Page name: Problemtalk [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-03 07:20:56
Last author: Sir Riddle
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2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: not you, pup is against me^^^

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: ^^ oh...okay

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: I'm not against you....

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: yes you are..., you called me cute...^^^

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: I'm not aginst you, either... *says to Pup*

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: I said you two are cute together.....

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: ^^ I know ^^

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: I must agree on that^^^

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: ^_^ me too^^

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: we are cute together^^^

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: i know ^^

2008-02-21 [Sir Riddle]: so does pup, I suppose^^^

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: yup yup yup!

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: ^_^

2008-02-22 [Asator Stormbringer]: alright.., what's been going on here... oh oke.. got it.. fine bye!

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: uhm..., ok...?

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: *runs after Puppet* WAIT!!!!!

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: *runs after poe* WAIT!!^^^

2008-02-22 [Eyonic]: *sits on the ground, waiting for them to run back*

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: ^^^"

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: *stops* what the..., I thought you ran after puppet?^^^

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: *grins* I did....but i ran into the end of the page...v_v now i can't find him...*sniff sniff*

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: he hasn't been on ET since yesterday..., guess he's still busy with his school work...

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: Most likely...

2008-02-22 [Eyonic]: darn...

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: why darn?

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: *is curious to know as well*

2008-02-22 [Eyonic]: puppet it fun to talk to.....

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: I know...I enjoy our conversations together...

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: he really is a great guy^^^ you should see him in real life^^^

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: ^^ I can't wait until i get a chance too ^^

2008-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: he's as strange as me^^^ in a good way^^^

2008-02-24 [Asator Stormbringer]: ^^' *hugs all* i feel honoured ^^..

2008-02-24 [Sir Riddle]: no you don't...^^^

2008-02-25 [Asator Stormbringer]: yes i do ^^ and once i feel honoured no one can change that ^^

2008-02-25 [Rook.]: *hugs back* Good...I'm glad^^

2008-03-06 [Sir Riddle]: darn^^^

2008-03-06 [Rook.]: @-@ *pokes* ^^

2008-03-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: *glo... hello riddle ^^ how are you today?

2008-03-06 [Rook.]: <img:44166_1164145262.gif>

2008-03-07 [Sir Riddle]: schlap, puppet^^^ I'm feeling schlap^^^

2008-03-08 [Asator Stormbringer]: zwachel riddle ^^ well im feeling a bit.., zwachel actually ^^

2008-03-08 [Sir Riddle]: XD

2008-03-09 [Rook.]: *looks confused* Unmmmm....okies?

2008-03-09 [Asator Stormbringer]: never mind ^^..., i bet you'd feel rather schwamp as well ^^

2008-03-09 [Rook.]: *raises an eyebrow* Schwamp??

2008-03-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: yep

2008-03-10 [Sir Riddle]: no, I first need to feel more schlap before I feel schwamp^^^

you really don't want to know, Lexi^^^

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: *is very VERY confused* If you say so...

2008-03-10 [Sir Riddle]: something between puppet and me^^^ we're nuts^^^

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: I noticed ^^

2008-03-10 [Sir Riddle]: so..., please don't mind our conversations^^^

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: okay ^^ I'll completlely ignore you ^^

2008-03-10 [Sir Riddle]: @_@ no, just ignore the conversations between puppet and me, not our conversations as well!!^^^

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: Hmmmm...? What was that??? ^^

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: ruff?

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: meow ^^

2008-03-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: well but than again.., when you reached the schwamp... man you're BLOODY ZWACHEL! @_@

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: *blinks* ummm....okay? hehehehe ^^ Damn....Arjen, how many times have you beeten me at Mijnenveger??

