[Linderel]'s diary

1019768  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (5947 days ago)
Next in thread: 1019779

Haven't been this exhausted in a while.
Just feel like curling up somewhere, next to someone, and fall asleep while they stroke my hair, or simply hold me. Not fucking likely, everyone's too far, at this time of night even Laura, and I can't really stay there for the night anymore anyway because I'm so horribly allergic to her dogs.
Uh, yeah, this entry is rather pointless.
Should just go to bed. I think I shall do exactly that.
Had a lot to do this weekend, but I'm too tired to shrink the list even a bit right now. It can wait for tomorrow.
Sigh. Yeah. Sleep.
Sorry for the time you wasted reading this.

1019732  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (5948 days ago)

Lookies what Jitter made for me :3

1019681  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (5948 days ago)

Live in this happy delusion
day unto another
taste the tears upon your lips
declare them ones of joy
never, ever look away
into the darkness that surrounds
here you are safe and sound
embraced by strong arms
I will protect you, love
from every fear in the world

1019654  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (5948 days ago)
Next in thread: 1019657, 1019717

I'm baaaaack! :D

1019389  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (5949 days ago)
Next in thread: 1019390, 1019465

Going to be away for most of Saturday and Sunday. I expect to be back perhaps around seven ET time on Sunday. Have a good Easter, and play nice.

Love you. Especially you. *knuffel*

1019276  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (5950 days ago)

Am wanting this.

1019017  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-20
Written: (5951 days ago)

I totally fail at photomanipulation. ;_;
Should anyone feel inclined to make something of this image here, gimme a nudge. <URL:stuff/lamiscarf10.jpg>

1018979  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-19
Written: (5952 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018980, 1018982

Opinions on le new house? xD
I'll probably put something more there tomorrow...

1018874  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-19
Written: (5952 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018914

I like this one. With a little bit of editing it turned out quite nice.

1018500  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (5954 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018523, 1018611

For non-Finns, the caption translates to be something along the lines of "seriously, goddammit".

1018348  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (5954 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018375

*bashes head in* ME SO STUPID >_<

*cough* As you were.

1018288  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (5954 days ago)

Would anyone be willing to draw a portrait of yours truly in the action of writing that I could then also make into an LJ icon? I'd compensate by way of crafting a notebook or jewellery, or cooking up a story.

1018142  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-16
Written: (5955 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018337

Stolered, since this made the rounds once again. Don't think I've answered it before though.

Name 10 random facts about you.
1. My memory is like a sieve and completely random.
2. Apparently, I change the people I let near me, or at least some of them. It's probably nothing out of the ordinary, but it feels special to know.
3. I still berate myself about things that happened years ago.
4. I'm really bad at keeping diaries. Every time I start a new one, I update a lot. Then, sooner or later, it gets rather sporadical.
5. I'm avoidant like woah and may even seem rude because of it.
6. My rhythm is pretty fucked up. As a result and due to other contributing factors, I'm tired all the time.
7. I am bi-curious.
8. Never gave a rat's ass about fashion, though I do care about what I look like - in my own eyes, mostly. If it's good enough for me, it damn well better be good for everyone else.
9. I'm a slasher and proud of it.
10. I can't bloody swim properly, and it's embarrassing.

Name 9 random objects around you.
1. measuring tape
2. USB stick
3. dictionary
4. Allison the hedgehog
5. tissue packet
6. lamp
7. cell phone
8. speakers
9. pile of Christmas cards

Name 8 books you actually read.
1. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
2. Momo by Michael Ende
3. Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult
4. Jack Maggs by Peter Carey
5. The Shining by Stephen King
6. Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
7. Dracula by Bram Stoker
8. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Name 7 friends.
1. Allison
2. Laura
3. Jenni
4. Trin
5. Jukka
6. Squee
7. Debby

What were your last 6 last text messages.

- Happy Women's Day! (from Ilpo)

- how did it go? :/ (from Allison)

- 2750gr & 46cm! Baby is here! (from Jitter)

The rest I would rather not disclose xD

Name 5 people you talk a lot to on msn.
1. [Teufelsweib]
2. [Rikkiviisas]
3. [Triola]
4. [Sherya]
5. [Sunrose]

I don't really speak to that many people on MSN, despite the fact I have quite a few contacts... I mostly talk to Allison xD

Name 4 thoughts you have this moment.
1. This is a silly question.
2. Tired, bleh.
3. Next song plz.
4. Stomach will need something in it soon.

Name 3 favorite colours.
1. blue
2. green
3. black

Name 2 things you did today.
1. Read fanfiction.
2. Discovered the lens flare filter on GIMP.

Name 1 person you love.
1. Allison :3

1017759  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-14
Written: (5957 days ago)
Next in thread: 1017797

I have the meat pie song, or its melody, from Sweeney Todd stuck in my head now. Omgwut?

1017692  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-13
Written: (5958 days ago)
Next in thread: 1017702, 1017739, 1017750

I'm worried sick about a couple of perfectly unknown people. I met these two siblings at the central railway station while lounging on a window sill, writing to kill time as I waited for my bus. A boy in a hoodie walked past me, dragging his right leg, and sat on one of the computer chairs a metre or two away. We glanced at each other, but I didn't really pay him much attention. Then this young woman with a heavy-looking backpack around the corner, moving and looking for all the world like she was dead tired. She sat at the stool that I'd used to get on the sill after asking whether I would have some coins to spare. Then proceeded to tell me they'd been going around town since Sunday, and with no place to stay, had barely slept or eaten, he with a badly healed break in his leg and a hell of a cough, she on highly incovenient heeled shoes. And I'm talking five or six inch gothic lolita footwear here. I know it could have been merely a clever ruse, made real by some darn good acting, but I believed her. So I gave her what little change I had, and offered him a drink since I happened to have my water bottle with me. She took off soon enough, to see if she could find someone to give her a bit more money. He sat on the sill with me for a couple of minutes in silence, then went after her. I couldn't help but worry, and as I agonised over what to do, I missed the bus. I went back in to wait for the next one, and saw them again some ten or fifteen minutes later. She was walking towards the doors, spotted me, smiled in a pained fashion and called out that they were going to go sit at a McDonald's since the railway station would close soon. I made my decision then and there - truth be told, I'd thought of it while they were elsewhere - and ran after them. I offered the water bottle to the boy, telling he could keep it. I went back inside for a moment, then figured I might as well go outside to the stops to wait and saw them moving slowly away from the station. He had an arm around her shoulders, as if she was supporting him. I hope they can find someone else to help them further. I would've given them a roof and a bed for the night, but our house is in a rather inconvenient location, and I'm not sure how my family would have welcomed them. Admittedly, I was also worried they might be tempted to steal something - desperate times, desperate measures, you know? But I do truly wish I could have done more.
Their lives only touched mine for, what, maybe ten minutes, fifteen at best, but they got to me. In that short time, I started to genuinely care. It could well be that I'm simply a naivë fool, but that's just as well. At least I'm prepared to do something. And yes, I do think I'm a good person for this. That ain't wrong, is it now? Granted, I will eventually forget about them. Maybe even this very week. But for now, they're on my mind and strongly at that.

Maybe I'll be able to meet them tomorrow if I go to Hyvinkää. If I go. Depends on the weather, really.

1017573  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-13
Written: (5958 days ago)

Rose! Levels, hue-saturation, softglow filter.

 The logged in version 

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