[iippo]'s diary

1037449  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-16
Written: (5926 days ago)

Hokae, diary testing finished.

I'll repost this because lots of people may have missed t because of the diary oddness:

Tell us, How on Earth did you find Elftown? And for heavens sakes, where was it?! I've been looking for it for months! Y_Y

1037448  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-16
Written: (5926 days ago)

And then I write a newer entry.

1037447  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-16
Written: (5926 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1037375 In windowframe's diary

Lemme try this again too.

1036443  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-15
Written: (5930 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1034386 In windowframe's diary
Next in thread: 1036456, 1036950, 1036954

This is another test, this time I won't edit it, because that made odd things happen. Again, let me know how/if you get notified Silv.

I see there are comment links from your diary to my replies, so that's working that way, at least...

1036944  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-14
Written: (5928 days ago)

Tell us, How on Earth did you find Elftown? And for heavens sakes, where was it?! I've been looking for it for months! Y_Y

1036444  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-12
Written: (5930 days ago)

The first test is <diary:1036442>

1036320  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-10
Written: (5932 days ago)
Next in thread: 1036327

"Taking his cue from Evans, Friedlander crops a letter at a time from signs (the K of CAR PARK, the B of BAR), window displays, notices and advertisements, breaking the alphabet down into its constituent characters. Once the alphabet has been itemized in individual photographs, he moves on to numbers."
(From Geoff Dyer's 'The Ongoing Moment' which is a rather splendificious book about photography.)

Dammit, that's what I wanted to do, the number-thing. I wanted to make a wiki for photographs of physical manifestations of numbers (house numbers, price tags, floor numbers in lifts, license plates, anything). Damn you Lee Friedlander. :P

I wanted to share something else with you too, but I forgotted what it was.

1035562  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-07
Written: (5935 days ago)
Next in thread: 1035569, 1035574, 1035577


I lost my working notage from my diary. And when I say working notage, I mean uni working. :/ Thoughtings, decisions and reasons for decisions which way I was going with the work, questions that I had to think about and address, etc...

*trying really hard not to swear*

That'll teach me to keep copies of stuff.

1034597  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-09
Written: (5963 days ago)

The Offspring's finally releasing a new album, after 4 years. That's a long time. I'm kind of amazed how dormant a fan I have been about them... I kind of grew up out of them I suppose (especially after Splinter and Original Prankster... Didn't like that single <_< ), but now I'm finding out that I still like them. :) I grew up with this band, goodness sakes. It's like old friends. So I'm finding myself getting rather excited about the album release (17th of June) and I've been listening to Hammerhead1 today, and I do like the sound of it. I think I'll go and buy the album properly on CD when it comes out, as a treat. It's been so long since I've bought records of any sort. If I'm not uber-broke, I might even get Ixnay on the Hombre too, as I've never actually bought it properly. And then I'd have them all (given that I could find my copy of Smash - I have thieving siblings and I haven't a clue where it is but I know I have it).

Yesterday I found out that I'm actually rather behind with my current popular music - me and a friend went to dinner with a family from church, and after the meal their boys (6 and 14) were quizzing my friend about musicians and bands whether she likes them (they had pretty different tastes in music, my friend being rather gothy/punky and the boys being more into softer pop) and I didn't recognise 90% of the names they mentioned. o.O

1 http://www.imeem.com/theoffspring/playlist/H-rX4DtI/rise_and_fall_rage_and_grace_music_playlist/
My Facebook actually said that the whole album will be streaming in full today at 4pm UK-time... If that's true, it'll be awesome :3


It's true! The full CD is there for listening! :D


I'm really keen on the album, I've been listening to it all day today as well as Monday. Trust in You and Kirsty Are You Doing Okay are awesome, although I'm not that keen on Stuff Is Messed Up, which is a silly title, as he sings "shit is fucked up" in that song... The excessive swearing in it puts me off. <_< *ish mormon*

1033559  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-06-04
Written: (5968 days ago)
Next in thread: 1033571, 1033687


Current WIP for my prototype that I do for uni. It's an app to build your inner machine. Let me know what it's like to use/play with. What's it make you think? Tell me stuff!
-Note. Don't press start a second time. I haven't been arsed to fix the start button yet, so just don't click it after there are questions on the screen (obviously click it to start in the first place). If you want to play again, refresh or reopen the window.

Notes for me.
It doesn't scale the machine when you resize the window. When zoomed in you can pan even when stuff is outside of frame of the window... Very good to know, means we can make the image/stage of the app bigger than a screen usually is?
1033204  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-02
Written: (5970 days ago)
Next in thread: 1033209, 1033222, 1033230, 1033307

Because I love you enough to humiliate myself for the entertainment of yous all:


There's a bit where I explain about my kingdom, and my giant snail. Also something about jumping into a tree. Ignore the ginger bastard :P

1032255  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-05-28
Written: (5975 days ago)

Dear creative beasts (aka my friends)
Please submit something for the Elftown Museum Permanent Exposition. Why? Because it's a brilliant idea. And because I ask you to? :3 Note that it's not a contest, it's a personal best, and I know you all have that. So go there now, please. :)


This is strangely sexy
1032017  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-27
Written: (5976 days ago)
Next in thread: 1032018

Reading on copyrighty things again (someone still has the Orphan works -bollocks in their house even though there was a very extensive conversation about what it's for, so I'm in an aggravated mood). But here cometh a quote from

"if artists are not paid for what they create, why would anyone make art?"

