Page name: pissed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 13:25:40
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LEaVe You COCk Suckers !

This is the Pissed Wiki where you can take out your anger with others who are pissed yell at each other do whatever rant about nothingness I don't give a shit ^^ have a bad day. you cock sucking fuck tard! XD


This is a magical place that me [Xerin Zamaki] and [Dezmond] made so you can let off some steam theres no rules eccept don't talk shit to people of this wiki that you meet on this wiki ^^ besides that say whatever you want ^^

This is our banner use if you want I don't give a shit XD


#1:[Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

(present company excluded ^^)

#3:[doggiepog6] You wanna see mean. See me at 3 a.m.

#4: [XxTsomexX] First chick here, and probably the bitchiest... (and the most non lady like with my mouth XD lol)


#6:[Piercedskull]pheonix knows how pissed I can get. *pheonix is laying on the ground bleedind ing and is chared and bullet shells are every where* XD this a a demenstration of her pissedness by [Xerin Zamaki]

#7:[Koho Ai]I'm the last guy you wanna pist off


#9 [Eyonic] oooooooo, blood! me likes blood! now, where to put the body.......

#10 [_Einsam_Ein_] so i am the most bipolar and skitz of everyone, i can't find my sanity (i don't want to) and i love death!.... *thinks to self* hmm.... i think i need a bigger closet to hide these bodies in....

#11 [InsanityAngel] the world needs to screw its self or make people feel good about them selves, and not let them be a fucking loner the everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Anthony Michael Martin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Larry Hansell ♥ ♥ ♥

#13 [Araglas] When will people learn not to use me!? GODDAMNIT!


#15 [Vou] Uhm.... rawr? C: I try not to get angry. It's something that is pointless, but I do get angry. -sigh- I really hate it.

Username (or number or email):


2007-10-29 [Hybrid66]: Don't ask XD

2007-10-29 [Eyonic]: rawr! hello peoples!

2007-10-29 [Hybrid66]: Ah! *falls ober*

2007-10-29 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *pouts* so... boring... going... to .... die...

2007-10-29 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-10-29 [Six_dragons]: sucks to be you ^^

2007-10-29 [Hybrid66]: Aww I wanted to kill them ^^

2007-10-29 [Roxcie]: lol

2007-10-29 [Dezmond]: that was mean lol

2007-10-29 [Eyonic]: you want to kill who?

2007-10-30 [Dezmond]: your twin lol

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: my twin? you mean _lonely_one_? umn.....She's a girl, not a him...

2007-10-30 [Hybrid66]: It says them XD

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: oh, oops. you mean me and her? go ahead and try if you wish.

2007-10-30 [Dezmond]: i know taht i was talkin about your names they are alot alike lol and yall act alike too on here

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: oh, yeah. you should see us at school. It's flippin awful. we finish each others sentences....

2007-10-30 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-30 [Xerin Zamaki]: fuck fuck fuck mother mother fuck mother mother fuck fuck mother mother fuck mother fuck mother fuck fuck XD

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: having fun?

2007-10-30 [_Einsam_Ein_]: why you freaking out pheonix?

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: pheonix isnt here....hasnt been for 7 hours

2007-10-30 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ik i can do math thank you! *hits you with blunt end of my glaive*

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: grrrrrrrr, you spelled glaive wrong!

2007-10-30 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i did not!

2007-10-30 [Eyonic]: yes you did! lol. I want to argue about something, but what?

2007-10-30 [Roxcie]: lol

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: omfg damn you people are boring XD

2007-10-31 [Hybrid66]: Lets hit pheonix with fish! XD

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-31 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...I'm not ever here to defend myself XD

2007-10-31 [Eyonic]: hehehehe

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *sigh*

2007-10-31 [Six_dragons]: Yay! Halloween! Time for everyone to enjoy themselves until fifty whores show up at school with playboy bunny ears and start some drama over who gets to wear that outfit T_T

2007-10-31 [Eyonic]: what mouse?

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha i sorry for you S.D. haha i am a gothic tinkerbell and one of kmy friends is normal tink. its fun.

2007-10-31 [Eyonic]: lol, stormy!!!!

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeppers stormy

2007-10-31 [Hybrid66]: I'm not dressing up, I'm just going as a psycopath that wants to hit pheonix with a fish XD

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha i love halloween, everyday is halloween for me!

2007-10-31 [Hybrid66]: Its kool. I have a ritual I do every year that I started last year lol XD

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: i just see how many preps i can freak out by actin all goth and shit one time i sent five away screamin tellin them i was adevil worshipper(cant spell) and that I was going to steal there souls

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha! but we aren't like that! i don't steal souls thank you!

