[iippo]'s diary

1138119  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-27
Written: (4849 days ago)

Oh, dudes! I almost forgot! 27th of June! In 1844, that is... *quick math moment* err... a lot many years ago, happened something that is rather important for me, and other people of my faith. So y'know I'm a mormon, and you may or may not know that this all (being the restoration of the gospel and church of Christ) started with a person called Joseph Smith Jr. You can find out the main points of the story (now in technicolor in the link provided below) if you are interested, but the only point I'll mention right now is that today, June 27th is when he was killed because of his beliefs by a murdering mob of citizens of that country that even at that early time was so very keen on religious freedom (I sort of spoilt the ending of the movie there... Sorry).

Anyhoo, I really do like this film. There are actually two versions of it, this is the newer one that will make a bit more sense if you're not familiar with the story.


Just something I wanted to share. I realise that I'm pretty rubbish about telling people that are actually close to me about what I believe in and why (and I'm a returned missionary! For shame!), which can make some of the stuff I do or say somewhat strange. I do actually like to talk about it, though I may be/have been curt with my responses to questions in the past.

1138115  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-27
Written: (4849 days ago)
Next in thread: 1138171

My English dad loves this one English artist Lowry above everything, and he showed me this video today
I really like the style too (Matchstalk men and 'Matchstalk cats and dogs')
The animation is a bit silly, but we can overlook that.

Then of course we have 'Vincent'

And then there's Paul Simon's 'Rene and Georgette Magritte with their Dog after the War
There are actually a lot of little animations about Rene Magritte on YouTube (y'know, the surrealist that it isn't cliché to like, as it is Dalí :P)

Though this is a Dali-win:
(notice the last name one of the ladies asking the questions)
And then him:

And him
(somebody please tell me what it is that he says when the lady asks him to say one thing at the end)

and I kept watching the related, so that's why I am so not here today :)

This all started with http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/ The BBC is making an online catalogue of all the publicly owned art works. Your paintings (if you are British, but you can like them even if you're not)

1138023  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-06-25
Written: (4851 days ago)

So I got this old-new lappytop that I use as a work laptop (creative work that is). So I write on it (my Machine of Death entry is called Heart stops in his sleep whilst impaled in an accident), I use it for art references, for research, and most importantly for listening to Podcasts while I draw (or do something else in the room). So the night I got it I downloaded a huge load of podcasts. One of them is a thing called "Everything Creative" that's from the Mormon channel. So combining mormons and everything creative. My kind of thing. And it is. They have discussions, interviews and I think some other kind of category too which I haven't listened to yet.

It doesn't do just the creative arts, it does everything creative. The interviews are done kind of cool: the person who was interviewed in the previous episode, interviews the next person of their choice. So there's been a musician, an artist, an architect, an egyptologist, and now the egyptologist is interviewing an NBA player, Mark Maddog Madsen. And it's surprisingly cool. And the reason I bring this up is because this gave me the giggles: so Madsen is friends with Shaq, who knows of course that Madsen's a mormon. So apparently Shaq often opens conversation with women he meets by asking them "are you a mormon? If you are, I know a great guy I want to introduce you to." :P He's always on the look out for a mormon girl to set Madsen up with.

This kind of stories from real life is what I really appreciate. :3 It's also why I love This American Life. Which podcast I also jumped to, but unfortunately you can't download all of their old podcasts at once :( So I have to keep listening online to those. But at least I'll get the new ones into the machine.

*just poked around on iTunes and discovered iTunes U* Guys, wtf is this??!?!?! :O :O :O Is this... it is, university + iTunes?!? :D :O :O *becomes very scarce*

1137871  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-23
Written: (4853 days ago)
Next in thread: 1137874

I I can get the details and timing right, I'm looking at a surprise attack visit to Britannia on 9th-11th September. Would only involve Coventry-area though, but still. Englaaaaaaaaaaannnnddd... <3
(The reason why is because my English-dad said that something cool is going down that Sunday in Stake Conference, but it hasn't been properly announced yet as to what, so I was told not to tell details. But am just too excited to not do anything).

