Page name: The Origin Of Kanaseria [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-06-29 02:18:36
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The Origin of Kanaseria

Aletraya stood upon her balcony, watching the clouds roll slowly across the star dotted sky. She closed her eyes and thought back to prior that evening. She had been out on her evening walk through the palace grounds when she'd met him. The man with eyes as pale as the moon and hair as dark as the night. What had they spoken of? Ah yes, they had spoken few words but Aletraya could not even remember those few. She found herself lost in his eyes, so haunting, so beautiful, so different from her own dark eyes. His hair the deep black of the night of it's darkest hour, almost making Aletraya ashamed of her own pale silver hair.

Aletraya watched as a cloud rolled in and covered the moon, and blinked as the first drop of rain splashed harmlessly upon her left cheek. She stood in the downpour, watching the frantic movements of the servants below as they tried to bring everything from the festivities earlier that night in before they were ruined by the rain. Aletraya sighed.

The festivities that evening had been in celebration of the joining of the Suvitaria Elven Kingdon with a nearby kingdom of Elves. The joining was her arranged engagement to the prince of that Kingdom. Aletraya hung her head. She was the princess of the Suvitaria elves, and should of been proud of her position, happy to marry for the good of the kingdom, and such a welthy kingdom into which they were joining. The prince to which she was to be married was surely very handsome, as she had seen during the party, and kind to all the people in her kingdom.

But here, standing outside on her balcony in the night, it was not he who gave her the shivers, nor the cold, but, the stranger she had met on the grounds.


“Yes father?” Evan answered, turning from the window. His father held out his hand. Evan knelt in the fashion expected and held the hand between both of his.

“Evan, my time grows short, and you and Derron” Evan's eyes flared in anger at the mantion of his twin brother's name. “Must still decide who will lead the clan when I've gone.” Evan's eyes flitted to The golden ring his father wore on his left hand, and the silver bracelet on the other. His eyes slowly shifted back to his father's face.

“I am aware of this father. Derron and I, we still have... our differences.” Evan's pale eyes clouded over with a wash of red. Derron, though his blood, his kin, his clan, would be sure to be the one to get the few remaining in his clan killed. There were only a few pure blood vampire clans left amongst the world. His father's clan was not the oldest, but was ancient. Evan and Derron were the first twin brothers to be born of the bloodline, and the debate of who would lead was running throughout the entire clan.

“Yes, you brother does enjoy spending time amongst the...” his father coughed, a hacking cough that shook his entire body. “Amongst the other races.” Evan snarled to himself. Derron walked the land at night like a human, unafraid of the threat of those who hunted... those who would destroy kin. Evan stood up.

“Father, I will have another discussion with my brother. Hopefully, we will strike a resolution.”

“Aletraya...” Derron lay on the dust ridden bed in his chambers. The flickering light of the torches hanging on the walls danced upon the walls as he whispered the name over and over.

“Who are you?” He could still hear her sweet voice, smooth and fresh like the first taste of blood after a long nights hunt. He had answered of course, refusing to give her his name however.

“What are you doing on the palace grounds?” She had asked, hands on her slender hips and dark eyes filled with the fire of her life. Derron had simply smiled.

“These grounds belong to none, but to all.” He had said. Aletraya had shaken her head in confusion.

“You must leave this property at once.” She had hissed between clenched teeth & lips pressed into a firm line. She had pushed past him along the path as he watched. The pale gray dress that she wore flowed down here body like liquid, giving her the appearance of either a water spirit or a splash of the river water moving across the plains. He had grinned to himself, a new type of hunt. This would be fun.

Aletraya had turned a bend in the path and found him in front of her again. She was startled, and swung out at him in her surprise. He caught her hand easily, holding it in a gentle but firm grip and laughed at her.

“Such a weak blow would never suffice.” He said, letting go of her hand. She stepped back once more.

“You have a lot of nerve”

“As do you, walking around during the night such as this.” Derron said, taking a deep breath. The scent of her sweet blood floated to him, even without her skin being broken. His fangs started to slide out in expectation.

“This is my family's land.” she had said, the pale skin of her cheeks flushing pale red in frustration. Derron had smiled once more.

“No land can belong to anyone but the earth from which it came.” He looked into her eyes, the dark eyes that reflected the night around them. “So, fair elfmaid, what is your name.”

“None of your concern.”

“I beg to differ, my dear.” Derron stared directly into the heart of her eyes. “Now, will you tell me your name or not?”

