Page name: pissed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 13:25:40
Last author: Roxcie
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LEaVe You COCk Suckers !

This is the Pissed Wiki where you can take out your anger with others who are pissed yell at each other do whatever rant about nothingness I don't give a shit ^^ have a bad day. you cock sucking fuck tard! XD


This is a magical place that me [Xerin Zamaki] and [Dezmond] made so you can let off some steam theres no rules eccept don't talk shit to people of this wiki that you meet on this wiki ^^ besides that say whatever you want ^^

This is our banner use if you want I don't give a shit XD


#1:[Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

(present company excluded ^^)

#3:[doggiepog6] You wanna see mean. See me at 3 a.m.

#4: [XxTsomexX] First chick here, and probably the bitchiest... (and the most non lady like with my mouth XD lol)


#6:[Piercedskull]pheonix knows how pissed I can get. *pheonix is laying on the ground bleedind ing and is chared and bullet shells are every where* XD this a a demenstration of her pissedness by [Xerin Zamaki]

#7:[Koho Ai]I'm the last guy you wanna pist off


#9 [Eyonic] oooooooo, blood! me likes blood! now, where to put the body.......

#10 [_Einsam_Ein_] so i am the most bipolar and skitz of everyone, i can't find my sanity (i don't want to) and i love death!.... *thinks to self* hmm.... i think i need a bigger closet to hide these bodies in....

#11 [InsanityAngel] the world needs to screw its self or make people feel good about them selves, and not let them be a fucking loner the everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Anthony Michael Martin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Larry Hansell ♥ ♥ ♥

#13 [Araglas] When will people learn not to use me!? GODDAMNIT!


#15 [Vou] Uhm.... rawr? C: I try not to get angry. It's something that is pointless, but I do get angry. -sigh- I really hate it.

Username (or number or email):


2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *ish really a vampire*.....

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hahahahaha

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Hey Dez! :D *looks at the grim reaper* No. I haven't. ^_^ and you stay away from him!!! >_<

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: hahahahahaha he is over there *points at scorched corpse*....*laughs wildly*

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Hey, stop it!! *walks up to Dez* Put him out right now!!

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: stop what??? *smiles innocently showing fangs*

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: Grim reaper:uhh wait it says Scott below that....damnit...*gets up* hee hee hee I can't die XP

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: O_O *is scared and backs away a step* Umm, fangs?? ^_^' heh. *shakes head* YOU! Don't try that!! Stop being mean to Pheonix!

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: <img:2706_1128818519.gif><img:10246_1112482186.jpg> *kills scott again* muahahahahahahaha

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: weeeee

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: myu

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Hey STOP!! *Pokes your arm* You stop or else!!

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: <img:2706_1128818519.gif> *steps towards roxie*<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: *crosses arms and looks away* I'm not scared of you

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *pulls out grenades descretely* awww why not *smiles innocently*

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Because, I'm just not ^_^ Ha! he believes me!! :D

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *drops grenade infront of her holding pin still* are you scared of that then...*jumps away laughing wildly*......*BOOM!!!*

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: *Jumps and runs away, hiding behind a wall* YOU'RE MEAN!! *Throws a small pebble at your head* Hmph. *crosses arms*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *smiles showing fangs fully* a pebble....*chucks another grenade*

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *ish standing there thinks to self wtf I can't die XDD* Dezmond what are you doing to Roxcie!...*catches grenade and shows it in Dezomond's mouth then tapes his mouth shut* ^^ you droped that XD

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: I was just playing *diggs it out pouting tossing it away* why are you so mean...

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Thanks Pheonix! :D *Huggles Dez* Be nice and people won't be mean to you

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: ^^<img:2706_1128818519.gif>

2007-10-22 [Six_dragons]: Yarr! ^_^

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: *Sits down* well, at least it's not chaotic anymore! :D

2007-10-22 [Six_dragons]: But it will be XD *runs in frenzied circles*

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Oh no, this is gonna turn into a scary place again!!! lol *hides*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *Hides with Roxie* what are we hiding from *smiles*

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: *trips six and laughs*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hehehe

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *shakes head* interesting...

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: lol, i know. hehehehehe, i have way too much fun here....<img:2706_1128818519.gif>

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i can imagine... haha *pokes* worm!!! hehe (someone we both miss told me to tell you that...

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: grr... lol is the most annoying chatspeak word ive EVER heard!!! *pouts*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: fine LMAO!!! ><;;

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: oh grrrr, tell her to go to hell with that nickname (funny we're sitting right next to each other and talking on here....)

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: HAHAHAHA<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha yeah it is funny. how about you go fuck off pup... or should i say worm? lmao! *points and giggles*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: me....*sniffle*

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: STOP CALLING ME THAT SQUEAKY-TOY<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha!!! ok demon why are you sniffling?... im a little confuzzled now...

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha wow!!! i just discovered there are LOTS of emotiocons!!! haha...<img:44166_1164145171.gif><img:44166_1164145221.gif><img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: I thought you told me to fuck of lmao!!<img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:2706_1128818519.gif>

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hahahaha, yeah you idiot! what be wrong demon?

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: heh???

