Page name: The girl [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-26 01:58:01
Last author: eyes of frost
Owner: eyes of frost
# of watchers: 5
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Under construction. Please do not fret...and please do not get mad. I am redoing this novel to...well. I am just redoing it. Get over it!

Lol. I will post it chapter by chapter when I change it. Loaded with school and not alot of free time. Sorry about that everyone! Talk be merry have fun!

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2005-06-13 [Queen of Stars]: glad to see that all of you are enjoying the story so far, not that she's read me any of it lately. Guess that I'll just have to get of my lazy butt and read it for myself. Smile everyone, you're all good at what you do.

2005-06-13 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: at what i do? keep getting into fights with my best friend? yeah, im most best definitely good at that... he hasnt talked to me in 56 hours now!!!!

2005-06-13 [Queen of Stars]: not getting into fights, I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry to hear that you're fighting with your best friend. That's never good, if you need to talk about it, I've got a good ear. I mean keep up your writing and art and so on and so forth.

2005-06-14 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: yeah i know. and that thing with my best friend... he [death disguised in purple] just misunderstand me... his boyfriend is hopefully gonna solve that soon... 83 hours now...

2005-06-21 [Queen of Stars]: and still here with us. See not everything in life has to revolve around a boy/girlfriend being in your lives. So how are things going between you and your friend? Has anything been resolved between the two of you yet? I hope that it has? Not fun to be arguing with your friends.

2005-06-22 [eyes of frost]: I just uploaded a prom picture of me and my ex. Dont mind him just look at me and tell me what you think. Mom I already know what you think so your opinion wont be noted. But I love you!

2005-07-06 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: *grins* ill go look. and about my best freind... only took 150 hours, all solved now... what really sucks is that im bak at home for summerbreak, and all my freidns are far, far away... my boyfriend is in berlin, my best friend somewhere in eastern europe... wont see anyone till middle of august...

2005-07-16 [Queen of Stars]: but when you do see them, you'll all have a lot of catching up to do and lots of things to talk about. Look forward to that. And thanks for the comment frost, tee-hee. Love you too.

2005-07-20 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: yeah, but still... two months is a long time to spend it all alone... especially whenyouhate phones asmuchas i do

2005-07-28 [Queen of Stars]: Yeah, but in the end aren't friends worth all the efforts we go through and trust me, I have a friendship that's been to hell and back and it has made us as close as siblings. It's been well worth my time and efforts throughout the years. All good things are worth our time and effort.

2005-08-10 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: sure enough. i mean, its actually that way with jula and me. after all we have gone through... this was just a small thing. we have seen much worse things together...

2005-08-14 [Queen of Stars]: then see, you'll have so much to catch up on and tell each other. you should throw a pajama party and then you'll have all night to catch up and just have plain old fun.

2005-08-20 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: well... we'll meet up on sunday. and in six weeks theres black bat festival, everyones coming over to his place afterwards...

2005-08-27 [Queen of Stars]: That sounds like it will be a lot of fun and you can really get to catch up with all your friends. How have you been doing latelyl?

2005-08-27 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: not too bad... life is good... except that my dad just told me that my beloved younger sis is in the hospital...

2005-09-25 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: hello yous... anything new?

2005-09-27 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: okay... <^,.,,.,^> ill wait patiently

2005-10-16 [Queen of Stars]: my but you are a patient one, aren't you. Sorry that it's been so long, just a lot of s*** going on here at home. So how are you doing lately?

2005-10-17 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: insanity is taking over my whole life, i meet dangerous and/or crazy people all the time, and well, actually, everything is going greatly, if you dont consider the fact that i have no time to sleep...

2005-11-19 [Queen of Stars]: Honey, craziness, that's why I haven't been on in so darned long. My life is chaos and craziness, if it weren't I probably would go crazy. But hang in there and try to find one reason a day to sml

2005-11-19 [Queen of Stars]: smile and or laugh

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