Page name: poke stories [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-18 19:38:43
Last author: Aleka
Owner: Aleka
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The stories you need to share about your tramitizing bubble violating experiences!!
Please share so that we can share in your pain!

[Alrika] Once upon a time.....i had.... a.......HORRIBLE....TRAMATIZING.... bubble violating experience(insert dramatic music here).......It all started on a perfectly good summer day. It was raining and I was enjoying the wonderful scent of wet squirels(sorry about the spelling of squirls) in the morning while sitting on my porch in a very nice rocking chair. Then suddenly I thought to myself," maybe I should feed thoses poor wet squirels
some nuts," so I went and got the little squriels some nuts. Then i fed the little squriells, but then i ran out of nuts. I told the squrirels I was out of nuts and they attacked me. One attached itself to my leg and the other attached itself to my arm. After i got the little creatures off i started to run away ,but they chased me and soon all the tiny woodland creatures were running after me. I almost died.*sniff sniff*.........I still have nightmares

[Aleka] -> my story is actually quite depressing some of you may have heard it but here is the whole story. Okay, so me and berni aka [Yanaba] were going to the anchor man movie right. we get tickets and are going to the ticket man at the back who lets you in and tells you the theatre and all that stuff right. Well this guy was old and baalding. so i didn't even you know process who or what he was except not for me ya know....and then i have the blondest moment...i go the wrong way....and the ticcket guy is like no no blah blah blah and starts to walk me to the movie theatre and i'm like i know i know i can get there...and i of course blamed my color hair which was a mistake b/c he was blonde he starts shouting his blonde stories after me and i'm like omg leave me i watch my movie right and then we have to leave and he still there....staring at while he did not touch me i felt violated by his horible staring and screamed the whole way was traumitizing!

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2004-06-30 [Aleka]: that was one of the most pathetic things i've ever heard!! are you gonna be all right Alrika?

2004-07-01 [Alrika]: ....that hurts *sniff sniff*.......*goes and crawls up in corner*

2004-07-01 [Aleka]: the joy of abusing your younger siblings!!

2004-07-03 [Alrika]: i think i scared every one away with my story

2004-07-03 [Aleka]: i believe your right

2004-07-21 [Alrika]: ...thats horrible

2004-07-21 [Aleka]: isn't it was trully traumitizing

2004-07-25 [Alrika]: *sniff sniff* i feel for u

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