[Aradon Templar]'s diary

840753  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-19
Written: (6530 days ago)

Humm... The poll on Mainstreet makes me want to try something out. I was going to answer it for when I make stuff on the computer, since I don't draw, but then I realized I do quite a number of them seperately, and the product is no doubt affected as a result. I want to try doing one for each option in the poll, and comparing the results. Dunno when I'll have time for it, though, considering I have school + Fire Emblem + Guild Wars: Factions + Fantasma. If I were to choose between those, Fire Emblem wins over making art :D

838116  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-13
Written: (6536 days ago)

Heh, every time I see that Deus has changed his house, I end up just hoping for his sake that he kept the previous one intact on some obscure page for future reverting reference.

837634  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-12
Written: (6537 days ago)

I'm not Asian:

Magmasama: on your synopsis
Magmasama: did you do a title line?
Magmasama: if I can get rid of a title line
Magmasama: I get back 2 lines....
Aradon Templar: Nope
Magmasama: hmm...
Aradon Templar: I stuck the bibliographic info at the top
Aradon Templar: Then, 'Synopsis' :D
Aradon Templar: I, unlike you, was trying to create lines
Magmasama: ah
Magmasama: I'm trying to
Magmasama: see
Aradon Templar: XD

835923  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-08
Written: (6541 days ago)

Will be out until this Thursday evening, won't be on here until Friday no doubt.
My family decided it was a great time to go camping, and we almost got away with not going >.<

835089  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-06
Written: (6543 days ago)
Next in thread: 835122

Whhhhy are there so many pictures on Mainstreet?
And has anyone else noticed they show drawings now, too, rather than just photos?

834223  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-03
Written: (6546 days ago)
Next in thread: 834398

I think I want to coin a term:
Hiccough: v. A short disconnection from the internet, lasting no more than five minutes, that effectively shuts down a certain website/program/process requiring a continuous connection.
Example: I was logged off of Guild Wars just before the mission ended, forcing me to do the mission all over again, because my internet hiccoughed.
Elftown has a tendency to hiccough a lot, especially when editing wikipages, making me copy my edit data and redo the whole edit.
Messenger enjoys a good hiccough, especially when you actually feel like using it to talk with your friends.

832240  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-30
Written: (6550 days ago)

Looking back, it seems I've changed again (curse the inconstancy of humans! :P) from what I was maybe a year and a half ago. Back then, I considered all Christians as allies, and Catholics as good ones. And those who weren't Christian were almost enemies, in my eyes. Lines have shifted, now. Instead, I regard those with a functioning intellect as friends worthy of my respect, regardless of religious alignment.

I think this is mainly because I'm more concerned with the ideals behind religion, such as justice, morality, and of course, wisdom. After a while, I came to realize that just because someone was Christian it didn't mean they were moral people, or were concerned with purity, and especially didn't mean they were intelligent. Instead, people with intelligence seem to have more integrity, but they simply don't all worship God. Of course, I still think this is a pity, but they are more in the right than the wayward worshippers who are Christians in name only.

And besides that, intelligent people can write three whole sentences without making a typo. This is much easier on the mind :)

And, I made a Fantasma character, because it looks great, and all that work by Adaman doesn't deserve to go to waste (though I'm not the only one playing). Teh character: Fantasma Character: Rinji Sying
831953  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-29
Written: (6551 days ago)

Hurrah, photobucket seems to be wreaking havoc on the world. Its images are starting to be deleted (for not viewing them in a year, I think), and all those stale banners and gifs that people clutter their houses with are breaking! :D

And, photobucket is being bad by using materials uploaded to them without notifying artists. I should have read through that contract, I now realize :P

830617  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-27
Written: (6553 days ago)

*random crap*

A: You have trouble trusting people
B: You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people
C: you're wild and crazy
D: You are popular with all types of people
E: A Hottie
F: People totally adore you
G: You are very friendly and understanding
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: You Hate Liars
J: Everyone loves you
K: You like to try new things
L: You always make other people smile when you smile
M: Success comes easily to you
N: You're great in bed
O: You love foreplay
P: You are very friendly and understanding
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You are beautiful, and sexy
S: People think you are so sexy
T: You are one of the best in bed
U: You are really chill
V: You are not judgemental
W: You are very broad minded
X: You never let people tell you what to do
Y: you make every experience great
Z: You're Super cool


C: you're wild and crazy
A: You have trouble trusting people
L: You always make other people smile when you smile
E: A Hottie
B: You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people


