[Yuriona]'s diary

889679  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6491 days ago)

More proof that hockey is still our game! ;)


Just in case the link doesn't work::

Canadian company 'sticks' it to our troops

Hannah Boudreau, Brian Liu, globalnational.com
Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Article tools

MARTINTOWN, Ontario -- For Canadian troops serving overseas, even a small taste of home is deeply cherished.

For some troops serving in Afghanistan, the ability to play a game of pickup hockey is a simple way to pass the time between armed patrols and hunting Taliban insurgents.

But the ability to play has come under jeopardy as Canadian troops found the plastic blades on their hockey sticks could not keep up with the growing interest in this Canadian pastime -- they had a limited number of sticks, and the blades were snapping off.

So Cpl. Allan Billings, a technician who works with the Canadian Forces' Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle unit, decided to take matters into his own hands. In a letter to his mother Shannon, Billings put in a special request for his next care package: Two good quality hockey sticks.

"He said: 'the sticks we have are kind of crappy'," said Shannon.

As luck would have it, Billing's father works for Flarrow Hockey -- a Canadian company that manufactures hockey sticks -- and when his boss found out about the special request, two hockey sticks bound for Kandahar, Afghanistan, became 50.

And these weren't just any sticks. Flarrow decided to manufacture a special "Support Our Troops" model: a flame-red hardwood shaft reinforced with fiberglass, graphite and Kevlar to ensure that the blade could stand the abuse.

"I thought it would be kind of neat if we did a special stick," said Denis Flarrow, owner of Flarrow Hockey. "It would mean more to the troops."

Flarrow then decided to take it one step further, producing 10,000 of the special "S.O.T. 2000" hockey sticks, emblazoned with the words "Support Our Troops" near the blade of the stick.

The special edition sticks are for sale at select stores across Canada -- with a portion of proceeds going to the Canadian Forces' Military Family Resource Centre, which offers support services to families of soldiers fighting overseas.

Meanwhile back in Kandahar, the 50 S.O.T. 2000's have given the troops a morale boost -- and a competitive advantage in the 13-team Kandahar-based Canadian and U.S. ball hockey league.

"We're one and one with the new sticks (and) it looks like we're in the playoffs," said Billings. "So we'll see what happens from there."

Here in Canada, the 10,000 special edition sticks are expected to sell out fast -- leaving no doubt that Canadians are rooting for our team overseas.

885873  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-12
Written: (6500 days ago)

You know, I get really, REALLY upset when pampered children and uneducated adults slam the military both at home here in Canada and abroad. I hate the whining and simpering about how we should bring them home because they're suffering. Or in the words of a close minded young lady, because they are only paid to kill and killing is wrong. This is my response to that::

'You really don't understand do you? There is much more to being a soldier than just going around killing people because your government told you to. Causing the death of another human being is wrong, I'm not arguing that but what about the good soldiers also do? Like maintaining a tenuous peace between two factions, supplying medical aid to those who otherwise wouldn't ever see a doctor, rebuilding infrastructure to a devestated nation or removing landmines and other explosive devices so no more innocents are harmed?

Did it ever occur to you that soldiers exist only because they are needed to exist? And yes sadly, sactioned violence is a part of our global culture but I don't see you doing anything more about it than bitching. At least those who are soldiers go into battle with the belief that they are doing good for the betterment of the global society. Whether they are or not is really irrelevant. They do not do so because they enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other people. They do it because it is their duty and they believe that their sacrifice will somehow mean a better future. Does that count for nothing?

I wonder now if you even recognize Remembrance Day. I can only imagine the bitter words you have to say about the veterans and long dead soldiers who gave everything to give us what we have today. How do you remember those in Flanders Fields? As heroes or as mindless pawns who were there only for the money or to kill people?

Give your head a shake girl and remember that there is little in this world that is so black or white as kill or not to kill or even good or evil. Do I believe in killing? NO. Do I believe in fighting for freedom and human rights? Yes. Would I fight if it came to that? YES. I look into the faces of my children and realise just how good we have it, paid for in the blood of soldiers and I remember them. And I think of those in other countries who suffer because there is no one to fight for them against those who bring them harm. So before you open your mouth and insult those who fight for what they believe in, think about how good you have it and just what the price was for your lifestyle.'