So Silv, if you're in Lichy then, we could do something on Saturday, like go to the Electric in Brum :D *is planning travel activities without being sure of said travel happening* *goes to look for flights*

1137841  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-22
Written: (4854 days ago)

Life looking good:
-Got monies! Not much, but it'll keep me from debt-troubles.
-Work tomorrow seems active (my boss kind of caught me reading the other day. It didn't seem too bad, he just kind of laughed and said "what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be doing something?" But in fairness, he had been away for the entire week and we had kind of ran out of things to do. So he just gave stuff to do and it seemed forgotten. Except I still manage to feel bad over it... So work-filled day sounds win!)
-I have a new laptop, which I don't use for internets much. Only when I want to Skype someone or download things, I guess. But I fetched a whole ton of Podcasts on to it, and I can play them while drawing, and I can write at my convenience etc... :D Plus, not using the internet on it helps. Since using internet on the family-computer in the kitchen will help regulate to make sure I don't spend too much time online.
-I finished proof-reading a friend's newest article and will go over it with him on skype one evening (I hope it'll work - I helped his last one and it got accepted to a good journal).
-Art is win: a sketchbook full of Pokemon with a art nouveau style inspiration, and the white-clad ladies are all coming along... :)
-Writing Machine of Death, plus art essays and such (I have written then Carcassonne review, Silv, I just need to type it some day).
-I also found online translation projects in the church, so that'll be uber-cool to help translate stuff!

1137503  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-17
Written: (4859 days ago)
Next in thread: 1137504, 1137540

I got mail today. Not official here-be-your-monies -mail, but better! My two very favourite missionaries are companions in Norrland (the bestest zone there is) and they sent me a letter! :D As in, both of them wrote a letter and put it in the same envelope and mailed it me. I was so incredibly chuffed <3 So very much love <3 *must write back presto*

There was a circus in town today. I biked past it on my way to and from work, and lingered by the fence to watch the ponies and the tentand the topless men doing... something. I wish there had been kids hanging by the fence too, trying to catch a glimpse of the clowns. But then again I'm really nostalgic. And i kept thinking that I would catch a glimpse of the elephant, but of course they don't have an elephant, that is animal cruelty.

Speaking of biking to work, I biked there and back every day. That means I basically biked a 100 kilometres this week! :O Holy heck. I also got a cold this week. I wonder if there is a correlation... (I've always reckoned that excessive exercise is not healthy)

1137380  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-15
Written: (4861 days ago)

Is your internet working correctly? You can test with http://internettestcard.com/

Guys, I'm so addicted to those Literal trailers, it's awul. Every once and a while I get a silly giggle-face when I quietly remember "carefully Harry He doesn't HAVE A NOSE!" or hum "hothothothothot." My brain mush produced the following thoughts related to these trailers:
-They belong in the same musical tradition as R.E.M.'s It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) and Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire. Yes. I contextualise YouTube videos. What is the matter with me? X_X
-Tobuscus is like the Penguin (from Batman) of the internet. He is very successful, yet there is something suspicious and suspect about it.

