[Hedda]'s diary

1083047  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5493 days ago)

And while evil forces are trying to censor, the pirates on http://thepiratebay.org/ are really trying to help:


Now wait for the evil forces of intellectual monopolies to fight for free speech and democracy... Don't hold your breath though!

1082944  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-16
Written: (5493 days ago)

Todays lesson in New English:

The British minister of censorship is called Minister for Communications. Stephen Carter, Baron Carter of Barnes have now started a crusade in French style against free speech in order to make sure that people don't share information with each other.

Show him that you care! Throw out your TV-set on the street and watch everything via bittorrent instead! Remember that every time you buy a file, watch TV without totally avoiding the ads, buy a CD or DVD, a little bit more of Internet dies.

1082029  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-09
Written: (5500 days ago)
Next in thread: 1082166

Crash again

This time for a totally unknown reason. And it seems like [Elftron] was disturbing out my network too while doing its guru meditation. It might just have been the network card running amok and then eventually crash the entire computer.

Basically nothing got lost in the crash. Maybe a few gb-messages or wiki-comments, but no postings for example. It was just between 09:57 and 10:22.

1081942  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-08
Written: (5501 days ago)


Can't seem to get good sleep. Today nothing got done. We'll see what I can do this evening.

1081449  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-06-05
Written: (5505 days ago)

Jolly Roger forever!

Let's just adapt it to the current times!


This song was however made before the Swedes came down there to blast the crap out of them, so I guess it's just another pirate age going down the drain.

1081286  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-03
Written: (5506 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1081275 In Chrysilla's diary
1080781  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-05-30
Written: (5511 days ago)
Next in thread: 1081270

Anyone playing the stupid Robin Hood game on Facebook?

Join me then: http://apps.facebook.com/robhood/home.php?inv=577212311

Pretty smart idea with a game that demands that you fish for other players...

I don't really get the point of the game though. One just improves, levels, buys more stuff and on and on...

1080486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5513 days ago)
1080470  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5513 days ago)

About the heavy metal scene in the Middle East:
Texted and narrated in Swedish, but the deep interviews that is the most part are in English.

1080381  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-26
Written: (5514 days ago)
1080319  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-26
Written: (5514 days ago)

Now I'm on my way to vote in the EU-election and then on a robot lecture with http://www.aldebaran-robotics.com/eng/index.php

1080152  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-25
Written: (5516 days ago)

Whoho! It's the towel day! Don't forget your towel today!

Of course it has to do with Douglas Adams.

1080049  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-24
Written: (5517 days ago)

Still network problems...

For some reason Elftown is not accessible from the outside (even though its network work fine locally) now and then. A restart of the network solves that though. I had a script that would do that automatically, but it wasn't working. I found the error, fixed it and now it seems to work, so if Elftown is disconnected again, it should be reconnected in 30-90 seconds again.

I have no clue about why this happens. Might be a problem in the router, at the ISP or something else that get triggered when there is a lot of traffic.

1079986  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-05-23
Written: (5518 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079995

Any Estonians reading here?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUgqXGu_gTQ (Yurope according to Estonians)

Poor Latvia got no coast! I don't get why Sweden isn't a kingdom though...

1079420  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-18
Written: (5522 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079466

The cats are fucking.

1079375  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-18
Written: (5522 days ago)

So... SOF2009 is finally over! I'm still tired though, and I might have come up with a flue. It feels OK right now though, but it was bad 1-2 hours ago. I didn't get lucky, but I guess I was pretty lucky compared to many others. My foot was broken in the beginning of the 4-day party, but now it's better after 4 days of heavy walking... A friend jumped from a stage and broke his foot on the other hand. And while I lost and got my mobile phone back, another friend lost his wallet. And another got robbed of a bottle of vodka and a student pub was hit by a burglar.

I had some nightmares about Elftown crashing this morning, but instead Elftown is having damn network problems and I have no idea why. I've put in yet another automatic network restart feature (there was already one, but it worked differently). I'm somewhat suspecting that my router is bad. I'll see if I can reroute the cables a little. Prepare for some 5-10 seconds downtime later today! <img:stuff/cheshmak.gif>

Apart from that, Lilo has also been partying the last days together with a very nice tomcat. I think they have argued about one time or so (not that I have been at home...) and that was quite gentle. Quite different from how it is with Sonic or Kali.

