Page name: pissed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 13:25:40
Last author: Roxcie
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LEaVe You COCk Suckers !

This is the Pissed Wiki where you can take out your anger with others who are pissed yell at each other do whatever rant about nothingness I don't give a shit ^^ have a bad day. you cock sucking fuck tard! XD


This is a magical place that me [Xerin Zamaki] and [Dezmond] made so you can let off some steam theres no rules eccept don't talk shit to people of this wiki that you meet on this wiki ^^ besides that say whatever you want ^^

This is our banner use if you want I don't give a shit XD


#1:[Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

(present company excluded ^^)

#3:[doggiepog6] You wanna see mean. See me at 3 a.m.

#4: [XxTsomexX] First chick here, and probably the bitchiest... (and the most non lady like with my mouth XD lol)


#6:[Piercedskull]pheonix knows how pissed I can get. *pheonix is laying on the ground bleedind ing and is chared and bullet shells are every where* XD this a a demenstration of her pissedness by [Xerin Zamaki]

#7:[Koho Ai]I'm the last guy you wanna pist off


#9 [Eyonic] oooooooo, blood! me likes blood! now, where to put the body.......

#10 [_Einsam_Ein_] so i am the most bipolar and skitz of everyone, i can't find my sanity (i don't want to) and i love death!.... *thinks to self* hmm.... i think i need a bigger closet to hide these bodies in....

#11 [InsanityAngel] the world needs to screw its self or make people feel good about them selves, and not let them be a fucking loner the everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Anthony Michael Martin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ R.I.P. Larry Hansell ♥ ♥ ♥

#13 [Araglas] When will people learn not to use me!? GODDAMNIT!


#15 [Vou] Uhm.... rawr? C: I try not to get angry. It's something that is pointless, but I do get angry. -sigh- I really hate it.

Username (or number or email):


2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: ok well i could have done that but i don't even know how to make banners lol ^^'

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I'm glad we thought of this XD But pissed that I had to make...lazy bicth...XD

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: lol true i am lazy but i could have made the page i just wanted you to name it lol

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol you dumb ass I told you the page name XD wel make a damn banner then...

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: You told it to me after you made it lol and i don't know how to make a damned banner ><;; lol

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: well damn what use are you...fine i'll make the damn banner too...XD

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: lol i'm good to talk to lol and i can drink most ppl under the table lol

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: hey got to do the kitchen i'm still here may just reply a lil slow lol

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: ahh those are good reasons xD iight I finished the banner just gotta upload ^^ its awsome not like anything special with the typing but the picture is badass XD

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: lol how do you make one of those bitches lol i have no idea T_T

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: great now i'm really fuckin pissed my ex girlfriend is on yahoo and aint got the fucken balls to talk to me <img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: I used paint XD lol give her a good rambling XD

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: oh i am damnit lol

2007-10-13 [Hybrid66]: Love it XD

2007-10-13 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: This is the greatest wiki in the history of wikis...anyone objects I'll curse you out like a try me bitches XDD

2007-10-13 [Xerin Zamaki]: I think I'll put that last comment up on the wiki XD

2007-10-16 [ForeverNothing]: well... what do i do?

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: i don't know i don't think i even know the password to add myself to the list lmao

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol its obvious ^^ the pass word is 6 starts with p ends with d XDD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: oh so it is the wait you did tell me lmao

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: yeah I did you just forget everything XDD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: i can't help it jack ass lol

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: cock bite XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: rim licker XD

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: ass monger XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: but pirate

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: you mean cock clown.

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: clowns...*shivers* i am petrified of them lmao

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I used to be now I kick their asses XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: lol haven't seen one since i was little and i lashed him in the face with the whip i got from there lmao

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol nice I saw ronald mcdonald the clown not to long ago...I was gonna kill him but the mc chickeny goodness stoped me XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: lol i never saw a real one lol just the plastic ones lmao and mcchickens are nasty eugh *pukes*

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]:'re crazy...*shoots in the leg*

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: *bullet hits illusion* you cannot touch me *laughs meniacally*

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: *appairs behind and taps him on the shoulder* I just did XP *then stabs in the shoulder*

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: another illusion...*voice echoes from far off in the distance*

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: *punches him in the face* this isn't a game you morion...I just shot you in the leg and stabed you in the get out of your little fantasy and go drink some Vodka and patch your wounds up before you bleed to death...baka...

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: I AM NOT A DAMN IDIOT!!!! *stabs hsi shoulder with spear*

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: ...*throws him Vodka and bandages*....Baka XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: stop calling me a damn idiot!!! *catches vodka downing bottle*

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: XD fine Baka no waka XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: ok what does waka mean?? is that even a word moron

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol I don't know how to spell it correctly but it sounds like that phrase XD

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: what phrase???

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: baka no waka....

2007-10-16 [Dezmond]: ok idiot no _______?