Someone in Sweden thought I'm an internet hoax person :( I'm trying to pay for a book from Sweden and my English internet bank has serious fail. First up, you can only use it 8am-3.30pm UK time. I thought the point of internet bank is that you use it any time, any where. Then I fail to pay because the internet bank requires an address and the seller didn't give one (so I asked the bookseller, and they thought I was a hoax, asking for bank details and not even sending the email from the same email address X_x ) And we all write in Swedish, but my Swedish isn't financial detail Swedish (överföring? skyddat belopp?) so I have to use Google translate and I feel like fail for not being able to do this in Swedish. But then turns out that it's all just because my bank has fail and at last after the seller gives the addres and understands what is going on, my bank says that the payment is not enough money, they can only send £25 and more overseas. X_X Why doesn't it say that somewhere?!?! *grrrr* So I transfer a lot of money to my own Finnish account (which, by the way, takes forever because my bank doesn't list its BIC/SWIFT-code anywhere, so it takes me forever to figure that out. And then my English bank says "to make this safe, we're going to make an automated call to your mobile, is that okay?" No it's not okay, because the number you would call is in the phone that is on the floor in the charger at home, and even if it wasn't, or even if I was there, you couldn't call that number because that phone dies when it rings X_x So when I chose the "no don't call" -option, they said it'll take longer that they'll make sure it's secure. Things have seriously changed since... sometime. I can't even transfer money from my English account because "you haven't done this kind of transaction in a while, so we've shut it down. If you want to do it, call this number." No. Just no. Fail fail fail HSBC internet bank. Just... go away in your failness. Seriously, I had thought that my English account will be my like handy second account - but it feels less handy all of a sudden. -_- But it will be handy when I go to England, so we'll let it be as it is. And just focus on the Finnish account. I just hope I get monies soon >.< Finnish social security would leave me to drown if I wasn't living at the 'rents.

Sorry for the word-vomit. I'll make it sub so it's not so much :3 It will also more accurately reflect the way this outburst is expressed. It is not shouted at the top of my voice in the face of the oppressor; it is whined quietly when lying in fetal position on a mattress, too tired to even cry anymore, trying to clicng to the last gleam of hope that they will eventually make a decision to give me dole-money, that they will pay it retroactively and that all of a sudden a huge happy glob of euros will *bamf* to my bank account before I have to go to the bank to explain that I have nothing to keep up with my student loan payments. I love the irony actually: the Finnish State is my student loan guarantor. If they don't give me dole, I can't pay my loan. If I can't pay my loan, they have to pay it for me... >_> Srsl people, easiest if you just pay me my friggin' loan.

My temple recommend goes out this month. o.O I've never renewed it. I don't know who to talk to about renewing it, or when it can be done. *is slowly stopping being a card-carrying mormon* :(

Wow, I'm all whiny today, I apologise.
This webcomic I read is kind of funny, especially if you've ever worked in a bookshop, or just like books:


1137331  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-06-14
Written: (4862 days ago)
Next in thread: 1137353

I am currenly very very enjoying the work of Tobuscus on YouTube: Literal Trailers. (search for "literal trailers" dooo eet)

Here be ones I enjoyed verily:

Pirates 4

Last HP

Well, they're the movies I've seen.
Now I'll continue watching them all, as will you, yes? :)

1137251  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-13
Written: (4863 days ago)

Time for a diary note before I leave for tonight (:P Silvie)

Today sucked at work. I'm too annoyed at my colleague (it's not really his fault, I just find his personality and manners disagreeable >_>). And then I feel bad about being a cranky bitch at him and the day sucks even more. And I'm still not getting any monies D: (it's a placement-thing instead of work-work, so I don't get a wage, I get dole... Except bureau-cats r takin mai monies! Or well, just not giving me dem).

My missionary trainer friend was over here this weekend (which is why I was away much - not that you noticed). It was so nice to see her again. And also... not :D Well, we're both the same persons still, so it was like it was before. So we don't agree on stuff or understand each other etc... Haha, same old companionship problems. I love it how some things don't change and relationships are complex <3 But she did realy cheer my life by coming over here with a fresh wind of "life goes on even for my mission buddies, and even when they are over there and I'm over here, we are still connected, and they still love me as much as I love them." Not just her either, but all of them. I have this jealous streak, thinking they are all over there in BYU having a constant mission reunion and loving it etc... Well, it's not really like that, and they miss us Finns too. :') So need to go visit them all. First stop: Washington and Utah.

