Page name: torture through boredom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-06 17:38:41
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
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Hey! this page is just for all of you bored peoples who want to make someone suffer. So get creative and see what you can come up with! 

1. Strap a person to a metal chair with their feet in a bucket of water and hook them up to a car battery (fully charged) and watch the fun! -empty-

2. Japanese water torture: Tie a person to a chair and have a steady dripping of water on their forehead for as long as you wish. May cause insanity. Use wisely!! *drip drip drip* -empty-

3. . Bury them in sand to their necks right before sunrise, cut their eyelids of, and face them towards where the sun rises. -empty-

4. Long Time Standing: This technique is described as among the most effective. Prisoners are forced to stand, handcuffed and with their feet shackled to an eye bolt in the floor for more than 40 hours. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation are effective in yielding confessions or just to do for the fun of it. -empty-

5. The Cold Cell: The prisoner is left to stand naked in a cell kept near 50 degrees. Throughout the time in the cell the prisoner is doused with cold water. -empty-

6. Water Boarding: The prisoner is bound to an inclined board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him. Unavoidably, the gag reflex kicks in and a terrifying fear of drowning leads to almost instant pleas to bring the treatment to a halt. -empty-

7. Fire ritual: bind the target on the ground and put some patrol on him/her and around him/her. try to creat some kind of ritual circle so that its looks nice(if u want u can put some burn able things there to). then put some fire to it and wait until the fire ends burning. [chyu]

8. Burning at the stake: Bind the target to a pole and build a fire around them about 5-7 feet away. (depending on how long you want this to take) They will roast rather nice and slowly and every-so-often, poke them with a stick to see how they're faring. (This is the traditional way of burning someone at the stake.) -empty-

9.I got this one from my English teacher... Dip someone's feet in bacon grease then tie them up and hold their feet over a hot coal fire. As the fire heats the grease it begins to sizzle and burn. The grease can get so hot it will actually cauterize them so you will have no messy blood to clean up.. ;D -lonely-

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2007-11-18 [chyu]: this is getting interesting.

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