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: i don't either thats why its so damned funny <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *rolls eyes* i hate preps

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: god i do too thats why i have so much damn fun tormenting them and making there lives a living hell (unlike the others at my school I am an activist...I will actually do something about it<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>)

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah i am quite an activist too. :P most of the chix in my school are afraid of me... :P

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: lol most pf the ppl just don't mess with me lol cause i lost my temper once and knocked the 250lbs quaterback out with my knee to his face he was 6'2" and i was 5'9" and a 115lbs lmao

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah well its funny because im 5'7'' and 97lbs. :)

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: but i have a terrible temper and the scars to prove it :P

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: i don't have the besttemper but it takes alot to bring that sid of me out lol

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: wish i could've seen ya kick the q-b's ass! i love being the size i am! everyone underestimates my ability to fight because of it.

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: exactly lol I am only two inches taller now nad ten more pounds so i still get that look lmao

2007-10-31 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha yeah i know :P

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-31 [†Sweets†]: jeff you made this??

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: me and phoenix lol he mainly made the page i just helped with the planning lol

2007-10-31 [†Sweets†]: cool, and its just to rant?

2007-10-31 [Dezmond]: yep lol you can bring the bitch here and chew her out all you want ^^

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: and how would i do that? and joel asked me not to, so i wont

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: lol did you talk to him about the shit she was spat out in that other wiki

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: yeah, and he said it was all bullshit (i knew half of it was, but i read him the rest and he got pissed)

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ....*sigh*

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: *yawn*

2007-11-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: ....*runs down main street with an ak 47 shooting everything yelling* WHERES THE VAN!

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: ahahahahahaha!

2007-11-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: the funnie thing is I can do that right now ^^ I live right next to main st and I have a ak 47...*evil grin*

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: oooo, I love AK 47's! can I borrow yours?? my battle axe isn't being effective enough for what I wish to do at the moment...

2007-11-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: WHAT! battle axe not effective enough what in the world could you be doing that a battle axe can't handle O_O

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: umn.........killing someone without being seen........tho I suppose I could smuggle them into a dark alley.......hmm, I must think this process through again......and the person has guns of his own, so yeah.........

2007-11-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh so kill them in their sleep duh.

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: he doesnt go to sleep until about three in the morning and I like to sleep way too much to wake up at that time just to kill him.....aww poop.

2007-11-01 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh drug him...then chop his freaking head off XD

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha poor eyo. i know who your talking about. how about you borrow my sniper rifle... o wait i forgot i don't own one... *wink wink*

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: pup, why does it matter if youre seen or not? their going to die either way...

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: by other people? I dont want to go on a mass murder yet!

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: lol use the cover of darkness then the axe won't bee seen and if your quick and accurate his screams won't be heard lol (i use smaller blades to hide and for quick strokes ^^)

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: exactly ^^

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: ^^ i'm planning for my brother in law's downfall....

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: hmmmmm, well...I do have throwing knives, but I suck at that and they arent sharp.....I supposed I could use my giant pocket knife.....naw, that thing is too big to grip very well....I guess I'll use a normall knife...

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: a kichen knife will do just fine so long as its sharp

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: yep yep.
what brother in law? dont tell me their already married!!

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: huh?

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: basically he is her fiancee but he might as well be her damned husband they are sleepin in the same room now and i haven't has a decent nights sleep since we found out she was pregnant and he stayted ever more the ass gets sleep but his fucking snoring keeps me up to like 4 in the damn mornin andi have to get up at 5 ><;;

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i have plenty of daggers and weapons you can use pup. but you can only use them if i get to go too. i want him dead just as much as you do. stupid fucking people

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: LMAO!! just remember use gloves wipe fingerprints away before and after you use it and wear a hair net and longsleeves so there is no dna evidence ooh and a face mask would help so you don't sweat on the corpse

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: pigs eat everything.
im sorry jeff... there are lots of holes out here, you wanna borrow one?

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: oh yeah...though a quick trip to florida would do just fine...or thebutcher shop...(dog food ^^)

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: ...but a hole would be so much funner!!

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: not when you get to hack them to peices yourself ^^

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: ...pigs eat everything...

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: so do crocs and pitt bulls and if you mince them just dump it in the river and it will never be found lol

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: i have more pigs than crocs, gators, pitbulls, and any form of water. and i have the great salt lake.

2007-11-01 [Dezmond]: lol i have a river and my grandma ahs the entire gulf of mexico lol

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: well, there you go.

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: pit bulls are actually very picky eaters!

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: jeff loses

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: losses? haha you mean loses

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: thats what i said?

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *smiles knowingly* uh huh ok

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: ^^

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *smiles sweetly and rolls eyes*

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: lalalala?

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: ooo, which knife may I use mouse?

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: any one ya want to pup

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmm, that's a hard choice.........

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha but i get first choice. and i chose my glaive so anything you want besides that.

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: have you even found your glaive?