That goes for all of you who think that fighting is for nothing better than slaking the gullet of a greedy government. Some battles shouldn't be fought, some countries should not be invaded but there are times WE MUST FIGHT simply because NO ONE ELSE WILL. When you sit down tonight to a decent meal with a roof over your head and clothes on your back you remember WHY you have those things. It was because soldiers paid for your freedom in mud and blood and will continue to do so until they are no longer needed to do so. SO quit your damn whining and open your eyes to reality before you open your mouth to bitch. WE've got it good. Not everyone on this planet is so fucking lucky.

881944  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-02
Written: (6510 days ago)
Next in thread: 881951, 884879

Stolen from [Kyrinn]'s diary who stole it from [Kelaria]'s diary...

A) 4 Names people call you:
1. Mommy
2. Yuri
3. Leah
4. Lee

B) 4 places you have lived:
1. Dashwood, Ontario
2. London, Ontario
3. Toronto, Ontario
4. Guelph, Ontario

C) 4 jobs you have had in your life:
1. Farm hand/General labour
2. Mechanical Draftsman
3. Project Manager
4. Mom

D) 4 movies you could watch over and over:
1. Star Wars (last four)
2. LotR (all three)
3. Reign of Fire
4. Final Fantasy Advent Children

E) 4 TV shows you love to watch:
1. CSI (the original one)
2. Myth Busters
3. A Haunting
4. Cold Case Files (on A&E)

F) 4 Places you have been on vacation:
1. Wiarton, Ontario
2. Toronto, Ontario
3. Paducah, Kentucky
4. Daytona, Florida (like ages ago when Universal first opened)

G) 4 websites you visit daily (or semi-weekly):
1. Elftown
2. Deviantart
3. Gaia Online
4. Least I Could Do (comic)

H) 4 of your favourite foods:
1. Steak (rare of course!)
2. Seafood
3. Chinese food
4. Pizza

I) 4 things you are allergic to:
1. I'm not
2. allergic to
4. w00t!!

J) 4 of your siblings names (if you have any):
1. Mike Jr.
2. Becky
3. Beth
4. Jason (aka Bud)

K) 4 places you would love to travel to:
1. Australia
2. England
3. Scotland
4. Alaska

L) 4 of your pets:
1. Clyde (cat)
2. Anzac (fish - deceased)
3. -
4. -

M) 4 things you want for Christmas this year:
1. New house
2. Halo Soundtracks
3. Least I Could Do books
4. Inspiration

878509  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-24
Written: (6518 days ago)

Originally I was a Moon Dragon but apparently I've changed my ways a bit::

I am a A Topaz Dragon!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Topaz Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, a Topaz Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one....
As far as magical tendancies, a Topaz Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....
The Topaz dragon makes it's home on temperate islands and coastal regions. This particular gem dragon is widely known for it's impish behavior and charm.'
Unless something specifically interests or affect them, topaz dragons tend to be indifferent to happenings about them.'
When born, a topaz dragon is a dull yellow-brown in color, infused with streaks of blue. As the dragon ages, its scales harden, darken and become translucent and faceted. A topaz dragon shines brightly, giving off rays of amber and blue light.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Topaz, Beauty, and Charm


877746  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-22
Written: (6520 days ago)

A nicely written piece... Written by an Australian Dentist...

To Kill an American or an Canadian

You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American or Canadian, any American or Canadian.
So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American or Canadian is, so they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!! )

“An American or Canadian is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American or Canadian may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Tibetan, Hmong, Burmese, Indonesian, Thai, Australian, Iranian, Lebanese, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.

An American or Canadian may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole, Inuit or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans or Canadians.

An American or Canadian is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America or Canada than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American or Canadian is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American or Canadian lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence (or in Canada, the Bill of Rights), which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American or Canadian is generous. Americans or Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans and Canadians came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.

Americans and Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least.

The national symbol of America, the Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America .

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American or Canadian if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans and Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American or a Canadian.”

Please keep this, and pass its copy around the World.
Then pass it around again. 
It says it all, for all of us.

