[iippo]'s diary

1141908  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-09-15
Written: (4769 days ago)

Found in Facebook:

The hobbit you just called fat? He's skipping 2nd breakfast. The dwarf woman you called ugly? She spends hours braiding her beard so you can differentiate her from a dwarf man. The Uruk-Hai you just killed? He's been abused by Saruman. See that Gollum creature with the gangly limbs & large eyes? For 500 years the Ring poisoned his mind. That Elf you just made fun of for crying? He just lost his wizard friend to a Balrog. Put this as your status if you're against bullying in Middle-Earth.

1141861  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-09-14
Written: (4770 days ago)
Next in thread: 1141871

(This is funny enough to share here with you un-Junkish people.)
Awesome stuff just happened in the junk-forum. I pressed R when I should have pressed N. I was in the posting [711711] and read [711712] as a reply to it, la:

[Avaz]: Regardless, I think if we ever did meet, I'd give you a hug. :)

[Viking]: That's why I have Boots of Dodging and Armor of Deflection =D

1141594  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-09-08
Written: (4776 days ago)

Hokae, dear people, I'd like some visual people opinions here on these logos that I've made for the bookshop that I'm in placement at.

<img:stuff/aj/558/1315468739.png> <img:stuff/aj/558/1315468758.png>

They are both for two different sides of the same company (so a certain visual unity is important)
Antikvariaatti Salpakirja is the second-hand buying-and-selling side of the place, Onnelan Tarjouskirjakauppa is the new to-be help-name for the side that buys new books from a few years back (like leftovers from the publishers), so they are not second hand, but really cheap, just a few years old.

The names translate basically to "Onnela's Bargain bookstore" (the word 'onnela' is basically the word "onni = happiness/luck" made into a placename) and Antiquariat Salpakirja ("Salpalinja" is the line of defence that runs up and down the Finnish-Russian border ("lock-line" or something like that, literally) and "kirja = book".

The triangles were a prominent part of their old logo, and it felt it really important to keep them in the design.

I think that's enough background info. Thoughts on how to make them better? Thoughts on what do you see in them? How do they work? How do you like them? Tell me anything you are thinking of. Yes this means you. All of yous.

1141490  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-09-04
Written: (4780 days ago)
Next in thread: 1141511

Two years ago on this date I entered the MTC in Preston, England, to start my service as a missionary. And it was exactly six months ago that that service ended and I was released from that calling. A lot changed (and continues to change) in me in this time after that day two years ago. Mostly for the better, I would say, for sure.

In the mission lore the six month mark is celebrated by burning a tie; the year mark by burning a shirt; the 18-month mark by burning a pair of trousers and the 2-year mark by burning a suit. I must admit that I never did that or was with a companion who did that, nor can I recall ever hearing of anyone who actually did that, only in rumour.

But this idea got me thinking, what would be the item to burn now in my post-mission six month mark? Could I burn some important things that tie me to the real world1 and bog me down, like bank statements or letters from the dole office? I must admit, this sounds like a bad idea, because, y'know, I probably need that stuff.
1 Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Or should I perhaps begin to burn some of my old missionary clothes (which I actually still wear, because I'm in denial, clinging to the past and refusing to accept that I am no longer a missionary :P) to facilitate my transforming into a normal person again? I also reject this idea, because I like who I've become as a result of my mission, and I actually like the way I dress nowadays1 so I'm not quite willing to do that.
1 I may be at times over-dressed but I make up for it by being always over-educated.

What is the symbolism behind the missionary burning anyway? Perhaps it is to remind us that the time you spend as a missionary is fleeting and short, and it will run away from you without you even noticing. So maybe this post-mission burning could be either about the sweet memories from your mission time that you get to keep with you forever, or about the fact that there is a long time of life ahead of you, but it is just as fleeting as the mission time, so you should be careful to not waste a moment of it.

In fact, I am beginning to lean towards the opposite of that destructive habit and think that something should be created to celebrate the six month mark. I have the art project going, I'm making a wikipage about the mish, and I do have plans for a new drawing-thing that I might enter into the church art contest in October; the room is also a constant project. Oh! I know what I want to do now! :D I will document the progress of everything that's been going on since I came home, and I will do another such document at my year mark and so on. Yes, this will be good, because the post-mission blues easily makes you feel like you are not getting anything done and are useless and so on... A post-mission life inventory might help with that.