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *tear* no. but when i do its mine

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: lol, who elses would it be?

2007-11-01 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yay

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: huh?

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: what?

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: yep

2007-11-01 [Eyonic]: okay

2007-11-01 [Six_dragons]: GRRNESS!!! I hate politicians....and no one gives a good reason for hating bush...anyone wanna try?

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: becasue the only reason why we are still over seas is so that he can more oil

2007-11-01 [Six_dragons]: Hah, We're over there to finish what we started. The war was reasonless, yes, but as of the moment, US and other foreign soldiers are the only reason why the government hasn't collapsed under insurgent and sectionalist attack. It has nothing to do with Bush. Hell, if you ask any Iraqi who is IN Iraq, they'll tell you the only reason they aren't dead at the hands of corrupt police who wouldn't help them simply because of their religion, is American interference. Ain't about Bush, that's whiny American talk because they haven't researched the subject before bitching about it. ^_^ ...and not saying your bitchin about it lol, I brought the subject up. ^^

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: it was not reasonless!

2007-11-01 [Six_dragons]: We had reason, but no one really knows them lol. So I call it reason less, cuz we kinda just jumped borders. Sadam was a tyrant, but that's no reason to invade the country. Otherwise we'd be at constant war.

2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]:


2007-11-01 [Six_dragons]: Nothing to do with Iraq kiddo.

2007-11-02 [_Einsam_Ein_]: Bush lovers.
This brain desease is beyond me, beyond what i manage to picture and understand. How is it possible to select a national leader that isnt even capable of reading what is given to him. It's no suprise that the states is filled with what curruption that is avaliable on the market of dark schemes. It's no big secret that they have now big parts of the world against them, for reasons very obvious, and reasons not so obvious. But this isnt the inhabitants fault all the way. And it becomes so clear when you look at who is sent to the war, look more detailed into why there is a war, and use a bit more suspicion when you look at what is broadcasted on the televison.
The propagande level is high, seeping fear and terror where there is no reason for it.
This is a direct result of the war, a direct result of what the Bush administration needs to be able to continue what they are doing.

But back to what this was about, why follow a monkey? He's started and wrecked several personal companies, he's done buisnisse with the Bin Laden family, and yet some people think he is capable of ruling the last superpower in the world. And this doesn't frighten you? A smart man is dangerous, because he can calculate, estimate and hit where it does most damage. A foolish man is dangerous because he unable to be calculated, and calculate himself.
How do you seriously think he can rule thousands of people in war, direct them and be tactichal, when he cant even plase letters in the right order and prossess them to verbal words!?

Still people support this twat, a man who must without doubt be called the dumbest president in USA's history. But maybe it says alot about them when they root for a man with IQ on close to zero, takes one to know one they say.

(courtesy of [The Sadist]) this a good enough reson for you?

2007-11-02 [Six_dragons]: It would be if it didn't look like it was out of the inquirer. I don't see any true reason given by people to hate bush. There may be plenty, that he's a businessman and politician first before being president, or that he has done many things for the good of the party rather than the good of the country. Bun no! It's all blady blady blah, he's a monkey he's not smart. One the former is judging him by his appearance rather than his ability, and the other is in his past, in areas we have SPECIALIST doing the work, not him. He is the president, he doesn't have to be book smart. He just has to know what the country wants and move for that interest. So once y'all can stop lookin at the old smear campaigns and look at the person, you'll realize that for any and all of the reasons for possibly disliking him, people are going of the most basic and retarded of them all. Rumors. Fucking rumors. So yeah. ^_^

2007-11-02 [Xerin Zamaki]: I hate him indirectly cause I just hate the government ^^

2007-11-02 [Six_dragons]: To hate the government is to hate yourself because the government if for the people by the people, and buddy, your a people.

2007-11-02 [Dezmond]: i hate how the govornment works it's too corrupt to do a damn thing for the people anymore

2007-11-02 [Six_dragons]: Then do something about it. And don't give me that "I can't" Crap. The government is constitutional in nature. If someones corrupt, call them out on it. And pay attention in politics and vote for the right people!

2007-11-02 [Dezmond]: everyone is corrupt in today's society there isn't a "right person" to vote on everyone just says a whole buncha shit to get elected then doesn't fall through with there promise's it is nothing but a hoax anymore

2007-11-02 [Six_dragons]: Not true, the only people left in politics are corrupt, yes, but it was not always so, nor would it be, if we would stop to think long enough to notice those with integrity being strong armed out of the political running.

2007-11-02 [Dezmond]: i do see that but there isn't much we can do about that all of that is done without any of the public's consent it is all within the party and the smaller ones never get to see the light of day it is just like a school election now nothing more than a popularity contest now...