2008-03-11 [Asator Stormbringer]: oh he's a mlwichel at that ^^

2008-03-11 [Rook.]: @.@ AAAACK~!!!!!!! WOULD YOU STOP DOING THAT!?!?!?!?!??!! IT' S DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!! *sits calmly*

2008-03-11 [Sir Riddle]: *hugs poe* I beat you 2 times..., and you beat me once...

and yes puppet I completely agree with you..., but I don't like to get zwachel..., it makes me nervous...^^^

2008-03-11 [Rook.]: *hugs back* ONLY because you LET ME WIN!!! ^^

@.@ GAH!!! *dies*

2008-03-11 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* you did that with me on Tic-Tac-Toe^^^

those words don't even exist outside puppet and me...^^^

2008-03-11 [Rook.]: *smirks innocently* Soo...? *innocent look* ^^

*is still dead* Oh... ^^

2008-03-12 [Sir Riddle]: I returned the favor^^^

*revives you with mouth-to-mouth*^^^

2008-03-13 [Rook.]: ^^ *grins*

*mock gasp* on noes!!! What is Vic gonna say??? ^^

2008-03-13 [Asator Stormbringer]: ahw.., did we make here feel mwulm?

2008-03-13 [Rook.]: @.@ WHAT THE....!?!?!?! >.< Oh goodness gracious....

WEll.. here is what a friend of mine (jess) said...

nothing... being revived by my boyfriend....
"OH MY FREAKING GOSH ALEXIS!!! You Should know better!!"^^ and I don't plan on it ^^
*sighs* fine...>.> (then she looked at the earlier commentts) What the... what are they saying?? Zwachel??

*giggles* It was funny ^^

2008-03-13 [Asator Stormbringer]: xD

2008-03-13 [Rook.]: =P ^^

2008-03-13 [Sir Riddle]: she didn't know you had a boyfriend...?^^^

2008-03-13 [Asator Stormbringer]: yeah she does.., she just.., i think she get's the "being revived" a bit.., the wrong way.., i suppose ^^'

2008-03-13 [Rook.]: nah...she knows I have a boyfriend... I only talk about you 24/7 ^^ She doesn't like the fact that Riddle was closer than six inches to me^^

2008-03-14 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* well..., you can tell her I'm afraid that will happen a lot more often^^^ (tell her that and see how she responds^^^*innocent look*)

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: *grins* alright... I'm calling right now... just told her... and she's flipping out ^^

2008-03-14 [tia mia]: who is "she" boys... and poe... who are we talking about...

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: we're talking about someone... you missed the whole conversation.... I died due to unusual adn funny circumstances, then Riddle revived me by Mouth to Mouth ^^ *grins* I think I want to die once more so he can do it again^^

2008-03-14 [Sir Riddle]: *laughs* and I'd revive you again, making her freak out again^^^

2008-03-17 [Rook.]: *Grins* I'll get her to come back...

2008-03-17 [Sir Riddle]: nice...*evil grin*

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *laughs* ^^

2008-03-19 [Sir Riddle]: let's think of something absolutely horrible to do in her presence^^^

2008-03-20 [Rook.]: *giggles* Oh, I know a mirade of things to do that would get her thouroghly disgusted ^^

2008-03-20 [Sir Riddle]: yay^^^ that would be nice^^^

2008-03-20 [Rook.]: *grins*^^ I know what I have in mind

2008-03-20 [Sir Riddle]: tell me^^^

2008-03-20 [Rook.]: Ahhh... would the threesome conversation we're currently having over on MSN give you a hint??

2008-03-21 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* absolutely^^^

2008-03-21 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Can we make it a four, or even fivesome? ^^

2008-03-21 [Sir Riddle]: that would be possible..., if everyone agrees...?

2008-03-21 [Sir Riddle]: and i do..., now the rest...

2008-03-22 [Rook.]: *grins* I agree ^^ this ought to be fun... (especially as seeing how Neffy AND Riddle scare my sister...^^)

2008-03-22 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Yay. XD

2008-03-22 [Rook.]: *giggles*

2008-03-23 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* we should do that some time^^^

2008-03-23 [Rook.]: *snifs* it won't be for a long time, I'm afraid.... v.v

2008-03-25 [Sir Riddle]: *nods softly* and a shame it is..., I hope you'll be ok...