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: nvm...

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lmao! kk

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha i was telling pup to fuck off not you demon!!! haha but i gtg baii!

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: laterz

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: I miss a lot when I'm gone lol

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Omg, I rode in an elevator and it felt sooo weird. I hate them, I mean they're fun and all but geez. they give you weird feelings. lol

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: yeah i know i hate them with a passion expecially the glass front ones eugh *shivers*

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: okiday i be here again!!! i love elevators! the feeling they givce you is such a rush! haha its great

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *shivers again*

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: glass ones, never been in one of those before. and I don't like the feeling of the rush! Makes me feel weird lol

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah... but then again i am kind of a thrill seeker... *rubs hands together and looks around*

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: you know what i can't stand!!! people that are judgemental! not of me... i could care less what people think of me... but i fucking hate it when they diss my friends!!! and when people cut themselves for attention!!!*rawr!!!* stupid s.o.b's need to get their heads out of their asses and start paying attention to their own fucking lives and not mine and my friends!!!

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hahahaha, mouse, only you get pissed like that. I for one ignore them unless it get's too pathetically stupid and irritating.

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah i know i am the only person that gets pissed they way i do... =P but come on pup... its ME we are talking about... i also get pissed when people tell me i love my grandmother and when they tell me that i will someday thank her for what she does to me.

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: well, technically, you got to thank her for raising you. If not for her, you'd never be here or meet HIM or any of us other psycho's. what class are you in mouse?

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well technically i guess... but she still needs to die. haha its supposed to be Him not HIM.... HIM is a band... =P... i am in algebra 2 honors... yuckie

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: I know HIM is a band, but I kit the cap locks button. Im in world systems, it's fuckin boring as hell, but I suppose you are in hell right now arent you?

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: I ain't even touchin that about your grandma but the algebra aint that hard lol I am in college algebra lol

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: Im in dual-credit trig. It isnt that bad...

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: lol i hatec calculus but i liked trig lol

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: I haven't done calc yet. doesnt sound like fun. Where'd you go mouse?

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i don't even understand algebra 1 and i am being shoved into algebra 2 honors... and i hate the teacher... I'm not a very lovng person if you haven't noticed.... =)

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: sry pup... mrs. p was behind me

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: ...?

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: awww, you are too a loving person, you're just a little violent with it thats all. And I hate that cock sucking bitch too. I had her last year, remember? I might even still have some of those papers somewhere.....

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah...*turns to demon* i live with my grandmother... i hate it... she is a very controlling mormon-istical bitch

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: i said I aint touchin that one ^^;;

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hehehehe, yes, she is. Does she still think that I corrupted you?

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: oh, go ahead and insult the grandma dezmond. we all do!

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: go ahead demon have fun with it =D

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: demon?

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: dezmond... sry

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: I ain't sayin nothin but atleast she didn't let you go homeless on the streets remember that when you insult her

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: ............umn, well..........I'm not saying anything about that topic. Thats for mouse to say if she wants.............

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: if not with her i would be with my brother in California or another one of them in Salt lake... i have nothing to thank her for except well... making kharma help me to meet my Him

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: yup yup

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: well why didn't you go with your brothers then if you hate it there so much

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: because now that i am with her i have no choice... i will just wait untill i turn 17, move out, and be happy... hopefully

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ok now enough talking about me... new subject

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: ok

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: lol, but what to talk about???

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: PUDDING

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *turns to pup* wish today was Tuesday and school could be out... i really want to see Him

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: I know. sorry mouse. do you want to steal my cell phone again?

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: na i don't want to bother him

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: pudding is nasty, dezmond

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: why lol?....grr i hate lol!!!

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hahaha, that's why

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: oh... NOT NICE!!!!

2007-10-22 [_Einsam_Ein_]: where dezmond go?

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: idk

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: I fucking hate my goddamn school.... I'm REALLY fucking pissed right now, you have no fucking idea.

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: what happened?

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: My fucking school isnt letting me stay after until my parents pay some fucking bill thats over 2 years old, and yeah, I was fucking planning to stay after for a club, but those motherfuckers wont let me, and yeah, I wish they would fucking DIE.

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: What?! That's so stupid

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: I know!! I fucking hate the bitch we have for a new priciple... I just wannna skin her alive then feed her to a bunch of fucking wolves... or worse than that... she should be in a fucking preschool, not high school... she treats us like we're fucking 3 years old ><

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: She obviously shouldn't be teaching in your school then

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: she should eat shit and die in a pit. -__-

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: ....*hides*Megan's angry...RUN FOR COVER!

2007-10-22 [Six_dragons]: She will eat you for supper! O.O

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: well i see i missed alot during my little nap time lol

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: -__-

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: well, at least she isnt your neighbor. My principle is mine and it sucks balls

2007-10-23 [Dezmond]: lol my uncle is my neighbor lol and my grandma is on our other side she turned 96 this year lol

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: that's awsome...

2007-10-23 [Dezmond]: lol she is gonna out live us all at this rate rofl

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: hahahaha. My great grandma lived to be 104

2007-10-23 [_Einsam_Ein_]: this is a bit amusing... speaking of grandmothers again... =P my grandmother in California turned 109 two months ago

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: crappers

2007-10-23 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yeah pretty muchly. but she is cool so... yeah

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: oooo, she's one that you get along with???

