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2011-11-12 18:17:05
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Thanks to [Artsy] for this awesome banner!

Thanks to [The Black Cat in Your Path]

~Itoru Obatsuhara ~

~Urashi Onomi ~

~Ezra Ishigi ~

~Kikisho Yamiki ~

~Tomotuno ~

~Master Ginashi ~

~Fellow Protectors ~ Characters and Bios

~Oaths of the Protectors ~ Rules

~The Images ~ Pictures of the characters (optional)

Thousands of years ago, in feudal era Japan, there were four protectors of an enchanted forest named Tomotuno.

Itoru, a water sprite, given the assignment of keeping the trees alive with her replenishing waters.

Urashi, an earth sprite, was given the task of keeping watch over all plant life and raising the new growths to be big healthy trees.

Ezra, a fire sprite, was in charge of protecting the outer perimeter with her blazing fire, keeping away humans and other basty creatures that may bring harm to Tomotuno.

And finally, Kikisho, the air sprite, who would fly high above the forest and keep watch.

But something went terribly wrong... Kikisho went missing. Without her to keep an eye on approaching enemies, Ezra didn't know where she was needed, Urashi found several trees and sprouts broken and dead, and she grew unable to keep up with the dwindling numbers, and soon, the waters in the forest dried up, leaving Itoru nearly powerless. And, not knowing what to do, the sprites went dormant without their leader to guide them. They locked themselves away in their elements until the present day.

Tomotuno, now protected by a wildlife reservation, is withering away. He is calling for the sprites, the protectors of the forest, to save him. But he cannot find them on his own. He needs help from present day people; special people. Modern-day counter parts of Ezra, Urashi, and Itoru are needed to awaken them, to find Kikisho and save Tomotuno...


~Part One: The Calling ~

~Part Two: Celebration of a Secret ~

~Part Three: A Walk Into Memories ~

~Part Four: Answering the Questions ~

~Part Five: A Trapped World and A Cursed Burden ~

~Part Six: First Night and A New Arrival ~

~Part Seven: Beginnings of An Adventure ~

~Part Eight: The First Temples ~

~Part Nine: Urashi's Welcoming ~

~Part Ten: Building Connections and Erasing Trails~

Part One: The Calling

The breeze was soft... gentle, just barely brushing through Risk's hair as he stood in the middle of what looked like an empty field. He took a deep breath of the clean air, closing his eyes and admiring it's feel, taste, smell and sound as it rustled through the grass around him. The skies were blue for miles... He walked. He just had to walk. It seemed like the field of lush grass never ended... just kept going. Eventually he came upon a very large, old-looking tree, stretching up so tall that the closer he got, the more he had to sheild his eyes from the sun just to see the underside of the branches. He studied it, admired it, then looked ahead. Four pedestals stood in front of him, in a half-moon shape in front of the tree. He approached the first. It was a bowl of water... always rippling like a droplet had been released to its surface. But the ripples never stopped. He moved to the second pedestal... there was a ball of fire inside. Nothing was burning, there were no ashes, but the fire was hot and alive. He frowned in confusion at these two phenomenon... Then moved on to the third pedestal. It was a rosebud. It seemed plain enough... a lucious shade of red with a bright green stalk and healthy leaves and thorns. But there was something about it; it was moving like it was breathing, the pedals fluttering out, then retracting again, breathing slowly, as if sleeping. The last pedestal however... it was empty. He raised a hand towards it, brushing his fingers over the cold stone and got a deep sense of dread at how empty it was, how cold and unused. It felt like something should have been there. He looked back up at the tree, and his heart ached. Then suddenly, flames began to engulf the roots of the tree. Risk gasped, feeling the pain of the burns against his own body, but he wasn't on fire. Shadows began to eclipse the tree and the pedestals, swallowing the last, empty pedestal before all others. He tried to save it, but he couldn't. Touching the shadows hurt... After the pedestals disappeared into the darkness, and the tree slowly burned before him, the shadows began to come after him next. He gasped and tried to run, but something grabbed him and pulled him under...

Risk sat up quickly, covered in sweat and panting heavily. He looked around quickly, his blue eyes shooting from one end of his bedroom to the other, just making sure he was where he was supposed to be. The dream had felt so... real. He gulped and tried to calm his racing heart and aching stomach, lifting a hand to his sweaty forehead and giving a shiver. It was hot in his room... "Mom? Mom! Is the AC broken again?" he called angrily.

"Yeah, honey! Don't worry, the landlord says he'll have the maintenance guy fix it while you're at school! Now hurry up before you're late!" his mother, Arlo, called back up the stairs to him.