I'll put it on a wiki, it's too long for here: post-mission-six-month-mark

1141453  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-09-03
Written: (4781 days ago)

Two more things. First, this link:

Second, tomorrow is the 4th of September. *insert emoticon that expresses this emotion of dread and gravity that isn't wholly a negative emotion nor is it an overwhelming one, or even very significant one most of the time, but which nonetheless is there at irregular intervals*

I'll leave now for an enjoyable evening of... nothing in particular :) I might watch a movie.

1141449  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-09-03
Written: (4781 days ago)

I have a bed now :) (before it was just a mattress on the floor - which I myself had decided to sleep on many years ago when I took off the legs of my bed, but now it was time to go back to the elevated sleeping area). And during this bed changing operation I also found an old rug made out of green yarn (like dis: <img20*0:http://mediaserver-2.vuodatus.net/g/2/26208/1247727513_img-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.jpg> ) so it looks like grass on the floor <3 Also swapped my desk chair for the wicker chair, put a different chair in front of the keyboard and cleared that space up (so maybe I'll play the piano some point again). We also moved a sofa on the balcony, and overall there was cleaning and redecorating going on, and I feel slightly more... at home at home. One very important thing left to do is take down the paper that covers the entire main wall in my room, on which I have painted and never finished, and trash the whole thing. My mum is against this, but she doesn't understand that some creative failures have to be allowed to be destroyed. If I were to think that every endeavour you take will be kept forever, I would never start a new project at the fear of "what if it fails..." No. Bad things must be destroyed.

During this clean up thing, I was picking up all the books from next to my bed. And I was listing in my head what all I am currently reading, and I decided to share and save this reading list for posterity. So here are all the things that I am currently in the process of reading:
-the Bible in Swedish. In January me and my missionary companion decided to both follow the "read the Bible in a year" -reading plan at the back of the book, so I've been doing that. It's actually really cool because they make you read the OT chronologically, not in the order of the books, well, as close as possible. So my Jews haven't been carried off to Babylon as captives yet.
-The Penguin Classics edition of the Book of Mormon. I was just sent this from America and it is the coolest thing evar, it's laid out as a novel rather than in verses and such. Cool.
-The Book of Mormon in French (with a Finnish copy open next to it), where I underline all the verbs and circle the pronouns, and overall read to pick up some vocabulary. The grammar is all over the place for me so I'll let that be for now.
-The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, for when I feel like I can manage a heavy academic text.
-Tuesdays with Morrie, for when I feel like I just want something light
-A stack of magazines where each issue is dedicated for one of the master painters of art history. Currently in Albert Edelfelt. Highlighting and note-taking relevant to my current project.
-On the computer back issues of the Dialogue -journal, Segullah -journal, Mormon Artist -ezine, nipping here and there at the Bloggernacle, and the recentest PDF download was the Book of Morma, where someone has gone through the entire BoM and switched the genders (so God = Goddess, Lord = Lady he = she etc... even down to feminising the names, so Nephi = Nephie).
-Plus ET stuff, like the literature contest, the RP contest, and catching up in junk forum (which is not going so hot tbh :P)

Hey, I love reading. And I love my new grass rug <3

1141046  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-08-26
Written: (4789 days ago)


This made me giggle. But it also made me go "hmm, interesting point" and have a thought or two (good combination, and exactly the kind of thing comedy should do as a societal whistler-blower). It also reminded me of a study they've done recently in Finland (I saw a very short piece in the paper about it, so not sure how detailed my knowledge of this is), about people's perceptions of religions: The vast majority said "you need to respect all religions and philosophical belief systems" etc... aka get along with everyone. And a very similar number of majority also had a negative concept of muslims, JWs, mormons etc... Basically, anyone whose religions shows in any way. So uhh, seems that what they mean is that "everyone is allowed to believe what they want as long as it doesn't show in public" - which sounds kind of same was saying "I'm cool with gays, as long as they don't, y'know, kiss in public 'cos that's nasty"... Nawtameen? :/ Maybe the key here is starting respecting all (not just the ones that don't bother you on the street) belief systems yourselves first?

