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2005-06-10 11:45:42
Last author: jesska
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if you want to enter your self in the running for the 'tamora pierce quiz' simple copy the list of questions and write your answer next to the question. then send it to [jesska] either through elftown messaging or ask her for her email.
good luck!

1(1). who created light?

2(1). how where the three sorrows brought into the human world (exlcuding 'the realms of the gods')

3.(6) what are the three aspects of the great mother goddess?

4(1). what is shakith a goddess of?

5(1). what is the name of the goddess of the great horned owls?

6(1). what is the name of the village attacked by the skinners at the start of 'the realms of the gods'?

7(16). in order of ascension list the names of 17 rider groups. (excluding number 16)

8(1). name the commander of the second rider group?

9(1). whose aunt lit barrels of lard and had them catipulted on to scanran ships? [first year]

10(2). in what month did neal come to the palace to start his pageship? and how old was he at the time?

11(1).which of the pages in kels years had a father who was killed by spidrens?

12(1). what is the legend of the waving cats that kel keeps in her rooms at the palace?

13(1). how many queenscaove knights are listed in the great roll of nights in the hall of crowns?

14(4). in the 'scroll of salute', king jonathon the first listed which four houses as the shield of tortall?

15(1). what was the metal of the nameplate on daine and numairs door at the palace?

16(1). what was the name of elsrens previous nursmaid before aly took the position? [tricksters choice]

17(1). who was the sole reamaining child from king orons first marraige in tricksters choice?

18(1). dunevon is the child of king orons _____ wife?

19(1). why was athan fajering executed?

20(2). in what year and month did numair give a lecture on basic magical theory at the royal university at corus? [tricksters choice]

21(1). what where the colour of the eggs layed by the crow goddess, that the raka people hatched from?

22(1). after tortallan spies reported that the king of tuisane was considering retaking the drell river valley on the tortallan border, an embassy from tuisane came to court at tortall. everbody knew that maikal of danna, the tuisane ambassador, had auctually come to see if king roald had the stomache for war. who was ambassador mikal's wife?
[in the hand of the goddess]

23(1). at the ' bloody hawk tribe' which of alannas students plays withballs of coloured fire?

24(2) what are 'tirragen colours'?

25(2) thayet wore "the pink tissue dress" once whilst visiting an earl. but during the visit, thayet had to leave to go to the aid of a ridergroup that got bogged down in a swamp whilst chasing outlaws. which rider group was this? and how much did the dress cost? [wild magic]

26(1) in the hall of bones which dinosaur did daine bring to life first? [emperor mage]

27(2) what are the two swords of the yamani? [first year]

28(1). lalasa's imediate family were killed by raiders from....?

29(1). who is kels oldest nephew?

30(1). where is raouls weddnig held?

31(1). in what year was barzun conquered by tortall? [tricketsers choice]

32(1) who is yahzed? [woman who rides like a man]

33(1). who was daines swain from the palace clerks?

34(2) which tortallan is missing a finger on his left hand? and where did he loose it? [alanna: the first adventure]

35(1) who translated the map which lead alanna to the dominion jewel?

36(1). which fief presides over the great southern desert.

37(1) what is the name of the page who tells ralon to "leave him alone" when ralon in taunting alanna.

38(1). what colour magic does the ysandir have?

39(1). who said this "i almost had to fight gary for you."
[in the hand of the goddess]

40(1). what is owens horse called?

41(1) george rode to port caynn after receiving news that one of his men was hidding out there. what was this mans name? [tricksters choice]

42(1). what were the copper isles originally called?

43(1). who killed bronau?

44(3) in 'emporer mage' we are told that kaddar is the prince of______, duke of ______ ,and the count of_______

45(1) which k'miri tribe does onua belong to?

46(1) hyenas are sacred to which godess?

47(1) what does emperor orzone first call daine when she is presented to him?

48(1). who is skysongs grandfather?

49(1) what is the name of the scrool numair found that tells all about dragons when they lived in the human realms?
[emperor mage]

50(1)in 'emporer mage' when lindhall found a reference to "ichneumenenons" what does he think is its source?

51(1) dragons are not hollow boned. true or false?

52(1). what is the name of the large turtle in lindhalls room in the carthak university?

53(1) how many iguanas does lidhall keep in a tank in his rooms in the carthak university?

54(2) where was bonedancer originally found? (as in where was he excavated from?)

55(1) who was the head of the carthaki negotiators in 'emporer mage'?

56(1). what happened to skysong when she ate a box of myrrh?

57(1) befor the emperor orzone turned into a stormwing, what colour was his magic?

58(1)How is Keladry's sheild unique from that of her peers? [squire.]

59(1). When Keladry finds her refugee camp destroyed after an attack, how many dead were accounted for?
[lady knight.]

60(1). what is the name of the midwife who raised tobe befor he went to the inn?

61(1). what fief is the girl who is to marry cleon from? [squire.]

62(1). what was fanche's husband named? [lady knight.]

63(1). who did kel take over for at haven?

64(1). which sergant thought that tobe and the other children shouldnt bother kel with weapons training?

65(1). in the mess hall at haven a woman says "I'm off. training first thing tomorrow. sergant oluf says ive a knack for the spear." where was she from?

66(1). a stormwing talks to kel after haven is overrun. what race does she think it looks like?

67(1). which sparrow first found yarn from meech's doll?

68(1). what was happy(owens horse) originally named?

69(1). which member of dom's squads father is a magistrate?

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2005-06-10 [Kit Azhure]: 18(1). elsren is the child of king orons _____ wife? um elsren isnt orons child he is mequins

2005-06-10 [jesska]: sorry i meant dunevon. thanks for pointing out the mistake

2005-06-10 [Kit Azhure]: no prob! ^^

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