“Aletraya.” She had whispered. “Aletraya Suvitaria.” Derron released her mind.

“Was that so hard?” He said. “Now, fair Aletraya, my name is Derron.” He bowed low and kissed her hand in a mannerly fashion. “What is a beautiful creature such as yourself doing out at this time of night?”

“My...” she trailed off, looking back down the path to the courtyard from which she had left.

“Ah yes, that gathering I heard.” Derron said, thinking to himself. He had passed the group of people who were laughing and dancing to the music of the elven flute accompanied by the lute player. They were now to far to hear even the loudest and sharpest of the notes.

“Yes, it's in celebration of my” she swallowed. “Engagement.” Derron grinned once more to himself.

“You don't sound too excited.”

“Perhaps I'm not.” She had said, turning her head to look back at him.

“Yes...” He said, looking into her eyes once more. “And you decided to run away?”

“Not run away.” She sighed. “Just, I had to think.”

“Yes my dear, thinking is always... good...” Derron took her hand and pulled her towards him. “But, perhaps you just dwell upon the wrong things...” Aletraya closed her eyes just before he pressed his lips to her forehead, then trailed them slowly down to her own lips.

“Aletraya.” Aletraya snapped out of her daydream quickly. She was spending this evening hour in front of Kilot, the commander of the army of the Suvitaria kingdom. He was supposed to be teaching her the basic defenses taught to the armies. Weaponry techniques she would never use as the woman weren't allowed to go into battle.

“Very sorry Kilot.” She said, readjusting her grip on the handle of Caleantra, her sword. It was a one handed long sword, ancient as the elves, possessed by the soul of a dragon who was downed in battle by a cheap maneuver. Caleantra would, while in battle or preperation, could meld her own mind with Aletraya's, forming a partnership with the owner hardly any could overcome.

“Yes, I'm sure.” Kilot sighed. “Your heart isn't in this lesson Aletraya. Go and visit my wife. Your father has had my troops running ragged these past few days, and I've been out with them. She'd be glad of the company.” Aletraya nodded and sheathed Caleantra in the blue and silver scabbard. She bowed before Kilot before leaving the room. Stopping quickly in her chambers, she looked in the glass face of the mirror. Her hair was swept away from her face from the wind, and the deep blue of the tunic and leggings she wore to practice weaponry with Kilot.

She pulled down the leggings and tunic, watching her naked body in the mirror before turning to pull on her deep green common dress that she used to leave the palace. It wasn't as beautifully crafted as the rest of her dresses, but just as well made of the softest fabrics that could be found. As she fastened the last tie in the side of the dress she turned from the mirror and screamed.

“Shhh my dear...” Derron said, putting his hands on her shoulders. She shivered at his touch, feeling the coolness of his fingers upon her warm skin through the sheer fabric of her dress. He grinned at her, a smile that made her eyes stray to his mouth. She saw his canine's were a bit longer than the rest before he stroked her chin gently and drew her in close. Aletraya caught her breath.

“How did you get in here?” She said, regaining her composure enough to step away. Derron grinned once more. These races bound to the earth, so entertaining in their constant struggle of right and wrong.

“I climbed.” Derron said with enough of a glance to let her know he was lying. She took another step back, looking to Caleantra, lying on her bed. The blade began to glow a pale blue and Aletraya felt the familiar tingle as her blood starting rushing in her veins and her mind began to merge with Caleantra's. Derron was only aware of a slight change in Aletraya's eyes as this happened.

“You climbed all of that way.” Aletraya said, a slight whisper to her voice. She was careful not to fully merge with Caleantra as not to tip him off the danger he had fallen into. “You lie to me.”

“Perhaps.” He shrugged, scratching his chin. “Of course, what would I have to gain by lying to you?”

“And what would you have to lose?” Aletraya said. Besides your life. Caleantra echoed in her mind. Aletraya shook her head slightly to try and tell Caleantra to calm down.

“Not much.” He said. He reached out and grabbed her hand, an action that made Aletraya temporarily lose contact with Caleantra from shock. He pulled her in close.

“What are you doing.” She said, trying to pull away. “Release me or I'll call the guards.”

“If you were going to do that you would have called them before now...” Derron lowered his lips to hers, first circling around the rim of them with his tongue before placing it in her mouth. Aletraya's eyes opened wide. She reached up with her hands and dug her fingers into his shoulders to try to push him away, but ended up drawing him closer in to her, closing her eyes in the enjoyment of his kiss.

