"This is a lesson called “five lessons from water” that Kanbei Kuroda, who was a general for Hideyoshi Toyotomi, purported to be the words of Lao Tzu into five in his way after he retired and named himself Nyosui."
From Masaru Emoto's website:
[smakeupfx] is working on a fantastic project (go check his house to find the link to it!) and mentioned Kit Williams as an inspiration. Here is a link to a site which tells about this fascinating man!
Viewing some random houses and this made me giggle ^_^
"I am part of the Anthro Lovers wiki...if you like anthropology at all or marvel at any form of anthro's you will enjoy this wiki."
ANTHROpology! *lol* Who knew furries were part of the social sciences?
Ganked from [irulan] who ganked it from [Ocean Soul], [Sunrose], and [smakeupfx]. Feel free to gank this yourself!
OO1. When's the last time you ran?
Last night when I snuck up on [Evilmonk] and almost gave him a heart attack.
OO2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
I don't think so... =/ but maybe one does and I dunno about it.
003. What are you dreading right now?
Driving 18 hours with 5 cats.
OO4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
Not anymore.
OO5. When is the last time you saw your significant other?
A few minutes ago.
OO8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
I try to, but the cats never let me sleep uninterrupted.
O11. What's your current favourite song?
Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)
O12. If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you do?
Be lazy, I guess.
O13. Who last grabbed your ass?
[Evilmonk], of course!
O14. Have you ever been in your school's band?
O15. Do you own a pair of Converse?
Not at the moment.
O16. Did you copy and paste this survey?
Well, yeah...
O17. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Sure. Got any?
O18. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Kicked, punched, smacked, and scolded harshly.
O19. Don't you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing a slow one right after it?
Don't listen to radio that much, unless it is NPR.
O21. Do you watch Trading Spaces?
Don't have cable, but I have seen the show before.
O23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
O24. Are you cocky?
Cock-eyed, but very humble.
O25. Could you live without a computer?
Doubtfully... though I'm sure I could make due without SOMEHOW. I mean, people did at one point, right? I think?
O26. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Occasionally. Do slippers count?
O27. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
Hmmm... probably 7 or 8 I guess.
O28. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
O29. What do you do when you're sad?
Mope, cry, sleep, sigh, eat, get [Evilmonk] to cheer me up.
O30. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
O31. Last time you saw your best friend?
I told you, I just saw [Evilmonk] a few minutes ago!
O32. Who or what sleeps with you?
My husband and 3-5 cats.
O33. Are you in high school?
No, thank freakin god.
034. Is anyone on your bad side now?
*turns around* Not that I can see.
O35. What jewelery are you wearing?
Platinum wedding band and diamond engagement ring. The only jewelry I need.
O36. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check emails, see if we got feedback from anyone looking at our house, visit ET.
O37. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
Never seen it.
O38. Would you wear a boy/girlfriend
If they are clean. Well, even if they just aren't THAT dirty.
O39. Where do you work?
MD Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
O40. What are you doing Friday?
Probably watching a movie with my husband after work.
O41. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
Has he been molesting children?
O42. Favorite name for a girl?
Keiran (yeah I know this is a boy's name... but... whatever)
O43. Favorite name for a boy?
Harrison? lol
O44. Will you keep your last name when you get married?
I didn't.
O45. When is the last time you left your house?
Noon today to catch PotC: At World's End
O46. Do you return your cart?
O47. Do you have a dishwasher?
O48. What noise do you hear?
[Evilmonk] going outside to smoke a cigarette.
O49. Would you survive in prison?
I'd figure out how, so I could see my husband and family again.