*Vetos whole thing as completely unreliable*

828642  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-23
Written: (6557 days ago)

I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2. It was pathetic. Mere marketing scheme designed to appease the idiot-fanatics like my sister who 'love Johnny Depp' and are always saying silly catch phrases like, "but why is the rum gone?" They simply took all the things everyone liked about the first movie, and gave them to Robert Jordan to write about. Who else could have decided to both write horrible twists of plot and over-complications to the point of extremism, and end the movie with a low-point in morale and no plot resolution whatsoever?
Basically, the result was a three hour movie filled with nonstop action of the painfully silly sort that only obsessed people would appreciate because it's, you know, Pirates of the Caribbean! Ugh. I don't know if I will watch the third one, but if I do, it'd better be really good, not like the downhill slope that Matrix took :(

I've decided that looking inward is good for fertilizing what you have already gained in life, but eventually the introspective stance runs out of new material to bring to fruition. I've had my eyes turned inward for far too long, and closed my eyes to the real world. The result? A whole bunch of arrogance, lots of talk, and little walk. I just need to start looking at the world again, and my genius will return again :)
This is all mostly from an art perspective, too. Meaning- I've been playing so much guild wars and thinking to myself so much that I haven't been looking at the real world, and lost the inspiration from the natural view. Of course, that is the perfect one, too. *cue improvements*
826510  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-19
Written: (6561 days ago)
Next in thread: 826512

Guild Wars thieves my spare time! Gah!
Well, I promise I'll have a new Terragen pic up soon. Something creative would do me good. I've actually already created it, Terragen just needs to render it. But that could take a while :(
It's a good picture though, I promise :)

824512  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-14
Written: (6566 days ago)

I watched Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe today. I wish I had gone to see it in theater. I always seem to enjoy things more when I'm alone. It's just kinda different if someone is sitting right next to me, too, enjoying the same thing I am. It's like, "HEY! I'm the one enjoying this, go do something else."

Anyways, the movie was decent. I'm not sure what I expected from it, but it could've been better. On the other hand, it could have been much worse. It certainly wasn't 'terrible' as my siblings claimed, and I would definitely recommend its viewing. I think what irked me was the way the siblings couldn't get along, and obviously were acting. No family, I think, would act like they did, openly hostile and looking for a fight. I could see that between friends, but families usually try to get along. The roles were too well accented, I guess. And we could have done with a little more large-scale breathtaking scenery, but that's just my opinion. Every movie could use more of that :D

Terragen 2 gallery is available for viewing (http://www.planetside.co.uk/), but no Terragen 2 yet. I can't wait for the final release. Hopefully the tech preview will be out soon. 'Sometime this year' is rolling around quicker than most would guess.

821515  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-09
Written: (6571 days ago)

Bows update:
Looking for a perfect storm bow, but the present one suffices.
I am fine on the short bow.
I am fine on the Recurve Bow, but want a moddable one for my vampiric string.
I have a decent hornbow that needs a grip of defense or fortitude.

I need a grip for the recurve, should I get a new one, of defense.

Mods needed: two +5 armor grips. A string of 20/20 sundering.
Bows needed: A perfect storm bow, a perfect Recurve bow.

819386  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-05
Written: (6575 days ago)

Teh mapgen on mainstreet seems to give me only very similar maps. Maybe I need to mess with the numbers more, but I think Terragen's mapper works much more nicely :)
Or WorldMachine, if you just want a map.

819247  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-04
Written: (6576 days ago)

Huzzah, back to Mainstreet!

817198  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-30
Written: (6580 days ago)
Next in thread: 817613

Well, too bad. I started Star Ocean :P My brother was stuck, so I started playing. He watched me, and got unstuck >.>
Currently I am farther than him in the storyline, but that should change sometime today. He watched me again :P

Anyways, the main point of this entry is to remind myself to report [Elftron] to the guards next time Elftown crashes :D

And as an afterthought (*edited*) I vote that all members displaying pictures of themselves with their middle finger abusing the world be banned in repurcusion of breaking Elftown's rule.

812052  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-21
Written: (6589 days ago)

Finished Xenosaga I. I could play II, but don't feel like it. I don't really like the gameplay style or anything, and it's really long, and not that great. A big waste of time. Then again, so are most videogames. Though I did enjoy the character KOS-MOS of Xenosaga. An android created solely for wiping out the Gnosis and whatever else Vector Enterprises wants her to do. She could do pretty much anything, and as she put it, "I am glad to be of service." Not that she didn't have a personality, like most androids typically don't, but that was how she was. Helpful, and capable. Probably enjoyed life immensely, considering she only wanted one thing, and was quite capable it.