Creativity is flowing in all sorts of fun ways. Still really pumped about the Mormon Reneissance and how I'm going to be a part of it. Love is also flowing. I think the reason I can't live in England anymore is because I already love England and the English enough. If the point in life is to gather as much love as possible ('charity never faileth' aka in normalese 'love never disappears', it is the heavenly treasure that rust and moths and thieves never get to), I have to live in places that I don't love in order to learn to love them. And I do struggle to love Finland and Finns. But it's coming. :)

I have no interesting things to say to you right now. 

1136776  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-06
Written: (4870 days ago)

I love these bits that Harpo and Chico did :)


I've also watched this about seven times now:

Today is Sweden's national day thingie. So I'm all missing Sweden.

1136606  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-02
Written: (4874 days ago)
Next in thread: 1136607

It has happened: I can not understand news anymore.
-The Finnish Tories can't get a government together, they just kicked out all the ones they were trying to make a coalition with and now have to go ask the other ones if they'd like to come...? Just, what?
-People all dying from poisoned cucumber...? What the heck is up with that? Like, who does that? Or how? And why for goodness sakes? Why are people dying of cucumber?! X_x

Ignoring all that, I had a wonderful bank holiday today, cleaned a bit, drew a lot, Elftowned a lot... Tomorrow is work again, and then it's saturday and sunday again.

I'm going to have international visitors this summer. Next week my first missionary companion (Californian) will come over, and in July an El Salvadorian that I met in Sweden will come :)

1136544  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-01
Written: (4875 days ago)
Next in thread: 1136545, 1136549, 1136569, 1136570

What I Enjoyed about Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - not-really-a-Review

-Contains spoilers- -They will be blacked out accordingly-

This isn't really a review. More of a confession in many parts. First part is that I did go see the new Pirates movie, and the second part is that I enjoyed it. I went to see it, despite of what Kermode said, despite of what I said to myself. It was kind of like a repetition of the way I approached the first Pirates movie: when I saw the trailers to it, I said "meh, not going to go see it" and then my sister asked if I wanted to go, and I said yes. o.O This is exactly what happened here too: my sister asked if I'd like to go, and I said yes. This time is was very much a conscious decision of wanting to spend time with my sister no matter what. And so we went. The only bit that I really regret is that we went to see the 3D version. 3D glasses are uncomfortable for a person who wears regular glasses; I find fast scenes difficult to see as it is, 3D makes it worse; things that are out of focus on the screen look rubbish in 3D; and 3D is more expensive. Basically, going to the 3D viewing was an accident, we didn't mean to. But my sister hadn't been to anything 3D before, so that was good for her.

It's silly how I feel about 3D, because when I was a child, I read about 3D movies and thought it was such a shame that they didn't exist anymore. But I didn't wear glasses as a child either, so I didn't foresee my current problems. To put it short: the real world being in 3D causes me enough problems, I really have no interest in my entertainment being 3D too *goes back to reading books*

But on to the topic: what I enjoyed. Because I'm not going to lie, I did enjoy the film. Yes, that does make me a second-class citizen and I will never be able to look the Good Doctor in the eye after this. But overall what I found enjoyable in this film was the feeling of return, and that is exactly what sequels are all about. "Jack's back" and "one last (or one of many lasts) trip to the crazy funny world of the Pirates" and all that. It's like getting together with old friends: slightly disappointing (because you've grown all apart and don't really have things in common anymore) but it's still really good to see them. You don't really necessarily care if you don't see them ever again - but if you do, it'll be nice to see them again that time too. :P So yes, I will go watch Pirates 5 too. Because there will be one, they can't just leave her in a bottle.

Now, in case you have or have not seen trailers or cast lists, it may or may not come as a surprise that there is no Elizabeth Swann or... that guy that Orlando Bloom played. So we learn very powerfully that the Pirates of the Caribbean mentioned in the title of the film are Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa. Good thing too, because I like Barbossa the mostest :) And that fat drunken guy, he's cool too. Other interesting people are dame Judy Dench cameo and Harry Potter's uncle (or some guy who looks a lot like him) as the jolly king of England. Or king of jolly England, either way. Brings a quick history introduction to the shorter viewers about privateers.

