General Profile requirements:
Okay, first and foremost, I'd like to get the rules out of the way.
1. Absolutely NO godmodeing whatsoever, your character isn't invincible after all, there've got to be weaknesses.
2. Try to keep your posts descriptive and well written. Good Grammar, and more than a single one liner. It would be nice to get a paragraph or two at least!
3. Do not try and take control of another person's character unless you strictly have permission to do so!
4. Don't go too far off course with this RP, it has a set plot and we'd really appreciate it if you followed it!!
Plot: Anka and Sean are the go-toers of the Government. They're under contract to protect any that are forced under their care, even a spoiled pretty-boy like Prince Bradford. They go through a lot for him, from assassins to kidnapping. Things are hectic, but the two can only believe that things'll get better- or so they hope. Meanwhile, a secret organization named Stone Head is attempting to kidnap Prince Bradford in order to fund their secret plans called Project Ship of Dying.
Name: Anka
Age: 16
Description: She has short black hair with natural blood-red streaks through it. Anka has unusual crimson eyes as well. She stands at about 5’ even and is slight of build. She tends to wear black when she’s in a good mood and, unconsciously, fluorescently bright colors when she’s upset, etc. She wears an ankh around her throat made of solid gold with a ruby jewel inlaid upon it- the final gift that she’d received from her parents before they’d died.
Personality: She’s intelligent and kind, Anka doesn’t like to take things too seriously though. She tends to act younger than she is.
Powers/Abilities: Super strength, she’s a talented martial artist.
Weaknesses: She’s clumsy and is easily distracted. Just because she’s strong, doesn’t mean she can’t be wounded with things like guns, knives, etc.
Name: Sean
Age: 17
Description: Similar to his sister in appearance, Sean has shoulder length, raven black hair, the ends tipped electric blue. He has deep cerulean eyes, and pale, porcelain like skin. He stands at about 5'5", with a slender build to match. Most of his clothing is somewhat...dul
l, being in suits during the majority of his jobs, and simple clothes any other time. He wears a silver chain with a platinum wedding band, given to him by his father.
Personality: He's extremely intelligent, and quiet most of the time. Though he can have a sharp tongue when he's angered or upset. He takes life very seriously, analyzing, and thinking everything through since his sister doesn't.
Powers/Abilities: Telepathy, and foresight, he's highly skilled with silent techniques, mainly killing strokes, and assassinations. So he mainly uses wires, and small blades for his attacks. But he wears a pistol at his side, which he hardly ever uses.
Weaknesses: His body is frail, so it can't take much of a beating physically wise, and he's too stubborn to ever admit he's wrong.
Name: Bradford
Description: Flowing ebony locks that he keeps tied in a tight braid (long hair is tradition for his family- he isn't allowed to cut it) Emerald green eyes, Bradford stands at a daunting 6'11", though he's not very muscular. He has a sinewy, almost feminine figure to him. Tends to wear crisp, clean, suits.
Personality: Haughty and spoiled on the surface, though deep down, he's really affectionate.
Powers/Abilities: He's pretty talented at fencing and shooting, though he's never had any need to hone these abilities.
Weaknesses: Overconfidence, and the general human composition. Bradford is subject to wounds just as anybody else is. He's also highly allergic to carnations. (XD, had to throw something weird like that in there)
*This Character is free for play!
Username: [Dezmond]
Name: Aaron
Age: 20
Description: Somewhat short, falling at 5'6", Aaron has light blonde, almost white hair. His eyes are a light amethyst, and always hidden behind sunglasses. His skin is delicate, porcelain like in color and silky soft. But don't let his fragile appearence fool you. Hidden in his suit are two customized fully automatic pistols with adapted fourty round clips. As well as several extra clips hidden on his person at all times.
Personality: A mute, he is extremely irritable, and his temper flares quickly. his brash and violent personality only hides his soft natured heart.
Powers/Abilities: a powerful psychic, he creates barriers that are stronger than steel and nearly unbreakable. But these aren't only for defense, that would be too simple. He has a unique ability to project his barriers within others, causing gruesome deaths and mutilations if necisarry. Not only this, but he can create mental barriers for himself, or his comerades to protect them from other adepts like Sean for example.
Weaknesses: With his "kick ass" attitude also comes his downfall. he's too headstrong, and refuses to backdown from anything. Also, him being mute is a weakness in it's self, severely limiting his communication with his teammates, and leaving him helpless if stranded alone.