1140925  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-08-24
Written: (4791 days ago)
Next in thread: 1140929, 1140931, 1141016

*in pain* *feeble* ._. Halp...
My stomach is killing me, and I took some paracetamol and now I'm nauseous. I wonder if the tabs were old or something (what do med that are past their exp.date do to you?) This is easily the worst possible day at work ever: feel ill, upheaval and change in the business, some important man-being is coming to check up on places and there are books that need to be carried and shelved and floors to be vacuumed. All I need is to make some kind of a stupid mistake now to make it Worts Day EverTM... I kind of wish I could just barf and get the nasty feeling to go away, but it would be too embarrassing to vomit in the bathroom (and even more so to vomit in any other room) of my job. >.< Day, go quickly, I beg you. But when the day is done here, I'm supposed to (and I want to) go to Kouvola in the evening. I wonder if I should just not go... I'll decide that closer to the time. Maybe I'll feel better soon (that's what cramps usually do, you get on with stuff and the pain goes away).

1140864  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-08-23
Written: (4792 days ago)
Next in thread: 1140869

Y'know, last saturday I watched "Social Network" and "Avatar" and I wanted to do diary about them - even a review about the first one - but I can't right now because my life is hurlumhej and exciting and I want to talk about that first.

So I got a job. A real one (the bookstore gig is a placement that just gives me higher dole, but I've still been on the receiving end of tax money and that sucks when you are me - I care where my money comes from). But. It's a bit weird. It's this company that does these extra-curricular English language activities for kinds 3-12 years of age. And they're not currently operating in my town(s) so I'd be the one to start that over here. So some kind of a kind-of entrepreneurial thing? So there's a scary. I also don't know how their pay and the hours are arranged - which is fine for my situation, I'm in limbo as it is, so a little more experimental insecurity never hurt no one. As long as I can make my loan installments I'm happy. But there's a bit of a scary. Also, the bookstore is going through some limboing of their own right now so it's going to suck to go there tomorrow and say "so uhh, this is me giving notice. Soz." But they knew that this is what happens when they get trainees, they keep looking for work. But so yeah: scary tomorrow. Maybe I should call him tonight... :/

I've also found all sorts of exciting stuff for my academic writing about the project I'm doing (yes, I am doing a reflective report on an art project I'm working on, this is how badly art school messed me up :P But it's keeping me in academia, plus I might be able to publish my research thingie in something, or chop it into a shorter essay to publish that can then in turn link back to the whole thingie). So I am currently aching to get back to reading journals :P But I'll take care of my ET responsibilities first, I guess...

Story time:
Something funny happened last Sunday when I was coming home from Savonlinna by train. I got as far as Kouvola and then had to wait over two hours for my bus. So I sat there on the grass next to a gorgeous old steam locomotive (which I photographed from every angle and will put to reference pictures if they turn out any good - not sure if that was an appropriate sabbath activity, but hey, I was uplifted by it and it's kind of service to do stuff for ET, so I'll count it) and about 40 minutes before my bus home was going to come this car parked in front of me. And it was the spaces that are for buses only, so it caught my eye and I was watching the life unravel around it. And the doors opened and the driver left, another guy came from the passenger seat and opened the back door (it was one of those space cars, with lots of seats in the back, not quite a van but something like that) and children and a dog poured out and started running around like children and dogs do. Then the guy who had opened the door was talking to someone in the car, and he was quite clearly drunk. And he said rather loudly "I'll go talk to this girl!" So he came over and we talked, I was polite and nice as always and... yeah. He said that they had had some kind of a road tripping adventure with his nephews, andthat he had become a father last night and was going to go to the hospital in Kotka to go see the mother and child. So I somehow ended up blurting out that I had waited for a bus for hours and was going to Hamina, and he said that as soon as their other driver comes they are headed that way, and insisted that I come along and get a ride with them to the place where I would need to change bus anyway. And since I couldn't think of a good argument to say "no, I'd rather pay for the bus to get to the same place that you are offering to take me for free and sooner than the bus will" I ended up accepting and had a very awkward ride with a car full of men of different ages. It was quite a strange ride. But I did get a lot of thinking/writing done on the train. So losing the think-space of the bus ride wasn't too terrible. I take that bus at least every week, so it's okay.