Something that the critics trashed this film about was the lack of plot: what are they doing and why and who is that guy and why do we care? And I agree, the story was confusing. But I don't care, for two reasons. Firstly, because when it comes to these kinds of movies (genre films with world), I care infinitely more about the world than the story. Secondly, and more importantly, this felt like a Monkey Island -game in movie format! :D It's awesome. First we need to get out of a sticky situation, then there is some uber treasure somewhere which becomes the ultimate goal. But for that we need a ship, and a crew, and a map, and then a bunch of items that combined will make the thingie work - and while we gather the stuff we get glimpses of the looming evil that'll all come down to the final show/hoe/countdown, making you more and more excited/nervous as the game draws closer to its end. And all the while you explore the world and meet characters (srsl, George II = Governor Phatt!) and stuff. The look, the sound, the feel is all very Monkey Island. I miss that game so darn much now *listens to Monkey Island 2 piano arrangements on YouTube*

Next item on the list: mermaids. It was very important they dealt with mermaids because of Peter Pan and general pirate-lore. I thought they were nicely done (Kermode compared to Harry Potter's lake people, but they're not the same thing at all, and I actually liked these girls better than the lake people), not too alien and not utter airheads, keeping to canon but also making them a little more dangerous. And maybe because I'm religious and thus read into things, but I thought the little love affair with the priest and the mermaid was incredibly interesting. How he sees soul in her but isn't really sure, blablabla... I thought it was interesting to see how it developed. Although the mermaids name was fail. Syrena? As in, siren? -_- Blah.

Another interesting religion dealio was the Spanish. (Seriously bad movie ending spoiler under here, don't read unless you've seen the film or definitely will not go see it) I really did not see it coming that they'd just trash the fountain as a pagan abomination. And the faces of all the characters in that scene really reflect mine: what the heck!? It made me think of the conquistadors in The Road to Eldorado, or even the Borg. Like a force of nature. Was quite cool, I thought.

Then Jack being a swashbuckling private. This was also something of a problem for the critics: Jack Sparrow is no longer the worst pirate ever, he's actually a really good pirate, what with the sword fighting and the acrobatics and the general buckling of the swash. But y'know, it's much better than the... whole shaky Keith Richards/drunkenness thing and the talking in circles, where he says inane silly things to appeal for a certain kind of audience who'll think he's cool. He still does some of that, but in moderation. And at one point he's on his own and he talks over his shoulder and then looks back (at the audience basically) and says something like "oh yeah, nobody there" or "I thought there was someone" - very very subtly breaking the fourth wall, and very much like Monkey Island (in it Guybrush Threepwood is constantly narrating everything he does but only occasionally addresses the player directly).

I didn't absolutely adore everything about it, Blackbeard was meh as was his ship-magic, but hey ho, there you go, that's what happens when you try to take Barbossa's crown as the epic old pirate captain, just like Davy Jones. Though he was slightly more epic, what with the squidlyness. :P

Anyhoo, this is long enough now, I think.
1136319  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-28
Written: (4879 days ago)
1136314  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-28
Written: (4879 days ago)
Next in thread: 1136315

I think internet has fail when it comes to information about compound machines.
Basically what I need is five compound machines (that is, things that are made out of two of the six classic simple machines: lever, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, screw, wheel-and-axle). So first up, not only does the Internet not agree with itself how many simple machines there are (some leave out screw because it's an inclined plane going around in circles, some add gears though they are basically wheels, and hey, wedge is just two inclined planes going somewhere together etc etc...) But we'll go with the six basics, because that's what the Reneissance people said (and I'm really into everything that mentions Reneissance right now).