Username:[Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name:Alice (Feline) Cullen(^.^)
Description:Alice has firey red hair and vibrant green eyes. She typically wears red to make her eyes stand out further. She is about 5'5". She carries a sword as a weapon on her back under her red robe.
Personality:She is sweet and delicate and can be considered innocent by anyone who does not know her and is in actually a tough fighter and has yet to lose to anybody.
Powers/Abilities:She is a transporter. She can look at someone and if consantrated enough she can transport them and herself anywhere she wishes.
Weaknesses:She is easily fallen under any type of illusion.(Damion and Tonani's powers are both illusions therefore easily broken under them)

Username: [.Anti-Juliet.]
Name: Lydia "Venom-heart" Black
Age: 18
Description: Lydia is a dainty 5'2" tall and weighs about 105 lbs. She is thin, but not delicate and is perfectly built. Her beautiful heart shaped face is framed by long, lucious waves of dark auburn hair. Her glistening eyes are a deep shade of violet-blue and are her most striking feature. Framed by long auburn lashes, her eyes are captivating. Her skin is a creamy, pale white and is naturally smooth. Her smile is dazzling and enchanting. All in all, Lydia is an ethreal beauty. Her attire is stunning yet simple. She wears a long sleeved, black mesh shirt over which she places a short sleeved purple shirt with no design. She wears tight, black skinny leg jeans and black low top converse. She also has a black leather jacket. She only wears basic makeup. On the back of her neck she has a tattoo of purple fairy wings, a dark fairy design. Around her neck she wears a black cord with an amulet shaped like a heart, with the inscription, Venom-Heart. The amulet is clear with a purple poison inside. Her ears are pierced three times in the lobe and the left ear's cartilage is pierced. She always wears a purple amythest studs in her first set of holes, then tiny silver hoops in the remaining two pairs. The hoops are gauges, size 16. Her cartilage piercing stud is plain silver.
Personality: Lydia is very loyal, once she commits herself to a cause she does not shy away from it easily. She is often cold, especially when dealing with men, and can be vindictive, spiteful, and vengeful. She is a fierce fighter and very intelligent. She's had her heart broken once and will not have that happen again, so men be wary. She knows she is beautiful and uses that knowledge to her advantage. She is very confident in her abilities and very stubborn.
Powers/Abilities: The only "special" power Lydia has is her beauty. A single glance and she can enchant any male. Even other women are stunned, if only for a moment. Other than that, Lydia is skilled in the art of sword play, tae kwan doe, and is a master of other ancient weaponary, such as the bow. She only uses modern weapons when her ancient prowess is not enough. She has some knowledge of herbs and poisons.
Weaknesses: Lydia is a realtively strong leader, but is often too strong willed to hold together a team. She also comes across as extremely cruel and is overly confident. Another major character flaw is her heart. Her cold facade is only as deep as her pain. Melt her icy heart and she is at your control. Also, because she is so dependant on her beauty, she notices how others look as well. Jealousy runs high in her system. And she can also be distracted by a male that she finds attractive, enough to take a few blows before she realizes what's going on. She is skilled in the bow, but her aim isn't quite at the level it should be, so long range attacks are difficult for her. She is also relatively short, making distant jumps and tall climbs hazardous and excrusiatingly difficult.