Little space/time left for Avatar and Social Network: Avatar I liked more than I thought I would, but I dislike this portrayal of the "noble savage" and oh how much better and nobler they are than we are, ah to be like them! I'm all for civilisation where we don't make our youth go through some tests of adulthood that might actually kill the kid. It seems that all savage cultures had that, and I'm glad we're done with them. **ending spoiler under the black-out** And the whole body-transferring-magic -thing - how the heck have they invented that? Do they have alot of artificial-body-possessing aliens around there? It would have made much more sense that their strange healing place would just have healed the person's normal body - in both cases of the woman researcher and the main guy. I would have loved the ending where his regular human body gets fixed and he gets to move in with the aliens without having to pretend to be anything else. And hey, he could have kept the pod-thingie and then used his avatar-body to go fly and run around the forest some times. This ending would have communicated a sort of "hey, we accept you even though we are different" instead of saying "savage rools!" But Social Network (aka the Facebook movie) was win. Really good. And the scary thing was that I met a guy in Sweden who is exactly the same kind of personality like Zuckenberg (is portrayed as) in the film. So I was watching it thinking "it's not Mikael, it's not him but oh my heck it's exactly like him! X_x" So maybe that made me connect with the figure a lot more (because I am/was kind of scared of Mikael, of how intelligent and fast he was, both in thought and expression, but also in awe, mingled with deep love of wanting things to turn out right for him - but still having an ever so slight doubt as to "I don't know if I can trust this person all the way"). So the film was very subtle, not a lot of things happening but alot of things said. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

1140818  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-08-22
Written: (4793 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1140810 In Dark Side of the Moon's diary
Next in thread: 1140821

Good diary. It made me have thoughts (and now I force them upon you, buahaha! That is, if you keep reading >_>)

The difference between a genius and an amateur is that an amateur copies, a genius steals.

But I do agree that when it comes to creating a piece of work, getting it from your head to the paper/canvas/screen/whatever, anything goes. If I need an element in a project and I know where I can get it, I will use it. If it can be used as a photograph directly, I will use the photograph (even if it's not mine, but that's because I'm an IP-rebel; if I care about law, I will make sure it is my own photo) and if it has to be drawn, I will copy it, trace it, do anything I need to to get it right and as I want it. If the only place it exists is in my head, I will do my best to draw it from there. And in art school, all of that is fine. Because people there don't care about your mad skillz or whatever, they care about ideas, meaning and context.

And I think that is the difference I've noticed between art school and Elftown. Here "being good at drawing" is more important than "making good drawings/art". Like it doesn't matter what you say as long as you say it with skillz. o.O And it is interesting to notice how far apart those two worlds are from each other. In the academic art world, the term for things that are so popular in ET are called "outsider art" because it just doesn't follow the same rules or conventions as "real art" ("insider art"?) and therefore you can't speak of it the same way. They don't mesh. Some try to mix the two together, but since they usually come from either discipline, they end up talking to only their half of the people.
("What about you, iippo? You are both in ET and in art school? Could you not connect the two?" Unfortunately not, because when I was in art school I quickly learnt the difference in value between outsider art and insider art, and since my line of work was not interested in outsider art, I didn't touch it. So I won't defend ET's line of life to the academia. I am a total turn-coat in this matter. And once when in a crit we saw the outsider art come in as insider art, I was in the sidelines with the others confusedly snickering saying "I know what that is, but what is it doing here?")

Though I must say that in my opinion, you learn to see much much better by not tracing, by drawing without any other aides. But I don't mean drawing final pieces of art, but drawing practices. Drawing thousand endless drawings that will eventually just get thrown away, filling sketch books with studies of hands, bodies, copying photos, sketching from life, drawing everything you see... Because with tracing it is so very easy to simply place the paper on top of the thing and draw the lines and stop thinking about it - which in the process of creating a "final piece" can be realyl important, but in learning to see is a problem. Then again if someone has found that the technique of tracing helps them learn how to see, then go for it. Use anyt method you need to learn, use any method you need to get your vision into a concrete form. In art don't put boundaries (unless they help - sometimes boundaries and limitations are the best for helping creativity! But that is a whole different essay :P)

But I do still think that there is a place in ET for the rules against tracing. Because of the communally-accepted emphasis on skillz, tracing is seen as dishonest. But I would like to emphasise that this is not the case in art, only in the community. And there is a difference between artist-tracing and outsider-artist-tracing (genius-stealing and amateur-copying).