So far I have
-scissors/axe = lever + wedge
-wheelbarrow = lever + wheel (this is a hugely controversial one, some think it has an inclined plane going for it too)
-fan = wedge + wheel (questionable: are the blades really doing to air what wedges are for? Technically yes, though in a really miniscule scale... Close enough, I'll take it)
-crane = pulley + and then I lost track. I guess it's a lever. But I can't have yet another lever-combo, I can have two each max.
I never got around to properly figuring out what exactly does a bicycle have, all the sources disagree and some add handbrakes to the mix and everything. Does it have more than two (making it a complex machine), and if so, why does it come up in every search for compound machine, even for "compound machine -bicycle"? >.< Do bicycle gears count as pulleys or wheel-and-axles? What are the pedals really? Two tires connected with the body of the bicycle: what is going on here? Or as Mitch Hedberg would put it: who is the real hero?
So if someone really understands this part, could you please be so kind as to identify one part of a bicycle that is a compound machine, and tell me clearly in a way that I can believe what the two simple machines in it are?

See, the plan is that I'll have the simple machines in a row, and the compounds on top of them, so that the machine that is a compound of lever and pulley is on top of the lever and the pulley.
For example

        i.p+w/a   w/a+wed  wed+pul pul+scr scr+lev  
inc.plane   wheel/axle  wedge   pulley  screw   lever

Except I need to figure out what's what and in what order they need to line up so I have ones that match them. And I just realised that out of scissors, wheelbarrow and fan I can't have all three because they can't line up. Grr.

I also had a brilliant idea that I could wear a corset on top of my summer dress for my sister's wedding. Basically I've been wanting a corset for a while, because I'm just sinking bakwards through the years here in terms of taste in every aspect and I've been hitting that Victorian thing for a while. :P And I just think a corset sounds like a great way to shape up, not even as a thing to wear to show off but as underwear :3
www.fabela.fi seems to be my shop for the future.

And these socks plskthnx for the wedding
1135929  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-23
Written: (4884 days ago)


And then completely unrelated to this.

I got stung by a wasp yesterday. It was really unfortunate, I was going to lie down on the hammock, and I sat and put my hands down on my sides to support myself in order to lie down - and the wasp was under my hand, and it stung. And it hurt, and I got up in a huff and went to the bathroom and ran cold water on my hand (which was stung) and went to get some cream that made it not hurt. Then came upstairs and started to cry and took the insect killing spray and in a fit of rage sprayed the nasty thing (it was stuck on the balcony inside the glass) and watched it crumple up and suffer, which made me cry even more.

I've learnt somethings about myself: 1. I cry when I get angry. 2. I do revenge cold. First one is a good thing, because it disarms me when I get angry. I can't start shouting or fighting, or do anything dumb in a heat of anger. I'm just totally emotionally immobilised. It also means I will avoid getting angry because I don't like being seen crying (you have to be a very close friend to have ever seen me angry). The second one is less good, because it means I hold grudges (which is actually really bad, and I really do this and it sucks :/)

And the Finnish Social Security sent me a letter saying I don't live in Finland. This made me angry-cry too.

So I have a life-rule: iippo loses whenever she gets angry. I already had this rule with my dog, but now it applies to everything.

1135797  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-21
Written: (4886 days ago)
Next in thread: 1135801, 1135815

Lot to say (and I have been saying it at the TV or newspaper or whatever) so I might be a little incoherent.

Apparently there is some Christian fundie group that says that the end of the world starts today, based on some calculations done from the Bible. While you were calculating and reading into the text things that aren't there, didn't you come across the part where it says that no one knows the time or the day, not even angels in heaven, and that the day of the Son of Man comes like a thief in the night and there are no hints or tips as to when it'll happen? This means "no one knows", not "most people don't know" or "only really clever people will know." It's not so bad to think that the world will end a specific day - it is oka yto be wrong and it is okay to be crazy - but these people who believe it have thrown away their savings and quit their jobs etc... :( Ah well.