2007-11-02 [Xerin Zamaki]: Dude 6 I'm not even gonna argue with you about that..I hate the government cause it started off completly wrong. cause think about it why did we live England to get away from taxation without repsentation...and whats the first thing we do when we make our government we bring back taxation. so the reason I hate the government is because all it dose is repeat history. I mean what was the point in making a law to learn history so we wouldn't repeat the same mistakes if we were gonna do um again?...we should over through the government a make a new one a better one one that makes some damn sence...

2007-11-02 [Six_dragons]: Dude, taxes are inevitable. But What we left england on was inability to govern ourselves and ufair taxes.

2007-11-03 [Eyonic]: I got left behind again!

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: acttuly their not. the govern,emt just has put it in us to think that it is. they've made it to wear we think we need them and we think we need taxes but honestly we don't at least not for them to sit on their lazy asses for the people who recive tax money as payment teachers, police, ect. thats a reason for tax but to give the government money so they can fund wars and fund pointless power over the united staes is not.

ya they do that to me alot XD

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: Dude, the government does have some odd taxes, but they are mostly necessary. How they are used may be wrong, but all countries need a government, to enact laws and keep the peace that's what taxes fund. America tried the no tax thing. And just about collapsed.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: ya but still we have so many people doing nothing in the government but debating pointless stuff ya know. but whatever.

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: Aye, the recent legislation has been quite useless.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: you know what the funnie thing is...I don't pat attention to any of the political things going on but I already know how they work so much that I can pretty much gess wahts going on XD

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: That's what you think. You probably don't know a tenth of the political motives. Nether do I and I do follow them.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh money power and greed XD

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: that's just two lol there are many many many many more lol

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: that was 3 XD pay more attention XD but yeah those are the roots of most of them though

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: yeah, but there's also political interest, party loyalty, religious interest, liberal interest, conservative interest, so on and so forth.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: yeah but those are cover ups for the truth.

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: your fucking retarded, those are the truths. The senators go up to the house, with certain groups in mind, and choose policies for those groups, the rest of America be damned.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: man today won't do anything without some type of gain for themselves. so what makes you think the senators are any different?

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: Of course theres something for themselves. They support the groups they work for.

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: eh I'm tiered of aruging about politcis. their meaningless to me anyways.

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: Meh, I'm leavin the country. To canada or japan! XD

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: canada eh XD I like the joke on how it was spelled.

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: CanEHda eh? XD

2007-11-03 [Hybrid66]: Shut up and eat some cake!! XD

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: I'll eat your cake O.O

2007-11-03 [Hybrid66]: Okay, its in the oven! Go fetch XD

2007-11-03 [Six_dragons]: Yes ma'am! XD

2007-11-03 [Xerin Zamaki]: twos minds is in a crator...

2007-11-04 [Hybrid66]: Not today XD

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: .....O_O"

2007-11-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...ya I really belive that one XD

2007-11-04 [Hybrid66]: I know. Thats okay XD

2007-11-04 [Dezmond]: ....i am so lost......

2007-11-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: and my job here is done XD but 雑種 is just begging slap him with a fish quick.

2007-11-04 [Hybrid66]: Nah, I'll do that later XD

2007-11-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I'm surprised you didn't slap me cause I wasn't specific enough XD

2007-11-04 [Hybrid66]: Now I will for talking back! XD *slaps yee with a fish*

2007-11-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: ....I knew I shouldn't of said a thing...

2007-11-04 [Hybrid66]: Too bad

2007-11-04 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...stupid fish...I need to tell the fish market not to sell you fish anymore..

2007-11-05 [Hybrid66]: I don't buy them, I steal them from your boat XD

2007-11-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...I thought we were low on fish...

2007-11-05 [Hybrid66]: Yup

2007-11-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*slaps you with a squid*

2007-11-05 [Hybrid66]: ...*slaps yee with an octopus* Pervert!! *leaves*

2007-11-05 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...ok...*thinks to self yes mission accomplished XD*

2007-11-05 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: IM PISSED!

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: *hands pierced a case full of hand grenades* ^^ go crasy XD

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: fuck the world

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *shoves the granades down &'s throat and activates them*

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh its already sucking you XD *inside joke*

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: ...?

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: nvm. like I said inside ask kathy if you wish to know.

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: will you blow up for gods sake!?

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: Explsions do not effect me.

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: ...*cries*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: i like explosions

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: i do too lol

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: it would be fun to watch the earth blow up if our loved ones weren't on it

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: oh if they wern't on it...opps ^^

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: but then we wold have no where to live, unless w could live in space which would be so cool

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *criesw*MYUU!

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ??? why are you crying?

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: I wanted you to explode..

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: and i want to watch

2007-11-06 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...but I can't explode its impossible.

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: y not?

2007-11-06 [Piercedskull]: *cries*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: *cries* i want to see you explode!

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: damn I wanted to see blood and shit go everywhere ^^

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