I found this amazing quote today. it's aimed at [Kayne]:
2004-06-30 [Aradon Templar]: Where are you from, switzerland?
XD It just sounds like an insult.
WTF? Is there seriously no V For Vendetta wikis in Elftown? O_O Tell me this isn't so, tell me that everyone's just picked a really stupid wikiname that I can't find and just weren't smart enough to put keywords in... Please?
On a different note, here is something awesome to think about:
"...loss of existentialist co-ordinates experienced in the metropolis. The modern city, filled with strangers, is the quintessential realm of random encounters; an intoxicating world of possibilities shadowed by the risk that a single step off the main street could plunge one into an abyss... But how do you remain true to yourself when the whole environment is corrupt?"
Peter Lyssiotis and Scott McQuire: "Liquid Architecture: Eisenstein and Film Noir"
Sorry, another link-diary:
Historical science equipment. They are shiny!!
Recommended reading: The Work Of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.
(Don't worry, it's not communism)
And then a nice picture of a machine. :)
-"What is it?"
-"who cares, it's pretty!"
Another awesome artist whose gallery I want to share with you (sorry [Viking] it's the one I showed to you earlier, so it's a bit boring for you)
(Please notice that there is much more under "new work" than just the 10 images in the gallery this link opens to)
I love Ron Pippin's work because it's something I could do as well. The air around it kind of pseudo-scienti
Awesome artist's website I found through browsing a magazine. :)
I hope you all click that, because the first image that loads will just eat you. :3 But I heartily recommend browsing through the whole site, at least in "exhibitions" and "public art".
I'd also like to point out one thing about the work. It stretches from the 80s to present day, and it is all very unified. You can see that the artist has found a thing he's good at and enjoys making (probably not, at least not all the time, but he sticks with it, it's a passion), that is his thing. And I think that's one of the distinguishing marks of an artist, a proper artist. And I think it is wonderful when people find that, something they can keep up for decades, doing it over and over again in a new way... Cartoonists have to do that for a living, but artists do it because they just have to. Whether someone pays them for it or not. I hope my machines are like that for me. That I'll be drawing machines and getting heart-attacks just because a near-accident photo I take is so beautiful to me (even though it isn't to anyone else).
Suomalaiset ystävät olkaa hyvät ja tehkää menonne seuraavalle wikisivulle: Suomirokkia.
Apologies for my non-Finnish friends for the disturbance.
Brian Setzer is the love. <3
Yesterday I realised/disco
Also I feel the need to say: "Yoko Ono did not break up the Beatles. The Beatles broke up the Beatles."
I still don't have any form of string instrument at my disposal. *fingers aching to get a hold of a guitar*
Today I got an email from PayPal saying "blahblah your account may be limited" and there was a link that in the email was paypal.com but after clicking it was paypalonline.c
I've noticed that I have become an online-cynic. That is, I don't believe anything anyone tells me, especially if they are a stranger. Like the other day someone contacted me in Facebook, and said "I'm the long-lost sister of a friend of yours! I've sent her a message here on Facebook but she hasn't replied. Can you call her or something to make her login?" and I lied to her saying "I don't have that friends phonenumber and I dont see her around very much" because I didn't want to get involved in case it was a scam. Apparently it wasn't o.O; I hope my friend won't be too angry at me for stepping away there >_>
Animations with machines on them:
Wonderful old-fashioned thing, steam robot.
The amazing music machine
Digital Stream Machine
The machine behind the eye
The Twittering machine (if you'll only watch one of these, watch this one)
Is interactivity inherently subversive?
Computers have storage media (a multimedia space) often called memory.
Media + Memory = Mediory? Memodia?
I have a friend who really likes pirates. And today me and another friend were wondering where she was because we hadn't seen her at all that day. And my friend said she must have had more rum than she could handle the night before. And I added without even realising what I said that she might be laying on a dead man's chest somewhere. XD My friend and the other guy there (both +50) were so shocked to hear that. Then a bit later my friend was telling me that he'd call me, call my private number, my secret phone etc... I added that he could call my shoe-phone, and he said I have a holster for my phone in my leg and I added "yeah a holster in the garters" and again they both had such a shock, and told me not to say such things to middle aged men, or they'd have to throw buckets of water at each other or slap each other with fish.
Just wanted to share that. :3 I have such cool friends. The lesson today is: go make friends with people thrice your age! You're missing out.
You can build a computer using Legos. :)
Give your mouse a rest. Let your fingers excercise a little.
Try both programs. :)
Alsosome videos of interest:
See the Norgren valve fountain thing, and the robot that can solve the Rubik's cube.
Do you use the left or the right side of your brain more
Yeah, take a wild guess which way it turns for me ;D
Means. My uni subscribes to Land Of Lost Content* ( www.lolc.co.uk ) and I has access. Wayne Hemingway gave a lecture on it last wednesday and it was awesome and so is the site.
*Land of Lost Content is a gigantenormous database of 20th and 21st century commercial imagery of all sorts.
I'll see if I can inline images from LoLC. Don't kill me Wayne Hemingway.
Squeee, it works!! Teh Sex!
Note. I won't go around inlining pictures from them. But it's good to know I can show people images from there. :3