869111  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-10-30
Written: (6543 days ago)
Next in thread: 869149

Just a note for those who are waiting around on me to post in various RPs, wikis and other such things::

The next week is going to be very hectic for [Acerbus] and I as we scramble to get our house ready for sale by next Monday. Originally the realtor tour was supposed to be this Wednesday but that just isn't enough time to get ready. So I will be busy cleaning, painting, sorting, packing and keeping my kids at bay at the same time. I'll be online intermittantly during the day and evenings for well deserved breaks but don't get your hopes up. :P

Well, I'm off to Crappy Tire (aka Canadian Tire, a hardware chain up here) for paint, cleaning supplies and other such paraphenalia. Catch ya on the flip side... maybe... *dies*

864097  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-10-16
Written: (6557 days ago)

Please see previous diary entry. I'm gonna try this again... :/

849268  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-05
Written: (6598 days ago)
Next in thread: 849272

As most of you have heard by now, I have a brand new HP dv8000 laptop. YAY!! Its fast, it has a full keyboard AND a full number pad as well as a 17" widescreen LCD. Cool huh? XD Even so, I'm afraid that I'm not going to be around much during the days. Why? Because my eldest is starting school and things are just getting too busy around here for me to sit on my arse all day puttering on ET.

Don't worry though, this isn't the end of [Yuriona]. You just won't see me until my kids are in bed. That's usually around 8pm EST give or take a half hour. So don't panic guys if you don't see me all day. I'll be around... just not until later. Cya then!

844249  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-25
Written: (6609 days ago)
Next in thread: 844256, 844540

The laptop saga continues...

So the good news is that [Acerbus] has sold all four laptops and I will be getting a brand new machine more suited to the graphics work I do. SQUEEEEEEE!! XD XD XD

The bad news is that we won't have the money from the sales until next week so I have to share the family desktop until then. That means no tablet, no scanner, no printer and no graphics software other than MS Paint until then. ;_;

Oh well... at least I should be able to get a pile of editing done in the meantime. Boy I hope [Acerbus] managed to get that backup of my old machine done like he said he would. I've got over four years of family photos on that sucker... that's 4.5 gig worth! *dies*

843761  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-24
Written: (6610 days ago)
Next in thread: 843771

No art - reason no. 1: No time.

I know that my darkarrow character has just sat there for a long time without any updates and other than the rather quick, sketchy dragon, its the only new art I've posted in a loooooooooong time. Me sowwy but I just haven't had the time to sit and draw lately now that my kids are home again. I didn't think it would be so damn hard to go back to the old routine after a couple of weeks without them hanging off of me. >< Don't get me wrong, I love my kids dearly and wouldn't trade them for the world but I really do miss being able to sit and draw whenever I felt like it.
The stress caused by no time thanks to this busy summer doesn't help either. Nothing saps your creative spirit like a fight with the spouse over something stupid and insignificant. *sniffs* Being responsible adults and parents can really, really suck...I miss my best friend...

No art - reason no. 2: No computer.

So those of you who chat with me regularly may have heard of my growing issues with my poor, aging Toshiba Satellite laptop. Well though the registry issue was fixed and I could use it, it was lagging terribly and took forever to load anything or to start new programs. At first [Acerbus] suggested a hard drive wipe and some new ram but finally we decided the best course of action was to try and sell it along with a couple of older laptops (pentium IIIs) he had sitting around.
Today he took my laptop into work so he could mirror the harddrive and do a full backup. The next step is a complete wipe and reinstall in preparation for sale. So in other words, though I do have use of the family desktop I don't have my work computer any more: no tablet, no scanner, no Paintshop Pro and no Photoshop Elements. And since I won't get a new computer until we have the money for one, I don't know when I'll have a new computer. *sighs*