He drew back a minute later, a smile upon his lips. Aletraya echoed his smiled, her eyes half closed. Caleantra lost the pale glow and Aletraya's eyes returned to normal.

It would be so easy to drain her now... take the last drop of her living out of her veins... Derron thought to himself. He subconsciously started to stroke her bottom lip softly. The sweetness of her blood would be incomparable...
I couldn't...
he argued with himself. Not her... there's something about this elfmaid... this girl...
Now who's weighted down by emotion..
. Derron stared at Aletraya. The moon had finished making its appearance while the two had been entwined. It now shone through the window, forming a pool of light on the floor, stretching in to kiss Aletraya's cheek, enhancing the fragileness of her beauty and increasing the paleness of her skin. He leaned over and placed another kiss upon her lips.

Aletraya sighed to herself as he did so. Derron smiled once more before stepping back towards the window. He climbed out and smiled once more before disappearing from the window. Aletraya crossed the floor quickly to try and catch a final glimpse of him, and gasped as she realized he was gone.

Evan arrived in his family's manor minutes before daybreak. He had spent the night hunting, becoming successful finally and drinking his fill of a peasant girl on the outskirts of a town. He crossed his brother's room and looking in, saw Derron standing by his bed, obviously in deep thought. Evan knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Derron said, turning to look as Evan crossed the threshold. Evan clasped his hands behind his back.

“Hello brother.” He said, nodding in salutation. Derron nodded back.

“What can I do for you Evan.” Derron said, turning his back once more.

“Father wanted us to discuss who will take over as leader of the clan.” Evan said bluntly, slowly strolling over to where Derron stood.

“I thought we would decide only when father was gone.” Derron turned to face his brother once again.

“Father would rather we decided now.” Evan licked his left fang, taking off the last remnants of the taste of the peasant girl's blood.

“I cannot speak of this at the moment.” Evan sneered at his brother's comment.

“Cannot speak dear brother?” He said, a twisted grin upon his face. “Why, what has caught your attention?”

“None of your concern.” Derron waved his hand to dismiss Evan. “Now leave, the daylight hour fast approaches and I wish to rest.” Evan turned and left his brother's chambers, muttering to himself.

“Kilot said that you weren't paying attention in your lesson's last evening.” Aletraya's mother was saying to Aletraya, stitching on a small pillow. Aletraya nodded, barely listening to her mother as she thought back to Derron, his cool hands, his nonchalant demeanor, his soft, needy kisses that filled both her mind and soul...

“Yes mother.” She said, staring at the scroll she had been reading.

“As excited as I know you are about getting married, you cannot let it take over your mindset.” Her mother said, adding another stitch to the flowing splashes of red against the pale pillow.

“What?” Aletraya said, suddenly snapping back to reality. “Mother, it has not taken over my mind.”

“Oh really, then what has?” A sudden picture flashed before Aletraya's eyes. Derron's pale eyes, his dark hair.

“Nothing.” She said. “It's just been hard for me to become focused lately.” She fingered a ripping corner of the scroll. Her mother sighed.

“Another problem I have, Aletraya, is your late night walks.” Her mother stood up, dropping the pillow on the chair behind her. “There have been... strangers about the kingdom. Your father fears for your safety.”

“Strangers?” Aletraya swallowed hard. “Strangers such as what?”

“No idea. No one ever sees them. But it's always a lone figure, seen in the shadows of the forests. When this stranger is around they say all birds cease their singing, and all the animals hide. It is rumored he is the bringer of night, of darkness.” Her mother pulled on the long rope that stretched from the ceiling. A small bell went off deep in the bowels of the house. A servant began his rush towards the room grasping a flat gold box in his arms. He was followed by another servant, a girl, holding a soft fold of cloth. The came into the room. The male servant held out the gold box. Aletraya's mother opened the top,

“This is the coronet you will wear from now on.” Aletraya looked at it. It was a slim silver band, crafted with exquisite design and a blue diamond in the very middle. “It is to signify your betrothal.”

“Mother... I” Aletraya said as her mother placed it on her head.

“And your husband to be has sent this.”  She took the cloth from the other servant. “He will be joining us for the evening meal tonight. Willow.” The female servant looked up. “Take Aletraya to the bathing chambers. When she's finished, help her to get dressed.” Willow nodded. Aletraya's mother took the coronet off of her head. “Now my dear, go and make yourself beautiful for your beloved.”