1077885  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-05-07
Written: (5534 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077887

From children, alcoholic and idiots you hear the truth

I've just watched the movie "The Obama Deception" (You can find it on for example www.mininova.org with subtitles in your own language). That film has it all from very clear and intelligent observations to pure bullshit and madness.

To sum it up on the positive side:
1) FED is a problem as it's creating a bubble economy and they are stealing money from the ones using the dollar. EU's bank ECB is handing out its profits to the countries, which the movie totally fail to relate to.

2) Obama has lied his ass of and continue to do so. This is something that especially left wing politicians are allowed to do it seems. Why? People generally mistrust right-wing people more, so they have a harder time getting away with lies (not that they don't try...).

3) It should be quite clear that borrowing money isn't the way to make the economy grow. To grow the economy, you need to invest, invent and increase trade. Patents-monopolies, control of the Internet and anti-globalization are the threats - not the cure! (Non of this is shown by the morons behind this film, but they raise the question.)

4) They really try to reach out for everyone, even though they truly suck at it. But all they can do is point out errors (actually many more than there are...) and they don't have an alternative. People who are opposed are just pawns who someone smart will use. Someone smart who is for something.

But on the negative side:
1) There is a total moron who apparently believe in the bible and he says that we shouldn't be so easily fooled! And then they another guy goes on and says that you have to be American, otherwise you can't make things happen, and if he would have been Italian he would have been suppressed by the local culture and not able to understand free speech. Seriously: You are a fucking ignorant asshole American village idiot!

2) Apparently they say that the (Anglo-American) world is run by Wall Street bankers. They throw out bullshit like that globalization is something that only is good for these bankers while it's a threat to "the workers of America". The makers of the movie clearly show why they can't make any money on the insights they have as they understand nothing about internationalization (and really fail to understand the rest of the world as seen above). So what would be the alternative to a society run by bankers? Run by those morons? No thanks. Run by communist China? No thanks.

3) Apparently taxes on carbon dioxide is really really going to end free life for every American and the entire green house effect is a scam. That's bullshit of the scale. Historical temperatures have very little to do with the theories about global warming, and it's quite clear if you check the numbers on how much carbon dioxide we put out in the atmosphere that something quite drastic will happen. And really: This sure as hell doesn't mean that the poor countries have to live in poverty - Taking care of the environment is what you have to do to make the economy flourish and they are not opposites even though environment investments are just that - investments.

4) They did mention the control of the Internet a little. But there are way more bad stuff going on there in the try to stop free flowing of information for all kinds of reason.

5) And what about the churches? These coward, weapon-loving, god-fearing, xenophobic, anti-intellectual conspiracy theoretics apparently don't care if they are their pawns. They just don't want to be pawns of bankers, something not purely American or people very good at economics. There is some bullshit about that "the bankers" financed Hitler and Stalin, but nothing about that the pope declared the Third Reich.

6) There is of course not one true power behind everything. The makers of the movie find some bad stuff and then try to imagine that someones are in control even though there are thousands of powers competing and not even the gang they are pointing out is competing between themselves.
1077853  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-05-07
Written: (5534 days ago)

Landscape Photo Contest 2009-2010 - Hehe, a contest I can join!

1077590  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-05
Written: (5536 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077643

I'm finally done with my taxes! Many minutes (11!) before they had to be in to avoid penalty!

Now I should fix some things here and there (some badges and contest-fixing) and then start thinking about what more to improve on Elftown. I have a huge list... I think that wiki-page fans is the most interesting thing so I think I'll start with that. Otherwise there are a lot of small fixes. And a huge amount of Javascript to write to make images appear more nicely with tagging, comments and stuff.

1077523  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5537 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077595


The Hunt For Gollum review

A 45 minutes long story with Gandalf, Strider, Gollum, orcs and stuff.
1077339  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-05-02
Written: (5538 days ago)
Next in thread: 1077487

Blärgh! Bleeding from my nose. And I have loads of work to do with the taxes today and tomorrow. And I fail to get started.

 The logged in version 

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