The someone who was interested in our house came back for a 2nd look yesterday. She stayed for an hour and a half! Her agent messaged us late last night to say they would be in touch in a couple of days, they just had to write the contract up!!! =D Florida here we come!!!!!!! *dances around maniacally*
Now we gotta get started packing up everything - though Matt has done a hell of a job getting things packed and cleared out to show the house already. I am still fretting over driving with 5 cats, for 16+ hours to Florida; the stress it will put on them. One of my pals helped another friend move to New Mexico and they drove the 36 hours straight with 2 cats. She said they were pretty freaked out, but no permanent scars. Does anyone here have any experience transporting cats in vehicles over a long distance? The longest I have gone is from Long Island, New York to Baltimore, Maryland when I purchased 2 Abyssinian kittens a while ago. There was lots of crying and sweaty paws over the 4 hour drive, but they survived.
Someone is interested in our house!!! =D Now if we can just get them to offer us up a contract! *rubs hands together greedily* I am so excited! =9
This 4th tournament of EVE will be the last one until further notice. [Evilmonk] and I are in the process of selling our house and buying a new one out of state - coupled with work, packing, getting the house ready, etc. I just won't have time to devote to running this contest. I'm sure someone would gladly step up to take the reigns, but to be honest, this is our baby, we don't want to hand it over to anyone else. So, until further notice, EVE Tournament 4 will be the last one for now. When we re-open the battle arena we will be revamping a couple of things, we will adhere VERY strictly to rules with no exceptions, and we may also need some volunteers to look over various portions of the contest (i.e. Gambler's Den, Gallery, badges, etc.). So, very many thanks to everyone who has participated thus far, making this more of a success than we anticipated - and thank you to everyone who may still hold an interest in EVE when we return!
Stay tuned! ^_^
This goes out to my pals [Rennie] and [TheRogue]...
Shredded Wheaaaat!
and just craaaaaaaaazy.
and to really make up feel like feebs at the Hero:
but at least we're not THIS guy:
and uh just...because it's...cute... in a disturbing cross-species, S&M kind of way:
Stolen from someone who saw it first at [Lothuriel]'s house, but then ended up taking it from [MisLuck], who took if from [Lothuriel], who took it from [Lerune] who took it from [Ariandra]...
A) 4 Names people call you:
1. Peanut
2. Princess
3. Tina
4. Plex
B) 4 places you have lived:
1. Baltimore
2. Bethesda
3. Silver Spring
C) 4 jobs you have had in your life:
1. Chef
2. Innkeeper
3. Data Entry
4. Waitress
D) 4 movies you could watch over and over:
1. LotR Trilogy
2. The Matrix
3. Aliens
4. Dawn of the Dead
E) 4 TV shows you love to watch: (at the moment on TV)
1. Firefly
2. Deadwood
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Rome
F) 4 Places you have been on vacation:
1. Ohio
2. Florida
3. France
4. Japan
G) 4 websites you visit daily (or semi-weekly):
1. http://elftown
2. www.google.com
3. www.gmail.goog
4. http://www.all
H) 4 of your favorite foods:
1. sushi
2. nachos
3. prime rib
4. crab cake
I) 4 things you are allergic to:
1. cats
2. dogs
3. pollen
4. mold
J) 4 of your siblings names (if you have any):
1. Alicia (half-sister)
2. Walter (step-brother)
3. Nathan (brother-in-law)
4. Amber (sister-in-law)
K) 4 places you would love to travel to:
1. New Zealand
2. Japan
3. Ireland
4. France
L) 4 of your pets:
1. Django
2. Unagi
3. E.D. Munkey
4. Loki and Miho (couldn't leave one out!)
My apologies to any unanswered messages from my friends here. I've just fallen so out of touch with things on here... it feels pretty weird posting and messaging now for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with not drawing for so long... maybe I feel guilty? Unworthy of being part of an 'artistic community' or something? =/
Well, I shall try to get over whatever the hell it is. Draw something. Answer messages. Participate. Be productive. *Shrug* We'll see how it goes. =B I'm quite good at rallying myself one moment and then immediately laying in bed to play the Xbox 360....
But, for now, I am off to work (that's the problem! if I didn't have to go to work, I'd have time to play video games, draw, AND keep up with all you fine people on ELftown!) ^_^
Miho didn't like being called O-Ren, so after much discussion she told us to call her Miho instead. Or, just Princess is fine, too. Just don't call her late for dinner (or Loki will eat it ALL the little fat lumpkin that he is!).
