[Hedda]'s diary

1084958  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-07-01
Written: (5478 days ago)
Next in thread: 1085152, 1085653


As you might have noticed, [font] has changed the Writersco address to point at a new site. So to get to the old one, you have to use http://writersco.heddate.com/ now. I'll keep it going, as I think it's quite rude to just remove a site where people might still have stuff that they want to access. I just hope that [font] can configure his new site to make his 404-messages suggest that people should try to look at http://writersco.heddate.com/ so that the old links still sort of work.

I've cleaned out the Writersco council in a vorlon style and removed everyone I don't have a personal relation with. I get pretty pissed at news-writings like this:
(A note: I offered to share ad revenue, but there simply isn't any.)

I wish them good luck with their new site, but to be honest I think it has nothing to attract people with and so far they have been great at repelling people with fights.
1084849  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-30
Written: (5479 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084889

Beer wars

I just saw the pretty nice documentary Beer Wars. Mostly interesting to [Viking], I guess. But it do have quite a few general issues that is interesting (The woman making it doesn't even drink alcohol).

It clearly displays both how huge companies can benefit the society by bringing what they want, but cheaper, but also how "cheaper" might start to mean "the only and more expensive choice" when regulations and bought politicians start to hit an industry.

You can download the movie from here for example: 

If you want to learn a lot of interesting things about beer, then this movie has not so much to offer. It's more about business, but it's quite fun, especially in the beginning. In the end it's more about Anheuser-Busch(Bud, you know?)-bashing.

I myself had never heard of that three-tier beer distribution system (http://www.beer-brewing.com/beer-brewing/US_beer_industry/beer_distribution.htm) which is another one of those American inventions that should have been undone (Even though it's a step up from the prohibition). Compared to that the Swedish Systembolaget-retail monopoly seems like a good idea.

1084805  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-30
Written: (5480 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084821

The Pirates have sold out

Nothing is settled and done, but The Pirate Bay is about to be sold:

The stock-price for the buying company Global Gaming Factory X has gone up through the roof, which should be a sign that there is a possibility that the take-over can be done.

But does anyone remember Napster? I really don't get what GGF is trying to do here. They say they want to push a new kind of filesharing tool, develop The Pirate Bay, and also give something to the content monopoly owners and to democracy and free-speech funds.

To me that sounds like a business plan like going out to the middle of a battlefield and hand out free food.

But regardless of how that goes: This pirate nest isn't really pirate anymore and the brand is severely damaged. Port Royal has turned into Kingstown. Talk like a pirate day will turn into Talk like a Jamaican guy...

We have to adjust to a world with either a new ThePirateBay or something else.
1084712  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-29
Written: (5481 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084745

For you who like squids and such stuff. This is a really nice talk:

Ocean depths and the Undersea Voyager Project.


One interesting fact is a calculation about that to support the sperm whale population of the world, there have to be about 6 000 000 000 giant squids in the world's seas. But they live at such depths and are so afraid of light that they are almost unknown anyway.

1084636  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-06-28
Written: (5481 days ago)


So, if you loved Firefly, you'll... Eh... Well, it's pretty fun: www.mosquitoverse.com

Direct link to behind the scenes movie:

1084485  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-06-27
Written: (5483 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084506, 1084577

Today's news

Over one million people in USA have been infected with the A/H1N1 virus (Also known as the Mexican pig-party hangover). Totally word-wide 67 000 people (300 dead). If that doesn't add up for you, there might be a job for you at WHO.

Someones have eventually realized that you can make cars really light, cheap and modern:
I especially like the part where they explain that they'll save money on the crash tests, because the car simply doesn't get destroyed by them and one car can go through all the, usually destructive, tests and then be ready for sale.

Conan O'Brien is still not funny. Jon Stewart is.

Internet was hit by a DOS-attack. It started in a heart of an ex-pop-star, ex-black and now ex-person, but quickly spread over Internet and then an hour later over TV and similar 20th century media.

1084127  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-24
Written: (5485 days ago)
Next in thread: 1084200


We haz dhem!

To specify: In the south Swedish town Malmö, it's now OK to swim without anything on the upper body. Regardless of which gender you are.