“Derron...” Derron turned from the entry hall. He had just crossed his father's room. He turned back.

“Yes father?” He said, coming into the room. His father raised a hand to his mouth and coughed, a long, ragged cough that seemed to shake his entire being.

“Son, I wonder if you could ease my heart.”

“How so?” Derron saw Evan ease from the corner of the room and into the light.

“The two of you are both strong, in character, mind, and body. But...” his father sat up off the ancient bed. “Evan, you are stronger in cunning... and Derron, you in heart.” Evan grinned, a self fulfilled grin that gave Derron a bad feeling. “But, my sons, you must both become stronger in order to take over as leader successfully...” he coughed again and reached a frail hand out to both sons. They stood close to the bed and took a each took a hand. “Between the two of you, you must decide.”

“Yes father.” Derron said. Evan nodded and drew back from the bed, disappearing a few seconds later. Derron stood for a while, still holding his fathers hand, deep in thought.

Aletraya turned before her mirror, watching herself. Willow was fixing the coronet on her head, and brushing her long hair. Her mother had ordered her bathed in water pulled fresh from the spring, perfumed by the smell of the night air. The cloth that had been sent over by Teclan, her future husband, was actually a dress.

It was crafted of the softest silk, pieced together such as a masterpiece would be. It was the palest silver shade, the same as the moon that shone in the night sky. The back of the snug bodice was tied with ribbons that Willow had pulled their tightest upon her mother's orders. The dress fell off her shoulders, the sleeves falling loosely around her arms, ending just past her fingers. The skirt floated around her, touching the floor and in back where there was a slight train, it formed a silver pool on the ground.

“You look beautiful madam.” Willow said, pulling the top ribbon of the bodice even tighter. Aletraya nodded. She could hardly breathe. Willow ducked from the room. Aletraya looked into the mirror one last time before leaving the room. She walked into the hall and out to the south courtyard gardens where here mother had said the dinner would be held. A long table stood in the middle of a group of roses, whose sent perfumed the air. A white tablecloth covered the table, and three young servant girls were setting candles upon it while a fourth came along lighting them.

Another group of servants were spreading nightshade rose petals upon the tablecloth. The special roses, magically grown only in the gardens of the palace, had pale silver petals that reflected and absorbed the moonlight.

“Good evening my dear.” Hands clasped her shoulders. Aletraya's heart fluttered. She turned around.

“Oh... Thesonelton...” she tried to hide her disappointment. Thesonelton was her husband-to-be. For one moment, Aletraya had allowed herself to believe it was Derron. Thesonelton took her arm. He was older than her by around 10 season cycles, and had dark hair and eyes. He smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

“Yes. Now why are you standing here all alone?” He pulled her along as one would do a child. “It's much safer here, nearer to the light.” Aletraya sighed to herself. The rest of the invited guests arrived, taking places around the table. Her father took the head of the table, with her mother upon his left. He extended the right hand seat to Thesonelton, who took it and told Aletraya to take the seat to his right. Aletraya sat. a candle was right in front of her, adding its own heat to the still heat of the night. A woman sat next to her, heavily perfumed. The smell added to the heat and made her light-headed.

Halfway through the meal, it became to much. Aletraya couldn't breathe with the tight bodice as it was, and the little air she could take in was hot and stale with the perfume. She stood suddenly. Her father and Thesonelton, deep in their discussion of politics, looked up.

“What's wrong?” Her father said, standing. “Are you alright?”

“I need a breath of air...” she gasped out. Thesonelton stood.

“I'll come with you.” He said.

“No.” Aletraya said, trying to catch her breath once more. “I'll be fine.” She walked away from the table. Her lungs burned as she headed into the trees. She tried to reach the ribbons to loosen them, but her fingers stopped just short. Her eyes started to roll up in her head as she struggled vainly to get loosen them. A figure stepped from the trees. She could barely see him through her rapidly dimming vision. The moonlight glinted upon a dagger in its hands, the only thing Aletraya could focus on.

The figure darkened more in her vision as they moved behind her. The knife came slicing down as Aletraya tried to scream out. She fell to the ground.

“Wake up...” Aletraya turned her head to the side. Someone was slapping her face softly. She lay still a while longer. The person started to drip a liquid onto her face. She opened her eyes and tried to focus. Swimming before her eyes were another pair of eyes, pale as the moon, with a dark lock of hair obscuring the left one.