No art - reason no. 3: So much editing to do...*dies*

Now I love to RP and lately, I've been happily busy playing along in [Kyrinn]'s RP the lost kingdoms. Its the sequel to an earlier RP she ran, Book of Ajia and its a lot of fun. Trouble is, one of the former players in the old RP has decided that it was never [Kyrinn]'s idea [even though Kyrinn actually DREAMED the premise behind the original RP] and that since [Kyrinn] has not given her the creative kudos she deserves [even though Kyrinn started the whole thing & the former player's characters are 2D and ridiculously immature. Not to mention that the entire RP is peppered with 'look at me, my characters are special' surprise crap the player introduced into the RP without warning and without forethought as to how the crap would play out, usually leaving it unfinished], she (the player) has decided that [Kyrinn] is a thief and has even threatened to sue [Kyrinn] for idea theft.
So as I have a vested interest in the RP [I love my Ajia characters, the story is fantastic and I really do believe this will make an outstanding, fantasy novel], myself and another player will be helping [Kyrinn] prepare the story for copyright. This means editing out ALL of the CRAP the former player introduced and replacing her charicatures with believable, three dimensional characters who add to the story rather than diminish it with flashy nonsense. We have a lot of work ahead of us if we want to make it to the deadline [Kyrinn] has suggested and unlike some former players, I intend to make good on my promise to help.
So in other words, I may be scarce for a while. I'll be in and out most of the time as I try and get my part of the editing done. Don't worry [Lothuriel] and [Lerune], I'll still play today as planned but you guys are the exception.

I've got lots to do and limited time to do it in. Bear with me guys....be patient if I don't answer messages or respond to wiki comments. I'll get around to stuff like I always do. It just won't be anytime soon. :P

826560  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-19
Written: (6646 days ago)
Next in thread: 826645, 826907, 829021

This weekend my mom and I are heading down to Lexington, Kentucky to meet up with [Ariandra]. Its the first time I've left the country without my husband (and my best friend) [Acerbus] along and I'm really, really nervous. I've never driven in the States before, I've always navigated and the thought of driving through Detroit, even during the daylight, scares the hell out of me. :/

Ok, ok so hopping on the I94 from Port Huron to Detroit then following the I96 to the I75 (or is it the I96 to the I94 to the I75?? ACK!!!) shouldn't be that hard but the last time I was in Detroit, there was construction going on and the hubby and I ended up almost downtown there in the middle of the night with low fuel. O_o Not a good experience but my husband assures me that the construction is finished and the drive is actually pretty simple now - he, my dad, my brother and my two brother's in law went to NASCAR in June. Even though I'll be on a route I've taken before, in daylight on a well marked interstate, I'm still nervous as hell.

So today I'm off to the car dealership to have some routine maintenance done to my vehicle before the big trip. That is a load of my mind that's for sure but I still have the driving in a foreign country to look forward to. Ok so there isn't a big difference between driving in the States from driving here in Canada and the folks in the States are pretty friendly and helpful (of course I'm a white female so that helps too :P ) but I still worry. I can't help it... I almost always have to think of the worst case scenarios in situations like this. I hate it but I guess that's the way I'm wired. *taps forehead* The nightmare I had yesterday where my husband died just before the trip didn't help matters any either. ;_;

Anyways... I'll be scarce until next week so I'll cya then. Wish me luck... eep...

817296  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-30
Written: (6665 days ago)
Next in thread: 817348

So yeah... I hate summer. >< Oh sure the weather is warm and the trees have leaves and flowers are blooming and I can throw the kids outside to play whenever they're driving me crazy but I assure you, summer sucks. Why you ask? Because in the summer, the one time of the year in Canada where the road conditions are consistantly decent, you are expected to travel all over the damn place visiting. ARGH!!

Ok I openly admit I am not the most social creature on the face of the planet. I would much rather hang out at home watching a rented movie, playing video games or working on my computer than go out to a bar or movie theatre. The most social activity I do is go to the gym twice a week or take my kids to the park. I just don't like people very much, especially other women with kids who think we have something in common just because we're both mothers. They go on about the most useless, stupid shit like their spa appointments, their newest diet and their shopping routine like I care or something. XP Its people like that which make me want to invest heavily in earplugs.

I admit it! I'm different than most other women my age! I like video games, I like to draw, I like to write fantasy stories, I'm into RPGs like DnD, I listen to less than mainstream music like 80s metal & video game tunes, I'd rather wear the same tattered jeans and t-shirt over and over again than experience the gruelling torture that is retail sales in search of new clothes. (That's what the hubby is for. XD He's my fashion consultant AND my PR department.) Hell, I think I'm still wearing the same half dozen pairs of shoes I've had for years now. I rarely wear makeup and my hair is kept either braided or in a ponytail. Oh yeah... and I LIKE sex with my husband. The more, the better. =9 I like being different damn it and I like my privacy and hermit style ways!