The reason for this diary is [Dark Side of the Moon]'s diary. I watch her because of her cool project The American Civil War. With that project I can't tell whether it's "outsider" or "insider", and that is a very good thing. I could see it in both places, and that's where much of its strength lies: it's serious but not too snobby. It's not too broad and all over the place (like so many person artist pages, inc. mine, here on ET) but it has a purpose and limitations. There is no complaint against the technique or skillz in the images, but it isn't completely built on riffing with skillz (again, like so many ET artist pages). It has purpose. So that even a regular Yurpian broad like me who has no real interest or connection in the American Civil War can watch the page and appreciate it.
1140733  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-08-20
Written: (4795 days ago)

I went to visit my sister in... some other part of Finland (kind of like a bit more to the east and a bit more to the north, whatever part that makes it... centre? I don't know, the really pretty part that has pine trees that are just better looking than our pine trees). And we visited Retretti (retretti.fi) which is an art gallery in a cave. :O A proper hugenormous underground rock tunnel thing with water and all those necessary cave-things. They also have above-ground parts, and also - wait for it - a stage/cinema in a cave! :O I have a friend who studies geology and is also a properly trained classical singer. She should get to sing in the cave-stage.

The coolest exhibit was a scupture installation: you go to the edge between a tunnel and a bigger cave (there is a railing at the end before you fall in to the cave), and on the way there you see the name of the piece, Rigor Mortis. There is something hanging above the railing, and I realised they are torches (flashlights for non-UK people). So you grab one and turn it on, and you shine a powerful beam of light on these skeletons of angels at the bottom of the cave, some partially sinking in water. It was really beautiful. And the torch added such a brilliant element of engagement to the work that it gave you chills. I didn't realise there was water in the cave until I heard that drop-in-a-cave sound and wondered about howcome the skeleton I shine the light to is reflected in the ground below it if you hit it from a certain angle. <3

Another piece of work in another exhibition there caught us (me and my sister for ages). It was a whole lot of really wide-screen format photographs, b&w, each had a group of kids framed by two light, little blurry halves of faces. And first I noticed "hey, the kids in the group aren't actually photohraphed together, they are layered, you can see through some of them." Then we started to look if the halves of faces had pairs, but they didn't seem to (though we did imagine at first that we did find). Then we started to find the halves of faces in the groups. Then we noticed that the kids in the groups were all kind of... similar. Like the artist had grouped "long haired metal kids" and "punk kids" and "pretty blonde girls" and "chubby girls" etc... Then we started to look even more carefully, and realised that some of the figures in each group were the same person, that maybe there was two or three individuals in a group of eight people. And then we finally got it: all the people in one image was the same person, at different ages. Like a school picture you take every year. And the half faces were the faces of their youngest and oldest portrait. It was so fascinating to look at, studying the different or same things they'd worn to the shoot (they must have been a year apart each), how their style developed, how their facial features developed etc... Really good, I enjoyed that a lot.

Being here also makes me miss Sweden.
Vi körde upp vid en sjökust, och det påminnde mig om höga kusten i Norrland, och jag saknar Norrland så himla mycket, så mycket att det gör ont. Ibland känns det så att saker kan sägas bara på ett visst språk. Så även då jag älskar det engelska språket mer än nåt annat... just nu räcker det inte. *suck*

So hey, I had a phone interview for a job to teach English to kids, and it was really positive and I really hope they'll hire me. It sounds pretty scray (in a cool way), I'd basically be the only person in my town doing it (so very independent work), I'd visit different schools at different times during the week and do language-learning activities. Which is cool, because I loved teaching Swedish so ridiculously much, and I love playing with language... And I need to get better at getting along with kids. I don't get along badly with kids, I just don't find them different than adults. Which is sometimes a good thing (not treating them like kids) but it can be unfair if expecting them to be anything but kids. It's a strange balance in there.