Username:[Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name:Tonani Glory & Damion Glory
Age: both 22
Description:Tonani and Damion are 'beautiful'. Their eyes are greenish blue and their hair is a greenish black. (see images) Tonani hardly wears a shirt. Damion wears high collared shirts but when he wants to be identical to his twin he will go shirtless. They always wear tight jeans and usually large matching belt buckles.
Personality:Tonani:very egotistical. He loves his own body and looks. He is a harsh character except for when seducing women. He tells men and women that it is impossible for him to fall in love therefore there are several bets with him that he will eventually fall in love. His goal is to prove them wrong.
Damion:He is very humerous and will try and make the most stressful situations into a huge comic show. He loves women but not as much as Tonani.
Powers/Abilities:Tonani has an odd and unexplainable seducing power. He also is highly skilled with blades and has some skill with close combat.
Damionis an 'illusionists' and can make people imagine things that are not there. He can alter smell, taste, feeling, shape, and matter of any object. (ex.- he can make people imagine that he is standing infront of them when in actuality it is someone else. and vice versa for unknown people and other objects.) He is semi skilled with blades.
Weaknesses:Tonani may be very strong but he lacks speed. He had practice weaponry all his life and hardly any practice on agility.Damionillusion lasts only ten minutes and can be reversed if the opposing person knows how.

Username:[Ravendust]Technically deceased, now within Amber
Name:Nikolas Dreamhaven (Goes by the name 'Blood' when on missions)
Age: 27
Description: (Refer to image)
Personality: Cold, calculating, cruel, he loves to play with the minds of others.
Powers/Abilities: 'Dreamwalking' in other words he can enter the dreams of others, and by doing so, he can kill them through their minds- he prefers the slow method of torture, of driving one to the point of begging for death before actually killing, however. He projects extremely powerful shields which makes his mind unreadable and unperceptive to the mental abilities of others.
Weaknesses: While dreamwalking he is vulnerable- his mind is in another body. However, should his own body be destroyed while using his gift he remains in the body of his victim and doesn't actually 'die'. He's fairly weak in body- he doesn't have much physical strength due to many diseases as a child, that's why he prefers his mental art.
Also with his dreamwalking ability- he can't use it on someone unless he has physically met and touched his victim.

Username: [Dezmond] & [Ravendust]
Name: Amber Ashmore
Age: 16
Description: (refer to image)
Personality: Cold and distant, she's a manipulator to the core. Her very ability only enables this trait to the furthermost reaches.
Powers/Abilities: Telepathic mind control. Basically, her thoughts become the other person's actions, and it's her favorite way to kill. How can you prove she did the murder if to the world, it looks like a suicide? Also along with this, she has another unique ability. With a single touch, she can learn everything there is to know about someone, their thoughts, emotions, anything and everything about them flows into her mind as if they were her own.
Weaknesses: Needless to say, with so many conscious thoughts floating around her mind, she's a bit scattered. She seldomly has any peace about anything for different emotions from completely different people getting in the way. Also, her mind control ability doesn't work without complete eye contact, and she can't read a person's thoughts without physical contact.
On a side note, Later on in the rp, Her mind will be split with that of Dear old Nicolas, making this character one played by both myself and Deidra.

Username: [Ravendust]
Name: Keile Sullivan
Description: Refer to image
Personality: Keile loves a good time and is obsessed with music and mayhem. He enjoys causing chaos and ending life.
Powers/Abilities: He can manipulate sound waves in any way he so desires.
Weaknesses: He is often too overconfident and doesn't work well with others. Despite the sheer power he can manipulate, there's always the chance of backfire if soundwaves stronger than his own are released.

Username: [Ravendust]
Name: Sierra Ninevah
Age: 19
Description: Refer to image
Personality: Generally cool, calm, and collected Sierra is a young genius with the ability to morph her form into just about any she desires, allowing her to change her personality to fit her appearance.
Powers/Abilities: Sierra is a chameleon as well as a 'reader', she has foresight and can therefore track the movements of her enemies at a success rate of 85%.
Weaknesses: Her visions aren't always correct, and her human body is frail.

(Last two profiles I SWEAR will be worked on for improvement...)
*I would appreciate if the slots of four 'assassins(Assassins, kidnappers, whatever you wanna call 'em, the general bad guys fo the story!)' and two 'government officials' were filled before any other characters are created, then be my guest!!
Chapter 1-The Prince is Here!