The logical conclusion is that the breast dress-code has to be lifted, otherwise I'll be discriminating women/girls. And that girl-breasts can no longer (must not!) be considered "childporn".

This brings up some quite interesting conflicts with the American laws of "Boobies bad!"... I should sue Facebook, Google and all the rest of the bunch on behalf of the discriminated people of the world!
1083990  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-24
Written: (5486 days ago)

Today Lilo has been with me for 10 years! <img:stuff/mood36-gif.gif>


1083844  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-23
Written: (5487 days ago)

MySpace is dying

MySpace will kick 300 of its 450 employees. Looking at this graph, it's easy to see why:


MySpace has however been better than Facebook to make money.

The main thing, I think, is that:
1) People just want to be on one place. The biggest place.
2) People are kind of bored at meeting new people.

That said: I think there is still a place for communities like Elftown. The trick is to make it exciting to find new people. It has to feel new and fresh all the time. And one of the main features with Facebook is that you can't really find new friends there - just connect to the ones you already have. That's where Elftown comes in and sites like www.couchsurfing.org and maybe, just maybe, those crappy dating sites.
1083840  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-23
Written: (5487 days ago)

A sober look at Iran:


Iran's problem isn't the election, but the strange of freedom of speech that the so called "Islamic" republic enforce. If the so-called Muslims in the guardian council could take some time of to read their book, they'll see that fighting freedom of speech is like spitting Mohamed in the face.

The second problem is the practice that the guardian council disallow democratic candidates. Cooperation with people of different views are cornerstone in the Koran. Which, apparently, the guardian council uses for toilet paper...

But even if these problems are resolved, Iran will have the same democratic problems as India: Poor people will be fooled to vote for politicians who appear to help them, even though they are mostly enriching themselves and/or create an inefficient society with powerless individuals where you have to apply to do anything.

And that problem can only be solved if the brightest people in the society get into politics.

1083222  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-06-18
Written: (5492 days ago)
Next in thread: 1083437
1083064  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5492 days ago)
Next in thread:

And a cultural perspective of file-sharing:

1083047  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5493 days ago)

And while evil forces are trying to censor, the pirates on http://thepiratebay.org/ are really trying to help:


Now wait for the evil forces of intellectual monopolies to fight for free speech and democracy... Don't hold your breath though!

1082944  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-16
Written: (5493 days ago)

Todays lesson in New English:

The British minister of censorship is called Minister for Communications. Stephen Carter, Baron Carter of Barnes have now started a crusade in French style against free speech in order to make sure that people don't share information with each other.

Show him that you care! Throw out your TV-set on the street and watch everything via bittorrent instead! Remember that every time you buy a file, watch TV without totally avoiding the ads, buy a CD or DVD, a little bit more of Internet dies.

1082029  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-09
Written: (5500 days ago)
Next in thread: 1082166

Crash again

This time for a totally unknown reason. And it seems like [Elftron] was disturbing out my network too while doing its guru meditation. It might just have been the network card running amok and then eventually crash the entire computer.

Basically nothing got lost in the crash. Maybe a few gb-messages or wiki-comments, but no postings for example. It was just between 09:57 and 10:22.

1081942  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-08
Written: (5501 days ago)


Can't seem to get good sleep. Today nothing got done. We'll see what I can do this evening.

1081449  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-06-05
Written: (5505 days ago)

Jolly Roger forever!

Let's just adapt it to the current times!


This song was however made before the Swedes came down there to blast the crap out of them, so I guess it's just another pirate age going down the drain.

1081286  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-03
Written: (5506 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1081275 In Chrysilla's diary
1080781  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-05-30
Written: (5511 days ago)
Next in thread: 1081270

Anyone playing the stupid Robin Hood game on Facebook?

Join me then: http://apps.facebook.com/robhood/home.php?inv=577212311

Pretty smart idea with a game that demands that you fish for other players...

I don't really get the point of the game though. One just improves, levels, buys more stuff and on and on...

1080486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5513 days ago)
1080470  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5513 days ago)

About the heavy metal scene in the Middle East:
Texted and narrated in Swedish, but the deep interviews that is the most part are in English.

 The logged in version 

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