accident and i didnt get to see him at the hospital becuz of a college visit and when his actual funeral was was when i had to be at the college by for another colege visit. FUCK SCHOOL FUCK LIFE I WANA DIE!!!!!!!!!

2008-02-14 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: if u wuna find out exactly what happened...look at my blog.

2008-02-14 [Dezmond]: rachel, don't say that...

2008-02-14 [doggiepog6]: Life can really kick ya in the ass

2008-02-14 [Eyonic]: yeah it can

2008-02-15 [doggiepog6]: You have your highs and your lows and days when u just wanna scream Fuck You

2008-02-18 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah but what happens when most days you just wanna scream Fuck You? you can't just spend the majority of your life saying fuck it... trust me i know...

2008-02-18 [doggiepog6]: Yeah I know so ya gotta say it a couple of times and get on with your life

2008-02-19 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah but sometimes getting over "it" is hard when "it" won't let you or when "it" won't get over you

2008-02-20 [doggiepog6]: Harsh!

2008-02-20 [doggiepog6]: I hate it when people do that!

2008-02-20 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: My old best friend was like that. She started ignoring me everytime she got a BF and even tho she new she wuldnt see him that day she wuld still tell me she is busy with him. I stopped talking to her because of it. I had always made time for her. What you have to do is talk to her...point out what it is that she does.

2008-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: youch. Thats a bitch. i did that to my bff once cuz she stole every guy from me so i payed her back but getting wit a guy that i new she wuldnt wunt so i got wit her x. (It last 2 days but it had gotten my point across) XD well as long as it aint affecting u too much...

2008-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: hellz yea. altho i hardly tlk 2 her now cuz once again she tried stealing my men and several have broken up with me trying to be with her n then she wuld break their heart n then id nvr get 2 tlk 2 them i stopped tlkin 2 her. lol

2008-02-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well just calm down. i think that way bout my best friend and when me n her actually chill i remember why we are best friends. dont do anything too rash...not yet at least XD

2008-02-21 [doggiepog6]: Hurting sucks!

2008-02-23 [doggiepog6]: TTLY

2008-02-23 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i hate the damn turks here on ET!!!!!!!!!!

2008-02-24 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha! turn em in if you hate em so much jc!

2008-02-24 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: all of em that ive seen r just flat out discusting and stalkerish. i sign onto msn or yahoo and random turks IM me saying hi im (whatever their name is) and im from elftown do u want to webcam
im always like WTF GO TO HELL! XD im mean......

2008-02-24 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: exactly lol SO GROSS!

2008-02-26 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha that be true... but in my opinion ANYONE that wants to webcam and be dirty needs to get a life cuz obviously if they're trying on here ya know they aint gettin anythin from anyone that has actually SEEN them before XD

2008-02-26 [Eyonic]: cha. It's rather sadly pathetic...

2008-02-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: haha true true

2008-02-27 [_Einsam_Ein_]: people like that are disgusting and they are the reason parents fear letting their children on the computer without supervision and they disgust and annoy me to NO end

2008-02-29 [doggiepog6]: OMG Does anyone else hate announcements at school? They r pointless and BoRRRRRRRRRRRRinggggg!

2008-03-02 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: yea some r boring n pointless but most at my school i need to hear lol

2008-03-03 [doggiepog6]: Not me. Most i dont need to hear but what I hate the most is when people are trying to sound cool on the announcements and they ttly arn't

2008-03-04 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol

2008-03-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *blinks* students dont do our announcements. Normally its a sercratery or sometimes one of the annoying teachers lol but he is funny so...yea lol

2008-03-04 [_Einsam_Ein_]: students do ours on the tv... we have to watch them and it gay... but really funny sometimes...

2008-03-04 [Eyonic]: happy I'm not in drama this semester...

2008-03-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: yea we have that same kinda thing juz only on Wensdays. SOOO lame yet hellarious at the same time lol

2008-03-05 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-03-05 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i had fun doing it when i was in drama but... kthe kids in drama this semester are retarded... too bad you don't get to watch... :P

2008-03-05 [Eyonic]: tehehehe, yeah, too bad!

2008-03-06 [doggiepog6]: I hate Spanky!

2008-03-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol

2008-03-06 [Eyonic]: ?

2008-03-07 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *blinks*

2008-03-08 [doggiepog6]: Spanky is our assistant principal. She was last year but this year she is a teacher. I hate her :P

2008-03-08 [Eyonic]: oh...okay.....I think I understand now.

2008-03-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i hate mr cunt so its all good

2008-03-08 [doggiepog6]: Yeah zactly. Everyone hates at least 1 person in their school building

2008-03-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol i hate a hell of a lot more than one...

2008-03-08 [doggiepog6]: Yeah me 2 >:)

2008-03-09 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i hate pretty damn close to all of the kids in my school at one point or another.

2008-03-09 [doggiepog6]: I enjoy school just not some of the people

2008-03-09 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i love school but i would grieve the deaths of only a few people in it

2008-03-09 [Eyonic]: ..... I better be one of those peoples.....

2008-03-09 [doggiepog6]: Another thing I hate is when grocery stores are crowded. That bugs the crap out of me because people wont move.

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: cha, I know! You'd think that people would want to get their food and leave asap, but nooooooo; they want to mingle and take their time... Ack!!!! tis sooo awful!