I also watched a documentary about the Virtual Revolution the other day, and it was about Google mainly, how they watch you and what you search for etc... And it had this ominous feel all the way through, and I was waiting for this big thing of "da-DAH! Isn't it evil!?" - but it didn't come. It was all things that are known, being turned to "isn't it terrible how they are tracking you in order to give you ads that are relevant to you? *gasp*" What, as opposed to getting really annoying ads? I would love it if this technology of specified ads could be applied to everything. "uh oh, iippo is coming, quick, take the naked people off that billboard!" I think it's great, it's actually help me find things that I might be interested in finding. What a crime. The only thing that was even half worth a "good point" was this philosophical take on how recommendations make me more like a person-like-me by telling me that people-like-me also like this other thig. And therefore I become less unique and more like a person-like-me. But even then... a) you are finding out about more things, and no one is forcing you to like those things that have been recommended. And b) you can still go out and find things that aren't recommended to people-like-me and make your own thing. You can search for the out-of-the-box. Because it is out. There.

Also, since the hockey match last Sunday, I have heard or seen references to it every day of the week in some form or another (and I haven't been going out to look for it). It's everywhere, all the time, everyone is talking about it. Apparently it had a similar effect on Finnish culture as the death of Diana had on the British: people are doing things that are awfully not-Finnish, like talking to strangers and being happy. :P And then having a heated argument whether the hockey players were too drunk and therefore have corrupted our youth again.

I started at the bookshop yesterday, it's very cool, but there isn't a lot to do right now. I hope they get things in order and things pick up soon. If nothing else, I will learn how to have a business out of my garage from this - and this might be a great thing. I also get to redesign their logo (yay, professional things in portfolio!) Plus, there are so friggin' many books in there D: My head will asplode. If I was any more morally questionable person, I would probably start nicking books. But I'm not and therefore won't steal from them. Instead I'll probably buy a whole ton of books from there. Or write down titles and go to the library a lot.

The bookstore is almost 10km away from my house. If I bike there and back every day monday to friday, I will cycle a hundred kilometres per week D: That is much. So cool. The steel that I earned/became on my mission is going nowhere :D

So many projects o.o Including one for the Church's international art competition. The theme is "make known His wonderful works" - works = machines! God's wonderful machines, people! :P

*is too darn excited about life*

1135414  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-16
Written: (4891 days ago)
Next in thread: 1135419

The Poni rides again! *went to town today by bike* I just have the coolest old-fashioned bike, y'see.
And I re-created my burning romance with the public library, and will begin to stake out the corner by the art shelf as rightly mine. Since it is a kind of a smaller library, I might make a goal of reading all the art books they have on that shelf. :3 And then starting random-firing with the search engine because they have a lot of the art books in storage that you can get if you ask for them. In order to ask for them, you need to know they are there. To find that out you use the search engine. This I found out today trying to find Botticelli books and there were none on the shelf (and I thought "come on, Sandro Botticelli is big enough for a little library"). And after searching, I found a lot of books about him in the county libraries and they were all in storage, in every library. Seeing the copies that I got out in my local I can understand that they are in storage, they were a little tattered. But that makes me wonder: what other treasures are hidden in there? :O Maybe I just need to make friends with the librarian and get her to let me browse the storage.

Also, assuming that no one of you watched the finals either, I'll just tell you: Finland won. Second time for them to win the World Thingie, second time when they won against Sweden. The game was cool and had some cool, a little sloppy (I didn't watch it on Sunday night of course, but I taped it and watched it after I found out who won, so not a lot of excitement there, but I don't really get that emotionally attached yet anyway), except towards the end where the Finns just made a million goals. Guys, you would have won 2-1, you didn't need to win 6-1. So it was sad to see all the Swedes all sad. Maybe the thing for me to learn from this is to not watch the final anymore, only the earlier games. But then again, the next one of these is in a year, so I'll probably forget what I learnt just now. Now if only there was a way to watch some more hockey somewhere. I think they show NHL games on some channel, but I think you need to pay extra for that channel or something... Bleh.