2007-10-16 [Xerin Zamaki]: thats what the phrase sounds might not be spelled that way XD its another insult XD baka buku baka baka buku ^^

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Yar!!! Politicians can go to hell!!! The lies aren't even good ones these days!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: well damn i have no idea waht is goin on with the damn politics Ive never cared

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: And that's what pisses me off! No one cares, and thus the upper levels of the American hierarchy are rotten through to the core!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lol i tried to get up on it but it all just seemed like bull shit to me

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Know what!? *stab* It's pretty damned easy. Look at the topic brought up, and find your opinion on it. That, my friend IS politics.

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: wtf???

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Yes. I am very pissed. Not at you per say. But I am. There's nobody to talk politics with! They're all so wrapped up in their party system that it doesn't matter what they think, they reiterate what they party opinion is like a fucking canary!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: i just haven't found one that goes with my opinions

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Then by god make your own! Fuck the party system! Fuck it in the ear! It cant burn in hell!!!!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lmao yeah but what are you gonna vote on then it throws the system off

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: The party system was meant to be a guideline to make it easier to find people with similar oppions, not a law to conform your beliefs to. I myself am moderate. I have many liberal beliefs, and many conservative ones, and that's just fine, you don't have to be a leftist or a rightist to vote. You just have to have your voice heard so we know what America wants. We no longer care about the country's needs, only the parties needs.

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: yeah i know they have corrupted over time, but still without them there would be much more chaos..

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Aye so we must choose between chaos or corruption, right? Wrong. What we need is a stronger political will within the country. If everyone know their own political views, we would have a much easier time finding what the country wants, and finding the middle ground. Thomas Jefferson once said. "We the government of America are for majority, the voting side greater in number. But as Americans, we are also for the minority, and as such, must find a way to make America suitable for everyone. Though not all will be satisfied, this will keep America from fracturing." And fracturing is Exactly what it has done. Democrat or Republican, liberal or Conservative. Bull shit. Congress did about the same thing when they said we can either have a strong economy or help keep the world pollutants down.

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]:
yeah i know what you mean

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Glad you see my point ^^

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: what are politics XD...and thats not a joke wtf are they...I never understood them...

2007-10-18 [Hybrid66]: I agree with Pheonix. It just a bunch of mixed up bullshit to confuse us simple-minded people. But they do make cool explosives XD

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: It's anything that has to do with government. Hell, politics can be within anything, schools, businesses, the only ones we notice though are the congressional ones.

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: its all a damn popularity contest now

2007-10-18 [Hybrid66]: Fuck politics, its givin meh a headache >_<

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Yup, and one based on defacing the other person rather than makin yourself look good.

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: ohh ok I hate the government...*mubles curses* stupid mother fucken cock bites...*smiles from ear to ear* I've got an idear ^^ big bada boom to all the goverment <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif> anyone with me XD...ok I'll admit it I just want to see explsions....killing the government is a plus XD

2007-10-18 [Hybrid66]: This ain't high school, it ain't no damn musical! I'm so glad I'm out, not just high school but out of the closet too. I'm no R Kelly

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lmao

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: XD

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: rofl

2007-10-18 [Hybrid66]: What? Its true ^-^

2007-10-18 [Vhnori Valmos]: You know, in my opinion my Academy of Black Magic is still much better then this, XDDDD

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lmao that is an rp this is just a place to rant w/o gettin reported lmao XDDD

2007-10-18 [Vhnori Valmos]: I know, but my academy is still better, and nothing anyone says will change that!!! getting pissed now because nothing can beat my academy, XDD

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Your academy is kinda blan ^_^

2007-10-18 [Vhnori Valmos]: My academy ROCKS!!!! >< XDD

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: that was a little outa line don't ya think this place is for fun not pissin ppl off...

2007-10-18 [Vhnori Valmos]: I thought, because of the name and everything, that this would be the perfect place to piss others off, XDD

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Meh, It's certainly not meant for advertising ^_^

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lol no its for rantin about things that piss you off lmao

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Yes, and what pisses me off is people spamming wiki's in other wikies. so keep it on your page or in your mood assholes!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: ah fuck you there isn'ta rule sayin you can't and it don't really bother me so ha HAHAHAHAHAHA ^^<img:44166_1164557382.gif>

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Fuck me? Ewww, your nasty!!

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: ROFLMAO<img:44166_1164145209.gif>

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: XD

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: <img:44166_1164145147.gif> i sure hate it for you but that would never..NEVER...happen (not that i have anything against it it just ain't my style ^^)

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: Mine either, and besides, I'm taken ^_^

2007-10-18 [Iruvielle]: wow... this is a very interesting.. convo...

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lmao

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: uhh this is a magical place to get rid of know what I mean...

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: either that or instagate it XD

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: nah its not really ment for that more to express your anger at random people..XDD

2007-10-18 [Six_dragons]: I don't see a difference XD

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: lol mine deverts the fact of pissing others off to make it seem like we are trying to do some good at this wiki XDD

2007-10-18 [Roxcie]: Hmm.
A place to let off anger.
Nice :P

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: ^^ it is isn't it XDD

2007-10-18 [Dezmond]: lol muahahahahaha

2007-10-18 [Xerin Zamaki]: *stabs Dezmond* ^^

2007-10-19 [Dezmond]: I'm still to drunk for that...* shoots with crossbow....*boom* muahahahahahahaha *takes four shots of vodka*

2007-10-19 [Eyonic]: ooooo, a wiki made to let out some anger.......genious!