1140357  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-08-13
Written: (4802 days ago)
Next in thread: 1140365, 1140395

I am too rambly and verbose to micro-blogging, but don't have enough to say nor the energy to do background research for real blogging. So you are stuck with snippet blogging:

I don't understand why everyone feels so upset over the invite feature. Why is it awful when someone says "I think this is cool, maybe you will think this is cool too"? Sure, it can be (and has been) abused, but (here's me telling you what you should think:) you should think that those cases of abuse and the people who abuse it are awful, not that the entire feature is awful. As far as I've noticed now, you can't be invited to the same wiki by the same person more than once (or if this is not true then it should be - but I recall trying to invite someone to a wiki and it said "they're already invited" - and I don't think it was by me). I like the invite feature and I like to be invited to things (that don't show people's buttholes, naturally, I am a prude after all), it makes me feel like someone thought of me (and don't come telling me that I get invites just because people invite the junk forum, I want to live in ignorance on this matter :P) This applies to Facebook too, and all recommendations everywhere, whether they come from friends or from automated advertising machines that try to make me more like "a person like me." Because I can make decisions (whether to like something or not) when given the option - but I can't do that when all the cool stuff is drowning in noise. And there is a lot of noise on the internet. Curating the internet, separating the gems from the noise is now one of the most important (and interesting) things that people need to do. So do your part: invite people to your wiki. Or to my wiki. If people don't know what others are doing, then things will feel very quiet indeed. And as we've learnt from Facebook and other such things, nowadays the fastest way for content to spread is by word of mouth, not by adverts. The strength is in the friends of your friends.

This little thingie was inspired by what happened with this video by Getyo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY I saw a link to it by The Cool Hunter in Facebook, and shared it. And then someone I am friends with on Facebook (but don't really talk even when we see each other in reality, about twice a year maybe - and I would never have even imagined that he'd like that kind of thing) wrote on my wall and thanked me for sharing because he really liked it. And now you'll notice if you clicked the link that this song features Kimbra. And then because YouTube suggests videos you might want to watch next, I watched Kimbra's 'Settle Down', loved her aesthetics, then watched 'Cameo Lover' and fell in love with her music. And the awesome thing is that I feel a very strong connection to all of these songs. With the Gotye song: I did that. My ex-boyfriend could sing that song to me and every single bit of it would be true. And now I am Somebody that he used to know. :/ 'Settle Down' is an eery song to me, because I would say all those things (except maybe naming a kid Nebraska... except that it does fit my demands ) - but there is something very sinister and almost warning about the song, so it makes me uneasy (in a good way). And 'Cameo Lover' is again about me, I was that in that relationship, that man in the back suit, in my bubble with all my trouble and not opening up - and it was a freaking cancer to the relationship (along with sex, ruined the whole thing). Now how the heck can pop music make you go through your skeletons so thoroughly is beyond me. Punk never did that.

I want to go on a little more what I like about Kimbra. :P My current thing is quirkiness and whim of all sort, and she's got quirks, in the way she sings, in the lyrics. The dancing in the videos is really weird (not as weird as They Might Be Giants, but they're not weird, they're just... their own thing :P), and oh my goodness I love it that it's not like dry humping. And that she's actually dressed! :O I love it!

It's interesting, I'm back to wanting to learn new music. I've got some recommendations from friends and Facebook, and I'm looking out for stuff (at one point I was quite fiercely "no no don't want any").

1140215  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-08-11
Written: (4804 days ago)

Hi, me again.

I just discovered Kimbra. http://www.youtube.com/user/kimbramusic She is cool. I want the CD. I may be very attracted to the fact that it's her debut CD, 'cause it'd be cool to like her from the start - wow, I'm selfish ._.; I do like her songs too. And her aesthetics (both in her personal style as well as the videos), my goodness she looks cool.

The missionaries just discovered that there is a bus card one can get to go between Kouvola and Hamina (they are in different zones). I could afford it now, and then when I leave Salpakirja and get a drop in monies, I would have it and be able to go to Kouvola anyway (all the more useful since while unemployed I'll be able to go help the missionaries way more than now! :D) I tried to buy it but I think my card has some lame-o limit on it? Which it shouldn't, since a limit should be on how much you can take out, not how big purchases you can make... *needs to investigate*

My sense of threes demands that there be a third "someone discovered" paragraph here. So if you have recently discovered something, tell me and I'll put it here :P

1140209  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-08-11
Written: (4804 days ago)

Have you noticed that extreme actions cause extreme reactions?