Call it a blessing or a curse that we work at an animal shelter... I'm not sure. But I think we are officially "crazy cat people" now, with our feline population numbering five. Two new residents joined us last night. 9 month old Siamese brother and sister we have named Loki and O-Ren. They are confined to the office for now, introductions with our other three kitties being made under the door. Maybe we'll do some face to face, one on one later this week, but for the moment, they are still busy smelling every inch of the new home. Kitty pictures sure to be posted in the near future!
Saw Tenacious D in concert last night... they rocked... so hard...
A really amazing job musically with hilarity ensuing in between songs, as was expected; an awesome stage show that included a backup band with Charlie Chaplin on bass, Col. Sanders on drums, and the Anti-Christ on electric guitar; a rock-off against the Satan to save Kyle from becoming the devil's sex slave; a large dancing mushroom; bong hits; electrocution; and Lee revealing more talent then I knew he possessed. All in all a fucking AWESOME evening. For souvenirs, we got a black thermal D shirt and a brown "Cleavland Steamers" hoodie.
Anyone out there a Steamers fan? =D
Time to go buy the ingredients for the pumpkin cheesecake I promised to bring to Thanksgiving dinner.
I wanna play Oblivion...
Went in for my working interview at the animal shelter and they hired me - YAHOO! =D It will be so nice to go into work with my husband, [Evilmonk], have the same hours, and maybe even get a break or two with him during the day. Not to mention only having to drive one car!
It was a lot of information to absorb at once - especially since I have no prior knowledge of animal medical procedures, medications or vaccinations. But they said I done good, and they wanna train me, so I am more than willing to do my best to learn the ropes. Oh and yay for health insurance and benefits *thumbs up*
bigger yay for not having to wait tables anymore =P
I am heading off to give 2 weeks notice at my current place of employment. *happy dance* I am sick of waiting tables. It was a nice experience, and one I am glad I had, but I am tired of people thinking they are better than me, being overly demanding, or rolling their eyes at me when I am busting my goddamn ass for them. All for what is usually a meager tip. Don't get me wrong - not all customers are bad, and there are even some really nice regulars I will miss. And there are times when people have left me a ridiculously large tip that made me want to run out to the parking lot and wave and scream thank you! But overall, people are shit. And this experience as solidified my position that people are SHIT, save for a few gems scattered here and there.
Don't think I haven't prepared another job though before tossing in my waitress apron. The MD SPCA Animal Shelter where my husband, [Evilmonk], works has offered me a job! So, I get to occasionally see my baby at work on breaks maybe =} and have pretty much the same schedule and days off. How awesome is that?! And it will be much more rewarding to work with and for animal welfare than some shitty customer who lives to complain.
Because, like, y'know, everyone's doing it...
Chosen band: Pink Floyd
1. Are you male or female?: Mother
2. Describe yourself: Shine on You Crazy Diamond
3. How do some people feel about you?: Careful With That Axe, Eugene
4. How do you feel about yourself?: Brain Damage
5. Describe your family?: Wish You Were Here
6. Where would you rather be?: Yet Another Movie
7. Describe what you want to be: Money
8. Describe how you live: Another Brick In The Wall
9. Describe how you love: Happiest Days of Our Lives
10. Describe what you hate: The Dogs of War
Hm this movie trailer looks good - anyone know anything about it?
and this looks nice and creepy... I love a good ghost story:
December 3rd - Tenacious D at the Patriot Center in Fairfax, Virginia... who's got tickets?!??! WE DO WE DO WE DO!!!! *flaps arms wildly and flies around the room*
I am the luckiest wife in the whole wide world =}
I come home to 2 dozen red roses, candles, dinner, and the house is clean! Does it get any better than that? What's the occaision? I dunno... it's Wednesday? Like I said, I'm just really, really incredibly lucky to be married to such a wonderful man. *sappy sigh*