1135337  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-14
Written: (4893 days ago)
1135320  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-14
Written: (4893 days ago)
Next in thread: 1135330

In case some of you my dear friends weren't watching the semi-finals between Finland and Russia (I can't actually think of any of my friends bar maybe Viking who would have watched...) Here's the goal that takes hockey beyond sport and into art.


At the point where the announcer starts going crazy he says "guys did you see that, did you see that goal?" and before the slo-mo version I had to admit: no, no I did not, what happened. And then they show it over and over from every angle, and you really gain an appreciation to some of the finest hockey-moving that goes on out there. <3

The goal is scored by the 19-year-old Mikael Granlund.

And the win by the Finns here means that the final is once again between Finland and Sweden. I don't understand why any other countries even ever bother to enter the contest, it's always about Finland and Sweden. And either one that wins I'll be happy :)

1135245  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-13
Written: (4894 days ago)
Next in thread: 1135249


A very beautifully done video to an incredibly beautiful Tom Waits song. There is some lovely ephemeral quality to the photography and the strange way that the video is put together from the pictures. Makes the result a little jerky sometimes, but still beautifully fleeting. Like most Tom Waits things. He just does that strange feeling very well. And I hate it when he's doing one of the funny ones (tragic and funny, like the Christmas card from a hooker or what it was called, and the Piano has been drinking in this playlist) and the audience is just roaring in the background. It ruins the feeling. I would want to listen to it without the laughter, it makes it cheap somehow. I'll see if I find one without laughing, and see if I would laugh at it by myself, or cry and laugh at the same time.

This was also an interesting internet fail in that I couldn't figure what was the URL to the video alone, I was in the playlist and didn't want to miss my place by too much faffing. There used to be a box to the side with a couple of type-boxes that had the URL and the embed-URL in them... Whatever happened to them? :/

Also, I watched The Newton Boys today and thoroughly enjoyed it (I have a thing for stories that don't have proper endings, and that one was rather anti-climactic). Now I'd like very much to get a hold of some of the soundtrack of that film, the music was wonderful. :) So when [Ms. Steel] put a link in her diary to the Ross sisters and [Viking] in his diary linked to a trailer with the voice of Tom Waits - it was all perfect :) Thank you, perfect people.

1134815  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-05-07
Written: (4900 days ago)
Next in thread: 1134817

Guys. I just accidentally found out what Ira Glass looks like, by watching this trailer http://myheartisanidiot.com/ and recognising his voice instantly right before his face came up on the screen. I wish I'd realised to close my eyes. I don't want Ira Glass with a face. I just want his voice. It's not that he's unattractive or such, but... there is something very disconcerting when you have grown accustomed to a voice, learnt to love a voice and then you find out that person who owns the voice doesn't look like you imagined.

This has happened to me before. Twice. First time when I found out what [windowframe] looks like. Okay fine, voice was not involved, but typing. But it still had that strange effect of "hmm, there is an actual person behind these signs and symbols that I've learnt to associate and have an emotional response to (such as seeing the word SilverFire on my online friends list, or see her MSN icon pop up in the corner of my screen)." I did know that the person was there, but the sudden evidence of it causes an interesting feeling.

The second time was on my mission. My second area, first time I'm away from Norrland and the friends I made there, here to now make friends with a new bunch of missionaries. And our district leader and his companion (aka sort of our allocated friends) are on the island of Gotland. Which means we never get to meet them, until about after a month. Elder G. claimed that we had met before, but I have no recollection of this event. He says that we had a proper conversation - but I have forgotten completely. Anyway, so he's the only person who knows what everyone else in this district look like. Anyway. We talk on the phone every night, he is still the District Leader and we have some amazing District unity going on here. I learn to love these two elders so incredibly much. And then comes the time of Zone Conference, when we meet. And it's so weird. Now these voices that I love have faces, and I have to learn to love these faces.

Now in case you care, this is what Ira Glass looks like: http://todayisgreat.com/?tag=ira-glass
And to hear his voice, listen to www.thisamericanlife.com and have your mind blown away by awesomeness.

 The logged in version 

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