Risk groaned a little and sighed. Well that explains the feeling of being burned alive. he thought angrily and got out of bed, heading for his adjoining bathroom and starting to shower. He dressed in a loose-fitting button up shirt, one that was white with faint black stitches in it running vertically from collar to hem, and he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, leaving them unbuttoned. He put his school uniform tie around his neck, but he didn't tie it, just left it hanging loosely. He at least made sure his shoes were shined though. He combed his messy hair with his fingers briefly before heading out, pulling his black backpack onto one shoulder and heading down the stairs. "Did Molly leave already?" he asked, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Yup. She caught the early bus. Had that morning study session. I swear, your sister is such a little rising star at that school." Arlo beamed, taking a bite of her cereal.

"Yeah, I'll bet." Risk mumbled tiredly and grabbed an apple off the table. He tossed it into the air, caught it, and took a bite, then headed out the door. "Love you, mom. See you later." he called, heading down the street. He wouldn't catch a bus... he hated riding those crowded buses. And the train station was even MORE crowded than the buses were. Walking never killed anyone. He reached the school with more than enough time and headed straight to his locker, undoing the combination and pulling it open with another tired sigh. Another day. He hoped he'd at least be left alone for a little while this morning. It was never a good day when the Femmbots got an early start.

Just as he heard a high-pitched squeal a little ways down the hall, he slammed his locker and turned, bolting down the hallway in the opposite direction, trying to find an easier way to his classroom. He skid to a stop just before the door, pulling himself inside and quickly, smoothly, going to his seat. He sat down with a small huff, and tried to hide his face before any of the girls saw him, but he was just a tiny bit too late.

"Heeey, Risk!" yelped one of the girls, giving a very hyper wave at him. She was smiling widely, her blonde curls pulled back into two cheerleader-esque ponytails on either side of her head.

Risk gave a mental wince, but he gave the girl a kind smile and a small wave--more of a lazy salute--and he almost visibly winced at her excited squeal. He hid his face by looking towards the window instead, pulling out his notebook and pencils.

"Oh for- It is way too early for that frequency!" a disgruntled female voice groaned behind the girls. Nyx rudely elbowed her way through them, making the Femmbots scatter just slightly to let her pass. She was holding her head, oblivious to how messy it was making her dark hair, and dropped into the seat in front of Risk. She unhappily waved off the kid who pouted and raised a hand as if to protest the loss of his desk he was about to take and turned to her friend as the boy went off to sulk in Nyx's usual seat elsewhere. "Might you have a pain killer?" she asked Risk softly, giving him a pouty look that was way more innocent than she was and worked on pulling out a pair of small dark sunglasses to cover her eyes and the accompanying dark circles with.

Risk gave a small smirk at Nyx and had to give an apologetic shrug at the boy whose desk she'd stolen. He chuckled at her and shook his head at her, leaning forward in his desk and digging into his backpack boredly. "Unfortunately I don't." he whispered, trying to be gentle on her ears as well as not get noticed any more. "But I'm sure I can get something from the school nurse for you a little later. Another late night at the club?" he asked with a raised eyebrows, offering her a piece of mint gum.

Nyx just nodded weakly, offering a small smile as she accepted the gum and stuck it in her mouth. "I'll pick something up in a bit. I would have already but- rushing this morning you know." Even though she was speaking softly, it looked almost as if she was worried her brain would burst out her ears any moment. "You would think I'd be used to this by now..." She closed her eyes tightly, held her head for a moment, then forced them open again behind the dark lenses to look at Risk. "What about you? Nothin but studyin?"

Risk gave a laugh and shook his head at her, choking himself short when he heard a bunch of girls across the room giggle and swoon in response and he covered his face with one hand, rolling his eyes at her. "Not really. Just played video games with Rei. He kicked my ass at Halo." he grumbled and chuckled. "I didn't have any tests today, so what's the point of studying?" He smirked at her and then sat up a little straighter, looking around. "Speaking of, where is Rei?"

Nyx only shrugged, slumping down in her conquered seat. "Obviously you were the last one of us to see him," she pointed out and looked around as well. She was trying to look bored, but her friends would see the own worry in her barely furrowed brow. She looked back at Risk. "No text? Nothing?"

Risk shook his head and frowned, pulling out his phone, despite that he was in class. "No... not yet. If he's still asleep, I'm gonna pop him a new one." he grumbled, texting Rei quickly and tucking his phone away again. "Knowing him, he's probably making out with some random chick in the hallway.."

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2006-07-20 [Artsy]: yep

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: :p spur-of-the-momnet thing there..