2007-10-23 [_Einsam_Ein_]: well... yea... but she is old and almost senile... haha but i still get along with her

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: that's a surprise...

2007-10-23 [_Einsam_Ein_]: you know eyo it gets kinda boring talking to you on her... when its only you i mean... considering... well considering... we are right next to eachother!!! *growls*

2007-10-23 [Eyonic]: hehehehe, I know, it be almost pathetic

2007-10-27 [Dezmond]: AH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK ME!!!! I HAVE BEEN SO DAMNED SICK I AM HAVINGTO DROP MY FAVORITE FUCKING CLASS OR FAIL IT AND EITHER DAMN WAY I COULD LOSE MY SCHOLORSHIP FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK   <img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-27 [Eyonic]: well shit!

2007-10-27 [Dezmond]: i know it GAHHHH

2007-10-28 [Eyonic]: what are you going to do now?

2007-10-28 [Dezmond]: i don't have a choice...I have to drop it...

2007-10-28 [XxTsomexX]: My grandmother just died and some bitch on here is complaining about a fucking rp...

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: I believe the bitch you are refering to is me and all I do is ask a simple damn question.

2007-10-28 [Dezmond]: tsome..i'm sorry about your grandmother...i know how it feels to lose someone like that...but don't insult someone with such derrogatory names everyone is free to rant and vent
about whatever they want here...

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Has anyone seen pheonix? I still haven't slapped him with a fish today. .....daily routine ^_^

2007-10-28 [Dezmond]: nope he aint on here and he aint on the messenger and i am so damned drunk right now <img:44166_1164557391.gif>

2007-10-28 [XxTsomexX]: whatever.

2007-10-28 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Is that strange? lol

2007-10-28 [Eyonic]: nope, not at all

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: I didn't think so lol

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: *sneak attacks 雑種 with a fish* HA HA! the fish was on the other end this time ^^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: *catches it and slap him with the fish* Bam! Didn't see that coming, did ya? ^^

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: *falls to the ground and rolls around* fished slaped again...I will get you one day....

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: You love it!

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: I don't *shifty eyes*

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Don't deny it

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: ....I'm not...ok fine..I liked it...alittle bit....but I like this alot ^^ *slaps 雑種 with a sock* Muwhahahha

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Eww!! Who knows what yee've put in there XD *barfs*

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Those...those are my socks O.O

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: I thought so... eww he did that in them too?! O.O

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: He...she stole my socks!!!! *smacks phoenix in the head with a speedo*

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: Hey thats my speedo XD....wait these are you're socks *drops them and runs around screaming* AHHHHHHH!....who knows what 6 has done to them AHHHH!

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Me while wearing them XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: YES! XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Told ya!! XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol thats not to bad...but what dose he do with them while you're not there O.O

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Wear them on me feet silly, she takes care o' all my needs ^^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Damn right XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: you stole my speedo...sicko XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: I did not!! ....I stole your nipple pasties XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: no you're man did...nipple pasties? what the fuck are those?

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: You know, those things with the tasles on them that you stuck on yourself when you dressed in drag and went to the stripers club.

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: ooh ya...I don't have any of those 6 stole them from me long time ago XDD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Nah, i stole them from your drawer XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: ...Those were his grandmasO.O He gave them to her last christmas XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Eww!! *throws them back*

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: *whispers* He still wears them! >.>

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: *pukes*

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh what are you talking about 6? are you on crack again XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: You were on yo' mommas ass last night O.O

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: dude what are you on cause its some strong ass shit and you need to gimme some XDD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: I am on 雑種 ^^

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: ah that is some strong ass shit XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Not anymore. Now I'm ontop ^^

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Hard to type upside down XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Yeah, had to put the keyboard on my boobs XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: And on mah face! *ish suffocating in a good way*

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: XD sounds like it XD *ya'll need a web cam XDDD*

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Pervert! Those are for my eyes only ^^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Yeah, before I poke them with my boooobs! ^^

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: XD wait whose eyes are getting poked? <img:44166_1164903284.gif>

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Yarr! Ish love smothering ^^

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I'm surprise you even call me pervert XD you should know its coming by now XDD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Yeah *smothers 6 more* ^^

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: I ish pinned ^^

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: no you ish smothered ^^

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: ...Bof XD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Damn right XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: bof? I don't know anything XD

2007-10-28 [logan666]: youd best unfuck yourself before i unscrew your head and shit down your neck

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Anyways, XD *hits pheonix with a fish*

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...what the fuck is that guy talking about? damnit 雑種 I was trying to rant...then you hit me with a know I can't rant after you hit me with a fish....

2007-10-28 [Roxcie]: *blinks* Hmmm.

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: You love it XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: comment

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: O.O *whispers* he does >.>

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: That was one XD

2007-10-28 [Xerin Zamaki]: .......

2007-10-29 [XxTsomexX]: *blinks*

2007-10-29 [Roxcie]: Hmmm. lol

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