-The extreme right is on the rise in Europe (at least the parts of Europe that I am involved with - I have many thoughts about Europe these days, but that's for later), and then their opponents are getting also louder (and somehow loudness and dumbness seem to correlate...) So Finland elects a whole lot of Basic Finns (PerSu) to parliament, and then you start to see silly comments in papers that are anti-PerSu that those moderate, nice lefties would never have said before. o.O
-The Norway murderer is some crazy right winger too, but because of his actions, I get to read how on Facebook my nice leftie friends say things like "rawr, death penalty!" or "Norway's sissy punishments for such crimes are an outrage" etc (not direct quotes but the gist of many a comment).

This all baffles me, since I thought I had grown more conservative. I thought I would be the one among all my art school friends calling for all sorts of stricter measures. So this means I have no idea which way I have grown. Where do I stand politically?

-The civil unrest in London also makes those people that I know and thought were sort of calm and deep thinkers say the silliest things, simply condemning everything that's happened and everyone involved in it. Although interestingly also there is something of a putting down going on here, they aren't overreacting (like in the other stuff), but sort of undermining: silly chavs, kids these days, they're all just criminals and no-goods... What if these people are trying to say something in the only language they know how to use, what if there is something behind here that you haven't noticed before? If there isn't, if it really is just so that the stupid white trash scum don't have anything else to do than burn down houses because they live off of a dole that is clearly far too big, then good! Arrest them all. Punish them. Put them all down to their place. But hoe gosh what will hapepn if you do that and they actually do have some bigger reason to fight for? Have you not watched the movies where this very simple plot is always played out?
(Also, this David Cameron quote where he said "rawr I haven't been too slow to react to these riots!" -They didn't say you were too slow to react to the riots, but all the stuff before that, the stuff we all totally ignored which could have been used to stop the riots :/ )

Continuing on the chav thing. When I first came to England, I didn't know about chavs. Then I started to pick it up, heard about them etc... But, one of the very first things about chavs that I ever read was this critical piece of writing in a paper, can't remember which one. And it criticised us about laughing at chavs, about putting them down and hatin' them. They are the peasants of our age. And remember that Jane Austen character that makes fun of the poor folks? Didn't you just hate him/her? (I don't know if such a character exists, but surely we can all imagine it does.) It just drives you up the wall, the rich, silly person making fun of someone else's lesser status. Right? Or maybe not since we all do it. Another chav-related thing that made an impact on me was a visiting lecturer (the fashion guy from Red or Dead, Wayne something?) who in his slideshow had a picture of chavs, and asked what is in the picture. The audience replied (I among the others): chavs. He said "you see chavs. I see the future." It went awfully quiet in the lecture theatre.

So while I can't claim to be the great defender of the chavkind - I have no chav-friends, I haven't ever really talked to any properly - I do realise that they are people too. We tend to forget that under the silly name calling...

Hmm, I veered a little from my opening topic. But that's me.

Strangely un-silly diary of me.... *goes back to work*

1139907  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-08-06
Written: (4809 days ago)
Next in thread: 1139908, 1139918

Guys. I watched a smith make a nail out of hot metal, then bought it while it was still warm. This was win.
Plus he used a vesivasara (water trip hammer. This thing <URL:http://www.laveteraaniopet.com/porv%20(9).jpg> the axe-like thing whose head is almost at the centre in the picture) and that was incredibly win too.

So now I have a huge iron nail longer than the palm of my hand :) The kind you build castles with. Or really big steam engines, or railroads.

Tomorrow I teach the children and the missionaries are coming here after church for dinner :) And one of them is getting transferred on Monday.

:) is now an accepted form of punctuation that can take the place of a full stop *nod*

1139804  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-08-04
Written: (4811 days ago)
Next in thread: 1139807

I have cookies from yesterday :9

There was a really cute guy in the shop yesterday and today, selling some books (which we didn't want to buy) and some military award thingies (which we did buy). I'd forgotten how nice mutual flirting of no consequence feels like. It just cheers up your day and puts a smile on your face :) Also turns out that he works in a shop that I used to bike past all the time. I might have to start biking that way again... :P (Going the other way avoids the big hills - but also avoids the beautiful city centre, and apparently the cute guy's cool shop).