Summer forces me to pack up my kids, drive long distances to visit family who normally don't have much to do with me other than phoning me because some relative died or they need to talk to my husband about computer issues. O_o I joke about the only reasons my family even get me to visit is to see my kids and husband, not me though I suspect it may be more truth than fiction. It doesn't help matters that I'm considered to be the 'off-white' sheep in the family either. I think the only one who understands me is my dad since I'm so much like him - much to my mother's disappointment I'm sure - but I'm a girl so that means I don't even fit into his world of his shop, his machines and vehicles or his partying. Whatever. *rolls eyes*

I miss Winter! I miss the unpredictable weather, I miss the snow and ice and freezing temperatures! I miss the frantic phone calls from my mother telling me not to travel because you can't see across the road because of the snow! I miss being able to just hole up inside with the furnace cranked all nice and cozy with the hubby and kids while a blizzard rages outside! I hate having to pack, I hate having to travel on the roads with a bunch of mindless, yuppie twits in their mini-vans (or worse, bubble headed twit women in SUVs) while dodging various work crews slaving away on the roads, I hate having to visit people who are not necessarily nice to my face then gossip incessantly behind my back and I hate, I HATE SUMMER! *shakes fist*

Next time we move, its going to be into the country so I can have a small barn and a vegetable garden. Then I'll love summer again because I won't be able to travel as much. Why? Because the garden and the animals can't take care of themselves you know. ;) And then maybe I'll finally have the time to do some serious work on my art and writing so I can finally get published and go 'neener neener neener!' to everyone who always told me that my art was a waste of time and talent. (_|_)

Hey I can dream right?? Here's hopin' anyways... *crosses fingers*

801940  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-02
Written: (6693 days ago)
Next in thread: 804722

**UPDATE** Ok so I finally got the backup done and my applications reloaded. I noticed my comp was acting a little wonky thanks to a certain program called Spybot Search and Destroy. I decided to uninstall the program which needed a reboot to complete the uninstall but when I tried to boot my computer back up all I got was the blue screen of Death. And anyone who uses Windows knows just what I mean by the 'Blue Screen of Death'. ;)

Again its my hubby to the rescue. At first we thought it was because I used a wrong version of Windows XP to put the Windows games back on my system but further troubleshooting pointed to a bad sector on my harddrive. NOOOOOOOO!!! *cries* At least I had a backup done... except for a story I had just updated that day and the 180 photos I downloaded from the camera and hadn't included in the backup. *dies*

Anyways... the hubby managed to fix it using good old DOS based disk repair commands. Turns out Spybot seriously fucked up my system registry when I uninstalled it. If you use Spybot Search and Destroy 1.4 (a good program usually) DON'T MAKE A SYSTEM REGISTRY BACKUP!!! It's EEEEVVVIIILLLLL...

801315  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6694 days ago)
Next in thread: 801519

For those of you who are wondering why the hell I haven't done any more artwork lately, my answer is simple: BECAUSE A HIDDEN @#$&%@ TEMP FILE ATE UP 3.5 GB OF MY MEMORY!!

Lately I've been having massive problems with Photoshop Elements where it would take forever to load and would bog down when I was working on a piece. The last time I opened it, I hadn't done more than a few dozen brush strokes when it told me the history palette was full. ARGH!! >8| Then I'd get the annoying little popup telling me 'Your C: drive is very low on memory' and it didn't matter what I did or what software I removed, nothing helped.

So I thought maybe it was time to wipe the system and do a reinstall which meant I needed to do a backup. Guess what?? I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH %@$&$@ MEMORY TO EVEN BURN CDs!! >8O And I was trying to do a full backup of my data drive since I'm waaay overdue for one. We're talking nearly 6 GB of stuff, most of which are 4 years worth of digital photos of my family. Needless to say I was getting very angry and the fact that we had back to back thunderstorms all afternoon yesterday and my kids were driving me nuts sure didn't help matters any. CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE!! *shakes fist* At least the power didn't go out...