2007-10-19 [Dezmond]: i know lol

2007-10-19 [Eyonic]: I think I shall visit here rather often....<img:44166_1164218094.gif>

2007-10-19 [Dezmond]: lol go for it

2007-10-19 [Eyonic]: okiday, lol!

2007-10-19 [Six_dragons]: GRRR...<img:stuff/an.gif>

2007-10-19 [Dezmond]: <img:10246_1112482186.jpg> *roar* lmao

2007-10-20 [Six_dragons]: RAWR!!

2007-10-20 [Dezmond]: <img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2007-10-20 [Six_dragons]: Hah!

2007-10-20 [Dezmond]: <img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:121353_1133911046.gif><img:2706_1128818519.gif><img:44166_1164145101.gif>

2007-10-20 [Six_dragons]: ^_^

2007-10-20 [Silver Moon]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY CAN BUT INTO OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS WHEN THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of that I hate people who are bake stabbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-20 [Dezmond]: i don't know what the hell a bake stabber is lol i know waht a "back" stabber is but not a "bake" stabber....

2007-10-20 [Eyonic]: hahahaha, bake stabbers, hahaha

2007-10-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha man you peoples are funny... ndon't you hate that though?! stupid people that think they know everything and have to get into everyone's business! grrr it angers me

2007-10-20 [Dezmond]: yeah but i took care of my problem with that years ago...<img:2706_1128818519.gif>

2007-10-20 [Xerin Zamaki]: O_o but the monkeys are still here !                                          P.S put your name up password is gone ^^

2007-10-21 [Dezmond]: GAH!! I'M GOING TO KILL MY FUCKING FAMILY IF THEY DON'T GIVE ME SOME MOTHER FUCKING SPACE !!!!!!!<img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-10-21 [Xerin Zamaki]: I know what you fucking mean...anyone else thinking catapult?

2007-10-21 [Eyonic]: ooooo, that would be a good idea

2007-10-21 [Roxcie]: Nice banner you have going on there. lol where'd you find the pic?

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: ... some people on here know how I am when Im pissed...

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: internet XDD google to be exact XD O_O yeah I run then XD

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: is she getting angry quick grab the men and childeren and run XDD

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: men???

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: yeah cause she'll organise the women to harm us XDD

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Okay, thanks :P I was just curious. lol
Hmm, wouldn't be a bad idea. When she's mad she's like a volcano ready to erupt! XD

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: <img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: *takes out a machinegun*Im pissed.Hide the animals.

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: <img:44166_1164145253.gif> AHHHHH! run she'll kill us all <img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: ...

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: <img:44166_1164557401.gif> *ish too slow*  <img:44166_1164145209.gif><img:stuff/mood3-gif.gif>

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: It takes alot to make me pissed but when my second mind comes in all hell will erupt.

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: Hello love ^^

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: DEZMOND NOOO!!! ah oh well now the wiki is mine to rule muwhahaha...I mean watch over *shifty eyes* XD

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: ^^<3

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: Hello back *waves*

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: Daniella knows how I am...

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: *has risen from the dead* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: ILL KILL YOU MEGAN!

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: Should I try to get my second personality out.

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: I'm in the mood to rumble today ><;;

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *screams* ZOMBIE *grabs shovel and cocks it and a shell flies out of it* Die! ZOMBIE! *hits Dezmond in the head*

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: *machine gun*

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: Just try and kill me, see what happens... *sing song voice* Oh, Dani... Dont make me hurt you... (again)

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: O_O *is scared and hides*

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: *cracks neck*

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: O_O tsome is zombie too *screams and runs around in a circle XD*

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: You've hit me so many times I dont feel it anymore...*burns you*

2007-10-22 [Dezmond]: you missed...*eats phoenix's brain* muahahahahahahaha

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *nothings there so nothing happens XD ish running around on fire* AHHHH!

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: ....oops...

2007-10-22 [XxTsomexX]: *rolls eyes*

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: *pulls out video camera* this is good comedy

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *ish still running around on fire* WOOOH! I LOVE RUNNING AROUND ON FIRE XDD

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: ....

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *falls over and dies* <img:44166_1164145209.gif>

2007-10-22 [Piercedskull]: heheeh

2007-10-22 [Eyonic]: hahaha, you guys crack me up!

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: Aww, no don't die!! :(

2007-10-22 [Koho Ai]: *Throws a black bag over his body* Good bye

2007-10-22 [Roxcie]: No!! :O come on, wake up!! show that you're not really dead!!

2007-10-22 [Xerin Zamaki]: *the grim reaper appairs and ask* anyone seen 7Pheonix7

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