2008-03-29 [Rook.]: I hope so too...

2008-03-30 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Me three.

2008-03-30 [Sir Riddle]: we're all here to support you...

2008-03-30 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Always. ^^

2008-03-30 [Sir Riddle]: at any time of the day (or night)

2008-04-21 [Rook.]: thank you all!!! *hugs all*

2008-04-22 [Sir Riddle]: *hugs back* I really hope everything turns back to normal...

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: before or after...?

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: *smiles lightly* is this a welcome back moment?

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: *shrugs* I'll try to let it be.. idk when i'll be on all of the time officialy...

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: I hope it's soon.., very soon..

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: me too... *looks down* I hope it isn't awkward at al for anyone...

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: I don't really think it does.., well, i think the only one who could possibly feel awkward is you

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: *looks up, then back down* perhaps... i suppose ill get over it...

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: if you don't.., than don't do it.., don't force yourself into a situation you don't want to be in

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: thats just it, I want to be here, I just... *sighs* nevermind
*looks up and sort-of smiles*

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: yeah.., i know what you mean

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: *laughs softly* anything new i should know about... anymore babies... *looks at you* ^^

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: babies? *turns into a big green creature* I hate babies >.<

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: *gasps, shocked* what about the time you and Riddle had a baby...? or am I going crazy... it was bout five months ago.. so he should be crawling...

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: oh! alexi is fine ^^

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: ^^ you named him after me!!! I feel honored... lol ^^

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: lol XD yeah and also after the singer of CoB

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: oh... *pouts in my popped bubble* gosh... i thought i was loved there for a second...

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: you are.., it's a combination of you and that singer ^^

2008-09-10 [Rook.]: lol

2008-09-10 [Asator Stormbringer]: it is >.<

2008-09-11 [Rook.]: *yawn* im so tired

2008-09-11 [Asator Stormbringer]: me too >.>

2008-09-11 [Rook.]: lol yawnign and laughing hurt...><

2008-09-11 [Asator Stormbringer]: same here

2008-09-11 [Rook.]: lol

2008-09-20 [HardRockAngel]: Seeing that there is no belgian crew as of yet, I would like to volunteer =)

2008-09-20 [Asator Stormbringer]: There's not much use in this help stuff anymore, if yoou're asking me

2008-10-03 [Sir Riddle]: 't was a good idea though..., but you're right, and I'm taking this wiki down...

2008-10-03 [Asator Stormbringer]: oke than

2008-10-03 [Rook.]: okay

2008-10-03 [Sir Riddle]: use it for chatting if you want, or do whatever else you want with it...

2008-10-03 [Eyonic]: okiday

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: okay.

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: oke!!
get this thing back up.., I've got a problem called Mariah!

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: ill help if i can

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: well.., read this [Cany_Coated kitty] ..., mid the diary if you thought that that was it

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: i can't... i need the link

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: srry..., [She_Talks To_Rainbows]

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: look in the diary?

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: and the page...

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: wow. I honestly dont know what to say. do you mind filling me in...?

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: no need to.., you know.., iwas always there for her.., till last night.., i was helping her and she just said fuck off..., so that's where i drew the line

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: oh man... I'm so sorry Tristan.

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: :S yeah.., odd right?

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: completly

2008-10-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'm lost.. I know her, and have talked with her, but not of anything, just the random things I always talk about.. So..

Wait, ok, I got it, had to read what was going on like three times.. So my advise is that life's life, and everything eventually dies. But you still have to live on. And just go, even strive so see another day just because there might be something there, or further, and only that time can tell.

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: wow. that was suprisingly wise, Shaun.

and yes, I agree with him, Tristan. (even thought i dont understand half of it.)

2008-10-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'm surprisingly wise.. I normally just don't have a reason to be, so I don't seem like it. I'm also going through a really really rough patch, but talking about will most likely make my head hurt more.

