# of watchers: 3
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2004-07-17 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: no, neither do I.....I will change the 'A'
2004-08-17 [Nathaniel]: Hey Leonaldo - nice wiki.
2004-08-18 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: Thankyou
2004-08-18 [Nathaniel]: Thou art welcome
2004-09-03 [mufasa]: there ya go!
2004-09-04 [Clackie]: Gordon Bennet was a racing driver, wasn't he? I think so.
2004-09-04 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: quite possibly
2004-09-04 [mufasa]: M.. Montgomery burns, his first name was charles wasn't it?
2004-10-03 [Nathaniel]: We need to stop getting D's, man... I'm totally outta D's!
2004-10-16 [Gone123456789]:
2004-10-16 [Gone123456789]:
2004-10-16 [Gone123456789]: I made those two...
2004-10-16 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: I like the first one very much!!!!!!
2004-10-16 [Gone123456789]: thnx, the second one I posted was the first one I made so kind of just a gateway to start with ya know? But the welcome to is in exchange for your words at the beginning of your wiki. I was wondering if I could make like one or two more like so people can advertise your wiki on their page, ya know?
2004-10-16 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: yes, by all means, also feel free to edit the page with the logo (as it shall hereafter be referred to as) on
2004-10-28 [Nathaniel]: I like number 1 :)
2004-10-28 [Nathaniel]: Nice work [Gone123456789].
2005-01-01 [Nathaniel]: You know you've had Christina Aguilera and Richard Whitely twice?
2005-01-02 [afashdf afhhoahda fofbhaf obhat ohbqat]: But the rules say that is permitted! And I quote, "There can be no repeats". Now if it had said "There WILL be no repeats" that'd be another story!
2005-01-11 [Nathaniel]: Goalpost changer
Number of comments: 24 | Show these comments on your site |
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