This question stumped me. Not because I can't answer it, nor because I've never thought of it, but because I can't understand the concept that anyone would need to ask this question. Look at art history. Did any of those people do it for the money (except for Salvador Dali :P And he didn't do it for the money, he did it because he was mental, but happened to like money :P) ? I honestly think that if there is an artist out there, who can't think of any other reason for doing the work than the money, then I'd dare say that that artist is in the wrong game. This is not the field to go for if you want to get money. Because art is so high risk. You really need to have a lot better reason to do this line of work. I do my work because I have to. If I wasn't in art school, I'd be doing my work on my spare time. If I never ever get paid for anything art related that I do, if I end up being a cashier in a supermarket for the rest of my life -- I will still do my work. In some form or shape, I will keep doing it. Why? Why? Y'know, I haven't a clue. But I will, and I have to. Because I wouldn't be me if I didn't. Sure, it's nice to get paid for the creative work that you do. It's nice to be in art school and preparing to make art a career - because that'll mean I don't have to split my time into "work" and "artwork", so that I won't have to have what would essentially be two full-time jobs just to sustain myself financially and personally. So yeah, if it pays off, good for me, means I can do better work. But in the end, if no one pays me for my work, if I'd manage somehow to do my art fulltime with no money involved -- that'd be just fine with me.

For those who couldn't care less, here's an interesting observation:
This group, CARFAC1 is associated with another group called SODART XP Yeah, I'll trust their opinions about art, won't I? XD

1 Pronounced "car-fuck"

1031349  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-24
Written: (5979 days ago)
Next in thread: 1031356

As you may know, I am a bibliophile. If you are also, then have a look at this article from the New Yorker, about libraries and cataloguing information throughout history, especially now in the light of digitising books.


Duguid describes watching a fellow-historian systematically sniff two-hundred-and-fifty-year-old letters in an archive. By detecting the smell of vinegar—which had been sprinkled, in the eighteenth century, on letters from towns struck by cholera, in the hope of disinfecting them—he could trace the history of disease outbreaks.


Thousands of forgotten men and women have covered Bibles and prayer books, recipe collections, and political pamphlets with pointing hands, underlining, and notes that give insights into which books mattered, and why.


But these streams of data, rich as they are, will illuminate, rather than eliminate, books and prints and manuscripts that only the library can put in front of you.

Have I mentioned that I love the New Yorker? :3 <3

1030643  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-05-21
Written: (5982 days ago)
Next in thread: 1030659

An enticing medieval-esque staging of the first (or last) movement from Carmina Burana, O Fortuna:

1029470  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-15
Written: (5988 days ago)
Next in thread: 1029491, 1030050, 1030211

Soft values

We should rename some of the more offensive keys on the keyboard. On the Mac I think we shouldn't call the key "command" anymore. It should be called "suggest" instead. And "control" should be renamed "gentle guidance." Other keys are fine as they are, except maybe "escape" as we should encourage only law-abiding activity, and thus "release" would be a more appropriate name.

The end.

1029273  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-05-14
Written: (5989 days ago)
Next in thread: 1029279

Quickly sharing something percussioney with you guyses:

1027232  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-03
Written: (6000 days ago)

Remember the Free Mickey -video some time back? (If not, I think [Hedda]'s diary has a link to it somewhere.) Here's another Lawrence Lessig lecture video - sort of a sequel - that I'd appreciate if you guys watched:


I was very impressed with this (as I am with most of Lawrence Lessig's work - he is a very charismatic speaker), and my work for uni (and beyond my course, too) is beginning to revolve more and more around these questions. There is also a bit in the video that explains the harm in letting orphan works, these cultural assets, turn to dust.

I think I'm headed towards making open source art, by the way. I'm doing this sort of generative program thing in Flash, but I think in the end I'll let the image assets loose, too. :)

1024599  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-04-17
Written: (6016 days ago)
Next in thread: 1024608, 1025006
1036442  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-12
Written: (5930 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1034386 In windowframe's diary
Next in thread: 1060829

How does this place comment in my diary thingie work? This is a test. Silvie, lemme know if you are notified, and in what manner. :3

It's a different colour. That's interesting.

*second edit*
After editing things went really bizarre.

At the top it says

Written about every year at month number 12 and day number 31
Written:2008-07-12 12:08:09
Comment to: 1034386 In SilverFire's diary


Directly after posting it said

Written about Thursday 1999-09-09
Written:2008-07-12 12:08:09
Comment to: 1034386 In SilverFire's diary

We went back in time? 

 The logged in version 

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