“Derron...” She whispered. Her eyes cleared suddenly. Derron was leaning over her, a look of concern in his eyes. Aletraya looked briefly at her surroundings. She was in a room, a large room with wide windows open to welcome the night. The moonlight shone through the room, illuminating it and the large bed Aletraya laid upon.

Derron got up off the bed, the concern in his eyes replaced by his once again nonchalant demeanor as he crossed the room to stand near the window. Aletraya took a deep breath and sat up, reaching around to the back of her bodice. The ribbons were ripped and shredded.

“Thank you.” Aletraya said, standing and crossing to where he stood. Derron nodded in return. He turned to look at her, raising his hand to her face, cupping the left side. Aletraya closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. Derron's eyes strayed to her throat.

so smooth...” he thought, stroking her cheek with his thumb. This skin... the sweet blood that must lie underneath...
I can't take her blood...
Derron fought his thoughts once more. His instincts told him to take her into his arms, lull her into sweet submissive sleep, and drink. His mind, and another misplaced emotion, told him otherwise.
what are you allowing yourself to become... and over this... an elfmaid?
I don't...
Derron pulled her close and kissed her, a soft kiss that penetrated what was left of his defenses against this feeling she brought out in him. Aletraya melted into him, circling his neck with her arms as he did the same to her waist. Derron took a step towards the window, taking her with him.

Aletraya felt a flutter in her stomach as the floor suddenly dropped away. She pulled her lips from Derron's and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw were his own, and then, the dark night sky enveloping her. She looked down. The ground was far below her, and the window of the room they had been in was far behind. She clung tighter to Derron.

“Magic user!” She hissed at him, afraid to speak aloud. “Mage! Why didn't you tell me?”

“I am neither, and yet I am both...” Derron said as the two continued to move through the night sky.


“I can explain.” Derron said as the two began to slowly drift back to the ground. Aletraya's feet soon hit solid ground, and she looked around her. They were at Netraya's Falls, the waterfall that formed the headwaters of Trustquen's strait, the river that wound through the kingdom. Derron let her go, a look that she couldn't place in his eyes. Aletraya reached out to take his hands, but he pushed her away.

“I am sure you won't want to touch me again after I say this...” Derron turned from her to look over the falls. “Aletraya, my...” He swallowed hard. The moon, shining down on the two from above, gave him courage to continue. “My family is of ancient bloodline. Dating back before even the first elves were seen upon this planet.”

“None are older than the elves.” Aletraya said in confusion. “At least, no race that has been documented.”

“That is what I'm telling you.” Derron turned to face her. “My race has been hidden, forgotten. Ignored, forced into the darkest of dwellings and the foulest of spaces.” Ander flared in his eyes, turning them from the pale color into a dark grey. “My race is as old as time, yet none will remember us once the last of us is gone, and none remember us now as we live and breathe.” a twisted smile crossed his face at this statement. Aletraya drew back from him.

“You are afraid and I have not told you what I am...” Derron said, taking a step closer to her. “My race is the one that hides in the shadows. The race that lives in legends and dwells in dreams. We are the race that none want to admit, but all who are wise know exist.” He opened her mouth to show her where two fangs were know extended. Aletraya gasped. “My family, my clan, my race, all nightwalkers...” He grasped her hand. “Vampires.”

“What? No...” Aletraya said, trying to pull her hand away. “Vampires are legend, nothing more.”

“Nothing more, nothing less.” Derron said, bringing the hand to his lips and placing a kiss upon the fingertips.

“I don't believe you.”

“And yet, you're full of fear.” Derron sighed. He let go of her hand. “I expected no less... very well then, I leave you now, fair Aletraya.” He took a step away. “Goodbye, my dear.”

“Wait.” Aletraya said, grasping him firmly by the arm. “Derron, I may be afraid but what do you expect of me? I've just found out that you are a vampire.”

“Yes, and I see you've come to a decision, so I leave you here.”

“I've come to no such decision.” She pulled him closer to her, grasping his hands. “My mind may be telling me that there's something wrong... but my heart tells me otherwise...” She leaned forwards and kissed him, drawing him in close. Derron leaned over, pushing her gently to the ground and catching the ribbons of her bodice around his fingers, deftly pulling them out one by one as he continued kissing her.

The Origin of Kanaseria Pt. 2
Litrelle's Story

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