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol XD totally

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: I must take my leave..night all!

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: okay, living, post something! XD i think rei, kumiko and kidani are about to have a really awkward moment!

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: TT.TT ok...

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: i did post.. what am i supposed to do?

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: nuuu!! ><>

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: nuthin' *Shrugs* I dunno. I think it be cat's post now..

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe.. ^^' sorry.. tryin' to type with one hand.. goes slow. XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: - OMG!! This is so's I must be Emo..and it's funny :p

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao i thought you had to go, akay-chan? not that i'm saying i want you to ^^' CAUSE I DON'T! *cries and clings*

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: sworry, sworry..I be waiting for my mom to gt me off >:D

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao...

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: i think i may skip ahead to Kumiko's first day back after suspension... as soon as you two are done with the club scene of course. ^^

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: may be a good idea

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe.. ^^

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: when will we skip? O.o

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: whenever Rei, Kumiko and Nyx are done talking. ^^ whenever you guys are ready.

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: I think that's a good ending there.

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm.. living? you ready?

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: yeah

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: alrighty then. ^^ here i go! sqwee!

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: yay^^ I have alot to do..*wrings hands and cackles*

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: ?

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: you shall see..

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: riiiight.. ok...

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm? O.o ooh, they're gonna have a lot of awkward silences, me thinks XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: yeah XD

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe.. i think i'll have kidani call kumiko cinderella from now on. XD *evil laugh*

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: nnuu O.o she's suppost to be tough..not a princess :p

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: haven't you ever read eragon? psh, princesses can be tough too

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol yes! like peachie! XD *plays mario kart* mehehe!

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: Of course I've read Eragon. :p it rocks me socks.

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: he's just callin her that from the club party. ^^ is his way of torturing her >:P

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: it's funny why nyx is being brought to school in a police car, and she's totally unaffected by it lol

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao i know! is just cause she's so used to it, right? plus it must amp up her rep! ;)

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: no, it's so she doesn't cause trouble on her way to school, her dad has a cop drive her there and back

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: but yeah, you're right too ^^ nyx is a popular bitch, she just doesn't have friends she usually hangs around.... she's like the queen lol

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: XD

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: XP

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: well it's true! :D

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: let me guess... it's about kumiko's mom?

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: ahuh

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: ah, yay for good guessing skills

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm.. *reads* >.>

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: what?

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ooh! i have a feeling another cat-fight may break out! XD

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: oooo! c'mon, nyx doesn't care what people think of her, can i do something???? please?! i'll delete it if you don't like it

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: no, actually.. kumiko might get mad.. nvm

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: Kumiko is ashamed of her mother (and her profession) and she's trying to hide from it..

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: oh, poor kumiko. ^^'

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: i know, but i was just gonna do something, but it would insinuate kumiko being a lesbian and nyx wouldn't want to offend her if kumiko wasn't gonna be ok with using it against cho

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: well, what was it? O.o

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! XD

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: uh... i'll post it in parenthesis, just so you can see

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: okay

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: you can delete it in the next post...

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: wow XD that be funny :p

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! XD nice!

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: yeah, i thought so.. but again, cant' say it now...

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol well. *shrugs* ^^

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: ah well :p

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *gasp* o.O i just got a letter from my orthodontist! XD

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: bad news?

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: uh-oh..

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao no.. just a protocol letter about my retainers. ^^' nothing bad. he did the same thing when i first got my braces on! XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: I see. :p

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: *waits for Rei*

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: oh..right! XD I gotsta post fer him..

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: yeah.. -.-''

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: I'm sworry *cries*

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: it's fine, forget it

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol! XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]:

 sorry *whimpers* O.O

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: whoa... O>O how did you get your dialect liek that?! XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: <*pre*> lala <*/pre*> w/o stars

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ooh! *writes that down* can be used for wikis! XD

2006-07-20 [Akayume]: lol! XD

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: zomg! O.O is rei gonna walk in on them?! XD

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: wait till you see nyx again lol

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm? O.o what's she gonna be doin'? XD *wants to know now*

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: you'll see.. just get to class, and i'll bring her in

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol ooh yay! XD

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol i have a feeling kidani likes cho's anger XD

2006-07-20 [Artsy]: anytime cho is angry, is good, cuz it means she's not getting her way

2006-07-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! XD

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ooh! cho better have a plan at getting back at Kidani later on! XD cause you know they're gonna need her help, right? ^.~

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: ?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: talkin' to akay-chan! she knows why they'll need her help! ^^

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: well obviously..... ~>:(

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! XD don't worry, you'll find out soon enough! ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: O.o

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol ^^ alright! i think all the sprites have their counter-parts now!