1139725  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-08-02
Written: (4813 days ago)
Next in thread: 1139767

Noumenon = Truthiness ?

In other news,I just put icing sugar from hell into my arm pit and am now plagued by a (mind/sensation/thought-process)-numbing pain.
Funny that. I didn't have an abscess or boil all the 18 months I was a missionary. I had one right before I left (and had had them like four a year or something, a lot), and I have one now. -_-

1139683  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-08-01
Written: (4814 days ago)

I'm going to be AFK for the rest of tonight (just like I was all Saturday (sister's wedding) and Sunday (day of rest)) and just do creative things on the lappytop.

On Sunday I declined pizza because it was the right thing to do, and got pizza from another source when I got home. Lesson learnt: God will always provide a way for pizza.

Also, today was really cold. I woke up on the balcony (where I sleep) and I was freezing! <3 Com come autumn, come. (Speaking of autumn, a week ago it was autumn in pokemon white, an today when I opened it it was winter, and it's always hailing in battle and hail hurts everybody >:C What the heck, I thought this was timed according to the real life seasons. I don't care what country you're in, winter does not begin on first of August.)

So yeah. Gonna go bye now.

1139492  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-07-29
Written: (4817 days ago)
Next in thread: 1139493, 1139494

I have a lot of excess love today. <3
I love you all so very much. I'm serious. Yes, even you. Yes, even that person you are thinking of incredulously.
(No, I'm not drunk or under any kind of influence -_- :P)

That is all. Good night.

1139330  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-07-25
Written: (4821 days ago)
Next in thread: 1139349, 1139495

Sometimes when people ask me what I would wish for if I got a wish, I wish that all guns and weapons in the world would turn into flowers, all ammunition and explosive things into seeds and fruit, all gun and weapon factories and army facilities into gardens and farms, and all gun-carrying people into farmers and gardeners. Like, all at once *poof* no more guns or means to make guns. So like, the army were having practices and all of a sudden *poof* they are holding rakes and scythes and watering cans and standing in the middle of a potato field or an orchard. And someone's like holding up a store or something, and all of a sudden *poof* it's a flower he is pointing at the person behind the counter, and someone just saw a hand grenade fly at him and he manages to think "hocrap" and *poof* he's hit in the head by an apple.

Also, I do not want to hear what the murderer in Norway has to say. I don't want him to be allowed to tell the world any whys or buts or becauses. I don't want to hear anything that he shot and bombed many people oh because he wanted to save the puppies. Just no. The sentence (grammatically speaking) ends there: he shot and bombed many people. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a trial - he does. But he doesn't deserve the publicity. He should not be allowed to do anything more to those people or their memories or their families by saying things on top of having done things ('cause y'know, sometimes words hurt as bad or make things worse). So that would be another wish: no more publicity to that man. Put the heroes in the spotlight.

But I would also like to see people stop talking about him like he is some monster. He's not. He is a human being. Humans are capable of doing things like that. So all the "ohmygoodness, how could this happen, why would this happen, it's unthinkable" - I don't see the point of it. I don't see the point of monstrosifying (that is a word) him, or asking why. Pretending like he is something else, something unknown, gives him a shine or a power or an edge. The last thing was to see is silly people sending him letters in jail because they are strangely turned on (not necessarily in a sexual way) by his mysterious aura of ununderstandableness (this one certainly is a word). So I don't want his reasons to be out in the open for people to see and understand, but I also don't want people to be un-understanding him either. :/

These are just some of the things I was thinking of on my bikeride to work today. Others were "hey maybe I should do an MBA" and "it's so cool to live in a military town and see soldiers (I just can't make myself write privates) every day all over town and I wish I could do some kind of photography project with that" and then imagined going round taking photos of the old fortresses and asking the soldiers if I could take pictures of them, then I imagined that I would talk to them in English and they would be all awkward and speak that Finnish-politician-English and I would titter in my mind thinking "haha, you don't know that I am actually Finnish!"

Oh, I would also wish for to always have the exact right amount of money in my pocket no matter what I was buying (I hate fiddling for change). And I can't remember what my third standard wish was.

1139222  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-07-22
Written: (4824 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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