My brother started Star Ocean. It looks like a pretty good game. Decent graphics (especially compared to old school FF VI, or even VII), voices & subs, nice gameplay & battle style. Tastefully done. But I can't start it now, since my brother's playing it :P I guess I'm just playing Guild Wars. Oh, miserable me ^^'

810270  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-18
Written: (6592 days ago)
Next in thread: 810271, 810631, 811113

I personally could handle dividing those numbers and using the info they create in a game system, but I would never want to ask anyone else to do so.

</quoth xido>

Yes, the stress of someone dividing a number under 100 by another number. I can't imagine dividing 83 by 4. Oh wait, 20.75? Yeah, that took about two seconds. I'm reminded yet again why I didn't really ever get along with Xido. I would never want people that couldn't do such division playing the same game as me, if I had a choice. Honestly, who needs calculator, unless you want to divide something by 32 or something strange I mean, the rolls don't go past 100, and even if they did, such division is easy. Certainly not something that needs a multi-paragraphed post to argue against >.<

801219  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6609 days ago)
Next in thread: 801243

^^ I used GIMP!


Done with the aid of a tutorial that didn't like GIMP. I'll probably be making more of these, since they're not too artistically challenging :P

>.< I never realized that on a different monitor it shows up horribly. On mine (which is darker and more blendy) it looks good :P

801134  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6609 days ago)

*grabbed GIMP off the internet*
Now I need to figure out what kind of things this program can do :P

I saw a house with an anarchy banner, which stated that "Anarchy is raising."

Well, I suppose with no government funding, public education would decline, and we'd get people like that :P

800605  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-30
Written: (6611 days ago)

Because it's so much fun, I did it again! :P

Opening credits:
Cosmo Canyon - FF VII
Not very appropriate, but better than last time. Well, it actually does kind of work.

Waking up:
Organization XIII - Kingdom Hearts II
Heh, I like this one. Almost like a tragedy that I have to get up. But it's the waking-up kind of music, I think.

Average day:
Eyes on Me - FF VIII
This makes more sense by the song's title than the actual lyrics, really.

First date:
Above the Rising Falls - Kingdom Hearts
Yes... The ultimate challenge, worthy of such uber last-level type music, remixed. Or so it would seem :D

Falling in love:
One-Winged Angel
Muahaha! And my girlfriend shall be conquered by the powerful Sephiroth!

Fight scene:
Promised Grace - Crystal Chronicles
Yes. The elaborate, refined art of fighting reserved only for the elite, it would seem.

Breaking up:
Silence and Motion - FF VIII
Truly an oddity, I believe this song bears no appropriateness. Unless it means that I am not going to be3 very sad, at the time, and get over it quickly. Kinda a cool, sci-fi, optimistic piece.

Getting back together:
Track 3 - Tactics
Meh, I usually skip the ones I don't know the titles to, but this one fit well enough that I kept :P

Secret love:
Amidatti and Eleonor Too - Crystal Chronicles
XDDD Of all my luck.

Life's okay:
Those Who Fight - Advent Children
Yes... life is fine when I am working on something o.O

Mental breakdown:
Fisherman's Horizon - FF VIII
*snerk* My mind might break down if I had to listen to this piece much longer. Played forever in the game >.>

Just a Little More - Metroid Prime
My driving will take me to cool, exotic, fascinating places.

Deep thought:
Zidane's Theme - FF IX
Somehow I don't think Zidane did much thinking o.O

Lulu's Theme - FF X
Sad flashback music, painful memories. Incidentally, the only time this music played was in a single flashback of Lulu's, where she witnessed the death of her Summoner.

Celes' Theme - FF VI
Not party music at all. Again :P
No social commentary, stupid list! >.>

Happy dance:
I don't Want to Forget - Crystal Chronicles
Not happy, not dancing, not much of anything except relaxing o.O

Salt Flats - FF VIII
Kinda applicable. Not sure what it means, though.

Long night alone:
On the Other Side of that Mountain - FF VII
Somewhat fitting. In the song, the characters mother was 'on the other side of the mountain', or more exactly, dead.

Death scene:
Cloud Smiles - Advent Children
Good, good song. Though completely un-death related. It's more of a person finding peace within themselves.

Closing credits:
Raid - FF X Piano
(cheated, was the Thunder Plains, but I will not abide by that)
Not much better >.> It'd fit much better as opening credits.
 The logged in version 

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