2008-03-10 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol yes pup you are one of the few, try WORKING in the fucking grocery store when its so crowded you can't do your fucking job and you keep getting yelled at by your manager to get the shit done! speaking of working at a grocery store... i gave my two weeks there today pup

2008-03-10 [doggiepog6]: Holy crap! That sux. Like ya I was at the grocery store last night just trying to grab something out of one of the freezers and like these people were just standing in front of it trying to decide what they wanted and they WOULD NOT MOVE! I wanted 2 kill them GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: Rawr!!! hey mouse, where are you going to work then?

2008-03-10 [doggiepog6]: But I'm good now ^_^

2008-03-16 [_Einsam_Ein_]: pumpernicks :P

2008-03-16 [Eyonic]: lol! oh, that's toooooo funny

2008-03-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: its not very fair though because i work with derek and the cook named david and they both pick on me a LOT... at least they did but it was my first day and they were being jerks! *pouts*

2008-03-17 [Eyonic]: lol, exactly!!! tehehehehehehehe. that makes me giggle hysterically inside!

2008-03-20 [doggiepog6]: Oh yea. I went to the roll arena a couple of days ago and I fell twice. GRRRRR

2008-03-23 [_Einsam_Ein_]: not funny kelly marie!!!

2008-03-24 [Eyonic]: eeeeeeeek! *runs out of the room* scary mouse!

2008-03-25 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *blinks* but mice r so kiwaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-03-25 [Eyonic]: *slaps head* nooooo, _einsam_ein_'s nickname is mouse...

2008-03-25 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: oh hahaha

2008-03-25 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha!!!! *falls down tears streaming from eyes* haha! funny funny! i Hatsu am the mouse she is running from... i hit harder than she does *evil little grin*

2008-03-25 [Eyonic]: *winces and looks at mouse* you scare me

2008-03-25 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: MOUSIE!!!!! *Huggles Einsam* *dances around singing 'mousie mousie mousie'*

2008-03-28 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *cringes* damn maybe i shouldn't have let you know that....

2008-03-28 [Eyonic]: tehehehehe

2008-03-28 [_Einsam_Ein_]: shut up kelly not in the mood

2008-03-28 [_Einsam_Ein_]: sorry kellz im a little bitchy

2008-03-29 [Eyonic]: gee, I wonder why. is it because of the Drama issue? or something else?

2008-03-30 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: im fucking pissed at all these inconsirated RPers who take off with your own god damn fucking role play n they kill off ur character while ur away with family for a few god damn miserable fuking days! I HATE PEOPLE AND THEIR INCONSIDERACY!

2008-03-31 [XxTsomexX]: ? where did this happen?

2008-03-31 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Mythical Land of Mystery its a small wiki that was suposed 2 have 3 ppl in it but somehow got 4 n the 4th was Evo n with them it took off on me n now my charies r lost so im starting it over.

2008-04-03 [_Einsam_Ein_]: oh.... k? why do people have to freak out about stupid bullshit like such...^?

2008-04-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well i freaked cuz it was my own rp that i got left behind in totally as if i hadnt even existed. of course id b pissed bout it. if its jus a random rp then id try n jump bak in but it was MY rp which was supposed to be small.

2008-04-03 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well i guess idk i don't rp all that much

2008-04-03 [Eyonic]: i do!

2008-04-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: im a crazy rper n hate it to be left behind. its like when all ur friends who were around u were there n u tell them ull brb and when ur bak they are gone......thats wut it feels like....crazily depressing.

2008-05-17 [Wicked X Vengeful Malice Midnight]: How the fucking hell do i join this Wiki...I want this place!
Yeah getting left behind on a Rp that you yourself made is stupid as fuck!

2008-05-17 [Eyonic]: well, aren't you just one happy camper. all you have to do is edit this page and add your name to join.

2008-06-04 [doggiepog6]: Usually I have something to complain about but today I am perfectly fine LOL ^_^

2008-06-05 [Eyonic]: lol, that's good

2008-07-06 [doggiepog6]: yup yup ^_^

2008-07-06 [Eyonic]: lol



he may have been a pedofile but he was my uncle non-the-less and forever he will be missed.

2008-07-14 [Eyonic]: ano........

2008-07-14 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: heh sorry. very pissed and upset at the same time. causes alot of

2008-07-14 [Eyonic]: okiday then. I just was a little confused at first but I get it now, tis understandable <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2008-07-21 [doggiepog6]: wow very pissed xD

2008-09-06 [Eyonic]: me too

2008-11-09 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: thank u guys

2008-11-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: *blinks and hugs Toshiro*

2008-11-27 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ^.^

2009-03-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: you know its weird...this place really does help get rid of anger...if not you still get a few good laughs outta it ^^

2009-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeppers.

2009-03-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: I'm still pissed they took my banner down.....damn bastards T>T

2009-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Why'd they do that?

2009-03-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: idk guess cause the pic wasn't completely mine

2009-03-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe.

2010-02-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: fuck men! men are worthless pieces of shit that just dont know what the fuck they want and have no idea what they have till they leave it!

2010-02-04 [XxTsomexX]: I'm pissed, but then again, when am I not??

2010-02-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: Captain-chan why ish you pissed? and toshi-senpai what happened?

2010-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: Just a dumbass I am having to deal with. Basically what Toshi said in hers described who I'm pissed at to a T. *shrugs*

2010-02-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well my bf decided to breakup with me cuz my little quirks annoy him but claims he wants me to still be there and that he loves me and he kisses me and all that but says we are broken up! UHG!

2010-02-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: I sowwies your men are dumbasses

2010-02-09 [Vou]: . . . o_O;

2010-02-09 [Eyonic]: *thinks for moment* wow...that's kinda..backwards? so glad my man is a good doggy

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