Anyways, my IT hubby comes home and after listening to me rant about the weather, the kids and my damn computer, finally tells me how to fix the problem. It was a stupid temp file hidden away in a hidden folder called 'local settings' and it had over 3.5 GB of temp files from miscellaneous programs I run on my computer. Took him all of 5 minutes to fix. I didn't know whether I should kiss him for fixing it or beat him for letting me suffer all damn day since he mentioned he had contemplated fixing it the night before. AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! *spanks* Oh and the kicker was when I asked him why Windows would HIDE such an important folder that had to be cleared out regularly, he shrugged and responded that it was to keep IT guys busy. O_o Yeah, like your everyday end user needs help from Microsoft to ensure all those computer geeks *ahem* 'IT technicians' out there stay employed. /sarcasm

So its fixed. I'm spending today reinstalling the software I uninstalled so I could do my backup and finally finishing the backup, which is 12 700MB CDs and counting. Hopefully when I get that all done, I'll be able to get back to finishing up the multiple art projects I have on the go....maybe... *faint*

765760  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-20
Written: (6767 days ago)
Next in thread: 765805, 765965, 765990, 766128, 770090

I haven't been able to finish anything in a long time and worse, I haven't been able to draw anything either other than this fanart. That and I haven't been able to do any decent writing in the three RPs I'm in either. Granted there is a lot going on in my everyday life: my husband got a new job, we may be moving sooner than later, my two kids are sick, the hubby is sick, I'm sick, I have pile of dental work to be done that I am NOT looking forward too, my youngest sister just had a baby, my other sister's son is being baptised this Sunday and my mother has been laying on the guilt trips because I haven't been home in a month - even though she knows where I live and is retired. ARGH!!!

There's so much I want to do and either don't have time to do it or, get the time and end up lacking the inspiration and inclination to do any of it. I'm about ready to have a big bonfire and toss all my work into it then sell my laptop and tablet to the highest bidder on Ebay.

So bear with me guys, I'm going through a rough patch at the moment. To my RP buddies: hang in there, I'll post when I can. To my art buddies to whom I've promised contest entries: I'll do my best but don't hold your breath. To the guys I've promised work done to: Be patient. I'll get to it, just not anytime soon. And to everyone else: Enjoy the stuff I have done and know that someday there will be new stuff put up for your future enjoyment.

Oh and hugs, send me LOTS of hugs. I need them... *sniff*

751864  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-21
Written: (6794 days ago)
Next in thread: 751870, 752459, 761867

In poor [Lothuriel]'s The Painters' Contest::

22:20:09 Urmando, The Halfling: [moira hawthorne] Sorry, I am a healthy guy, so I say of your new Art piece: "Hmmm, Yammie..."
01:00:59 moira hawthorne: hey Im a health BI girl... I picked that pose out of about 20! boy was that ever fun! I I still have the orginal photos.. given to me.. cherry by candle light is a beauty to behold!.. too bad for both of us.. or any one else she is compleatly taken and devoted!
01:01:57 moira hawthorne: but thx U very much for you compliment that my art captures her beauty!
06:06:24 Dirty DaVinci: Damn right she's taken ;)
16:30:29 moira hawthorne: hey hey ... I donttranspass in other peoples gardens... I only enjoy the view!...
16:32:28 Yuriona: O_o I thought we were supposed to be enjoying the artwork, not discussing adultery. :O
16:47:48 moira hawthorne: Yuriona of the opinion only she and her friends are allow to have conversations in wikis....
16:49:14 Kyrinn: moira cut it out.
16:57:20 Yuriona: Oh grow up moira. Only you could turn an art contest into a smut fest.
17:09:33 moira hawthorne: huh! read your own conversations! and stop picking on me! ignore me as I ignore you!
17:11:32 Yuriona: This is a public wiki moira. We are all allowed to comment on it. Now quit imagining things and making false accusations. It only makes you look bad.
17:15:59 Kyrinn: Picking on you??? WTF?? This IS a public wiki and for the record YOU picked this fight, by your own words --> 16:47:48 moira hawthorne: Yuriona of the opinion only she and her friends are allow to have conversations in wikis.... Why dont you just NOT make comments like that and let it lie. grow up.
17:17:34 Yuriona: *nudges Kyrinn* Shhh! She's supposed to be ignoring us remember??

Sorry for the trouble Loth but I just couldn't resist. ;)

 The logged in version 

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