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: seriously?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: yup! ^^ they should! *nods*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: GAH!! >< *throws a ball of paper at her cat* SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT GOING OUTSIDE!!! *growls*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: kewl...

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: lol

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: are you gonna post, living? ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: O.O

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: O.o?

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: i didn't have anything to say..

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm.. alright. is fine. ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: hhmm...can we skip to the trip? *begs* er..go to it soon?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao XD yes, yes, we'll go ahead to it. *nods* ^^ *ish eager herself*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: yay!!

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: as soon as rei and nyx are done talking, we will. ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: okay *yay*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: XD *giggles*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: there! we can skip (I hope)

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol living? done?

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: talking? yeah, i'm still working on an info thing, i wanted it before the trip...

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: okay. ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: *waits* O.O

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: who's posting first? living? cat?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol whoever wants to. ^^ i can post first if you need an idea of where they are.

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: hhmm..I'll go

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: alright! *nods* ^^

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: living, is nyx there? O.o

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: O.o

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: yeah... she's.. around.. hang on

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: okay^^

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: aww! she's so cute! X3 *huggles Chailyn-plushie*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol!

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: lol

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *laughs at kumiko's last quote* XD well, she's easily amused, isn't she?! lmao

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: Kumiko: *death look*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: O.O eep...

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: Kumiko: *raises stick* you wanna say that again!?!?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ^^" ehehehe.... *squeaks* nope.

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: Kumiko: GOOD!! >.<

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nods* o.o

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: she told you off XD

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: mehehe.. yeh.. ^^" i guess so..

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: she's scarry..but I love her ^.^

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: i love her too! X3 Kidani: i lurve her more! *kisses*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: Kumiko: aww...*huggles Kidani*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Kidani: mehehe *^^* *blushies and huggles back*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: Kumiko: ^^

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ack! >< *gags*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ooh, and here comes cho. O.o i wonder what she's gonna say to Kidani?

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: cho better be careful or kidani's gonna tell her off! XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol!! and kumiko can drown her :p

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: Nyx has a bit of a temper... ^^''

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! XD well.. they don't know their powers yet. ^^ they will though. as soon as Kidani gets the message to them, they can start freaking out about it all XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol XD

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: this is so gonna freak kidani out! XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol!! kumiko will be like.."hahaha! you're kidding right? O.o"

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lmao! i think this may be the most shocked anyone will ever see Kidani be. ^^'

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: my, my... ^^' you guys need to slow down a bit. can't hardly keep up! XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: aww.sworry.

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe, nah is alright.

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: uuhh...the 'c' girl cant put her hand on kidani's shoulder..unless it's atop Kumiko's hand ^^''

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: sorry, i fix

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: (sorry..i cannot remember her name ^^'')

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: chailyn

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: right..i shall remember ^^

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: lol i had trouble remembering all of the sprites' names at first, even though they were my characters XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol!

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: O.O *watches* ooh.. tis getting interesting, yes! ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: yes yes!

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *laughs* XD

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: nuuu! >< lyric signed off! *cries*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lyric?? O.o

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: oops! hehe, meant to say living! ^^'

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: living logged off. not lyric. ^^' dunno why i said that.

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol *huggles* it be okay. I know! ;__; sad.

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *huggles back* i hope she comes back soon. ><

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: so do i

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: ;_;

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: aawwww

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe ^^' i'm having so much fun though! why did she have to go now? ;_;

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: aaawww.....tis sad

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: -_-' *sighs*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: *huggles*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *huggles back*

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hmm.. kidani may act a bit strange for a while.. ^^' XD

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: lol XD

2006-07-21 [Artsy]: sorry, sudden storm, had to get off...

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: is alright. ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: omg..I had this freaky dream last night O.o

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: what about? ^^

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: okay....if you read by diary...the boy who roller bladed with me...had his chinon my head..and his arms around me..and we were walking..and I went to pick up some stuff..

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: O.o *listens*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: and there were two beds in his room...cause he shared it with sam..

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: uh-huh... o.o

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: (sorry...I'm talking to sango on the phone too...)

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: hehe ^^ is alright. *nods* she should always come first.

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: *nod nod* ^^ and courtney came with me..

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: courtney? O.o i'm afraid i don't know her. ^^'

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: oh..she's a girl from my old school...

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: okay. *nods*

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: so...anyway...we hide behind the beds when sam and dad came in...

2006-07-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *snickers* XD hide?

2006-07-21 [Akayume]: hide, hid, whatever....and he still saw me (and I was farthest away from him)..

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