Page name: torture through pleasure [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-15 20:08:07
Last author: _Einsam_Ein_
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 4
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This page is dedicated to those who torture through pleasure. For you sadists, Masochists, and just peoples who love that stuff, this page is for you to write down your pleasurable torture! Be as graphic as you wish!

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2008-03-09 [Eyonic]: lol, darn it!

2008-03-10 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hey you got on!

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: yup

2008-03-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *dances* im in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: ? you are?

2008-03-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i am!!! i am am am am !

2008-03-10 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...?

2008-03-13 [.Toxic Valentine.]: what?

2008-03-16 [_Einsam_Ein_]: who/what are you in love with?

2008-03-17 [.Toxic Valentine.]: my best friend sam ..but .. yeah he just changed his mind...again..

2008-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: that sucks.

2008-03-18 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *sighs*

2008-03-24 [_Einsam_Ein_]: im sorry i know exactly how that goes

2008-03-24 [Eyonic]: *nods to self*

2008-03-25 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i jsut recorded the last of my music performances!!!! im freeeeeee!

2008-03-26 [Eyonic]: woot!

2008-03-26 [.Toxic Valentine.]: anyone like Elliot Minor ? (the band?)

2008-03-26 [Eyonic]: hmmmmm, never heard it.....

2008-03-26 [.Toxic Valentine.]: damn. ahh well.. look em up if you like.. *dances*

2008-03-26 [Eyonic]: okiday

2008-03-26 [.Toxic Valentine.]: xxx *smiles* xxx

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