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: i know that you are a wise young man, Shaun. I'm actualy very discerning, and i could tell within the first montht that i talked to you that you were (wow....its almost been a year O.o). And I wont ask whats going on... just know you can tell me when you feel like it *looks at the both of you* BOTH of you.

2008-10-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Eye nose I can. ^^

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: Very good *grins*

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: listen.., I've been there for her.., always, everytime.., shoved my own feelings aside for her.., I was just helping her.., then suddenly she tells me to fuk off..., why should i be bothered being friends with someone who tells me to fuck off while i'm helping her cuz she's going depressed and sad on me again... so yeah.., "i fucked off"

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: I know how that feels Tris... beleive me. My best friend did that to me... and I did, then he went for a jog the next mornign to my house to apologize and got hit by a car and died on his way to the hospital... *sighs sadly* even though you dont want to, you kind of still need to be there for at least little bit....

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: well.., she ain't going to jog to my house cuz no one has that much stamina and.. no.., I've always been there for everyone.., well if this is the reward then, no thank you

2008-10-06 [Rook.]: oh..i could try... :P i think the ocean gets in the way though :P but still... if you gave up everytime you tried to pour a bowl of cereal would you stop eating period???

2008-10-06 [Asator Stormbringer]: I did.. xD I can't eat them things

2008-10-06 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Just do what you will, if you don't want to comfort her that's her problem, not yours.

2008-10-07 [Rook.]: O.o *eye twitch* you can't...

2008-10-07 [Asator Stormbringer]: can't what?

2008-10-07 [Rook.]: can't eat cereal. I'm stunned.

owie.. my toe hurts... :P

2008-10-07 [Asator Stormbringer]: =p

2008-10-07 [Rook.]: lol :P
so, how was school?

2008-10-07 [Asator Stormbringer]: *shrugs*( ah well..

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: *raises an eyebrow* ah well...?? That doesn't sound good...

2008-10-08 [Asator Stormbringer]: why not?

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: It just doesn't, but medication is shrouding my descernment, so i might have taken it the wrong way as well...
How did you sleep last night??

2008-10-08 [Asator Stormbringer]: terrible..., you?

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: about the same. >< I have to pack for camp tomorrow, so I was up late doing laundry. but good news, I have clean clothes now

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I slept on the couch last night.. For a total of about three hours.. XP

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: Thats about more than I got. lol.

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'm not sure though, and my back and neck hurt now..

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: ouch.... I'm sorry. :(

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: It's alright. Not the worst thing going on right now.

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: True. Anything improving at all, friend?

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: No, I'm making it more complicated actually. ^^

I'm just awesome like that. XD =/

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: Yeah. I should have guessed. lol ^_^
We all know you are :S

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: XP
Lucky me then? ^^

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: of course :P

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: K, sent a PM..

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: i replied

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I noticed. XP

I could post it all here, but I don't need the extra drama, I'll send it to [Asator Stormbringer] if he wants to be filled in.

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: okies

2008-10-08 [Asator Stormbringer]: You're not really yourself lately are you neffy?

2008-10-08 [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: Haha, no. XD

2008-10-09 [Asator Stormbringer]: >.<

2008-10-09 [Rook.]: :'( I have to go to camp this weekend. I wont be able to see Hayden :'( *almost cries* or talk to you guys :'(

2008-10-09 [Eyonic]: awwwwwwww why??????????? *grabs you and holds you not letting go*

2008-10-09 [Rook.]: *is held and holds on tighter* because. I have to. but its only 20 minuites away... which means nothing to you guys... but still... *and there was much mourning*

2008-10-10 [Eyonic]: WWWAAAAAAAAAAA! Me no wanna let my Poe go!!!!!

2008-10-13 [Rook.]: i dont want to be let go of...

2008-10-13 [Eyonic]: Good! cuz I ain't lettin go ever!!!!

2008-10-14 [Rook.]: yay!!!! That is a first for me

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